STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Fairbairn, Glennys (Fairnbairn Foods)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Written submission, LA 572-573
Farm safety. See Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)
Public presenters
McLaughlin, LA 227-231
Clause 5
Medical negligence
Gerrard, LA 237-238
Mackintosh, LA 237-238
Opening statements
Mackintosh, LA 235-236
Smith, J., LA 236-237
Retroactive clause
Mackintosh, LA 229-230, LA 238-240
McLaughlin, LA 227-231
Rocan, LA 240
Santos, LA 239
Smith, J., LA 230, LA 238-239, LA 241
Royal Assent
McLaughlin, LA 228
Smith, J., LA 228
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Bill 32)
Clause 9(2)
Mackintosh, LA 300
Clause 10
Mackintosh, LA 300-301
Clause 11
Mackintosh, LA 301
Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.
The Forks North Portage Partnership
Eaton's site, alternative proposals, MA 17
The Forks
Prairie Dog rail service, MA 18
True North Entertainment Complex, MA 17, MA 18
Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)
Clause 7, LA53, LA 58, LA59, LA 62
Opening statements, LA 50-51
Judicial Compensation Committee
Personal safety concerns, PE 9
Survivor benefits, PE 9
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)
Farming corporations, LA 36
Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
Administrative costs, PUNR 17
AIR MILES Program, PUNR 17-18
Annual reports, PUNR 10
Occasional permits, Wesward Resort (Portage la Prairie), PUNR 13, PUNR 16
Responsible Server Program, PUNR 12
Salaries and benefits, PUNR 12
Wine stores, PUNR 10-11
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
Clause 25(2), LA 507-508
Identification decal, LA 483
Portage District General Hospital Foundation, An Act to Amend and Act to Incorporate (Bill 300), LA 2-3
Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33)
Training completion fund, LA 291-292
Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Band statistics, LA 273
Gas bar, ownership of, LA 267-268
Police service, LA 275-276
Opening statements, LA 310
First Nations Accountability Coalition. See Freed, Leona
Fisher, Lloyd (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 338
Fleming, Elizabeth (Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba Inc.)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 426-428
Aboriginal policing services, LA 427
Accountability, LA 426-427
Appeal process, LA 427
Board of directors, women representation of, LA 426-427
Employees, professional standards for, LA 426
Employees, training for, LA 428
Employment practices, LA 428
Flett, Francis (Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 403-406
Aboriginal Justice Inquiry-Child Welfare Initiative, LA 404-405
Consultations, LA 406
Treaty rights, LA 406
Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)
Consultation, LA 279
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
Memorandum of Understanding, LA 277, LA 278-279
Mineral access rights, LA 277
Mineral exploration
Free-entry system, LA 277
Treaty rights, LA 277-278, LA 279
Forrest, Alex (United Firefighters of Winnipeg and International Association of Firefighters)
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5), IR 4-9
Firefighters' regular hours of work, IR 8
Firefighting equipment, IR 8
Occupational diseases, 9
Provincial comparisons, IR 7
Retroactive clause, IR 7, IR 13
Volunteer firefighters, IR 6-7
Fort Alexander Residential School Survivors Association. See Courchene, Elmer
Fort Garry School Division. See Stahlke, Craig
Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)
Clause 1(1)
Smith, J., LA27- 28
Clause 1(3)
Clause 1(4)
Clause 6(1)(a)
Mackintosh, LA 75
First Nations communities
Gerrard, LA 26
Mackintosh, LA 26
Fossay, Chuck (Keystone Agricultural Producers)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), MA 59-62
Consultations, MA 62
Education programs, MA 60
Farm accident areas
Self-assessment programs, MA 61
Farm safety officer, role of, MA 60
Fines and penalties, MA 62
Inspections and fines, MA 60
Sustainability, MA 62
Workers Compensation Board
Agricultural industry, involvement with, MA 61
Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20), MA 24-26
Fraser, George (Manitoba Home Builders Association)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), IR 84-87
Administrative penalties, IR 85
Education and training, IR 86
Stop-work orders, IR 85-86
Fraser, George (Urban Development Institute)
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39), MA 136-137
By-laws, passing or rejecting, MA 137
Planning Commission, MA 137
Plans and secondary plans, MA 136
Subdivision approvals, MA 136-137
Freed, Leona (First Nations Accountability Coalition)
Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35), LA 428-430
Appeal process, LA 430
Board of directors, LA 429-430
Women representation of, LA 430
Employees, professional standards for, LA 430
Employees, training for, LA 429
Friesen, Hon. Jean (Wolseley) N.D.P.
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
Clause 1
MA 156, MA 156
Clause 304(2), MA 161
Clause 306(1), MA 161
Clause 306(2), MA 161-162
Clause 409(3), MA 167-168
Clause 519(1), MA 169
Assessment rolls, completion of, MA 142
Buildings, equipment and materials, MA 131
Business activities, MA 133
City services, financing of, MA 120
Opening statements, MA 153-154
Property taxes on multi-unit properties, MA 105-106
Trade certification, MA 134
The Forks North Portage Partnership
The Forks
Prairie Dog rail service, MA 19
Opening remarks, MA 1-2
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)
Legislation review, LA 39
Nonresident landowners, LA 32-33, LA 35
Friesen, John (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 139-140
Local representation, LA 140
Friesen, Marilyn (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)
Parenting, LA 359-360
Froese, Hilda (Garden Valley School Division)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 104-107
Board of Reference, LA 105
Equity, LA 107
Local representation, LA 106
Ministerial authority, LA 105
Froese, John (Private Citizen)
Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34), LA 329
Fulton, Ron (National Convenience Store Distrubitors Association)
Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Consultations, LA 533
Furgala, Ruth Ann (Evergreen School Division)
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14), LA 80-83
Administrative costs, definition of, LA 81-82
Boundary commission reports, time limitations on, LA 82
Cost benefit, LA 82
Interim boards, LA 81
Ministerial authority, LA 81, LA 83
Regulations, LA 81
Right to appeal, LA 81