Manitoba’s Water Management Strategy
Water is central to the well-being of our natural environment, our economy, and our communities. Manitoba’s provincial Water Management Strategy aims to address the water needs and interests of all Manitobans, including local and Indigenous governments, communities, stakeholders, and the diverse sectors of the economy.
There are two main components to our water management strategy. The first is a Water Management Strategy Framework, which is a durable guiding document that sets the stage for future work and decision-making on water for the coming decade and beyond. The framework includes a vision, mission, guiding principles, and key focus areas with corresponding strategic objectives. The Water Management Strategy Framework was launched in November 2022.
The second component of the strategy is a Water Strategy Action Plan intended to be a focused guide to specific and time-bound actions that Manitoba is taking to transform the water management strategy framework’s focus areas and strategic objectives into concrete actions. The initial Water Strategy Action Plan was released in July 2023, building on the Water Management Strategy Framework and further engagement with Manitobans. It summarizes new water-related projects, programming and initiatives that the government has launched since the release of the Water Management Strategy Framework and will initiate in fiscal year 2023-24. The action plan is iterative and will be updated regularly to reflect work completed and to provide clarity on next steps and future initiatives. This is just the first action plan and there will be more to come.
Indigenous Peoples have a unique and important relationship with water. Manitoba is embarking on a structured, dedicated Indigenous engagement in 2023-24 to understand better Indigenous water priorities, needs and ideas, and how Indigenous Peoples would like to be engaged in the ongoing development and implementation of the strategy. This is an important opportunity to incorporate input and feedback obtained during the engagement into both the strategy framework and subsequent water action plans.
Many areas of government have a role to play in managing water. The Water Service and Programming Catalogue is now available as a one-stop link to Manitoba’s ongoing water services and available programming.
Please direct any water strategy related questions or comments to waterstrategy@gov.mb.ca and we will get back to you shortly.
Background Materials
Water Resources Management in Manitoba (July 2021)
A Made in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan
Water Management Strategy Framework, message from the Premier and Minister of Environment and Climate Change and News Release
Public and Stakeholder Input
Report of the Expert Advisory Council to the Minister
EngageMB public engagement on Water Management Strategy Framework - What We Heard Report
EMILI - Manitoba Water Management Strategy Recommendations Report
EngageMB public engagement on Initial Water Strategy Action Plan - What We Heard Report
Water in Environment and Climate Change
Environment and Climate Change provides services in a variety of areas aimed at protecting, maintaining, and improving water resources.
We focus on:
- administering and enforcing The Drinking Water Safety Act including monitoring the construction and operation of licensed public and semi-public water systems; and providing guidance and educational materials to water suppliers, private well owners and the public
- administering and enforcing The Water Rights Act as it relates to water control works and water use and diversion
- developing and implementing science-based programs, policies and legislation to support sustainable watershed and aquifer management and planning
- providing leadership and coordinating input into transboundary water quality and quantity management issues
- supporting Watershed Districts as established under The Watershed Districts Act and watershed planning as described under The Water Protection Act
- building capacity to manage Manitoba’s water resources and implementing practices that will maintain, protect, or improve water including water quality, aquatic habitat, drinking water, and climate change adaptation
- administering The Water Power Act
We encourage you to browse this webpage to learn more about water management in Manitoba.