Crown Timber & Permits

Where Can I get a Personal Use Timber Permit?

Personal Use Timber Permits are available online at Manitoba elicensing, through the elicensing Call Centre at 1-877-880-1203 and at Regional and District Forestry offices, see locations listed below.

The benefits of using an elicensing approach include:

  • Access 24 hours a day, seven days a week online or by telephone,1-877-880-1203
  • The ability to immediately purchase and print permits without having to go into an office.

Note, in order to purchase a Personal Use Timber Permit you must create or already have an account with Manitoba elicensing. More information on how to set up an account is available on the Manitoba elicencing Tutorials page.

Manitoba elicensing

Crown Timber

Manitoba's Crown Timber Pricing

Crown timber harvested in Manitoba is measured in cubic metres (m3). For each cubic metre of timber harvested, specific dues and charges must be paid. Commercial users must pay three specific charges as per The Forest Act:

  • Crown Timber Dues
  • Forest Renewal Charge (FRC) - The Forest Act states a forest renewal charge (FRC) shall be levied on all timber harvested on Crown lands. The revenues are to be used by Manitoba to reforest areas harvested by timber sale and timber permit holders, and by forest management license (FML) holders to reforest areas harvested within their License areas. The provincial FRC rate is $5.75 per cubic metre for softwoods and $0.50 per cubic metre for hardwoods and tamarack.
  • Fire Protection Charge (FPC) - The Fire Protection Charge ($0.17/m3) is collected to offset the firefighting/prevention costs the province undertakes to protect forest resources.

Market Based Timber Pricing

Timber dues are set monthly based on the previous month average commodity reference prices in accordance with Manitoba's Timber Dues Tables.

Timber dues for all other forest products and commodities will be established annually and periodically reviewed.

Timber prices will apply to all Crown timber moved, scaled or delivered that month. Timber prices will be updated on this website and will be available at Agriculture offices each month.

Timber Scaling Program

Timber scaling is the process of measuring or estimating the quantity of trees after they are felled, expressed as volume, area, length, mass or number of products.

Information collected from scaling is used to determine wood volumes for Crown dues payments, wage payments, statistical analysis, commercial transactions, research and development and inventory control.

The authority for the measurement of all forest products harvested on Crown lands in Manitoba is contained in the provisions of The Forest Act Chapter F 150 (C.C.S.M. c. F150) and Forest Use and Management Regulation 227/88 R which states:

Licence for scaler
16 No person shall act as a scaler unless he holds a valid and subsisting Manitoba scaler's licence.

Manitoba Manual of Scaling Instructions Fourth Edition, January 2023
This manual is used in both the full scaling course and the refresher course. It summarizes the procedures and instructions for scaling or measuring Crown timber as approved by the Director of Forestry.

Scaling Manual Fourth Edition January 2023

Manitoba's Monthly Timber Return

All timber delivered to a destination other than an FML and/or an EDT Mill must be reported and paid for by the Cutting Right holder (Quota holders or Timber Sale holders).

All timber that meets the above definition must be reported on the monthly timber return. The return only needs to be completed for months when Crown timber is moved or delivered. The return must be submitted by the end of the month following the month in which the timber was moved.

A year end March/final timber return is required from all cutting right holders when operations are complete or to declare you have not operated in the year. This final return must be submitted by April 30th. In the box on the lower right of the form, please check the applicable response. In the Remarks section include an estimate of on hand wood by species and location, use back of page if required. Return must be signed as usual.

The timber return forms have been revised to include harvest block number. Please enter the harvest block number from which the timber was harvested and summarize by commodity/product and block number. The electronic version will do this automatically. On the electronic version the regular and salvage FRC and FPC rates are available as drop down selections. Click on the rate box and select the appropriate rate. Please review the instructions tab of the timber return form for more details.

