STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Pal's Supermarket. See Bhangu, Hans
Paquette, Michelle (Winnipeg Transgender Group)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 346-347
Transgender community, concerns of, LA 346-347
Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. See Brigham, Donna
Parkes, Debra (Private Citizen)
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53), LA 491-492
Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)
Public presenters
Dueck, LA 459-460, LA 463
Graham, LA 460-462
Institute of Chartered Accountants, LA 459-463
Kraemer, LA 459
Clause 5
Smith, S., LA 501-502, LA 502
Dueck, LA 463
Penner, Jack, LA 463
Full shield vs. partial shield
Graham, LA 460
Limited liability partnerships
Dueck, LA 459-460
Kraemer, LA 459
Multidisciplinary partnerships
Dueck, LA 463
Gerrard, LA 463
Graham, LA 462
Smith, S., LA 463
Supervision and control of employees and agents
Graham, LA 461-462
Smith, S., LA 462-463
Pashe, Edward (Private Citizen)
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44), LA 267-271
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Gas bar, ownership of, LA 267-268
Police commission, LA 269-270
Police service, LA 267-268
Social programs, LA 269
Justification, LA 270
Pchajek, Sharon (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 347-348
Pendergast, Maureen (Private Citizen)
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)
Intestate succession laws, LA 492-493
Returning Officers, qualifications of, PE 25-27
Judicial Compensation Committee
Salaries based on performance factors, PE 13-14
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Consultations, LA 533
Consumer education programs, LA 535
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
Identification decal, LA 505-507
Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)
Consultations, LA 463
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23)
LA 502, LA 502-503
Consumer education program, LA 471
Organic farm operations, LA 466
Search warrants, LA 451
The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)
Rate increase, MA 84
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
Opening statements, LA 495
Pesticide spraying equipment, sale of, LA 455
Provincial Auditor
Value-for-Money Audits
Benchmarks, PA 21
Capital funds, PA 58-60
University of Winnipeg information technology, PA 46-47
Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
Procedural changes
Ability to make recommendations, PA 8
Annual reports, PA 14-15
In-camera meetings, PA 14
Information, access to, PA 10
Regular meetings, PA 5
Penner, Ken (Midwestern School of Business and Technology and Robertson College)
Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33), LA 289-292
Curriculum approval process, LA 290
Director, powers of, LA 289-290
Intent of, LA 290-291
Training completion fund, LA 290, LA 291-292
Penner, Layna (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Disruption in programming, LA 129-132
French immersion programs, LA 129-130
Public consultations, LA 130
Percy, Bill (Canadian Residential School Plaintiffs' Council Association, Manitoba Division)
Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)
Public presenters, LA 20-24
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23)
Public presenters
Hacault, LA 468-471
Manitoba Pork Council, LA 468-471
Martens, LA 449-451
Newton, LA 463-466
Penner, Jack, LA 502-503
Consumer education program
Hacault, LA 471
Penner, Jack, LA 471
Inspectors, powers of
Martens, LA 449-450
Licensing process
Hacault, LA 469
Manure management planner
Newton, LA 464
Off-farm manure application
Hacault, LA 469
Wowchuk, LA 465
Organic farm operations
