Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Rainbow Resource Centre. See Huen, Donna

Rate increases


Cruden, MA 87-88

Red light cameras. See Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Registered Dietitians Act (Bill 28), LA 247

Public presenters

Lang, LA 232-235

Manitoba Association of Registered Dietitians, LA 232-235

Reimer, Art (Manitoba Teachers' Society)

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 34-35

Reimer, David (Shalom Family Worship Centre)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 326-329

Religious beliefs, LA 327-328

Reimer, Jack (Southdale) P.C.

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)

Opening statements, MA 154-155

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Administrative costs, PUNR 14


Alcohol awareness education funding, PUNR 14

Bartender training for permit holders, PUNR 6-7

Local breweries

Minimum pricing, effects of, PUNR 5

New outlets, PUNR 15

Ordering system, PUNR 4-5

Remillard, Loren (Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce)

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 65-68

Written submission, IR 150-158

Administrative penalties, IR 66, IR 67-68

Consensus recommendations, IR 66, IR 68

Injury reduction target, IR 66

Residential schools. See Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)

Resource Tourism Operators Act (Bill 50), LA 441

Enforcement powers

Lathlin, LA 440

Opening statements

Lathlin, LA 439-440

Outfitting services

Lathlin, LA 440

Penalty provisions

Lathlin, LA 440

Transfers of licences and permits

Lathlin, LA 440

Rhineland Teachers' Association. See Wohlgemut, Peter

Risbey, Diana (Private Citizen)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 134-136

Board of Reference, LA 135

Shared service agreements, LA 136

Students' rights, LA 135

Teacher transfers, LA 134-135, LA 136

River East Teachers' Association. See Stankevicius, Roland

Rivoalen, Marianne (Conseil d'administration de la Société franco-manitobaine)

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 395-397

Board of directors, appointments to, LA 396

Chartier report and recommendations, LA 396

Legislation review, LA 396

Linguistic recognition, LA 396-397

Robert, Léo (Division scolaire franco-manitobaine)

Public Schools Amendment Act (Francophone School Division Governance Structure) (Bill 22)

Regional committees, LA 256-257

Rocan, Denis (Carman) P.C.

Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Retroactive clause, LA 240

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)

Smoking ban, LA 559

Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

French translation, LA 242-243, LA 244

Opening statements, LA 242

Rondeau, Jim (Assiniboia) N.D.P.

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Comany Limited Additional Powers Act (Bill 301), PB 6

Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9), PE 35, PE 37

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

School divisions, size of, LA 186

Rubenfeld, David (Private Citizen)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 526

Ryan, Jason (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Adoption, LA 355-358


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