Mines (Regulatory)
Quarry Rehabilitation on Private and Municipal Land Program
The Manitoba government has implemented a Quarry Rehabilitation on Private Land Program to rehabilitate depleted quarries and pits on private land. Learn more about the program.
Acts and Regulations
The complete text for The Mines and Minerals Act, as well as other acts, and accompanying regulations.
iMaQs - Integrated Mining and Quarrying System
iMaQs allows you to submit applications and maintain your dispositions from any computer connected to the Internet.
Information on mineral development programs in the province.
Procedures for Crown Consultation with Aboriginal Communities (draft)
The Government of Manitoba recognizes it has a duty to consult in a meaningful way with First Nations, Métis communities and other Aboriginal communities when any proposed provincial law, regulation, decision or action may infringe upon or adversely affect the exercise of an aboriginal right or treaty right of that Aboriginal community.
Assessment Information
Now available on-line, see the GIS Map Gallery.
Manitoba Minerals Guideline
Provides the framework for relationship-building between First Nations, the Métis Nation, Northern Communities, Government and Minerals Industry of Manitoba.
Land Access and Sustainable Development
To help plan your exploration program go to the land access map for basic land use and land tenure information affecting access for mineral exploration.
GIS Map Gallery
Examine interactive maps in our GIS Map Gallery, including Manitoba Mineral Dispositions, Assessment & Mineral Disposition History, and Geology.
Application Forms - Prospecting and Mining
All forms necessary to prospect and/or mine minerals (other than quarry minerals) in Manitoba under The Mines and Minerals Act and Mineral Disposition and Mineral Lease Regulation.
Application Forms - Quarrying
Applications and other related forms for mining crown quarry minerals and privately owned aggregate minerals are available online.
Conservation FAQs Regarding Quarrying
Staking Requirements
A brief guide on how to stake a claim in Manitoba.