Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Lab technicians. See Medical Laboratory Technologists Act (Bill 13)

Labour and Immigration, Department of


Debate, 1656-1671, 1735-1746, 2180-2198, 2276-2283, 2823-2841, 2986-3013, 3432-3433


Barrett, 1656-1663, 1668, 1739-1744, 2180-2198, 2276-2282, 2823-2841, 2986-3013, 3432

Faurschou, 2180-2192

Reimer, 2277-2279, 2281-2283, 2826-2841

Schuler, 1663-1671, 1735-1739, 1745-1746, 2193-2198, 2276-2277, 2280-2281, 2823-2826, 2986-3013, 3432-3433

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 55)

Barrett, 182

Conciliation, Mediation and Pay Equity Services

Barrett, 1659

Employment Standards

Barrett, 1658-1659


Barrett, 2194

Schuler, 2194


Barrett, 2193-2194, 2195-2196, 2198

Schuler, 2193-2194, 2195-2196, 2198

Supplementary Information (S.P. 142)

Barrett, 1561

Labour force statistics

Schuler, 1735

Labour legislation. See also Agriculture; Out-migration; Short-line railways

Economic impact

Barrett, 1740-1742

Schuler, 1736-1739, 1743-1746

Employee-owned businesses, impact on

Doer, 2975

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 203)


Faurschou, 3290


Cummings, 4174, 4178-4179

Faurschou, 4168-4169

Gerrard, 4174-4175

Gilleshammer, 4169-4172

Helwer, 4172-4174

Maguire, 4176-4178

Pitura, 4175-4176

Minister's support

Faurschou, 3296

Mihychuk, 3296

Labour relations legislation


Faurschou, 3141

Mihychuk, 3141


Helwer, 3332-3333

Mihychuk, 3332-3333

Succession rights

Faurschou, 3295-3296

Mihychuk, 3295-3296

Labour unions/associations

Unionization, rate of

Barrett, 2193

Lac du Bonnet (Constituency)

Hawranik, 776-777

Lafreniere, Laura and Christine

Rocan, 2817

Lake Dauphin. See Dauphin, Lake

Lake Manitoba. See Manitoba, Lake

Lake Manitoba Narrows Lodge

Nevakshonoff, 1496-1497

Lake Minnewasta. See Minnewasta, Lake

Lake of the Prairies. See Fisheries; Prairies, Lake of the

Lake of the Prairies Classic Fish Derby

Derkach, 1958

Lathlin, 1958

Lake Winnipeg. See Winnipeg, Lake

Lake Winnipeg Fishermen's Advisory Board

Lathlin, 1060

LAMC. See Legislative Assembly Management Commission

Lance Merritt Centre and Thrift Shop

Nevakshonoff, 2454

Land expropriation (Hecla). See also Hecla Advisory Committee

Civil servants, conduct of

Caldwell, 1647

Doer, 1647-1648, 1714, 1799-1800

Gerrard, 1647, 1714, 1799-1800, 1839-1840, 1942-1943, 1948-1949, 3416

Lathlin, 1839-1840, 1943, 3416-3417

Investigation results

Gerrard, 2050

Lathlin, 2050

Minister's action

Gerrard, 3370-3371

Lathlin, 3370-3371

Ombudsman, meeting with

Gerrard, 3370

Lathlin, 3370

Land Management Services Agency

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 67)

Ashton, 285

Land surveys. See also Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Special survey work

Hawranik, 1066

Lathlin, 1066

Survey monuments

Enns, 1065-1066

Lathlin, 1065-1066

Language training programs, community-based

Smith, J., 2609

Lathlin, Hon. Oscar (The Pas) N.D.P.

