STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mackintosh, Hon. Gord (St. Johns) N.D.P.
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Opening statements, LA 372
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)
Clause 16(8), LA 510
Clause 16(29), LA 510
Clause 25(7), LA 511
Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)
Medical negligence, LA 237-238
Opening statements, LA 235-236
Retroactive clause, LA 229-230, LA 238-240
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Bill 32)
Clause 9(2), LA 300
Clause 10, LA 300-301
Clause 11, LA 301
Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)
Clause 6(1)(a), LA 75
First Nations communities, LA 26
Judicial Compensation Committee
Courtroom utilization statistics, PE 10-11
Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)
Clause 2, LA 25
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Opening statements, LA 305, LA 308-309
Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
Opening statements, PA 2-3
Procedural changes
Ability to make recommendations, PA 7-8
Agenda, PA 6
Annual reports, PA 14
Auditor General, PA 8
Chairperson, role of, PA 9
Committee powers, PA 16
In-camera meetings, PA 13-14
Information, access to, PA 10
Mandatory review, PA 3-4
Meeting schedule, PA 13
Of Cabinet members, PA 12
Professional development, PA 11
Regular meetings, PA 4-6
Witnesses, PA 14
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
Clause 61, LA 499
Clause 62(1), LA 499
Opening statements, LA 495
Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)
French translation, LA 243-244
MacPherson, Erika (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Adoption, LA 320
Birth registration, LA 320
MACS Convenience Stores. See Toyne, Don
Maguire, Larry (Arthur-Virden) P.C.
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)
Nonresident landowners, LA 33-34, LA 35-36, LA 39
Opening statements, LA 63-64
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
Mandatory registration, LA 482
Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
Annual report, PUNR 15
Software development, PUNR 15
Provincial Auditor
Value-for-Money Audits
Public Trustee and companion services, PA 27-28
Mandzuik, Ken (Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Written submission, LA 392
Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties. See Mandzuik, Ken
Manitoba Association of Architects. See Kohlmeyer, Steve
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils. See Duma, Diane
Manitoba Association of Registered Dietiticians. See Lang, Caroline
Manitoba Association of School Trustees. See Archer, Linda; Duhamel, Carolyn
Manitoba Bar Association. See also Buchwald, Richard; Law, Mike
Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)
Written submission, LA 511-517
Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council. See Martens, David
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce. See Starmer, Graham
Manitoba Employers Council. See Labossière, Paul
Manitoba Federation of Labour. See Doyle, John
Manitoba Human Rights Commission. See Baldwin, Janet; Leven, Elliot
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)
Public presenters
Anderson, MA 69-75
Bage, MA 62-65
Berthelette, MA 64-66
Consumers' Association of Canada, MA 79-82
Cruden, MA 85-89
Desorcy, MA 79-82
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, MA 69-75
Manitoba Society of Seniors, MA 85-89
Thompson Labour Committee, MA 64-66
United Steel Workers of America, Local 7106, MA 62-65
Desorcy, MA 79
Berthelette, MA 65
Loewen, LA 583-584
Borrowing costs
Desorcy, MA 80
Loewen, MA 80
Selinger, MA 79-80
Cruden, MA 89
Schuler, MA 89
Consumers, impact on
Cruden, MA 86
Corporate taxes
Desorcy, MA 80
Selinger, MA 80
