Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Sabourin, Janet (Private Citizen)

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5), IR 2-4

Retroactive clause, IR 3

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)

Public presenters

Bergen, IR 78-79

Business Council of Manitoba, IR 87-90

Canadian Federation of Independent Business, IR 49-53

Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500, IR 78-79

Carr, IR 87-90

Doyle, MA 98-102

Fossay, MA 59-62

Fraser, IR 84-87

Huebert, IR 79-84

Labossière, IR 60-65

Ludnick, IR 57-60

Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council, IR 91-93

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, IR 68-73

Manitoba Employers Council, IR 60-65

Manitoba Federation of Labour, MA 98-102

Manitoba Home Builders Association, IR 84-87

Manitoba Teachers' Society, MA 75-78

Martens, IR 91-93

Mesman, IR 53-57

Moist, MA 94-95

Occupational Health Centre, IR 57-60

Olfert, IR 73-78

Remillard, IR 65-68

Skanderberg, MA 66-69

Starmer, IR 68-73

United Food and Comercial Workers, Local 832, IR 53-57

Walker, IR 46-49

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, IR 65-68

Wiseman, IR 49-53

Wohlgemut, MA 75-78

Workers of Tomorrow Health and Safety Campaign, IR 73-78

Written submissions

Business Council of Manitoba, IR 124-132

Canadian Federation of Independent Business, IR 144-150

Carr, IR 124-132

Hacault, IR 123-124

Huebert, IR 132-140

Labossièrre, IR 158-166

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, IR 140-144

Manitoba Employers Council, IR 158-166

Manitoba Lung Association, MA 146-147

Manitoba Nurses' Union, MA 147-150

Manitoba Pork Council, IR 123-124

Mining Association of Manitoba, IR 132-140

Remilliard, IR 150-158

Starmer, IR 140-144

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, IR 150-158

Wiseman, IR 144-150


Clause 3

Schuler, IR 94

Clause 7(2)

Schuler, IR94, IR96, IR 96, IR 99

Clause 22

Schuler, IR 99-100

Clause 31(2)

Barrett, IR 101-102, IR 102-103

Schuler, IR 100-101

Clause 32

Barrett, IR 107-108

Schuler, IR 104-105, IR 105-106, IR 106-107

Clause 33(2)