The timber return can either be completed by hand or electronically:

Monthly Timber Return - Electronic - Multi-page Microsoft Excel version that can be completed on your computer, all pages summarize (select Enable Macros when starting and save as Excel Macro-enabled Workbook).

Monthly Timber Return - Adobe PDF version that can be printed and completed by hand. The second page may be printed as many times as required.

Electronic Stacked Wood Tally Sheet - Microsoft Excel version that can be completed on your computer and submitted with the electronic timber return.

Timber return forms are available at Regional and certain District Forestry offices. See Forestry Offices tab for locations and phone numbers.

Scaling Plan Forms

Quota Holder Request for Forward Cut

If a Quota Holder wants to deliver more than their authorized volume for the operating year a Request for Forward Cut form must be completed and submitted to their regional forester. Signed approval must be received prior to harvesting the additional volume.

Signing Authority Form for Timber Sale Holders

The Signing Authority form is to be used by Timber Sale holders to give signing authority to another individual for Timber Returns, Scaling Plans, Operating Permits etc. Note completion of this form allows another person to sign paperwork, the Timber Sale holder is still responsible for the management of the Timber Sale including the accuracy and timely submission of all documents.

This form can be downloaded, completed and emailed, mailed or brought into your Regional Forester. Please keep a copy for your records.


Personal Use Timber Permits

Personal Use Timber Permits to cut fuelwood and wood for other personal uses on Crown land are available through Manitoba elicensing. The availability of wood for personal use and the demand for permits varies throughout the province. Each Region of the province will have different policies regarding the issuance of "Personal Use" permits in order to manage the forest resource sustainably.

How much do the permits cost?

The pricing is an all-in-one fee allowing the purchaser to harvest up to a fixed volume of timber.

Permit Volume
(up to)

Permit Fee







2.5 m3


$ 20.00

$ 1.00

$ 4.50

$ 25.50

5 m3


$ 25.00

$ 1.25

$ 4.50

$ 30.75

10 m3


$ 35.00

$ 1.75

$ 4.50

$ 41.25

15 m3


$ 45.00

$ 2.25

$ 4.50

$ 51.75

20 m3


$ 55.00

$ 2.75

$ 4.50

$ 62.25

25 m3


$ 65.00

$ 3.25

$ 4.50

$ 72.75

50 m3


$ 130.00

$ 6.50

$ 4.50

$ 141.00

75 m3


$ 195.00

$ 9.75

$ 4.50

$ 209.75

100 m3


$ 260.00

$ 13.00

$ 4.50

$ 277.50

As per the Forest Use and Management Regulation Personal Use Timber Permits are for own use only. It is illegal to sell any timber that was cut under the authority of a Personal Use Timber Permit. You must have the Personal Use Permit with you at all times when harvesting. Prior to the transport of timber harvested under the authority of the Personal Use Timber Permit, the Load Slip portion, included with the Personal Use Permit must be completed for every load. Harvesting and/or transporting of Crown timber without authority can result in substantial fines and potential confiscation of material and the equipment used in the unauthorized activity.

Terms and Conditions for Personal Use Timber Permits

  1. No live timber shall be cut within 150 metres of any Provincial Highway or any other Government Road unless the timber is marked or otherwise designated for removal by a Conservation Officer. 
  2. Brush and logging debris shall be cut, lopped and spread so as to lie close to the ground. Brush and logging debris on landings must be spread. Brush disposal must at all times keep pace with the cutting operations. Stumps shall not be cut higher than 30 centimetres from the highest point of adjacent ground.
  3. The permittee must in no way interfere with any fencing or other improvements on this land. No live timber shall be cut within 150 metres of any building unless marked or otherwise designated for removal by a Conservation Officer.
  4. Cutting of Elm for fuel wood is prohibited.
  5. Avoid damage to regeneration and/or planted areas.
  6. The use of heavy equipment (e.g. skidders, tractors, etc.) is prohibited unless authorized with a separate work permit obtained from a District office, before harvest occurs.
  7. No extensions past expiry date and no refunds on personal use timber permits after purchase. Fire and travel restrictions may be put in place during the Wildfire season. Check for Fire and travel restrictions at:
  8. Maximum volume 25 m3 per permit.
  9. Metis may only harvest in Manitoba Metis Natural Resource Harvesting Zone.

