Budget 2019 keeps our promises by fixing the finances, repairing services and rebuilding our economy.
Manitoba Finance is investing in results for Manitobans and continuing on the road to recovery by keeping more money on kitchen tables including:
- reducing the summary deficit to $360 million, keeping government on track to balance the budget;
- eliminating growth in the government's debt-to-GDP ratio and budgeting more accurately;
- indexing tax brackets and the basic personal amount, removing almost 8,000 people from the tax rolls and saving Manitobans $36 million in 2019-20;
- rebuilding the province's savings by transferring an additional $50 million in 2019-20 to the `rainy day fund', for a projected balance of $265 million by March 31, 2020;
- ensuring no Manitoba sales tax is applied to the federal carbon tax;
- expanding electronic provincial tax filing services for businesses to reduce red tape and costs;
- reducing red tape for the Primary Caregiver Tax Credit by allowing caregivers to claim the credit when they file their income taxes by April 30 each year;
- extending the Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit for three more years;
- expanding the Fuel Tax Exemption for the forestry industry;
- eliminating the `sunset clause' for the Film and Video Production Tax Credit to support the growing industry in Manitoba;
- extending the Book Publishing Tax Credit for five more years;
- extending the Cultural Industries Printing Tax Credit for another year;
- moving forward with the new Public Safety Communications Service, which will replace the two-way radio service with a new, reliable communication system;
- implementing the government's Procurement Modernization Strategy; and
- facilitating the transition to a full summary budgeting and forecasting process.