Barrett, IR 108

Clause 34

Schuler, IR 108-109, IR 109-110, IR110, IR 112, IR 113

Clause 38

Barrett, IR 114-115

Schuler, IR 115-116

Clause 40

Schuler, IR 116

Clause 42

Schuler, IR 118

Accident investigations

Moist, MA 95

Accountability of employees

Wiseman, IR 50

Administrative penalties

Carr, IR 89

Doyle, MA 100

Fraser, IR 85

Huebert, IR 81

Labossière, IR 63

Murray, S., IR 67-68, IR 72

Olfert, IR 75

Remillard, IR 66, IR 67-68

Schuler, IR 67

Skanderberg, MA 67

Starmer, IR 70, IR 72-73

Walker, IR 48

Wiseman, IR 52

Air quality

Wohlgemuth, MA 76

Alternate employment

Doyle, MA 100

Appeal process

Doyle, MA 100

Mesman, IR 56

Wiseman, IR 51

Clarity of the legislation

Olfert, IR 74

Starmer, IR 71

Consensus recommendations

Huebert, IR 83

Labossière, IR 61, IR 65

Murray, S., IR 68, IR 83

Remillard, IR 66, IR 68

Wiseman, IR 49-50, IR 53

Consensus report

Carr, IR 88-89, IR 90-91

Murray, S., IR 90

Schuler, IR 88-89


Fossay, MA 62

Murray, S., MA 61-62

Culture of safety

Walker, IR 47, IR 48-49

Director liability

Doyle, MA 101

Director, powers of

Labossière, IR 62-63

Wiseman, IR 51-52

Directors' liability

Olfert, IR 76

Discriminatory action

Labossière, IR 62

Wiseman, IR 51

Education and training

Doyle, MA 99

Fraser, IR 86

Huebert, IR 81-82

Martens, IR 92

Moist, MA 94, MA 95

Schuler, MA 95

Education programs

Fossay, MA 60

Schuler, MA 68, MA 77-78

Skanderberg, MA 68-69

Wohlgemuth, MA 76-78

Employers, duties of

Olfert, IR 74

Wiseman, IR 50


Bergen, IR 79

Martens, IR 92

Ergonomic provisions

Barrett, MA 95

Doyle, MA 101

Moist, MA 94, MA 95

Ergonomics regulation

Bergen, IR 78

Ludnick, IR 58-59

False complaints, consequences for employees

Wiseman, IR 51

Farm accident areas

Self-assessment programs

Fossay, MA 61

Farm safety officer, role of

Fossay, MA 60

Fines and penalties

Fossay, MA 62

Gerrard, MA 62

Moist, MA 94

Skanderberg, MA 67

Fines and penalties, funding public education

Wiseman, IR 52

Health and safety plans

Doyle, MA 100

Ludnick, IR 58

Wiseman, IR 50

Improvement orders

Wiseman, IR 51

Improvement orders, noncompliance with

Gerrard, IR 72

Starmer, IR 70, IR 72

Information, provision of

Doyle, MA 101

Injury reduction target

Remillard, IR 66

Starmer, IR 70-71

Inquests, mandatory

Bergen, IR 79

Olfert, IR 76

Inspections and fines

Fossay, MA 60

Internal responsibility system

Mesman, IR 54

Joint Safety and Health committees

Doyle, MA 99

General comments

Mesman, IR 55

Olfert, IR 75

Walker, IR 47

Powers of

Mesman, IR 55-56


Mesman, IR 55

Recommendations and 30-day response

Bergen, IR 78

Worker representatives

Mesman, IR 55

Legislative review

Olfert, IR 75

Mandatory inquests

Doyle, MA 101

Moist, MA 95

Mandatory rest periods

Doyle, MA 101

Penalty assessments

Mesman, IR 56


Doyle, MA 100

Regulations, exemption to

Moist, MA 94

Right to refuse work

Doyle, MA 100

Labossière, IR 61-62

Moist, MA 94

Wiseman, IR 51

Safety and health officers, role of

Starmer, IR 69

Safety and health program, written

Olfert, IR 75

Safety statistics

Huebert, IR 80-81

Stop-work orders

Fraser, IR 85-86

Stress in the workplace

Ludnick, IR 59

Stress related illnesses

Moist, MA 94

Supervisor, role of

Doyle, MA 99

Supervisors, duties of

Doyle, MA 99

Olfert, IR 74-75

Supervisors, responsibilities of

Bergen, IR 78

Moist, MA 94


Fossay, MA 62

Murray, S., MA 62


Mesman, IR 56

Training, definition of

Walker, IR 48

Training, mandatory

Olfert, IR 75

Unions, access to information

Mesman, IR 55

Wages and benefits during stop-work orders

Huebert, IR 80

Labossière, IR 61

Wiseman, IR 51

Wages and benefits during training

Wiseman, IR 50

Workers Compensation Board

Agricultural industry, involvement with

Fossay, MA 61

Workers of Tomorrow project

Moist, MA 95

Working alone regulation

Olfert, IR 76

Workplace injuries, reporting of

Doyle, MA 101-102

Workplace Safety and Health committees

Duties of

Ludnick, IR 58

Moist, MA 94

Wohlgemuth, MA 75-76

Workplace violence and harassment

Wohlgemuth, MA 76

Young workers, safety initiatives for

Mesman, IR 54

Sale, Hon. Tim (Fort Rouge) N.D.P.

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Opening statements, LA 372-373

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)

Accountability, LA 433

Appeal process, LA 436

Board of directors

Aboriginal women representation, LA 418

Dispute settlement mechanism, LA 435

Women representation of, LA 434-435

Children's Advocate, role of, LA 436

Opening statements, LA 431-432

Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 303)

Harms, PB 7

Martindale, PB 7-8

Taylor, PB 2

Samyn, Philip (Legislative Counsel)

Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

French translation, LA 242-243

Sanders, David (Colliers Pratt McGarry)

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)

Business assessments, MA 120-124

Santos, Conrad (Wellington) N.D.P.

Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Retroactive clause, LA 239

Saskatchewan Coalition for Tobacco Reduction. See Greaves, Lynn

Saunders, Christopher (Springfield Parent Council)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 164-166

Schedler, Gerry (Private Citizen)

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5), IR 10-11

Schuler, Ron (Springfield) P.C.

Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)

Architect, definition of, IR 42

Penalties, disposition of, IR 41-42

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)

Consultations, MA 89

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Combination classes, LA 91

Cost benefits, LA 138

French immersion programs, LA 108

Legal challenges, LA 101, LA 115

Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 95-96

Springfield Collegiate, capacity of, LA 103

The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)

Consultations, MA 84, MA 91

Public Utilities Board review, MA 84

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)


Clause 3, IR 94

Clause 7(2), IR94, IR96, IR 96, IR 99

Clause 22, IR 99-100

Clause 31(2), IR 100-101

Clause 32, IR 104-105, IR 105-106, IR 106-107

Clause 34, IR 108-109, IR 109-110, IR110, IR 112, IR 113

Clause 38, IR 115-116

Clause 40, IR 116

Clause 42, IR 118

Administrative penalties, IR 67

Consensus recommendations, IR 53

Consensus report, IR 88-89

Education and training, MA 95

Education programs, MA 68, MA 77-78

Scott, David (Private Citizen)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 561-563

B.C. legislation, LA 562

Tobacco product displays, LA 562-563

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24), LA 503-504

Public presenters

Bieber, LA 472-477

Canadian Bankers Association, LA 477-480

Consumers' Association of Canada, LA 471-472

Desorcy, LA 471-472

Manitoba Council on Aging, LA 466-468

Smith, M., LA 466-468

Stefaniuk, LA 477-480

Written submissions

Manitoba Bar Association, LA 511-517

Appeal process

Smith, M., LA 467-468


Bieber, LA 474

Gerrard, LA 479

Stefaniuk, LA 478, LA 480


Bieber, LA 473

Smith, S., LA 476

Banking activities, impact on

Gerrard, LA 479, LA 480

Stefaniuk, LA 480

Capital markets, impact on

Bieber, LA 476

Smith, J., LA 476


Gerrard, LA 479

Stefaniuk, LA 480

Consumer education

Desorcy, LA 472

Financial OmbudsNetwork

Bieber, LA 473

Investment Dealers Association

Bieber, LA 475

Investment losses, compensation for

Desorcy, LA 471-472

Smith, M., LA 467


Bieber, LA 474, LA 475

Reviews of maximum compensation allowed

Desorcy, LA 472

Smith, S., LA 472

Stefaniuk, LA 478

Securities Commission, powers of

Stefaniuk, LA 479

Securities legislation, harmonization of

Bieber, LA 477

Gerrard, LA 476-477

Smith, S., LA 479

Stefaniuk, LA 479


Bieber, LA 475

Set up costs

Bieber, LA 474

Startup costs for new companies

Bieber, LA 474

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

Public presenters

Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers, LA 453-455

Canadian Emergency Preparedness Association, LA 455-459

Kisilowski, LA 453-455

Lindsay, LA 455-459


Clause 10(2)

Ashton, LA 496-497, LA 497

Clause 25

Wowchuk, LA 497-498

Clause 28

Wowchuk, LA 498

Clause 43

Chomiak, LA 498-499, LA 499

Clause 61

Mackintosh, LA 499

Clause 62(1)

Mackintosh, LA 499

Comprehensive emergency management

Ashton, LA 458

Gerrard, LA 457-458

Lindsay, LA 456-459

Smith, J., LA 458

Opening statements

Ashton, LA 495

Mackintosh, LA 495

Murray, LA 495-496

Penner, Jack, LA 495

Pesticide spraying equipment, sale of

Gerrard, LA 455

Kisilowski, LA 454

Penner, Jack, LA 455

Wowchuk, LA 454-455

Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

Adult learning centre reviews

Agassiz School Division, PA 84-85

Morris-Macdonald School Division

HOPE learning centre, investigation of, PA 71

Quality of education, PA 86-87

Quality of education, principles for, PA 74

Recovery of funds, PA 78-82

Judicial Compensation Committee

Opening statement, PE 6

Pension plan enhancements, PE 6

Report, government acceptance of, PE 12

Retroactive compensation for masters, PE 6

Salary increases, PE 6

Severance pay, PE 6

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)

