Manitoba Exploration Resources
Manitoba is known for its world-class deposits, and is also home to large underexplored remote regions of high mineral potential when compared with similar regions elsewhere in Canada.
In Manitoba, exploration is the driving force behind a sustainable mining industry that depends on the discovery of new deposits to succeed. Our quality geoscience data coupled with our rich natural resources forms a solid foundation for Manitoba's minerals sector. This page will allow you to access the tools you'll need to succeed in your Manitoba exploration endeavours.
A one-stop location for information on exploration and mining in Manitoba. Featuring Indigenous engagement, permitting, programs and incentives, and Manitoba's geology.
Directory of Critical Mineral Occurrences in Manitoba
Directory of Exploration and Development Companies Pursuing Critical Minerals in Manitoba
Directory of Exploration and Development Companies Pursuing Gold in Manitoba
Available in alternate formats upon request.
Manitoba Mining, Exploration and Geoscience 2024–25
A snapshot of Manitoba mineral activity over the last year. Available in alternate formats upon request.
Manitoba Mineral Sector Profile
The mineral industry is one of the largest primary resource sector of the Manitoba economy.
Geology of Manitoba map
1:1 000 000 scale
Surficial Geology Compilation Map Series coverage at 1:1 million scale
Map front (2007) (PDF)
Map back (2007) (PDF)
Shapefiles (2017) (Zip file) -- This is a seamless map for the entire province, compiled at scales between 1:250 000 and 1: 50 000 scale.
Mineral Commodities in Manitoba
Manitoba's outstanding world-class deposits are central to building a prosperous and robust economy, to fostering sustainable and strong communities, and to strengthening employment growth for all Manitobans. These deposits include copper-zinc, gold, nickel and lithium. Information on these commodities, as well as information on critical minerals, the potential to host uranium and the discovery of diamonds, can be found on our Mineral Commodities in Manitoba page.
GIS Map Gallery
Our online interactive GIS Map Gallery is a robust and user-friendly tool allowing you to view Manitoba geology, mineral dispositions, and assessment and mineral disposition history with ease. The Map Gallery also allows you access to downloadable geophysical datasets.
iMaQs: Integrated Mining and Quarrying System
iMaQs is Manitoba’s integrated Mining and Quarrying system. iMaQs is an internet-based tool allowing certified Mines Branch clients to submit applications and manage their mining and quarrying dispositions online, anywhere, at anytime. iMaQs also allows the user to search through online assessment files.
Still have questions?
Our staff is dedicated to helping you meet and exceed your exploration and development goals. If you have any questions, please contact the Minerals, Petroleum and Geoscience Division..