Newton, LA 466
Penner, Jack, LA 466
Search warrants
Gerrard, LA 451
Penner, Jack, LA 451
Wowchuk, LA 451
Training costs
Hacault, LA 469
Peters, Andrew (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 97-100
Administrative costs, LA 98, LA 100
Educational purpose, LA 98-99
Equal access to programs/funding, LA 98
Resources, access to, LA 99
School closures, LA 99
Photo radar. See Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)
Physician profiles. See Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 31)
Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada. See Callard, Cynthia
Piche, Krista (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 333-334
Adoption, LA 334
Polar Bear Protection Act (Bill 43), LA 304-305
Opening statements
Gerrard, LA 304
Lathlin, LA 304
Pompana, Bobbi (Dakota Ojibway Child & Family Services)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 397-401
Culturally appropriate programming, LA 398, LA 399
Desjarlais inquest, LA 399
Employees, qualifications of, LA 399
Employees, training for, LA 400-401
Funding, LA 398
Funding, inequities of, LA 400
Service delivery, off-reserve, LA 398
Pope, Bill (College of Physicians and Surgeons)
Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 31), LA 541-544
Dispute resolution mechanism, LA 542
Health care professionals, application to, LA 543
Physician profiles
Costs of, LA 543
Criminal offences, LA 542
Current information, LA 542
Incomplete reports, LA 544
Mortality rates, LA 543
Other medical malpractice claims, LA 542
Regulations, LA 542
Portage District General Hospital Foundation, An Act to Amend and Act to Incorporate (Bill 300)
Enns, LA 3
Faurschou, LA 2-3
Harms, LA 2
Potovsky-Beachell, Laurie (Coalition for Access to Physician Profiles)
Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 31), LA 526-528
Physician profiles
Accessibility, LA 527
Mortality rates, LA 527-528
Professional competence report, LA 527-528
Prairie Rose Teachers' Association. See Blagden, Craig
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)
Property rights, LA 484-485
Registered domestic partnership, LA 485
Preston, Tim (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Equal rights, LA 337
Prince, Marjorie (Private Citizen)
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Approval, LA 261
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Control of, LA 261
Police service, LA 257-262
Referendum, LA 262
Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33)
Public presenters
Midwestern School of Business and Technology, LA289-292
Penner, K., LA289-292
Robertson College, LA289-292
Clause 13(1)
Stefanson, LA 302-303
Curriculum approval process
Penner, K., LA 290
Director, powers of
Penner, K., LA 289-290
Intent of
Gerrard, LA 290-291
Penner, K., LA 290-291
Training completion fund
Faurschou, LA 291-292
Penner, K., LA 290, LA 291-292
Provenski, Sylvia (Brandon Adult Learning Centre)
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 35-37
Regional health authorities
Gerrard, 64
Selinger, 64
Value-for-Money Audits
Penner, Jim, PA 21
Capital funds
Penner, JIm, PA 58-60
Singleton, PA 48-54, PA 58-59, PA 62
Child day-care program subsidies
Gerrard, PA 22-24
Selinger, PA23-24
Singleton, PA 22-24
Child, Family and Community Development branch
Gerrard, PA 30-36
Selinger, PA 31-36
Singleton, PA 30-35
Follow-up procedures
Gerrard, PA 60-61
Singleton, PA 60-61
Highway construction/maintenance
Gerrard, PA 24-25
Selinger, PA 25
Singleton, PA 25
Home oxygen contract
Gerrard, PA 25-27
Singleton, PA 25-27
Performance measures
Gerrard, PA 28-29
Singleton, PA 28-29
Public Trustee and companion services
Maloway, PA 27-28
Singleton, PA 28
