STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Oakley, Sandra (Canadian Union of Public Employees)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 147-150
Collective agreements, negotiation of, LA 148
Collective agreements, protection of, LA 147
Employee layoffs, LA 148
Employee placements, appeal of, LA 148
Labour relations, LA 150
Pension benefits of nonteaching staff, LA 149
Seniority, integration of, LA 147-148, LA 150
Unionized employees, priority of, LA 148
Occupational Health Centre. See Ludnick, Diana
Occupational Therapists Act (Bill 26)
Public presenters
Association of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba, LA 221-223
Eadie, LA 221-223
Clause 6(6)
Chomiak, LA 246
Clause 6(8)
Chomiak, LA 246
Complaints committee
Eadie, LA 222
Continuing competence program
Eadie, LA 222
Eadie, LA 221
Occupational therapist, definition of
Chomiak, LA 222
Eadie, LA 223
Public representation
Chomiak, LA 223
Registration committee
Eadie, LA 222
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
Public presenters
Gratton, LA 480-483
Snowmobilers of Manitoba, LA 480-483
Clause 25(2)
Faurschou, LA 507-508
Fines and penalties
Gratton, LA 481
Identification decal
Ashton, LA 483, LA 506-507
Faurschou, LA 482
Gratton, LA 481-482, LA 483
Penner, Jack, LA 505-507
Mandatory registration
Maguire, LA 482
Olfert, Ellen (Workers of Tomorrow Health and Safety Campaign)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 73-78
Administrative penalties, IR 75
Clarity of the legislation, IR 74
Directors' liability, IR 76
Employers, duties of, IR 74
Inquests, mandatory, IR 76
Joint Safety and Health committees, IR 75
Legislative review, IR 75
Safety and health program, written, IR 75
Supervisors, duties of, IR 74-75
Training, mandatory, IR 75
Working alone regulation, IR 76
Recruitment and selection, PE 2-4
Opitz, Martin Paul (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 367-370
Religious beliefs, LA 367-370
Order of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 4)
Doer, LA 1-2
Enns, LA 2
Ostiguay, Liz (Canadian Cancer Society)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 547-550
Tobacco product displays, LA 548-549