GETTING THE JOB DONE Protecting Our Communities
Budget 2019 keeps our promises by fixing the finances, repairing services and rebuilding our economy.
We're investing in results for Manitobans and continuing on the road to recovery by investing in protecting our communities including:
- investing in a total of 16 transformation capital projects, including implementing new body scanner technology to improve safety in correctional facilities, for a total investment of $3.3 million and immediate savings of $1.1 million in 2019-20;
- increasing Manitoba's RCMP staffing complement by 29 positions including 27 RCMP officers and two administrative support staff;
- investing $500,000 for a new social impact bond designed to address recidivism in Manitoba and further the objectives of the Criminal Justice System Modernization Strategy;
- budgeting an additional $2.3 million for programming to target drug-related criminal activity including methamphetamines;
- investing $325,000 in new victim services supports including a Family Court Support Program to help victims of domestic violence as they work through family court;
- putting the proceeds of crime to good use by investing in police through the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund and Proceeds of Crime Fund; and
- moving forward with legislation intended to facilitate less expensive, less adversarial and timelier resolution of law disputes as part of the family law reform initiative.