First Nation agreements, costs associated with
Cruden, MA 87
Future expansion plans
Cruden, MA 86
Government deficit, funding of
Cruden, MA 87
Loewen, MA 87
Interest expenses
Desorcy, MA 79
Opening statements
Loewen, LA 583
Public Utilities Board, referral to
Anderson, MA 74-75
Loewen, MA 74
Rate equalization
Bage, MA 62
Rate increases
Cruden, MA 87-88
Loewen, MA 87-88
Regressive tax measure
Desorcy, MA 79
Resource revenue sharing
Anderson, MA 71-74
Selinger, MA 73
Retained earnings, definition of
Desorcy, MA 82
Selinger, MA 82
Taxation, additional form of
Cruden, MA 86
Transfer payment
Bage, MA 63
Water power rental agreement
Desorcy, MA 81-82
Selinger, MA 81-82
Aboriginal relations
Brennan, PUNR 31
About Manitoba Hydro
Brennan, PUNR 27
Alternative energy resources
Brennan, PUNR 33
Capital expenditures
Brennan, PUNR 40-41
Loewen, PUNR 38-40
Selinger, PUNR 38-40
Cash position
Brennan, PUNR 34-36
Loewen, PUNR 34-36
Centra Gas
Brennan, PUNR 27
Corporate goals
Brennan, PUNR 27
Corporate mission
Brennan, PUNR 27
Debt equity ration
Brennan, PUNR 46
Loewen, PUNR 46
Selinger, PUNR 46
Debt reduction
Brennan, PUNR 34
Loewen, PUNR 34
Export power sales
Brennan, PUNR 30, PUNR 45
Loewen, PUNR 43-45
Selinger, PUNR 43-44
Export/import capability
Brennan, PUNR 28
Financial forecast, profits
Brennan, PUNR 37-38
Loewen, PUNR 37-38
Selinger, PUNR 38
Financial statements
Brennan, PUNR 33-34
Loewen, PUNR 33-34
Selinger, PUNR 33-34
Future development
Brennan, PUNR 32
Industrial development
Brennan, PUNR 31
Industry comparisons
Brennan, PUNR 28
Natural gas operations
Brennan, PUNR 33
Net income
Brennan, PUNR 28
Northern projects
Brennan, PUNR 45-46
Loewen, PUNR 45-46
Selinger, PUNR 45-46
Opening statements
Brennan, PUNR 27-33
Loewen, PUNR 27
Selinger, PUNR 26
Power Smart program
Brennan, PUNR 30-31
Transfer payment
Brennan, PUNR 29-30, PUNR 36, PUNR 41-42
Loewen, PUNR 36-37, PUNR 41-43
Selinger, PUNR 36-37, PUNR 41-43
Water supply for generation purposes
Brennan, PUNR 28
Winnipeg Hydro
Acquisition of
Brennan, PUNR 29
Brennan, PUNR 29
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak. See Flett, Francis; Garrioch, Sydney
Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
Administrative costs
Faurschou, PUNR 17
Lussier, PUNR 14
Neufeld, PUNR 17
Reimer, PUNR 14
Smith, S., PUNR 17
Derkach, PUNR 19-21
Faurschou, PUNR 17-18
Lussier, PUNR 6, PUNR 17-19
Neufeld, PUNR 18
Reimer, PUNR 6
Smith, S., PUNR 18-22
Alcohol awareness education
Derkach, PUNR 22-23
Lussier, PUNR 22
Neufeld, PUNR 22-23
Smith, S., PUNR 22
Alcohol awareness education funding
Lussier, PUNR 14
Reimer, PUNR 14
Smith, S., PUNR 14
Alcohol education committee
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Annual report
Maloway, PUNR 15
Smith, S., PUNR 15
Annual reports
Faurschou, PUNR 10
Neufeld, PUNR 10
Bartender training for permit holders
Lussier, PUNR 7
Reimer, PUNR 6-7
Customer surves
Smith, S., PUNR 3-4
Education centre
Smith, S., PUNR 4
Employee development programs
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Fetal alcohol syndrome awareness programs
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Impact on provincial economy
Smith, S., PUNR 3
Inspection services
Smith, S., PUNR 3
Legislation review
Smith, S., PUNR 4
Local breweries
Minimum pricing, effects of
Lussier, PUNR 5-6
Reimer, PUNR 5
New outlets
Lussier, PUNR 15
Reimer, PUNR 15
Occasional permits, Wesward Resort (Portage la Prairie)
Faurschou, PUNR 13, PUNR 16
Lussier, PUNR 13-14
Smith, S., PUNR 13, PUNR 16
Opening statements
Smith, S., PUNR 1-4
Ordering system
Lussier, PUNR 5
Reimer, PUNR 4-5
Responsible Server Committee
Smith, S., PUNR 3
Responsible Server Program
Faurschou, PUNR 12
Helwer, PUNR 9-10
Lussier, PUNR 12
Smith, S., PUNR 10, PUNR 12