Fuelwood Designated Cutting Areas (DCA) in the Central and Eastern Region

DCA’s are areas setup for the non-commercial harvesting of Personal Fuelwood in a given geographic location. These areas have been vetted to ensure other resource values, private land or protected areas are taken into consideration. These areas are also established to concentrate personal use harvesting in a specific area so the appropriate silvicultural activities can be completed post harvest. An example of this could be follow up site preparation for natural renewal or tree planting may be required.

Using the list below, click on the district where you would like to cut timber for personal use. Use the table on the map to review the species, product availability and season of access. Note the DCA number you are interested in. Go to Manitoba elicensing, the elicensing Call Centre at 1-877-880-1203, to a Regional or District Forestry office, see locations listed below, to purchase your Personal Use Timber Permit for the DCA. A detailed map of the designated cutting area will be included with your Personal Use Timber Permit.

Central Region Designated Cutting Area Maps:

Click here to see the designated cutting areas in the Central Region.

Eastern Region Designated Cutting Area Maps:

Beausejour, North & South Whiteshell - Designated Cutting Areas
Lac du Bonnet and Pine Falls - Designated Cutting Areas
Steinbach and Sprague - Designated Cutting Areas

Eastern Region Specific Terms and Conditions

  1. Permit is valid for 90 days from date of purchase.
  2. White birch maximum harvest limit of five (5) m3.

Northeast Region

Harvest permitted, under the authority of a Personal Use Timber Permit, on unoccupied Crown Land. Avoid private land, First Nation Reserves, Treaty Land Entitlement areas, Ecological Reserves, regenerating and planted areas, etc. No harvest in Paint Lake Provincial Park.

Northwest Region

Harvest permitted, under the authority of a Personal Use Timber Permit, on unoccupied Crown Land. Avoid private land, First Nation Reserves, Treaty Land Entitlement areas, Ecological Reserves, regenerating and planted areas, etc.

Clearwater Provincial Park only cottage owners/residents within the park are allowed to harvest fuelwood. Contact district park manager at 204-620-5462.

Firewood Gathering Conditions – Clearwater Lake Provincial Park

  1. Dead trees are only allowed to be harvested. No green (live) trees are to be harvested.
  2. Gathering wood is by hand only. No mechanical harvesting.
  3. No hanging trees (widow makers) allowed to be left on site.
  4. All limbs are to be laid as close to the ground as possible.
  5. All wood must be harvested within 30 metres (100 feet) of the road.
  6. No motorized vehicles are to be used off of the main cottage roads.
  7. All conditions of the timber permit must be abided by.
  8. Existing trails, portages and other travel routes are not to be altered in anyway.
  9. No harvesting of firewood within 300 metres (330 feet) of recreational use areas, Campers Cove campground, The Boreal Way Hiking Trail and Pioneer campground.
  10. Trees are to be fallen away from the cottage road right of way.

Grass River Provincial Park allows harvest of fuelwood in certain areas.  Contact the district park manager at 204-271-4537 for specific conditions.

Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN) there is a 40 km Community Interest Zone around OCN, in which a permit holder is limited to two (2) cords (5m3). 

No harvest in Bakers Narrows or Wekusko Falls Provincial Parks.

Western Region

Harvest permitted, under the authority of a Personal use Timber Permit, on unoccupied Crown Land coloured light green, dark green or light brown on the maps, below. Avoid private land, First Nation Reserves, Treaty Land Entitlement areas, Ecological Reserves, regenerating and planted areas, etc. If unsure of harvest areas please contact your local District office for more information.

Click here for Western Region Maps.

