STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Taylor, Ray (Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College)
Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 303), PB 2
Tena, Teresita (Garven Convenience Store)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Tobacco product displays, LA 551-552
Ternette, Nick (Private Citizen)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
Accountability, MA 117-118
City services, financing of, MA 118-119, MA 120
Consultation process, MA 116
Electoral reforms, MA 118
Property taxes, MA 118
Representation, MA 118
Tax sharing plans, MA 117
The Forks North Portage Partnership
Administration costs
August, MA 16-17
Loewen, MA 16
Board of directors
Norrie, MA 2
Eaton's site, alternative proposals
August, MA 17
Faurschou, MA 17
Norrie, MA 18
The Forks
Entertainment events
August, MA 7-8
Financial overview
August, MA 9
The Forks Market
August, MA 8
August, MA 6
Hotel construction
Norrie, MA 10
August, MA 11
Mitchelson, MA 11-12
Norrie, MA 11-12
Manufacturing sector
August, MA 7
Marina development
August, MA 7
Mitchelson, MA 9
Parking fees
August, MA 8
Pedestrian bridge
August, MA 6
People mover feasibility study
August, MA 6
Prairie Dog rail service
Faurschou, MA 18
Friesen, MA 19
Norrie, MA 18-19
Splash Dash service
August, MA 6-7
Norrie, MA 2
August, MA 15
Loewen, MA 14-15
Norrie, MA 15-16
August, MA 4
North Portage
Construction activity, impact on retailers
Mitchelson, MA 13
Norrie, MA 13
Development sites
August, MA 5
IMAX theatre
August, MA 5
August, MA 5
Movie theatres, closure of
August, MA 12
Mitchelson, MA 12
Norrie, MA 12
Retail opportunities
August, MA 5
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre
August, MA 5
Opening remarks
August, MA 3-9
Friesen, MA 1-2
Mitchelson, MA 2
Norrie, MA 2-3
Redevelopment plans
Norrie, MA 3
August, MA 4
True North Entertainment Complex
Mitchelson, MA 12-13
Norrie, MA 13
The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)
Public presenters
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500, MA 92-93
Consumers' Association of Canada, MA 82-84
Cruden, MA 89-91
Desorcy, MA 82-84
English, MA 98
Manitoba Society of Seniors, MA 89-91
Moist, MA 92-93
Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers, MA 98
Clause 9(6)
Selinger, LA 585
Clause 10(2)
Capital investments
Desorcy, MA 83
Loewen, MA 83
Capital upgrades
Loewen, MA 90-91
Desorcy, MA 84
Employee interests
English, MA 98
Loewen, MA 93
Moist, MA 92-93
Opening statements
Loewen, LA 584
Public Utilities Board review
Loewen, MA 91
Moist, MA 93
Schuler, MA 84
Rate increase
Desorcy, MA 84
Penner, Jack, MA 84
Thompson, Bruce (Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submission, LA 576-582
Thompson Labour Committee. See Berthelette, Ray
Thorsteinson, Grant (Manitoba Municipal Administrators Association)
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7), LA 31-34
Nonresident landowners, LA 31-34
Tonn, Robb (Provincial Judges Association of Manitoba)
Judicial Compensation Committee, PE 7-9
Courtroom utilization statistics, PE 10-11
Pension plans, provincial comparisons of, PE 8
Personal safety concerns, PE 9-10, PE 13
Report, government acceptance of, PE 12-13
Salaries, provincial comparisons of, PE 7-8
Survivor benefits, PE 9
Tourism and Recreation Act. See Resource Tourism Operators Act (Bill 50)
Toyne, Don (MACS Convenience Stores)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Consumer education programs, LA 539
Tobacco product displays, LA 539
Transcona-Springfield Teachers' Association. See Spytkowski, Marijka
Traverse, Diana (Private Citizen)
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Gaming revenue, LA 262-263, LA 264
Police service, LA 262-263, LA 265-266
Turtle Mountain School Division. See Storie, Jerry
Tweed, Mervin (Turtle Mountain) P.C.
Moving polls, PE 21-22
Office rental costs, PE 23