STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Wachniak, Doraine (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 132-134
Board of Reference, LA 132-133
Walker, Pete (Private Citizen)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Administrative penalties, IR 48
Culture of safety, IR 47, IR 48-49
Joint Safety and Health committees, IR 47
Training, definition of, IR 48
Wasyliw, Maggie and Doug (Private Citizens)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Written submission, LA 392
Waters, Jim (Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Advisory committee, LA 535
Consumer education programs, LA 535-536
Operation I.D., LA 534
Tobacco product displays, LA 534-535
Tobacco products, federal labeling regulations, LA 534
Watson, Shannon (Spence Neighbourhood Association)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 134-136
Vacant and derelict buildings, MA 135
West End Community Improvement Association. See Lehotsky, Harry
West Nile virus. See Environment Amendment Act (Bill 10)
Wiebe, Don (Border Land School Division)
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 50
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 107-109
French immersion programs, LA 107, LA 108
Ministerial authority, LA 107
Shared service agreements, LA 108-109
Williams, Peter (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 120-122
Board of Reference, LA 120-121
Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers. See English, Patrick
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. See Angus, Dave; Remillard, Loren
Winnipeg Hydro. See Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board; The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)
Winnipeg Police Service. See Butcher, John (Winnipeg Police Service)
Winnipeg Real Estate Board Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 304)
Harms, PB 8
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. See Mazowita, Garey
Winnipeg School Division. See also Barr, Kristine; Bell, David
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20)
Written submissions, MA 50-54
Winnipeg Transgender Group. See Paquette, Michelle
Wiseman, Shelly (Canadian Federation of Independent Business)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 143-145
Additional taxing authority, MA 144
Portioning, regulation regarding varying, MA 144
Property taxes, MA 143-144
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 544-547
Business, concerns of, LA 547
Consultations, LA 545
Operation I.D., LA 545
Retailers, cost to, LA 546
Retailers, impact on, LA 545
Tobacco product displays, LA 545
Tobacco products, penalties for possession of, LA 545, LA 546, LA 547
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 49-53
Written submission, IR 144-150
Accountability of employees, IR 50
Administrative penalties, IR 52
Appeal process, IR 51
Consensus recommendations, IR 49-50, IR 53
Director, power of, IR 51-52
Discriminatory action, IR 51
Employers, duties of, IR 50
False complaints, consequences for employees, IR 51
Fines and penalties, funding public education, IR 52
Health and safety plans, IR 50
Improvement orders, IR 51
Right to refuse work, IR 51
Wages and benefits during stop-work orders, IR 51
Wages and benefits during training, IR 50
Wishanski, Dennis (St. James-Assiniboia School Division)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 155-158
Board of Reference, LA 156
Budget requirements, LA 156
Local representation, LA 155
Regulations, LA 156
Wohlgemut, Peter (Manitoba Teachers' Society)
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 31-34
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Air quality, MA 76
Education programs, MA 76-78
Workplace Safety and Health committees, MA 75-76
Workplace violence and harassment, MA 76
Wohlgemut, Peter (Rhineland Teachers' Association)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 91-94
Board of Reference, LA 92
Budget process, LA 92
Public schools, funding of, LA 92, LA 93-94
School closures, LA 92
School divisions, future of, LA 93
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund. See LEAF Manitoba Inc.
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)
Public presenters
Forrest, IR 4-9
International Association of Firefighters, IR 4-9
Klassen, IR 9-10
Sabourin, IR 2-4
Schedler, IR 10-11
United Firefighters of Winnipeg, IR 4-9
Clause 2
Barrett, IR14, IR23, IR 23, IR 34
Derkach, IR 34-35, IR 35-36, IR 36
Clause 2
Laurendeau, IR 22
Firefighters' regular hours of work
Forrest, IR 8
Smith, S., IR 8
Firefighting equipment
Forrest, IR 8
Laurendeau, IR 7-8
Occupational diseases
Forrest, IR 9
Gerrard, IR 9
Opening statements
Barrett, IR 14
Derkach, IR 14
Provincial comparisons
Ashton, IR 7
Forrest, IR 7
Retroactive clause
Laurendeau, IR 13
Sabourin, IR 3
Volunteer firefighters
Derkach, IR 6-7
Forrest, IR 6-7
Workers of Tomorrow Health and Safety Campaign. See Olfert, Ellen
Wowchuk, Hon. Rosann (Swan River) N.D.P.
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23)
Off-farm manure application, LA 465
Search warrants, LA 451
Training, LA 469
Training costs, LA 465
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
Clause 25, LA 497-498
Clause 28, LA 498
Pesticide spraying equipment, sale of, LA 454-455