
Geological Survey Activity Tracker

The Manitoba Geological Survey (MGS) Activity Tracker provides quick and easy access to information on Manitoba Geological Survey projects conducted throughout the province. Below is an itemized list of MGS projects in each area of Manitoba

Northern Manitoba

Far North geomapping initiative: northwest Manitoba (Böhm, Gauthier, Couëslan)

Geology, lithogeochemistry and metallogeny of the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (Yang, Beaumont-Smith)

Completed Projects:

Far North geomapping initiative: Quaternary (Gauthier, 2022)

Ice-flow indicator mapping and till sampling of the Southern Indian Lake area (Hodder, Gauthier, 2018)

Geological mapping and compilation at Southern Indian Lake (Martins, 2019)

Rare metals and REE (Brezden Lake) (Martins, Couëslan, Böhm, 2016)

Rare metals and REE (Southern Indian Lake) (Martins, 2016)

Surficial geology mapping east of Southern Indian Lake (Gauthier, 2015)

Till sampling and ice-flow mapping between Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake and Kinoosao, northwest Manitoba (Gauthier, Hodder, 2019)

Hudson Bay Lowland

GEM Energy: Hudson Bay and Foxe Basins project (2008-2013) / GEM 2: Hudson–Ungava project (2013-2020) (Nicolas)

Till sampling and Quaternary stratigraphy of the Machichi–Kettle rivers area (Hodder, Gauthier)

Till sampling and stratigraphy of the Kaskattama highland region (Hodder, Gauthier)

Flin Flon Belt and Kisseynew

Investigation of "kimberlite-like" rocks from the south Wekusko Lake area, north-central Manitoba (Reid)

Metamorphism in the Flin Flon Belt (Lazzarotto, Pattison, Gagné, Couëslan)

Completed Projects:

Geology and mineral potential of the Brunne Lake area (Gagné, 2019)

Geology and geochemistry of arc and ocean-floor volcanic rocks in the Northern Flin Flon Belt, Embury-Wabishkok-Naosap lakes area, Manitoba (Gilbert, 2015)

Rare metals and REE (Burntwood syenite) (Martins, Couëslan, Böhm, 2016)

Reed Lake compilation and geological mapping (Gagné, 2019)

Snow Lake - Squall Lake - Herblet Lake: compilation and geological mapping (Gagné, Beaumont-Smith, 2019)

Snow Lake VMS: an investigation of the precious metal occurrences, metamorphism and alteration of selected VMS deposits from the Snow Lake area (Gagné, 2019)

Structural and stratigraphic controls on gold mineralization in the New Britannia mining district (Rubingh, Gagné, 2019)


Thompson Nickel Belt and Superior Boundary Zone

Surficial geology, till composition and ice-flow history in the Gillam area (Gauthier)

Completed Projects:

Geology of Paint Lake (Couëslan, 2016)

The Grass River project (Couëslan, 2016)


Northern Superior Province

Geology and mineral potential of the Bigstone Lake greenstone belt (Rinne)

Pikwitonei Granulite Domain mapping program (Couëslan, Böhm)

Surficial geology mapping and till composition of the western Fox River belt (Gauthier)

Completed Projects:

Geological compilation of the Fox River belt (Rinne, 2020)

Geological compilation of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt (Anderson, 2019)

Rare metals and REE (Cinder Lake) (Martins, Böhm, 2016)

Surficial geology mapping in the Knee Lake area, in support of Operation Superior (1996-2001) exploration (Gauthier, 2015)


Southwest Manitoba

Evaluation of drill core from the Tower property, Grand Rapids (Couëslan)

Geolocalities/Roadside geology of Manitoba (Lapenskie, Pacey, Bamburak)

Geology of the eastern sub-Phanerozoic Flin Flon belt (Reid)

Investigation of gypsum and anhydrite in Manitoba (Lapenskie, Nicolas)

Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Zn-Pb deposit potential in Manitoba (Lapenskie, Reid, Rinne)

Quaternary history of the Roseau River area (Gauthier, Hodder)

Shallow unconventional shale gas project (Nicolas, Bamburak)

Silica sands of the Winnipeg Formation (Lapenskie, Nicolas)

Stratigraphy, sedimentology and petroleum geology of the Devonian Duperow Formation, southwestern Manitoba (Nicolas)

Surficial geology mapping in the Pilot Mound–Morden area (Hodder, Gauthier)

Completed Projects:

Industrial/Specialty minerals investigations (Bamburak, Lapenskie, Nicolas, 2016)

Petroleum geology and stratigraphy of the Late Devonian-Early Mississippian Three Forks and Bakken formations, southwest Manitoba (Nicolas, 2012)

Surficial geology mapping of the Arden area (Hodder, Gauthier, 2020)

TGI 2: Williston Basin architecture and hydrocarbon potential in eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba (Nicolas, Keller, Matile, Chackowsky, Lenton, Conley, 2018)


Southeast Manitoba

East Side Road reconnaissance mapping project (Rinne, Gauthier)

Completed Projects:

Detailed structural mapping and analysis of shear zones and auriferous vein systems in the Rice Lake mine trend (Anderson, 2019)

Geology of the Bird River Belt (Gilbert, Duguet, Kremer, Mealin, 2019)

Long Lake gold metallogeny (CRD) (Zhou, Lin, Anderson, 2019)

Geological mapping of the Mayville and Euclid Lake area, Manitoba (Yang, 2020)


Regional scale projects

Compilation of surficial mapping line and point data, and updating of the dataset using remotely-sensed (SPOT) imagery (Gauthier)

Granitoids in Manitoba: petrogenesis and metallogeny (Yang)

Lithium in Manitoba (Martins, Nicolas)

3D Phanerozoic model of Manitoba (Matile, Keller)

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