Issue Resolution and Appeals Process
For tenants and applicants of Sponsor Managed properties, Click here to access the Sponsor Managed Issue Resolution Process information.
To provide consistency and fairness for Manitoba Housing tenants and applicants, decisions are based on program and standard operating policies and procedures. If you do not agree with a decision made by a staff member, you have the right to elevate your concern to the next higher level.
Issue Resolution Process
If you are a Manitoba Housing tenant (leaseholder) and want to discuss an issue where you are in disagreement with the decision made by Manitoba Housing staff member, please follow these steps to address your concern(s):
- Speak with your Property Manager or Tenant Service Coordinator. There may have been a misunderstanding or a need for more information to help resolve the issue.
- If you still have concerns, please ask to speak with the District Manager or Program Manager for your area.
Contact information for your Property Manager, Tenant Services Coordinator, Program Manager and District Manager is available at Manitoba Housing properties or through the Housing Communications Centre (HCC) at 204-945-4663 or toll-free at 1-800-661-4663.
Most issues can be resolved through these steps. After these steps are taken, if further consideration is needed to resolve the issue, please email your concern to Housing@gov.mb.ca and it will be reviewed by an appropriate senior staff member to support a fair and equitable decision. The decision will be provided in writing to the tenant.
Appeals Process:
The appeal process is used to ensure fair and equitable delivery of the Manitoba Housing Rental Housing Programs for applicants and tenants, their representatives, and community housing providers.
An appeal should be submitted when an applicant or tenant, their representative, or a community housing provider believes that:
- a Manitoba Housing’s Rental Housing Program policy(s) has not been followed.
- an exemption to the policy(s) should be considered.
- a policy(s) should be reviewed or amended.
Appeals are reviewed and decided upon by the Administrative Review Committee (ARC). The ARC is comprised of Board Members for the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation. The function of the ARC is to conduct a thorough investigation of the appeal, ensuring all core housing policies (rules, regulations and policies) are applied consistently; and to determine if an exception should be made. If the concern raised is within the scope of ARC, they will:
- Review your written submission on the matter.
- Discuss the facts of your concerns to determine if the policies have been adhered to.
- Provide a written response to the tenant/applicant.
What Can Be Appealed?
All Manitoba Housing Rental Housing Programs policies can be appealed.
The program policy manual is available publicly on the Manitoba Housing website. Click here for direct website access to the Rental Housing Programs Policy Manual in PDF format for social and affordable housing programs affecting the applicants and tenants of Manitoba Housing, Sponsor Managed groups with properties owned by Manitoba Housing Renewal Corporation, and community based housing partners.
The program manual is available in other formats, please contact the Corporate Compliance and Risk Management branch at StandardsandCompliance@gov.mb.ca to request an alternate format.
The ARC may:
- Overturn, vary or confirm the decision under review; or
- Substitute any decision that could have been made in the first instance.
- Impose any condition it deems appropriate when making its decision. Situations that fall under the review of ARC must be filed within 60 days after the decision has been issued by staff at Manitoba Housing.
What Can't Be Appealed?
- Issues currently before the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB).
- Issues ruled on by RTB, higher jurisdiction, or higher level of court.
- Collection of arrears and damages.
To make an appeal or to obtain more information on the appeal process, please contact:
Administrative Review Committee (ARC)
Telephone: 204-945-5477
Email: manitobahousingappeals@gov.mb.ca
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