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Salaries and benefits
Faurschou, PUNR 12
Neufeld, PUNR 13
Smith, S., PUNR 12-13
Social responsibility initiatives
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Software development
Lussier, PUNR 15-16
Maloway, PUNR 15
Vendor agreements
Product delivery
Helwer, PUNR 9
Smith, S., PUNR 9
Vendor licence (Petersfield)
Helwer, PUNR 7-8
Lussier, PUNR 8-9
Smith, S., PUNR 7-8
Wine stores
Faurschou, PUNR 10-11
Smith, S., PUNR 10-11
Workplace attitutde survey
Smith, S., PUNR 2
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
McGifford, ED 4
Derkach, ED 9-10, ED 14, ED 17-22
McGifford, ED 10, ED 11, ED 13-14, ED 17-23
Business function review
McGifford, ED 4
Casino operations
Hours of operation
Derkach, ED 15
McGifford, ED 16
Review of
McGifford, ED 4
Financial management practices
McGifford, ED 4
First Nations casinos
Derkach, ED 7
McGifford, ED 5-6
Derkach, ED 6-7
McGifford, ED 11
Social costs
Derkach, ED 13
Tourism, impact on
Derkach, ED 7
Youth, impact on
Derkach, ED 7
Human resource review
McGifford, ED 4
Net income
McGifford, ED 3
Provincial Auditor's report
McGifford, ED 4
Responsible gaming initiative
McGifford, ED 5, ED 11
Strategic plan
McGifford, ED 4-5
Video lottery terminals
Derkach, ED 9
McGifford, ED 11-12
McGifford, ED 3
Manitoba Lung Association. See also Draffin Jones, Arlene
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Written submission, MA 146-147
Manitoba Medical Association. See Barwinsky, Jaroslaw
Manitoba Metis Federation. See Chartrand, David
Manitoba Municipal Administrators Association. See Thorsteinson, Grant
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Written submission, MA 147-150
Manitoba Pork Council. See Hacault, Marcel
Manitoba Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists. See Van Denakker, Tricia
Manitoba Society of Seniors. See Cruden, Charles
Manitoba Teachers' Society. See Ardern, Brian; Reimer, Art; Wohlgemut, Peter
Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance. See Gibson, Murray
Manitoba Youth for Clean Air. See Yanofsky, Aaron
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 314-316
Conflict of interest, disclosure of, LA 316
Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53), LA 447-449
Martens, David (Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 91-93
Education and training, IR 92
Enforcement, IR 92
Martens, Herm (Private Citizen)
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23), LA 449-451
Inspectors, powers of, LA 449-450
Search warrants, LA 450, LA 451
Martial, Luc (National Convenience Store Distributors Association)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 530-533
Business, impact on, LA 532
Consultations, LA 530, LA 531-532, LA 533
Departmental research, LA 532
Expected outcomes, LA 532
Tobacco product displays, LA 531
Tobacco products, federal labeling regulations, LA 532
Martindale, Doug (Burrows) N.D.P.
Polling places, location of, PE 30-31
Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 303), PB 7-8
Martinez, Luis (Private Citizen)
Medical Laboratory Technologists Act, LA 226-227
Academic requirements, LA 226
Self-regulation, LA 226
Maslove, Howard (Dominion News and Gifts)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submission, LA 570
Mazowita, Garey (Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and College of Family Physicians of Manitoba)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 557-559
Health care costs, LA 558
Mortality rate, LA 558-559
Smoking ban, LA 559
Tobacco product displays, LA 557
McCarron, John (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 363
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 370-371
McGifford, Hon. Diane (Lord Roberts) N.D.P.
