STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ackerman, George (Private Citizen)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 523-524
Agassiz School Division
Gilleshammer, PA 83-85
Selinger, PA 84-85
Singleton, PA 83-85
Morris-Macdonald School Division
Allegations, source of
Gilleshammer, PA 70-72
Singleton, PA 70-72
Ferris report
Gilleshammer, PA 73
Lysyk, PA 73
Singleton, PA 73
HOPE learning centre, investigation of
Gilleshammer, PA 70-72
Selinger, PA 71
Singleton, PA 70-72
Inspection audit, definition of
Gilleshammer, PA 70
Singleton, PA 70
Gilleshammer, PA 69-72
Singleton, PA 69-72
Project team
Gilleshammer, PA 72-73
Lysyk, PA 72-73
Quality of education
Gerrard, PA 86-87
Lysyk, PA 86
Selinger, PA 86-87
Singleton, PA 86-87
Quality of education, principles for
Gilleshammer, PA 73-74
Singleton, PA 73-74
Recovery of funds
Gilleshammer, PA 76-83
Lysyk, PA 80-82
Selinger, PA 78-82
Singleton, PA 77-83
Transition period
Gilleshammer, PA 75
Singleton, PA 75
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20)
Public presenters
Brandon Adult Learning Centre, MA 35-37
Dejesus, MA 44-45
Foy, MA 24-26
Jensen, MA 29-31
Lavergne, C., MA 46
Lavergne, P., MA 43
Manitoba Teachers' Society, MA 31-35
Moir, MA 23-24
Provenski, MA 35-37
Reimer, A., MA 34-35
Stanick, MA 26-29
Storie, MA 38-43
Turtle Mountain School Division, MA 38-43
United Food and Commercial Workers, MA 43
Wohlgemut, MA 31-34
Written submissions
Border Land School Division, MA 50
Wiebe, MA 50
Winnipeg School Division, MA 50-54
Clause 1
Caldwell, MA 47-48
Clause 8(1)
Caldwell, MA 48
Clause 8(2)
Caldwell, MA 48
Clause 36
Caldwell, MA 49
Clause 38
Caldwell, MA 49
Opening statements
Caldwell, MA 46
Derkach, MA 47
Agassiz School Division. See Adult learning centre reviews
Agassiz Teachers' Association. See Bailey, Norah
Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. See Thompson, Bruce
Anderson, Glen (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Written submission, LA 212-213
Anderson, Gordon (Private Citizen)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37), LA 563-565
Anderson, Michael (Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak)
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41), MA 69-75
Public Utilities Board, referral to, MA 74-75
Resource revenue sharing, MA 71-74
Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19), LA 280-284
Consultations, LA 283
Mineral access rights, LA 283
Special exploration permits, LA 281
Tailings, classification of, LA 283-284
Andersson, Kathy (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
Written submission, LA 159
Andrushko, Greg (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 103-104
Shared service agreements, LA 104
Springfield Collegiate, capacity of, LA 103-104
Andrushko, Lauren (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 100-102
Legal challenges, LA 100-101
Shared service agreements, LA 101-102
Angus, Dave (Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 125-128
Charter, development of, MA 127
Financial framework, MA 127, MA 128
Frontage levies, MA 127
Private sector investment, attracting, MA 127-128
Service delivery, MA 127
Variable mill rate, MA 127
Archer, Linda (Manitoba Association of School Trustees)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 142-146
Administrative costs, LA 143-144, LA 145
Board of Reference, LA 142-143
Boundary reviews, LA 144
Budget process, LA 144
Cost benefits, LA 146
Ministerial authority, LA 143
Necessity, LA 142
Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)
Public presenters
Kohlmeyer, IR 40-42
Manitoba Association of Architects, IR 40-42
Architect, definition of
Kohlmeyer, IR 42
Schuler, IR 42
Penalties, disposition of
Barrett, IR 41
Kohlmeyer, IR 41-42
Schuler, IR 41-42
Ardern, Brian (Manitoba Teachers' Society)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 173-176
Board of Reference, LA 175
Boundaries, reasons to alter, LA 173
Budget process, LA 175
Consultations, LA 176
Equity, LA 174
Future amalgamations, LA 176
Programs, access to, LA 174
Public reaction, LA 175-176
School closures, moratorium on, LA 174
Teacher transfers, LA 176
Working environment, LA 174
Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.
Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)
Opening statements, LA 49-50
Revenues, LA 51-53
Trial period, impact of, LA 43
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
Identification decal, LA 483, LA 506-507
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
Clause 10(2), LA 496-497, LA 497
Comprehensive emergency management, LA 458
Opening statements, LA 495
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)
Provincial comparisons, IR 7
Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Company Limited Additional Powers Act (Bill 301)
Callum, PB 3
Harms, PB 6
Rondeau, PB 6
Association of Manitoba Municipalities. See Briese, Stuart
Association of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba. See Eadie, Sharon
August, Jim (The Forks North Portage Partnership)
The Forks North Portage Partnership
Administration costs, MA 16-17
Eaton's site, alternative proposals, MA 17
The Forks
Entertainment events, MA 7-8
Financial overview, MA 9
The Forks Market, MA 8
Greenhouse, MA 6
Hotel construction, MA 7, MA 10-11
Housing, MA 11
Manufacturing sector, MA 7
Marina development, MA 7
Parking fees, MA 8
Pedestrian bridge, MA 6
People mover feasibility study, MA 6
Splash Dash service, MA 6-7
Housing, MA 15
Landholdings, MA 4
North Portage
Development sites, MA 5
IMAX theatre, MA 5
Marketing, MA 5
Movie theatres, closure of, MA 12
Retail opportunities, MA 5
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre, MA 5
Opening remarks, MA 3-9
Staffing, MA 4
True North Entertainment Complex, MA 5, MA 13, MA 18