Women have always been a vital part of Canadian history, however their experiences have often gone unacknowledged or under appreciated. Below is an introduction to some key events in Canadian women’s history, and a little bit about the incredible women who brought them about.
It is common for text and chat support to take longer than 45 minutes.
To ensure you receive the support you need we would like to offer you the following options:
You can accept the following Terms of Use to begin a chat with the understanding that the conversation will need to wrap up by the end of the hour.
You can call us at 1-877-977-0007 to access support over the phone. Phone calls usually take less time than text and chat.
Terms of Use
The Izzy Platform is a confidential and specialized service for people who need crisis support. We do not provide emergency services and do not have police or ambulance capabilities. Please call 911 if you are in immediate crisis.
Izzy offers support, information and referral to local services and resources, it does not provide therapy or clinical care.
We take your privacy seriously. Information discussed through the Izzy text/chat is confidential within the Izzy service and will not be shared without your written permission.
There will be a record of your chat; however, it will be kept completely secure and confidential.
By using our service you agree to the following:
Individuals responding to your text/chat will be treated with respect and comments of disrespect or discrimination will not be tolerated.
You will do your best to be responsive and present in the chat, if you are unresponsive the chat may be ended.
When your carrier's standard messaging rates apply, you are responsible for all charges.
Izzy is not liable for any delayed or lost texts/chat messages.
We would like to connect you with the closest available support person.