Borrowing costs, MA 79-80

Corporate taxes, MA 80

Resource revenue sharing, MA 73

Retained earnings, definition of, MA 82

Water power rental agreement, MA 81-82

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Capital expenditures, PUNR 38-40

Debt equity ration, PUNR 46

Export power sales, PUNR 43-44

Financial forecast, profits, PUNR 38

Financial statements, PUNR 33-34

Northern projects, PUNR 45-46

Opening statements, PUNR 26

Transfer payment, PUNR 36-37, PUNR 41-43

Provincial Auditor

Regional health authorities, 64

Value-for-Money Audits

Capital funds, PA 55-58, PA 62-63

Child day-care program subsidies, PA23-24

Child, Family and Community Development branch, PA 31-36

Highway construction/maintenance, PA 25

University of Winnipeg information technology, PA 47-48

Urban Shared Services Corporation, PA 40-41

Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Procedural changes

Auditor General, PA 8

In-camera meetings, PA 14

Information, access to, PA 10

The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)


Clause 9(6), LA 585

Simpson, Ken (Concerned Condominium Owners of Winnipeg)

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 103-106

Property taxes on multi-unit properties, MA 103-106

Singleton, Jon (Auditor General)

Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Opening statements, PA 2

Procedural changes

Auditor General, PA 9

Committee powers, PA 16-17

Information, access to, PA 11


Of Cabinet members, PA 12

Provincial Auditor

Requests for review, PA 16

Singleton, Jon (Provincial Auditor)

Adult learning centre reviews

Agassiz School Division, PA 83-85

Morris-Macdonald School Division

Allegations, source of, PA 70-72

Ferris report, PA 73

HOPE learning centre, investigation of, PA 70-72

Inspection audit, definition of, PA 70

Process, PA 69-72

Quality of education, PA 86-87

Quality of education, principles for, PA 73-74

Recovery of funds, PA 77-83

Transition period, PA 75

Provincial Auditor

Value-for-Money Audits

Capital funds, PA 48-54, PA 58-59, PA 62

Child day-care program subsidies, PA 22-24

Child, Family and Community Development branch, PA 30-35

Follow-up procedures, PA 60-61

Highway construction/maintenance, PA 25

Home oxygen contract, PA 25-27

Performance measures, PA 28-29

Public Trustee and companion services, PA 28

University of Winnipeg information technology, PA 44-47

Urban Shared Services Corporation, PA 37-40

Skanderberg, Cindy (Private Citizen)

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), MA 66-69

Administrative penalties, MA 67

Education programs, MA 68-69

Fines and penalties, MA 67

Smith, Hon. Scott (Brandon West) N.D.P.

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Administrative costs, PUNR 17

AIR MILES Program, PUNR 18-22

Alcohol awareness education, PUNR 22

Alcohol awareness education funding, PUNR 14

Alcohol education committee, PUNR 2

Annual report, PUNR 15

Customer surves, PUNR 3-4

Education centre, PUNR 4

Employee development programs, PUNR 2

Fetal alcohol syndrome awareness programs, PUNR 2

Impact on provincial economy, PUNR 3

Inspection services, PUNR 3

Legislation review, PUNR 4

Occasional permits, Wesward Resort (Portage la Prairie), PUNR 13, PUNR 16

Opening statements, PUNR 1-4

Responsible Server Committee, PUNR 3

Responsible Server Program, PUNR 10, PUNR 12

Revenues, PUNR 2

Salaries and benefits, PUNR 12-13

Social responsibility initiatives, PUNR 2

Vendor agreements

Product delivery, PUNR 9

Vendor licence (Petersfield), PUNR 7-8

Wine stores, PUNR 10-11

Workplace attitutde survey, PUNR 2

Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)


Clause 5, LA 501-502, LA 502

Multidisciplinary partnerships, LA 463

Supervision and control of employees and agents, LA 462-463

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Resources, access to, LA 99

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Arbitration, LA 476

Reviews of maximum compensation allowed, LA 472

Securities legislation, harmonization of, LA 479

Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

French translation, LA 244

Opening statements, LA 241-242

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)

Firefighters' regular hours of work, IR 8

Smith, Joy (Fort Garry) P.C.