Western Region Specific Terms and Conditions

  1. Harvest of timber within wayside or provincial parks is prohibited with the exception of Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Harvest of timber inside Duck Mountain Provincial Park within or near cottage subdivisions, campgrounds, sidings, boat launches or other built-up-areas requires additional approval from the District Parks Manager.
  2. In the Porcupine Provincial Forest and Duck Mountain Provincial Forest, harvest of balsam fir and tamarack of any size is allowed. Harvest of live black spruce and jack pine is limited to trees with butt diameters of 14 cm or less, used for post and rails. Harvest of live white spruce of any size is not permitted.

Volumes greater than 25 m3

Volumes greater than 25m3 are available only through a special application licence. Special Licence Applications are available through Manitoba elicencing. It may take several weeks or more for your application to be reviewed. You will be contacted regarding your application.

Other products and other areas

For inquiries related to other products and other areas, please submit a detailed request regarding location, species, product and volume, your name and contact information to You will be contacted regarding your request.

Buying Fuelwood Privately

Fuelwood can be purchased all over Manitoba from gas stations to campground stores or directly from timber harvesters. It can also be purchased in many forms from bundles to truck loads. Manitoba Natural Resources and Indigenous Futures does not regulate all aspects of this market therefore it is important that as the buyer you are as informed about your purchase of timber as possible.

Units of Measure

In Manitoba and throughout Canada the standard measurement of wood or timber is in cubic metres (m3). However when it comes to the measurement/sale of firewood the imperial measure of cords continues to be referenced. See these fact sheets for more information on the measurement of stacked wood in imperial or metric units. Timber is often sold already split, and although it is priced by the cord it may not be a "stacked" cord. It is between you and the seller to establish a price per unit so ensure you know how much you are really buying.  For more information about using firewood, go to the Manitoba Woodlot Association Wood-wise page.

Timber Dealers

Businesses purchasing timber from private land or Crown timber harvesters for resale must hold a valid Timber Dealers Licence. Therefore if you are buying fuelwood from a timber selling business, ask where their timber is from and if they hold a valid Timber Dealers licence. Note: Retailers selling small volumes of previously processed timber purchased from a Timber Dealer are generally not required to be licenced. For more information about Timber Dealers licenses contact 204-391-2133. Make sure that you obtain a receipt. The receipt should include the date, company name, address, telephone number, the price as well as the quantity and species.

Buying Local Timber and Invasive pests

There are many invasive pests, such as elm bark beetle which spreads Dutch Elm Disease, that can infect and kill Manitoba's beautiful native and urban forests. Some related tips to help reduce the spread of invasive pests:

  • DO NOT purchase, store or transport Elm wood
  • Do purchase fuelwood from local sources and Manitoba dealers

The City of Winnipeg is under Federal quarantine for the movement of ash wood and firewood of all species due to the discovery of emerald ash borer in 2017.  Do your part and help limit the spread of emerald ash borer to the rest of Manitoba.  Do not move ash wood and firewood outside of the city of Winnipeg. For more information go to Don’t Move Firewood.

For more information, please contact Manitoba Natural Resources and Indigenous Futures, Forestry Branch Tree Line at 204-945-7866.

Christmas Tree Permits

Christmas Tree Permits


Manitoba has many private Christmas tree farms where you can cut a farm grown Christmas tree or purchase a pre-cut Christmas tree. If you are looking for the perfect tree, please consider this option.

Starting December 1st, you can purchase a permit to cut your own Christmas tree on Crown land from:

  • Manitoba elicensing at: or elicensing Call Centre at 1-877-880-1203
  • Regional and District offices
  • Winnipeg
    • 118-1181 Portage Avenue, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Mon-Fri, phone 204-945-6784 or toll free 1-800-214-6497
    • 14 Fultz Boulevard, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Mon-Fri, phone 204-945-6666 or toll free 1-877-627-7226.

