Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Garden Valley School Division. See Froese, Hilda

Garrioch, Sydney (Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak)

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 401-403

Funding, LA 403

Service delivery, off-reserve, LA 402-403

Garven Convenience Store. See Tena, Teresita

Geekie, Bobbi-Lynn (Birdtail River Teachers' Association)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 89-91

Budget process, LA 90

Combination classes, LA 90-91

Smaller divisions, benefits to, LA 89-90

Gerrard, Hon. Jon (River Heights) Lib.

Adult learning centre reviews

Morris-Macdonald School Division

Quality of education, PA 86-87

Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9), PE 35, PE 36

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)

Appeal process, LA 427

Board of directors

Aboriginal women representation, LA 418

Consultations, LA 406

Funding, inequities of, LA 400

Linguistic recognition, LA 396

Transition, LA 409

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)

Property taxes on multi-unit properties, MA 104

Variable mill rates, MA 111

Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Medical negligence, LA 237-238

Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)

First Nations communities, LA 26

Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Consultations, LA 283

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak

Memorandum of Understanding, LA 278-279

Mineral exploration, LA 288

Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

Multidisciplinary partnerships, LA 463

Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Search warrants, LA 451

Polar Bear Protection Act (Bill 43)

Opening statements, LA 304

Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33)

Intent of, LA 290-291

Provincial Auditor

Regional health authorities, 64

Value-for-Money Audits

Capital funds, PA 48-58, PA 62-63

Child day-care program subsidies, PA 22-24

Child, Family and Community Development branch, PA 30-36

Follow-up procedures, PA 60-61

Highway construction/maintenance, PA 24-25

Home oxygen contract, PA 25-27

Performance measures, PA 28-29

University of Winnipeg information technology, PA 44-46

Urban Shared Services Corporation, PA 37-40

Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)

Approval, LA 261

Dakota Tipi First Nation

Police commission, LA 269-270

Police service, LA 265-266, LA 273, LA 275-276

Opening statements, LA 309-310

Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Procedural changes

Agenda, PA 6

Committee powers, PA 16

Information, access to, PA 10

Mandate, PA 7, PA 15-16

Meeting schedule, PA 13


Of Cabinet members, PA 12

Provincial Auditor

Requests for review, PA 16

Regular meetings, PA 5

Public Schools Amendment Act (Francophone School Division Governance Structure) (Bill 22)

Advisory groups, LA 256

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Budget decisions, LA 85-86

Cost benefits, LA 2000

Opening statements, LA 199

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)

Fines and penalties, MA 62

Improvement orders, noncompliance with, IR 72

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Appeals, LA 479

Banking activities, impact on, LA 479, LA 480

Consultations, LA 479

Securities legislation, harmonization of, LA 476-477

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

Comprehensive emergency management, LA 457-458

Pesticide spraying equipment, sale of, LA 455

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)

Occupational diseases, IR 9

Gibson, Murray (Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 559-561

Health effects of tobacco use, LA 560

Mortality rate, LA 560

Tobacco products, denormalization of, LA 561

Gilleshammer, Harold (Minnedosa) P.C.

Adult learning centre reviews

Agassiz School Division, PA 83-85

Morris-Macdonald School Division

Allegations, source of, PA 70-72

Ferris report, PA 73

HOPE learning centre, investigation of, PA 70-72

Inspection audit, definition of, PA 70

Process, PA 69-72

Project team, PA 72-73

Quality of education, principles for, PA 73-74

Recovery of funds, PA 76-83

Transition period, PA 75

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)


Clause 5, LA 201-202

Clause 6.1, LA 202-203

Clause 8, LA 204

Clause 10, LA 207-208

Clause 22(2), LA 209

Clause 22(3), LA 209-210

Access to programs, LA 191

Amalgamation costs, LA 184

Appeal process, LA 87-88

Board of Reference, LA 85, LA 201-202

Budget decisions, LA 85-86

Contracts, harmonization of, LA 88

Cost benefit, LA 88

Cost benefits, LA 146

French immersion programs, LA 125

Implementation, LA 194

Local representation, LA 106

Ministerial authority, LA 83

Opening statements, LA 198-199

Public education, funding of, LA 178-179

Public schools, funding of, LA 93

School closures, LA 99

School divisions, future of, LA 93

Shared service agreement, LA 172

Shared service agreements, LA 109, LA 119

Teacher morale, LA 191

Teacher transfers, LA 135-136, LA 176

Transcona-Springfield School Division, LA 168-170, LA 180-181

Gingues, Maurice (Canadian Council for Tobacco Control)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)

Written submission, LA 571

Glowacki, Robin (Private Citizen)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 126-128

Budget process, LA 128

Norrie Commission, LA 126

Shared service agreements, LA 126-127

Goethals, Roger (R.M. of Winchester)

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Written submission, LA 65

Grafton, Murray (Louis Riel Teachers' Association)

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 185-187

Amalgamation, benefits of, LA 185-186

Amalgamation, criteria for, LA 187

School divisions, size of, LA 186

Graham, Blair (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba)

Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21), LA 460-462

Full shield vs. partial shield, LA 460

Multidisciplinary partnerships, LA 462

Supervision and control of employees and agents, LA 461-462

Gratton, Dawn (Snowmobilers of Manitoba)

Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Fines and penalties, LA 481

Identification decal, LA 481-482, LA 483

Mandatory registration, LA 481, LA 482

Greaves, Lynn (Saskatchewan Coalition for Tobacco Reduction)

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 539-541

Enforcement officers, LA 540

Operation I.D., LA 540

Saskatchewan legislation, LA 540, LA 541

Tobacco industry lobby efforts, LA 541

Tobacco product displays, LA 540

Grewar, Rory (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 342-343

Gutnik, Tammy (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Adoption, LA 322


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