STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Bage, Bill (United Steel Workers of America, Local 7106)
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41), MA 62-65
Rate equalization, MA 62
Transfer payment, MA 63
Bailey, Norah (Agassiz Teachers' Association)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 136-139
Agassiz School Division, LA 136-137
Budget process, LA 137
Cost benefits, LA 138
French immersion programs, LA 137
Industrial arts, LA 138
Professional development, LA 137
Shared service agreements, LA 137
Special needs students, LA 138
Teacher transfers, LA 137-138
Balasko, Richard (Chief Electoral Officer)
Controverted Elections Act
Update, PE 20
Advertising, authorization of, PE 19
Auditor services, payment for, PE 19
Caregivers of house-bound voters, PE 18
Child care expenses, PE 19
Code of ethical conduct, PE 21
Commercial activity, proceeds from, PE 19
Election officials, wages of, PE 18
Office rental costs, PE 23
Plain language legislation, PE 18
Referendums, PE 20
Returning Officers, qualifications of, PE 25-27
Third-party advertising, working group on, PE 29
Third-party proclamation, PE 17
Elections Manitoba
Staffing, PE 20-21
Electoral Divisions Act
Boundaries Commission report, implementation of, PE 20
Baldwin, Janet (Manitoba Human Rights Commission)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Human rights, LA 335-336
Marriage, definition of, LA 337
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53), LA 486-487
Marriage, laws governing, LA 488-489
Registered domestic partnership, LA 488
Barr, Kristine (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 334-335
Adoption, LA 334-335
Conflict of interest, disclosure of, LA 335
Barr, Kristine (Winnipeg School Division)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 177-179
Administrative costs, LA 177
Budget process, LA 177
Consultation process, LA 178
Local representation, LA 177
Public education, funding of, LA 179
Regulations, LA 177
Barrett, Hon. Becky (Inkster) N.D.P.
Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)
Penalties, disposition of, IR 41
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Combination classes, LA 90-91
Educational purpose, LA 98-99
Equity, LA 107
Public reaction, LA 175-176
Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 95
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Clause 31(2), IR 101-102, IR 102-103
Clause 32, IR 107-108
Clause 33(2), IR 108
Clause 38, IR 114-115
Ergonomic provisions, MA 95
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)
Clause 2, IR14, IR23, IR 23, IR 34
Opening statements, IR 14
Barwinsky, Jaroslaw (Manitoba Medical Association)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Tobacco product displays, LA 550-551
Bell, David (Winnipeg School Division)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Public education, funding of, LA 179
Bergen, George (Private Citizen)
Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8), LA 8-12
Bergen, Wayne (Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 78-79
Enforcement, IR 79
Ergonomics regulation, IR 78
Inquests, mandatory, IR 79
Joint Safety and Health committees
Recommendations and 30-day response, IR 78
Supervisors, responsibilities of, IR 78
Bernhardt-Lowdon, Margaret (Heart and Stroke Foundation)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 554-555
Health costs, LA 555
Health effects of tobacco use, LA 554-555
Prevention programs, LA 555
Tobacco product displays, LA 555
Tobacco use, provincial comparisons, LA 555
Berthelette, Ray (Thompson Labour Committee)
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41), MA 64-66
Alternatives, MA 65
Bhangu, Hans (Pal's Supermarket)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submission, LA 571-572
Bieber, Greg (Bieber Securities Inc.)
Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24), LA 472-477
Appeals, LA 474
Arbitration, LA 473
Capital markets, impact on, LA 476
Financial OmbudsNetwork, LA 473
Investment Dealers Association, LA 475
Postponement, LA 475
Securities legislation, harmonization of, LA 477
Self-regulation, LA 475
Set up costs, LA 474
Startup costs for new companies, LA 474
Birdtail River Teachers' Association. See Geekie, Bobbi-Lynn
Blagden, Craig (MIdland Teachers' Association; Prairie Rose Teachers' Association)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 94-97
Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 94-97
Blomquist, Elena (Campaign Life Coalition)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 363-364
Adoption, LA 364
Marriage, definition of, LA 363-364
Border Land School Division. See Wiebe, Don
Brandon Adult Learning Centre. See Provenski, Sylvia
Brandon School Division. See Jolly, Malcolm
Brennan, Bob (Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board)
Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board
Aboriginal relations, PUNR 31
About Manitoba Hydro, PUNR 27
Alternative energy resources, PUNR 33
Capital expenditures, PUNR 40-41
Cash position, PUNR 34-36
Centra Gas, PUNR 27
Corporate goals, PUNR 27
Corporate mission, PUNR 27
Debt equity ration, PUNR 46
Debt reduction, PUNR 34
Export power sales, PUNR 30, PUNR 45
Export/import capability, PUNR 28
Financial forecast, profits, PUNR 37-38
Financial statements, PUNR 33-34
Future development, PUNR 32
Industrial development, PUNR 31
Industry comparisons, PUNR 28
Natural gas operations, PUNR 33
Net income, PUNR 28
Northern projects, PUNR 45-46
Opening statements, PUNR 27-33
Power Smart program, PUNR 30-31
Transfer payment, PUNR 29-30, PUNR 36, PUNR 41-42
Water supply for generation purposes, PUNR 28
Winnipeg Hydro
Acquisition of, PUNR 29
Employees, PUNR 29
Briese, Stuart (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7), LA 38-40
Legislation review, LA 39
Nonresident landowners, LA 39-40
Brigham, Donna (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 348-349
Buchner, Jeremy (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 332-333
Adoption, LA 333
Buchwald, Richard (Manitoba Bar Association)
Judicial Compensation Committee, PE 13-14
Salaries based on performance factors, PE 14
Busby, Karen (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 329-332
Adoptions, LA 330-331
Birth registration, LA 331-332
Gender identity, discrimination on the basis of, LA 331-332
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)
Intestate succession laws, LA 494
Property rights, LA 493-494
Retirement savings, LA 494
Bushie, Burma (Southeast Child and Family Services)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 423-425
Accountability, LA 424
Transition funding, LA 425
Business Council of Manitoba. See Carr, Jim
Butcher, John (Winnipeg Police Service)
Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3), LA 40-44
High speed corridors, LA 41, LA 42
Revenues, LA 42
Statistics, LA 44
Trial period, impact of, LA 43