When home is no longer, help is available

SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a computer in a safe place, or call 911. You can leave this site quickly by clicking on Quick Escape (note: this does not clear your browser history).

Note: If you have experienced family violence and are using a computer that is shared with your abuser, use extreme caution to clear your browser history when you are finished visiting this site. If you do not know how to clear your browser, search the help available for your particular browser or use a public computer if possible.

If you are in an abusive relationship, or you know someone who may be, call 1-877-977-0007 or text 204-792-5302 or 204-805-6682.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Resources and Supports Available in Manitoba

Resources and Supports:

Manitoba Emergency Contacts

Shelters for Emergency Housing due to Family Violence

Shelters for Emergency Housing for those experiencing homelessness



Help for:

Help for Elders

Help for Families

Help for Indigenous Peoples

Help for LGBT2SQ+

Help for Men

Help for Newcomers

Help for Persons with Disabilities

Help for Survivors of Sexual Violence

Help for Women

Help for Youth

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If you are in an abusive relationship, or you know someone who may be, call 1-877-977-0007 or text 204-792-5302 or 204-805-6682.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.