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
Accountability, ED 4
Advertising, ED 10, ED 11, ED 13-14, ED 17-23
Business function review, ED 4
Casino operations
Hours of operation, ED 16
Review of, ED 4
Financial management practices, ED 4
First Nations casinos, ED 5-6
Gaming, expansion of, ED 11
Humam resource review, ED 4
Net income, ED 3
Provincial Auditor's report, ED 4
Responsible gaming initiative, ED 5, ED 11
Strategic plan, ED 4-5
Video lottery terminals
Arena, ED 11-12
Revenues, ED 3
McLaughlin, Jack (Private Citizen)
Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15), LA 227-231
Retroactive clause, LA 227-231
Royal Assent, LA 228
McLennan, Doug (Department of National Defence)
Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9), PE 34
McPherson, Rosemarie (Métis Women of Manitoba)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 421-423
Adoption, LA 422-423
Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (Bill 31)
Public presenters
Coalition for Access to Physician Profiles, LA 526-528
College of Physicians and Surgeons, LA 541-544
Miris, LA 528
Pope, LA 541-544
Potovsky-Beachell, LA 526-528
Written submissions
Consumers' Association of Canada, LA 568-569
Dispute resolution mechanism
Pope, LA 542
Health care professionals, application to
Pope, LA 543
Physician profiles
Potovsky-Beachell, LA 527
Costs of
Pope, LA 543
Criminal offences
Pope, LA 542
Current information
Pope, LA 542
Incomplete reports
Driedger, LA 544
Pope, LA 544
Mortality rates
Chomiak, LA 566
Driedger, LA 527-528, LA 543, LA 566
Miris, LA 528
Pope, LA 543
Potovsky-Beachell, LA 527-528
Other medical malpractice claims
Pope, LA 542
Professional competence report
Potovsky-Beachell, LA 527-528
Chomiak, LA 566
Cummings, LA 566
Pope, LA 542
Medical Laboratory Technologists Act, LA 245
Public presenters
Manitoba Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists, LA 224-226
Martinez, LA 226-227
Van Denakker, LA 224-226
Academic requirements
Martinez, LA 226
Martinez, LA 226
Van Denakker, LA 225
Medina, Jerry (Valour Convenience Store)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submissions, LA 571
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Transcona-Springfield School Division, LA 166-168
Meinzer, Fred (Logan Gas and Car Wash)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 555-557
Clean air initiatives, LA 556
Tobacco product displays, LA 555-556
Mercury, Michael (Private Citizen)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
Assessment rolls, completion of, MA 140-141, MA 142
Interest on refunds, MA 142
Portioning, MA 141
Revision of assessment, mailing of, MA 141
Tax certificates, MA 142
Mesman, Harry (United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 832)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Appeal process, IR 56
Internal responsibility system, IR 54
Joint Safety and Health committees, IR 55
Powers of, IR 55-56
Recommendations, IR 55
Worker representatives, IR 55
Penalty assessments, IR 56
Training, IR 56
Unions, access to information, IR 55
Young workers, safety initiatives for, IR 54
Métis Child and Family and Community Services Program. See Engel, Carla
Métis Women of Manitoba. See McPherson, Rosemarie
Midland Teachers' Association. See Blagden, Craig
Mihychuk, Hon. MaryAnn (Minto) N.D.P.
Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)
Legislative Review Committee
Free-entry system, LA 287
Treaty rights, LA 287
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Tobacco product displays, LA 529
Miller, Ida (Northside Market Convenience Store)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submission, LA 569-570
Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19), LA 298-299
Public presenters
Anderson, LA 280-284
Flett, LA 276-279
Huebert, LA 284-288
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, LA 276-284
Flett, LA 279
Smith, J., LA 279
Anderson, LA 283
Gerrard, LA 283
Diamond exploration
Huebert, LA 286
Exploration permits
Huebert, LA 285
Legislative Review Committee
Free-entry system
Mihychuk, LA 287
Huebert, LA 287
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
Memorandum of Understanding
Flett, LA 277, LA 278-279
Gerrard, LA 278-279
Mineral access rights
Anderson, LA 283
Flett, LA 277
Smith, J., LA 283
Mineral exploration
Free-entry system
Flett, LA 277
Huebert, LA 287
Gerrard, LA 288
Huebert, LA 288
Mineral Exploration Liaison Committee
Huebert, LA 286
Huebert, LA 286
Prospector licenses
Huebert, LA 285
Special exploration permits
Anderson, LA 281
Tailings, classification of
Anderson, LA 283-284
Tailings, definition of
Huebert, LA 286
Treaty rights
Derkach, LA 279
Flett, LA 277-278, LA 279
Mihychuk, LA 287
Mining Association of Manitoba. See Huebert, Ed
Miris, Christine (Private Citizen)
Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 31), LA 528
Physician profiles
Mortality rates, LA 528
Mitchelson, Bonnie (River East) P.C.
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Opening statements, LA 374
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)
Accountability, LA 432-433
Board of directors
Women representation of, LA 430, LA 434
Board of directors, Francophone representation, LA 414
Children's Advocate, role of, LA 436
Dispute settlement mechanism, LA 435
Transition funding, LA 425
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
Clause 13(3), MA 156-157
Clause 148, MA 157-158
Clause 200(1), MA 158-159
Clause 222(2), MA 159-160
Clause 325, MA 162
Clause 330(1), MA 162-163
Clause 340(3), MA 165-166
Clause 379, MA 166-167
Clause 432(4), MA 168-169
Financial framework, MA 128
Opening statements, MA 155-156
Property taxes on multi-unit properties, MA 105
Timing of legislation, MA 115
Vacant and derelict buildings, MA 129-130
Variable mill rates, MA 110
The Forks North Portage Partnership
The Forks
Housing, MA 11-12
Parking, MA 9
North Portage
Construction activity, impact on retailers, MA 13
Movie theatres, closure of, MA 12
Opening remarks, MA 2
True North Entertainment Complex, MA 12-13
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 23-24
Moist, Paul (Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
Libraries, free use of, MA 97
Plans, approval of, MA 96-97
Watermains, cut-offs, MA 97
The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49), MA 92-93
Employee interests, MA 92-93
Public Utilities Board review, MA 93
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), MA 94-95
Accident investigations, MA 95
Education and training, MA 94, MA 95
Ergonomic provisions, MA 94, MA 95
Fines and penalties, MA 94
Mandatory inquests, MA 95
Regulations, exemption to, MA 94
Right to refuse work, MA 94
Stress related illnesses, MA 94
Supervisors, responsibilities of, MA 94
Workers of Tomorrow project, MA 95
Workplace Safety and Health committees, MA 94
Monkman, Gary (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 333
Morris-Macdonald School Division. See Adult learning centre reviews
Mother of Red Nations Women's Council of Manitoba. See Spillett, Leslie
Murray, Glen (City of Winnipeg)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 106-113
Frontage levies, MA 109
Planning commission, MA 109
Property taxes, MA 110
Tax increment financing program, MA 108, MA 109
Vacant and derelict buildings, MA 108
Variable mill rates, MA 110-112
Murray, Stuart (Kirkfield Park) P.C.
Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9), PE 35, PE 36
The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)
Public Utilities Board review, MA 91, MA 93
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Administrative penalties, IR 67-68, IR 72
Consensus recommendations, IR 68, IR 83
Consensus report, IR 90
Consultations, MA 61-62
Sustainability, MA 62
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
Opening statements, LA 495-496