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Opening statements, LA 372, LA 373

Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)

Opening statements, LA 508-509

Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)


Clause 5, LA238, LA 241

Opening statements, LA 236-237

Retroactive clause, LA 230, LA 238-239, LA 241

Royal Assent, LA 228

Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)


Clause 1(1), LA 27-28


Clause 1(3), LA67, LA 69

Clause 1(4), LA69, LA 75

Judicial Compensation Committee

Opening statement, PE 6-7

Personal safety concerns, PE 13

Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Consultation, LA 279

Mineral access rights, LA 283

Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)

Dakota Tipi First Nation

Gang activity, LA 272, LA 275

Justification, LA 270

Opening statements, LA 305-306

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 96-97

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Capital markets, impact on, LA 476

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

Comprehensive emergency management, LA 458

Smith, Murray (Manitoba Council Aging)

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24), LA 466-468

Appeal process, LA 467-468

Investment losses, compensation for, LA 467

Snowmobile safety. See Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Snowmobilers of Manitoba. See Gratton, Dawn

Solvent abuse. See Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Southeast Child and Family Services. See Bushie, Burma

Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

French translation

Chomiak, LA 243

Mackintosh, LA 243-244

Rocan, LA 242-243, LA 244

Samyn, LA 242-243

Smith, S., LA 244

Opening statements

Rocan, LA 242

Smith, S., LA 241-242

Speiss, Larry (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Adoption, LA 320-321

Spence Neighbourhood Association. See Davis, Danielle; Watson, Shannon

Spillett, Leslie (Mother of Red Nations Women's Council of Manitoba)

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 415-419

Board of directors

Aboriginal women representation, LA 416-418

Springfield Parent Council. See Saunders, Christopher

Springfield Schools Parent Council. See Carey, Karen

Spytkowski, Marijka (Transcona-Springfield Teachers' Association)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 189-192

Access to programs, LA 191

Amalgamation costs, LA 190

Communication, LA 190

Cultural diversity, LA 190, LA 191

Review, LA 190

Teacher morale, LA 190, LA 191-192

St. Boniface School Division. See Chapman, Anita

St. James-Assiniboia School Division. See Kozak, Elizabeth; Wishanski, Dennis

St. Laurent, Gerald (Private Citizen)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)

Tobacco product displays, LA 524

Stahlke, Craig (Fort Garry School Division)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 150-155

Administrative costs, LA 152

Board of Reference, LA 153-154

Budget process, LA 151-152

Cost benefits, LA 155

Ministerial authority, LA 151

Regulations, LA 153

Stanick, Theresa (Private Citizen)

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 26-29

Stankevicius, Roland (River East Teachers' Association)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 187-189

Administrative costs, LA 188

Amalgamation, benefits of, LA 189

Classroom resources, LA 187

Remuneration, trustees, LA 189

Teacher morale, LA 188

Starmer, Graham (Manitoba Chambers of Commerce)

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 68-73

Written submission, IR 140-144

Administrative penalties, IR 70, IR 72-73

Clarity of the legislation, IR 71

Improvement orders, noncompliance with, IR 70, IR 72

Injury reduction target, IR 70-71

Safety and health officers, role of, IR 69

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2002 (Bill 51), LA 442

Stefaniuk, John (Canadian Bankers Association)

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24), LA 477-480

Appeals, LA 478, LA 480

Banking activities, impact on, LA 480

Consultations, LA 480

Reviews of maximum compensation allowed, LA 478

Securities Commission, powers of, LA 479

Securities legislation, harmonization of, LA 479

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) P.C.

Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33)


Clause 13(1), LA 303

Stevens, Noreen (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Adoption, LA 317

Storie, Jerry (Turtle Mountain School Division)

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 38-43

Struthers, Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Administrative costs, LA 99-100

Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 96

Special needs children, LA 119


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