STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Eadie, Sharon (Association of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba)
Occupational Therapists Act (Bill 26), LA 221-223
Complaints committee, LA 222
Continuing competence program, LA 222
Definitions, LA 221
Occupational therapist, definition of, LA 223
Public representation, LA 221, LA 223
Registration committee, LA 222
École Dugald School. See Kathan, Maja
ÉGALE. See Marchildon, Gilles
Advertising, authorization of
Balasko, PE 19
Auditor services, payment for
Balasko, PE 19
Caregivers of house-bound voters
Balasko, PE 18
Child care expenses
Balasko, PE 19
Code of ethical conduct
Balasko, PE 21
Commercial activity, proceeds from
Balasko, PE 19
Election officials, wages of
Balasko, PE 18
Moving polls
Nevakshonoff, PE 27
Tweed, PE 21-22
Office rental costs
Balasko, PE 23
Tweed, PE 23
Plain language legislation
Balasko, PE 18
Doer, PE 16
Polling places, location of
Martindale, PE 30-31
Balasko, PE 20
Returning Officers, qualifications of
Balasko, PE 25-27
Penner, Jack, PE 25-27
Third-party advertising, working group on
Balasko, PE 29
Doer, PE 28-30
Loewen, PE 27-30
Third-party proclamation
Balasko, PE 17
Doer, PE 16
Balasko, PE 20-21
Electoral Boundaries Commission
Doer, PE 24-25
Boundaries Commission report, implementation of
Balasko, PE 20
Elk, Lorraine (Private Citizen)
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44), LA 274-276
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Gang activity, LA 274-275
Police service, LA 275-276
Social programs, LA 276
Emberley, Kenneth (Private Citizen)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 553-554
Engel, Carla (Métis Child and Family and Community Services Program)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 419-421
Culturally appropriate programming, LA 420
Employees, training for, LA 421
Métis, definition of, LA 421
Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act (Bill 29), IR 42-43
English, Patrick (Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers)
The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)
Employee interests, MA 98
Order of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 4), LA 2
Portage District General Hospital Foundation, An Act to Amend and Act to Incorporate (Bill 300), LA 3
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Opening statements, LA 306-307
Environment Amendment Act (Bill 10)
Chomiak, LA 47-48
Cummings, LA 48
Hawranik, LA 47
Chomiak, LA 45-46
Cummings, LA 44-46
Municipal compliance
Chomiak, LA 47
Hawranik, LA 47
Evergreen School Division. See Furgala, Ruth Ann