Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


National Convenience Store Distributors Association. See Fulton, Ron; Martial, Luc

Naylor, Lisa (Private Citizen)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Adoption, LA 318-319

Neufled, Carmen (Manitoba Liquor Control Commission)

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Administrative costs, PUNR 17

AIR MILES Program, PUNR 18

Alcohol awareness education, PUNR 22-23

Annual reports, PUNR 10

Salaries and benefits, PUNR 13

Nevakshonoff, Thomas (Interlake) N.D.P.

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)

Metis, definition of, LA 415

Métis, definition of, LA 421


Moving polls, PE 27

New Life Ministries Organization. See Lehotsky, Harry

Newman, David (Private Citizen)

Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44), LA 292-298

Newton, Weldon (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23), LA 463-466

Manure management planner, LA 464

Off-farm manure application, LA 464, LA 465

Organic farm operations, LA 466

Training costs, LA 464, LA 465

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 568

Public presenters

Ackerman, LA 523-524

Anderson, LA 563-565

Barwinsky, LA 550-551

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 554-555

Callard, LA 536-539

Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, LA 533-536

Canadian Cancer Society, LA 547-550

Canadian Federation of Independent Business, LA 544-547

College of Family Physicians of Manitoba, LA 557-559

Draffin Jones, LA 552-553

Emberley, LA 553-554

Fulton, LA 533

Garven Convenience Store, LA 551-552

Gibson, LA 559-561

Greaves, LA 539-541

Harder, LA 528-529

Heart and Stroke Foundation, LA 554-555

Logan Gas and Car Wash, LA 555-557

Manitoba Lung Association, LA 552-553

Manitoba Medical Association, LA 550-551

Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance, LA 559-561

Martial, LA 530-533

Mazowita, LA 557-559

Meinzer, LA 555-557

National Convenience Store Distributors Association, LA 530-533

Ostiguay, LA 547-550

Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada, LA 536-539

Rubenfeld, LA 526

Saskatchewan Coalition for Tobacco Reduction, LA 539-541

Scott, LA 561-563

St. Laurent, LA 524

Tena, LA 551-552

Toyne, LA 539

Waters, LA 533-536

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, LA 557-559

Wiseman, LA 544-547

Yanofsky, LA 524-526

Written submissions

Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, LA 576-582

Bhangu, LA 571-572

Canadian Council for Tobacco Control, LA 571

Dominion News and Gifts, LA 570

Dugald Convenience Store, LA 569

Fairbairn, LA 572-573

Gingues, LA 571

King, LA 569

Libich, LA 573-576

Maslove, LA 570

Medina, LA 571

Miller, LA 569-570

Northside Market Convenience Store, LA 569-570

Pal's Supermarket, LA 571-572

Thompson, LA 576-582

Valour Convenience Store, LA 571

Advisory committee

Waters, LA 535

B.C. legislation

Scott, LA 562

Business, concerns of

Wiseman, LA 547

Business, impact on

Callard, LA 538

Martial, LA 532

Clean air initiatives

Meinzer, LA 556


Fulton, LA 533

Martial, LA 530, LA 531-532, LA 533

Penner, Jack, LA 533

Waters, LA 533, LA 535

Wiseman, LA 545

Consumer education programs

Penner, Jack, LA 535

Toyne, LA 539

Waters, LA 535-536

Departmental research

Martial, LA 532

Enforcement officers

Greaves, LA 540

Expected outcomes

Martial, LA 532

Health care costs

Mazowita, LA 558

Health costs

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 555

Health effects of tobacco use

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 554-555

Gibson, LA 560

Mortality rate

Gibson, LA 560

Mazowita, LA 558-559

Operation I.D.

Greaves, LA 540

Waters, LA 534

Wiseman, LA 545

Prevention programs

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 555

Retailers, cost to

Wiseman, LA 546

Retailers, impact on

Wiseman, LA 545

Saskatchewan legislation

Greaves, LA 540, LA 541

Smoking ban

Mazowita, LA 559

Rocan, LA 559

Yanofsky, LA 525

Tobacco industry lobby efforts

Greaves, LA 541

Tobacco product displays

Barwinsky, LA 550-551

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 555

Callard, LA 537-538

Draffin Jones, LA 552-553

Greaves, LA 540

Harder, LA 528-529

Martial, LA 531

Mazowita, LA 557

Meinzer, LA 555-556

Mihychuk, LA 529

Ostiguay, LA 548-549

Scott, LA 562-563

St. Laurent, LA 524

Tena, LA 551-552

Toyne, LA 539

Waters, LA 534-535

Wiseman, LA 545

Yanofsky, LA 525

Tobacco products, denormalization of

Gibson, LA 561

Tobacco products, federal labeling regulations

Martial, LA 532

Waters, LA 534

Tobacco products, penalties for possession of

Wiseman, LA 545, LA 546, LA 547

Tobacco products, sales to minors

Harder, LA 529

Tobacco use, provincial comparisons

Bernhardt-Lowdon, LA 555

Norrie, William (The Forks North Portage Partnership)

The Forks North Portage Partnership

Board of directors, MA 2

Eaton's site, alternative proposals, MA 18

The Forks

Hotel construction, MA 10

Housing, MA 11-12

Prairie Dog rail service, MA 18-19

History, MA 2

Housing, MA 15-16

North Portage

Construction activity, impact on retailers, MA 13

Movie theatres, closure of, MA 12

Opening remarks, MA 2-3

Redevelopment plans, MA 3

True North Entertainment Complex, MA 13

Northside Market Convenience Store. See Miller, Ida

Novak, Thomas (Dignity Winnipeg)

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 344-346


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