University of Winnipeg information technology
Gerrard, PA 44-46
Penner, Jim, PA 46-47
Selinger, PA 47-48
Singleton, PA 44-47
Urban Shared Services Corporation
Gerrard, PA 37-40
Selinger, PA 40-41
Singleton, PA 37-40
Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba Inc. See Fleming, Elizabeth
Provincial Judges Association of Manitoba. See Tonn, Robb
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Public presenters
Elk, LA 274-276
James, LA 271-274
Newman, LA 292-298
Pashe, LA 267-271
Prince, LA 257-262
Traverse, LA 262-267
Gerrard, LA 261
Prince, LA 261
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Band statistics
Faurschou, LA 273
James, LA 273
Control of
Derkach, LA 261
Prince, LA 261
Gaming revenue
James, LA 271-272, LA 274
Gang activity
Elk, LA 274-275
James, LA 272
Gas bar, ownership of
Faurschou, LA 267-268
Pashe, LA 267-268
Police commission
Gerrard, LA 269-270
Pashe, LA 269-270
Police service
Elk, LA 275-276
Faurschou, LA 275-276
Gerrard, LA 265-266, LA 273, LA 275-276
Pashe, LA 267-268
Prince, LA 257-262
Social programs
Elk, LA 276
Pashe, LA 269
Pashe, LA 270
Smith, J., LA 270
Opening statements
Derkach, LA 307-308
Enns, LA 306-307
Faurschou, LA 310
Gerrad, LA 309-310
Mackintosh, LA 305, LA 308-309
Smith, J., LA 305-306
Derkach, LA 261-262
Prince, LA 262
Ptak, Monica (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Written submission, LA 162
Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
Opening statements
Mackintosh, PA 2-3
Singleton, PA 2
Procedural changes
Ability to make recommendations
Mackintosh, PA 7-8
Penner, Jim, PA 8
Gerrard, PA 6
Mackintosh, PA 6
Annual reports
Mackintosh, PA 14
Penner, Jim, PA 14-15
Auditor General
Mackintosh, PA 8
Selinger, PA 8
Singleton, PA 9
Chairperson, role of
Mackintosh, PA 9
Committee powers
Gerrard, PA 16
Laurendeau, PA 16
Mackintosh, PA 16
Singleton, PA 16-17
In-camera meetings
Laurendeau, PA 14
Mackintosh, PA 13-14
Penner, Jim, PA 14
Selinger, PA 14
Information, access to
Gerrard, PA 10
Laurendeau, PA 10
Mackintosh, PA 10
Penner, Jim, PA 10
Selinger, PA 10
Singleton, PA 11
Mandatory review
Mackintosh, PA 3-4
Meeting schedule
Gerrard, PA 13
Mackintosh, PA 13
Of Cabinet members
Gerrard, PA 12
Mackintosh, PA 12
Singleton, PA 12
Continuity of
Professional development
Laurendeau, PA 11
Mackintosh, PA 11
Provincial Auditor
Requests for review
Gerrard, PA 16
Singleton, PA 16
Regular meetings
Gerrard, PA 5
Laurendeau, PA 4-5
Mackintosh, PA 4-6
Penner, Jim, PA 5
Mackintosh, PA 14
Public health. See Environment Amendment Act (Bill 10); Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 38)
Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 38)
Written submissions
Canadian Federation of Independent Business, LA 517-518
Opening statements
Driedger, LA 504-505
Public Schools Amendment Act (Francophone School Division Governance Structure) (Bill 22)
Public presenters
Division scolaire franco-manitobaine, LA 251-257
Lemoine, LA 251-256
Robert, LA 256-257
Clause 21
Caldwell, LA 299
Clause 25
Caldwell, LA 299-300
Additional electors
Lemoine, LA 255
Advisory groups
Gerrard, LA 256
Cenerini report
Lemoine, LA 254
Regional advisory groups
Lemoine, LA 254
Regional committees
Lemoine, LA 254
Robert, LA 256-257
Trustees, election of
Lemoine, LA 255
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Public presenters
Agassiz Teachers' Association, LA 136-139
Andrushko, G., LA 103-104
Andrushko, L., LA 100-102
Archer, LA 142-146
Ardern, LA 173-176
Bailey, LA 136-139
Barr, LA 177-179
Bell, LA 179
Birdtail River Teachers' Association, LA 89-91
Blagden, LA 94-97
Brandon School Division, LA 83-86
Canadian Union of Public Employees, LA 147-150
Carey, LA 116-120
Chapman, LA 181-185
