Annual Reports

This Annual Report is organized in accordance with the appropriation structure for Natural Resources and Northern Development. The report includes information at the main and sub-appropriation levels relating to the Department's objectives, and actual results achieved. Financial performance information is provided with expenditure and revenue variance explanations, and a five-year adjusted historical table of staffing and expenditures.

This report and specific sections are available for download as PDF Adobe Icon files.

Natural Resources and Northern Development Annual Report 2022-2023 (1 MB)

thumbnail of annual report cover

Specific Sections:

This publication is available in alternate formats upon request.


For alternate format requests, please contact Mailen Regis, the Accessibility Coordinator, at the email below:

Natural Resources and Indigenous Futures
Accessibility Coordinator
900-259 Portage Avenue.
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2A9
Phone: 204-914-0609


Previous Reports:

Manitoba Environment and Climate Report 2021-2022 (1 MB)