SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a computer in a safe place, or call 911. You can leave this site quickly by clicking on Quick Escape (note: this does not clear your browser history).
Note: If you have experienced family violence and are using a computer that is shared with your abuser, use extreme caution to clear your browser history when you are finished visiting this site. If you do not know how to clear your browser, search the help available for your particular browser or use a public computer if possible.
If you are in an abusive relationship, or you know someone who may be, call 1-877-977-0007 or text 204-792-5302 or 204-805-6682.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Help for People with Disabilities
Family violence is more likely to happen to people with intellectual, psychological or mental health disabilities than others. Persons who are dependent on others for daily assistance, or who are isolated, are at increased risk of abuse; they may be afraid to get help because they may depend on their abusive partners for help with their daily living. The disability itself may create challenges in getting help.
Acts of violence against people with disabilities may involve:
- physical force
- sexual abuse
- denial of rights (ex: food, medical care, good hygiene)
- threats or verbal abuse
- neglect and lack of care
- financial exploitation
If you are being abused, you:
- do not deserve to be abused
- have a right to live without fear
- are not to blame for the violence or the threats
- have the right to a safe, healthy environment and caring relationships
- have the right to control your own life and make your own decisions
There are things you can do to try and stop the abuse.
- No matter how long it’s been going on, or how scared you may be, tell someone you trust what is happening to you.
- If someone is hurting or threatening you or the place you’re staying at is not safe, call the police at 911.
- Talk with people (ex: neighbours, friends) to find out more about community resources that can provide help. See what your choices are for getting help with your personal and financial needs
All agencies funded through Gender-Based Violence Program support persons with disabilities, accommodating special needs wherever possible.
For more help, see Help for Persons with Disabilities