Daher, LA 168-170
Dauphin-Ochre School Division, LA 86-88
Duma, LA 113-116
Durston, LA 86-88
Evergreen School Division, LA 80-83
Friesen, John, LA 139-140
Froese, LA 104-107
Furgala, LA 80-83
Garden Valley School Division, LA 104-107
Geekie, LA 89-91
Glowacki, LA 126-128
Grafton, LA 185-187
Hayward Williams, LA 109-113
James, LA 171-172
Jolly, LA 83-86
Kantyluk, LA 140-142
Kathan, LA 122-126
Kozak, LA 158
Land, LA 179-181
Larsson, LA 192-195
Louis Riel Teachers' Association, LA 185-187
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils, LA 113-116
Manitoba Association of School Trustees, LA 142-146
Manitoba Teachers' Society, LA 173-176
Mehl, LA 166-168
Midland Teachers' Association, LA 94-97
Oakley, LA 147-150
Penner, L., LA 129-132
Peters, LA 97-100
Prairie Rose Teachers' Association, LA 94-97
Rhineland Teachers' Association, LA 91-94
Risbey, LA 134-136
River East Teachers' Association, LA 187-189
Saunders, LA 164-166
Springfield Parent Council, LA 164-166
Springfield Schools Parent Council, LA 116-120
Spytkowski, LA 189-192
St. James-Assiniboia School Division, LA 155-158
Stahlke, LA 150-155
Stankevicius, LA 187-189
Transcona-Springfield Teachers' Association, LA 189-192
Wachniak, LA 132-134
Wiebe, LA 107-109
Williams, LA 120-122
Winnipeg School Division, LA 177-179
Wishanski, LA 155-158
Wohlgemut, LA 91-94
Written submissions
Agassiz Adult Education Centre, LA 159-161
Anderson, LA 212-213
Andersson, LA 159
Choquette, LA 213
Duck Mountain School Division, LA 213-216
Ehinger, LA 159-161
Lalonde, LA 161-162
L.E.A.D., LA 216-217
Manitoba Teachers' Society, LA 159-161
Ptak, LA 162
Clause 5
Gilleshammer, LA 201-202
Clause 6.1
Gilleshammer, LA 202-203
Clause 8
Gilleshammer, LA 204
Clause 10, LA 206-207
Caldwell, LA 205-206, LA 206-207, LA 207
Gilleshammer, LA 207-208
Clause 22(2)
Caldwell, LA 208-209
Gilleshammer, LA 209
Clause 22(3)
Gilleshammer, LA 209-210
Clause 24
Caldwell, LA 210-211
Clause 24(1)
Caldwell, LA 211
Clause 24(2)
Caldwell, LA 211-212
Access to programs
Gilleshammer, LA 191
Spytkowski, LA 191
Administrative costs
Archer, LA 143-144, LA 145
Barr, LA 177
Caldwell, LA 145
Chapman, LA 183
Duhamel, LA 145
Durston, LA 87
Jolly, LA 83-84
Stahlke, LA 152
Stankevicius, LA 188
Struthers, LA 99-100
Administrative costs, definition of
Furgala, LA 81-82
Agassiz School Division
Bailey, LA 136-137
Amalgamation, benefits of
Cummings, LA 189
Grafton, LA 185-186
Stankevicius, LA 189
Amalgamation costs
Carey, LA 118
Chapman, LA 184
Gilleshammer, LA 184
Spytkowski, LA 190
Amalgamation, criteria for
Cummings, LA 187
Grafton, LA 187
Hayward Williams, LA 110-111
Appeal process
Durston, LA 87-88
Gilleshammer, LA 87-88
Board of Reference
Archer, LA 142-143
Ardern, LA 175
Duma, LA 114
Durston, LA 86
Froese, LA 105
Gilleshammer, LA 85, LA 201-202
Risbey, LA 135
Stahlke, LA 153-154
Wachniak, LA 132-133
Williams, LA 120-121
Wishanski, LA 156
Wohlgemut, LA 92
Boundaries, reasons to alter
Ardern, LA 173
Boundary commission reports, time limitations on
Furgala, LA 82
Boundary reviews
Archer, LA 144
Budget consultations
Jolly, LA 84
Budget decisions
Gerrard, LA 85-86
Gilleshammer, LA 85-86
Jolly, LA 85-86
Budget process
Archer, LA 144
Ardern, LA 175
Bailey, LA 137
Barr, LA 177
Caldwell, LA 128
Chapman, LA 182-183
Duma, LA 114
Durston, LA 87
Geekie, LA 90
Glowacki, LA 128
Larsson, LA 192
Stahlke, LA 151-152
Wohlgemut, LA 92
Budget requirements
Wishanski, LA 156
Classroom resources
Stankevicius, LA 187
Collective agreements, negotiation of
Oakley, LA 148
Collective agreements, protection of
Oakley, LA 147
Combination classes
Barrett, LA 90-91
Geekie, LA 90-91
Schuler, LA 91
Spytkowski, LA 190
Consultation process
Barr, LA 178
Caldwell, LA 178
