Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Daher, Candace (Private Citizen)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Transcona-Springfield School Division, LA 168-170

Dakota Ojibway Child & Family Services. See Pompana, Bobbi

Dauphin-Ochre School Division. See Durston, James

Davis, Danielle (Spence Neighbourhood Association)

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 145-146

Vacant and derelict buildings, MA 145

Dejesus, Nasheba (Private Citizen)

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 44-45

Derkach, Leonard (Russell) P.C.

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20)

Opening statements, MA 47

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

AIR MILES Program, PUNR 19-21

Alcohol awareness education, PUNR 22-23

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Advertising, ED 9-10, ED 14, ED 17-22

Casino operations

Hours of operation, ED 15

First Nations casinos, ED 7


Expansion, ED 6-7

Social costs, ED 13

Tourism, impact on, ED 7

Youth, impact on, ED 7

Video lottery terminals

Arena, ED 9

Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Treaty rights, LA 279

Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)

Dakota Tipi First Nation

Control of, LA 261

Gaming revenue, LA 264, LA 273

Social programs, LA 269, LA 276

Opening statements, LA 307-308

Referendum, LA 261-262

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)


Clause 2, IR 34-35, IR 35-36, IR 36


Clause 2, IR15, IR 21

Opening statements, IR 14

Retroactive clause, IR 3, IR 6-7

Volunteer firefighters, IR 6-7

Desorcy, Gloria (Consumers' Association of Canada)

Class Proceedings Act (Bill 16), LA 231-232

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41), MA 79-82

Accountability, MA 79

Borrowing costs, MA 80

Corporate taxes, MA 80

Interest expenses, MA 79

Regressive tax measure, MA 79

Retained earnings, definition of, MA 82

Water power rental agreement, MA 81-82

The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)

Capital investments, MA 83

Consultations, MA 84

Public Utilities Board review, MA 83, MA 84

Rate increase, MA 84

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Consumer education, LA 472

Investment losses, compensation for, LA 471-472

Reviews of maximum compensation allowed, LA 472

Dignity Winnipeg. See Novak, Thomas

Dillabough, Teresa (Private Citizen)

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7), LA 34-36

Farming corporations, LA 36

Nonresident landowners, LA 34-35

Division scolaire franco-manitobaine. See Lemoine, Claude; Robert, Léo

Doer, Hon. Gary (Concordia) N.D.P.

Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9), PE 34, PE 36


Plain language legislation, PE 16

Third-party advertising, working group on, PE 28-30

Third-party proclamation, PE 16

Electoral Boundaries Commission

Membership, PE 24-25

Order of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 4), LA 1-2

Dominion News and Gifts. See Maslove, Howard

Dornn, Carl (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 371

Dornn, Sharon (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 364-366

Adoption, LA 365

Children, rights of, LA 365-366

Doyle, John (Manitoba Federation of Labour)

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)

Administrative penalties, MA 100

Alternate employment, MA 100

Appeal process, MA 100

Director liability, MA 101

Education and training, MA 99

Ergonomic provisions, MA 101

Health and safety plans, MA 100

Information, provision of, MA 101

Joint Safety and Health committees, MA 99

Mandatory inquests, MA 101

Mandatory rest periods, MA 101

Regulations, MA 100

Right to refuse work, MA 100

Supervisor, role of, MA 99

Supervisors, duties of, MA 99

Workplace injuries, reporting of, MA 101-102

Draffin Jones, Arlene (Manitoba Lung Association)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 552-553

Tobacco product displays, LA 552-553

Tobacco smoke, exposure to, LA 552

Driedger, Myrna (Charleswood) P.C.

Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 31)

Physician profiles

Incomplete reports, LA 544

Mortality rates, LA 527-528, LA 543, LA 566

Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Opening statements, LA 504-505

Drinking Water Safety Act (Bill 36)

Boil orders, education process

Chomiak, LA568

Cummings, LA567

Office of Drinking Water


Chomiak, LA567

Cummings, LA567

Duck Mountain School Division

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Written submission, LA 213-216

Dueck, Peter (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba)

Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21), LA 459-460, LA 463

Consultations, LA 463

Limited liability partnerships, LA 459-460

Multidisciplinary partnerships, LA 463

Dugald Convenience Store. See King, Catherine

Duhamel, Carolyn (Manitoba Association of School Trustees)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Administrative costs, LA 145

Duma, Diane (Manitoba Association of Parent Councils)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 113-116

Board of Reference, LA 114

Budget process, LA 114

Legal challenges, LA 115

Public Schools Act preamble, LA 114-115

Durston, James (Dauphin-Ochre School Division)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 86-88

Administrative costs, LA 87

Appeal process, LA 87-88

Board of Reference, LA 86

Budget process, LA 87

Contracts, harmonization of, LA 88

Cost benefit, LA 88

Regulations, LA 86


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