
Paleofloods in the Red River Basin

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Referenced Articles

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E. (2003). Paleoflood records for the Red River, Manitoba, Canada derived from anatomical tree-ring signatures. The Holocene 13.

St. George, S., Nielsen, E., Conciatori, F., and Tardif, J. (2002). Trends in Quercus macrocarpa vessel areas and their implications for tree-ring paleoflood studies. Tree-Ring Research 58. 3-10.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E. 2002. Hydroclimatic change in southern Manitoba (since AD 1409 inferred from tree rings. Quaternary Research.58, 103-111.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E. 2000. Signatures of high-magnitude 19th century floods in Quercus macrocarpa (Michx.) tree rings along the Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Geology 28, 899-902.


Conference Proceedings

St. George, S. and Nielsen, E., 2002. Applications of dendrohydrology to flood hazards in the Red River basin [Abstract]. Sixth International Conference on Dendrochronology. Québec City, Québec, August 22-27, 2002.

Brooks. G.R., St. George, S., Lewis, C.F.M., Medioli, B.E., Nielsen, E., Simpson, S., and Thorleifson, L.H. 2002. Geoscientific contributions to understanding flood hazards in the Red River valley, Manitoba. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 11-14, 2002.

St. George, S., Nielsen, E. and Ferguson, G. 2002. Paleoenvironmental evidence for hydroclimatic change and extreme flooding in the Red River basin over the last 700 years [Poster & Abstract]. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 11-14, 2002.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E., 2001. Recent hydroclimatic change in the Red River basin inferred from tree rings [Abstract]. Great Plains geomorphology and environmental change. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 27-29, 2002.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E., 2001. Paleoflood records for the Red River basin, Canada derived from anatomical signatures in Quercus macrocarpa [Poster & Abstract]. Tree Rings and People: An International Conference on the Future of Dendrochronology. Davos, Switzerland, September 22-26, 2001.

Nielsen, E. and St. George, S., 2001. Paleoflood records and hydrological change in southern Manitoba since AD 1460 [Abstract]. Global Change and its Impact on the North Atlantic Borderlands. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 27-30, 2001.

Buhay, W.M., Mayer, B., St. George, S., Nielsen, E., Harms, P., and Marcino, D., 2001. Tree-ring stable oxygen isotope rations indicating cooler and wetter climate conditions and high flood frequency periods in the Red River Basin, Manitoba, Canada [Abstract]. International Conference on the Study of Environmental Change Using Isotope Techniques, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, April 23-27, 2001.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E., 2000. Paleoflood signatures in Quercus macrocarpa (Michx.) along the Red River, Manitoba, Canada [Abstract]. GeoCanada 2000. Calgary, Alberta. May 29-June 2, 2000.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E., 2000. Dendrohydrological reconstruction of flooding in the Red River valley, Canada [Abstract]. The International Conference on Dendrochronology in the Third Millennium. Mendoza, Argentina. April 2-7, 2000.


Other Articles

Nielsen, E., St. George, S., Matile, G., and Keller, G. 2002. Environmental geoscience in the Red River valley. CPG/NGSC field trip guidebook. 2002 Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 14, 2002.

Buhay, W.M, Blair, D., Nielsen, E., St. George, S., and Brooks, G. 2002. Isotopic records of past hydroclimatic change in the Red River basin, southern Manitoba, Canada. PAGES newsletter 10, 9-10.

Brooks. G.R., St. George, S., Lewis, C.F.M., Medioli, B.E., Nielsen, E., Simpson, S., and Thorleifson, L.H. 2002. Geoscientific contributions to understanding flood hazards in the Red River valley, Manitoba. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 11-14, 2002.

St. George, S. and Nielsen, E., 2001. Dendrochronological analysis of a coffin board recovered from Pukatawagan Bay, Manitoba. Report to Manitoba Historic Resources, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 6, 2002.

St. George, S., Anderson, T.W., Forbes, D., Lewis, C.F.M., Nielsen, E., and Thorleifson, L.H., 2001. Climatic extremes in southern Manitoba during the past millennium. Final Report to the Canadian Climate Change Action Fund, Environment Canada.

Nielsen, E., and St. George, S., 2000. The paleoenvironmental history of the Red River valley since AD 1463. In Report of Activities, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Geological Services, p. 220-222.

St. George, S., and Nielsen, E., 2000. Developing tree-ring records for the Red River valley and southern Manitoba. Proceedings of the Red River Flood Project: Paleofloods in the Red River Basin Workshop. Manitoba Geological Survey. Winnipeg, Manitoba. April 15, 2000.

St. George, S., Nielsen, E., and Brooks, G., 1999. Tree rings into the next millennium! In Report of Activities, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Geological Services, p. 126-129.

St. George, S., Nielsen, E., and Brooks, G. 1999. Red River Research Project: 2. Flood record of the Red River determined by tree-ring analysis – preliminary results. In Red River Flooding – Decreasing Our Risks. Symposium of the Canadian Water Resources Association. October 27-28, 1999, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Thorleifson, H., Brooks, G., Hanuta, I., Kroker, S., Matile, G., Nielsen, E., Prévost, C., and Rannie, W. 1998. Red River flooding: evolutionary geomorphic trends and evidence for major floods in recent centuries (NTS 62H/W); in Report of Activities, 1998, Manitoba Energy and Mines, Geological Services, p. 186-195.


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