Ardern, LA 176
Cummings, LA 176
Contracts, harmonization of
Durston, LA 88
Gilleshammer, LA 88
Cost benefit
Durston, LA 88
Furgala, LA 82
Gilleshammer, LA 88
Loewen, LA 82
Cost benefits
Archer, LA 146
Bailey, LA 138
Caldwell, LA 200
Gerrard, LA 2000
Gilleshammer, LA 146
Loewen, LA 155
Schuler, LA 138
Stahlke, LA 155
Cultural diversity
Jennissen, LA 191
Democratic rights
Kantyluk, LA 141
Disruption in programming
Caldwell, LA 132
Penner, L., LA 129-132
Educational benefits
Larsson, LA 193
Educational purpose
Barrett, LA 98-99
Employee layoffs
Oakley, LA 148
Employee placements, appeal of
Oakley, LA 148
Employee transfers
Carey, LA 118
Ardern, LA 174
Barrett, LA 107
Froese, LA 107
French immersion programs
Bailey, LA 137
Gilleshammer, LA 125
Schuler, LA 108
French immersion programsPenner, L., LA 129-130
Future amalgamations
Ardern, LA 176
Cummings, LA 176
Gilleshammer, LA 194
Larsson, LA 195
Industrial arts
Bailey, LA 138
Interim boards
Furgala, LA 81
Labour relations
Caldwell, LA 150
Oakley, LA 150
Legal challenges
Andrushko, L., LA 100-101
Duma, LA 115
Local representation
Barr, LA 177
Friesen, John, LA 140
Froese, LA 106
Gilleshammer, LA 106
Land, LA 179-180
Wishanski, LA 155
Ministerial authority
Archer, LA 143
Chapman, LA 181-182
Froese, LA 105
Gilleshammer, LA 83
Hayward Williams, LA 110
Jolly, LA 83-85
Stahlke, LA 151
Wiebe, LA 107
Archer, LA 142
Norrie Commission
Glowacki, LA 126
Opening statements
Caldwell, LA 198
Gerrard, LA 199
Gilleshammer, LA 198-199
Outcome Based Education program
Larsson, LA 193-194
Pension benefits of nonteaching staff
Oakley, LA 149
Professional development
Bailey, LA 137
Programs, access to
Ardern, LA 174
Public consultationsPenner, L., LA 130
Public education, funding of
Barr, LA 179
Bell, LA 179
Caldwell, LA 179
Gilleshammer, LA 178-179
Public reaction
Ardern, LA 175-176
Barrett, LA 175-176
Public Schools Act preamble
Caldwell, LA 116-117
Duma, LA 114-115
Public schools, funding of
Gilleshammer, LA 93
Barr, LA 177
Durston, LA 86
Furgala, LA 81
Laurendeau, LA 184
Stahlke, LA 153
Wishanski, LA 156
Remuneration, trustees
Cummings, LA 189
Stankevicius, LA 189
Resources, access to
Smith, S., LA 99
Spytkowski, LA 190
Right to appeal
Furgala, LA 81
School closures
Gilleshammer, LA 99
Wohlgemut, LA 92
School closures, moratorium on
Ardern, LA 174
School divisions, future of
Gilleshammer, LA 93
Wohlgemut, LA 93
School divisions, size of
Grafton, LA 186
Rondeau, LA 186
Seniority, integration of
Loewen, LA 150
Oakley, LA 147-148, LA 150
Shared service agreement
Caldwell, LA 172
Gilleshammer, LA 172
James, LA 172
Shared service agreements
Andrushko, G., LA 104
Andrushko, L., LA 101-102
Bailey, LA 137
Caldwell, LA 101, LA 104, LA 108-109, LA 127-128, LA 136
Glowacki, LA 126-127
Hayward Williams, LA 109
Risbey, LA 136
Wiebe, LA 108-109
Smaller divisions, benefits to
Barrett, LA 95
Blagden, LA 94-97
Geekie, LA 89-90
Schuler, LA 95-96
Smith, J., LA 96-97
Struthers, LA 96
Special needs children
Carey, LA 117, LA 119-120
Struthers, LA 119
Special needs students
Bailey, LA 138
Springfield Collegiate, capacity of
Andrushko, G., LA 103-104
Schuler, LA 103
Staff transfer requests
Carey, LA 117
Students' rights
Risbey, LA 135
Teacher morale
Caldwell, LA 188
Gilleshammer, LA 191
Spytkowski, LA 190, LA 191-192
Stankevicius, LA 188
Teacher transfers
Ardern, LA 176
Bailey, LA 137-138
Caldwell, LA 176
Gilleshammer, LA 135-1366, LA 176
Risbey, LA 134-135, LA 136
Transcona-Springfield School Division
Daher, LA 168-170
Gilleshammer, LA 168-170, LA 180-181
James, LA 171-172
Land, LA 181
Mehl, LA 166-168
Transition costs
Larsson, LA 193
Unionized employees, priority of
Oakley, LA 148
Working environment
Ardern, LA 174