The previous government raised the PST to eight per cent after promising to not do so. In 2016, we promised to cut the PST back to seven per cent. Budget 2019 delivers on that promise.
The PST cut will leave more money on kitchen tables all over our province, where it belongs. By the end of our second term, it will save an average family of four more than $3,000.
It will increase economic output and generate approximately 900 person-years of employment. Labour income, including wages and salaries, will grow by nearly $50 million per year. Manitoba's nominal GDP will grow by an estimated $90 million.
The previous government left our province with record debt and a summary deficit approaching $1 billion annually.
Our government has made tremendous progress in reducing the deficit over the past three years because we are shopping smarter and getting better results. We are getting better value for taxpayers.
Budget 2019 reduces the summary deficit to $360 million, and we are on track to deliver a balanced budget during our second term. It also ends the years of growth in our debt-to-GDP ratio that occurred under the previous government.
In 2016, we promised to reduce the PST back to seven per cent. We're keeping our promise.
We promised to cut ambulance fees to $250 by the end of our first term. Budget 2019 honours that promise as well.
We committed to spend at least $1 billion annually on strategic infrastructure and, for our fourth budget in a row, we are keeping that promise.
We promised to balance the budget in our second term, and we are on track to honour that commitment.
In each of our budgets, our government has increased our investments in health care, in education, and for families to the highest levels in Manitoba history. Budget 2019 continues that trend.
- Funding for health care is increased by $47.8 million, including increases for additional paramedics, Pharmacare, and addictions treatment.
- Funding for K to 12 education is increased by $6.6 million, while the K to 12 capital budget increases by $56.1 million to $202.2 million. It will pay for structural repairs, roof replacements, new mechanical systems and accessibility projects for schools all over the province.
- Budget 2019 also increases support for Community Living and disABILITY Services to $439.5 million, while funding for existing and new community based day care projects will grow by $759,000.
A strong infrastructure network is critical to our safety and a strong Manitoba economy.
- Budget 2019 keeps our commitment to spend at least $1 billion annually on strategic infrastructure such as roads and bridges, flood protection, hospitals, schools, universities and colleges. It allocates $350 million in funding for highways and $45 million for special Manitoba 150 infrastructure projects.
- Budget 2019 also invests more than $12 million in Travel Manitoba, and increases funding for the Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit, and the Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit.
- We are leading in private sector capital investment.
Strong, sustainable municipalities are the backbone of our province. That's why Manitoba's operational support for municipalities is among the most generous in Canada.
- Budget 2019 continues that commitment, by maintaining a total of $313.5 million in basket funding for our local governments. That includes unconditional operating and public safety funding baskets that provide municipalities with the flexibility they need to meet local needs, and infrastructure support to address planned capital projects.
- Local governments will also benefit from our reduction of the PST. The City of Winnipeg alone will save approximately $1.7 million annually.
- Our government is keeping Manitobans safe and addressing the needs of victims of crime. Budget 2019 adds 29 positions to Manitoba's RCMP staffing complement, including 27 additional officers.
- An additional $2.3 million in funding targets drug-related criminal activity, including methamphetamine and gang-related crime prevention initiatives.
- Budget 2019 also allocates an additional $325,000 for Victims Services and continues to support organizations like The Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Brandon Victim Services, and Candace House.