A Christmas tree permit cost $9.75 and allows the holder to cut one (1) coniferous Christmas tree not exceeding three (3) metres in height

Collection of Boughs and Branches for Commercial Use

Special conditions are in place for individuals interested in harvesting and collecting boughs and branches for commercial use (ex. wreath making). Please submit a detailed request regarding location, species, product and volume, your name and contact information to You will be contacted regarding your request.

carrying tree

Forestry Offices

If you are planning on visiting a district office, please call ahead to confirm the hours of operation.

Regional and District Forestry Offices

Eastern Region

Steinbach - Unit B - 284 Reimer Ave., R5G 0R5 (204-346-6110)
Lac du Bonnet - # 110 Hwy 502, Watertown Building, R0E 1A0 (204-345-1400)

District Offices:
Beausejour - Box 50, 20 First St. South, R0E 0C0 (204-268-6184)
Falcon Lake - Box 40, R0E 0N0 (204-349-2201)
Pine Falls – Hwy 304, R0E 1M0 (204-367-6130)
Rennie - Box 130, R0E 1R0 (204-369-3153)
Seven Sisters - Box 9, R0E 1Y0 (204-348-4004)
Sprague - Box 70, R0A 1Z0 (204-437-2348)

Central Region

Gimli – 75 7th Ave, Box 6000, R0C 1B0 (204-642-6073)

District Offices:

  • 118-1181 Portage Avenue - Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Phone 204-945-6784 or toll free 1-800-214-6497.
  • 14 Fultz Boulevard - Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Phone 204-945-6666 or toll free 1-877-627-7226.

Ashern – 15 Steenson Drive, Box 410, R0C 0E0 (204-768-2368)
Gypsumville - Box 9, R0C 1J0 (204-659-5208)
Hodgson – Box 119, R0C 1N0 (204-372-6296)
Lundar - Box 10, R0C 1Y0 (204-762-5229)
Manitou - Box 10, R0G 1G0 (204-242-2950)
Portage la Prairie - 25 Tupper St. N., R1N 3K1 (204-239-3204)
Riverton – 124 Main Street N, Box 70, R0C 2R0 (204-378-2261)
Selkirk - #1 Keystone Dr., R1A 2H5 (204-785-5080)

Northeast Region

Thompson - Box 28, 59 Elizabeth Dr., R8N 1X4 (204-677-6653)

District Offices:
Churchill - Box 760, R0B 0E0 (204-675-8897)
Gillam - Box 429, R0B 0L0 (204-652-2273)
Gods Lake Narrows - R0B 0M0 (204-335-2366)
Lynn Lake - Box 239, R0B 0W0 (204-356-2413)
Wabowden – Box 40, R0B 1S0 (204-689-2688)

Northwest Region

The Pas - Box 2550, R9A 1M4 (204-627-8287)

District Offices:
Cranberry Portage - Box 130, R0B 0H0 (204-472-3331)
Flin Flon - 203 - 143 Main St., R8A 1K2 (204-687-1640)
Grand Rapids – Box 322, Roc 1E0 (204-639-2241)
Snow Lake - Box 339, R0B 1M0 (204-358-2521)

Western Region

Swan River - Box 640, R0L 1Z0 (204-734-3429)

District Offices:
Boissevain - Box 820, R0K 0E0 (204-534-2028)
Brandon - Box 13, 1129 Queens Ave., R7A 1L9 (204-726-6441)
Carberry - Box 900, R0K 0H0 (204-834-8800)
Dauphin - Box 10, 27 - 2nd Ave., SW., R7N 3E5 (204-622-2106)
Neepawa - Box 1089, R0J 1H0 (204-476-2076)
Roblin - Box 849, Roblin, R0L 1P0 (204-937-6452)
Shoal Lake - Box 416, R0J 1Z0 (204-759-4080)
Virden - Box 1360, R0M 2C0 (204-748-4240)
Winnipegosis - Box 366, R0L 2G0 (204-656-7030)