Aboriginal Resources Advisory Council

Establishment, 1054, 1130-1131

Overview, 2004-2005

Advisory groups, inclusion of Aboriginals, 1130

Agassiz Irrigation Association, 2126-2127

Alternate Land Use Services (ALUS), 2125-2126

Assiniboine Delta acquifer, 1420

Assiniboine River, notification of water treatment, 2008

Beaver population

Government initiatives, 766-767

Management program, funding of, 1068-1069

Winter Beaver Harvest Subsidy, 1058

Bioterrorism response protocols, 1060

Born Free Foundation, 3358

Canada-Manitoba Agreement for Water Quantity Surveys, 1422

Canadian Heritage River System, 1056

Caribou population, 1060

Caribou River park, 1425

Cedar Lake management plan, 1057

Clean Environment Commission, 2006-2007

Current activities, 2005-2006

Office location, 2006

Rothesay Rendering, odours, 243-244

Simplot plant, recommendations, 2006-2007

Staffing, 2009

Clearwater Lake Provincial Park, 812-813, 1119-1120, 1121-1122, 1425-1427, 3081

Climate Change Strategy, 1430, 1862-1863

CN train derailment (Firdale), 1048

Collette, Marc, 1587-1588

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 1052-1061, 1064-1070, 1127-1145, 1211-1224, 1314-1320, 1417-1434, 1574-1590, 1848, 1878-1893, 1953-1967, 2001-2010, 2063-2076, 2124-2130

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 91), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 149), 2167

Crown Lands Operations branch, 1889

Forestry, Status of

Five-year Report, 2001 (S.P. 140), 1487

Habitat Management and Ecosystem Monitoring Branch, 1059

Holmes, Glen, employment of, 2127

Internal committees, 1314-1315

Mapping services, 1065

Pension liability, cost of, 1065

Pollution Prevention Branch, 1059

Priorities, 1053

Regional services, 1069-1070

Remote Sensing branch, 1889

Staffing, 1064, 1066, 1070, 1887

Staffing, vacancies, 1420, 1422, 1432

Staffing, vacancy rate, 1143-1144

Water Quality Management, 1424

Crown lands, transfer of, 3218

Dauphin, Lake

Commercial fishing, 1880-1883

Management plan, 1131-1133, 1133-1134

Deer population, chronic wasting disease, 1058

Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association, 2118

Drainage system

Capital projects, 1141-1143

Funding, 1140-1141

Government action, 466-467

Drinking water

Boil water advisories, 1316

Government initiatives, 1055

Winnipeg River, 2176-2177

Dutch elm disease program, 1432

Elk population

Special hunting permits, 3981

Tuberculosis control, 1058

Endangered Spaces Program, 1429

Endangered species

General comments, 1058

Legislation, 2727-2728

Energy resources, alternative fuels, 1432

Environmental Livestock Program, 1059-1060

First Nation co-management agreements, 1054, 1212-1220, 1960-1964

Fish Habitat Enhancement Groups, 1049-1050, 1118-1119


Abandoned nets, 1891-1892, 1953-1956

Assiniboine diversion, impact of, 1586-1587

Biota transfer, 1578-1585

Conservation lake, designation of, 1956-1958

Consultations, 1129-1139

Government initiatves, 1057

Lake Winnipeg Management Board, 1057

Management agreements, West Regional Tribal Council, 1589-1590

Manitoba, Lake, 1587, 1884

Marketing, 2070-2071

Prairies, Lake of the, management plan, 1133

Restocking programs, 1576-1577, 1878-1879

Spawn fishing, 1046-1047

Sport fishing (Red River), 1220

Sturgeon population, 1060

Flood forecast, 2507-2508, 2550, 2598-2599, 2756-2757

Flood protection, 2898-2899

Emerson dyking project, 1223

General comments, 1056

Houle family property (Letellier), 1223

Forest fires, firefighting budget, 1224, 1314


East shore of Lake Winnipeg, 1575

Management plans, 1433

Softwood lumber dispute, 1434

Tree planting, 1433-1434

Fur industry, 1886

Gardenton Floodway

Culvert installation, 2552-2553

Premier's involvement, 2603

Garrison Diversion, biota transfer, 1578-1585

Garter snake dens (Narcisse), 1060

Geographical names, honouring war casualties, 1059

Geothermal heat, 1432

Global Climate Change Task Force, 2010

Grand Beach Entertainment Centre, 3218

Ground water testing (Firdale), 1048

Hayes River, 1056

Hecla Advisory Committee

Status, 2129

Terms of reference, 2898

Hecla marina, details of sales agreement, 4607, 4810-4811

Highway construction/maintenance

Provincial Road 203, 2065

Trans-Canada Highway twinning, 3594

Hog industry, 1319

Holland dam, 2071-2077

Hybrid poplar, research and development of, 2002

International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009-2010

Irrigation, water licence applications, 2127

Keystone Agricultural Producers, 2125-2126

Kyoto Protocol

General comments, 1430

Hydro power, 1431

Ratification, 1057

Lake Minnewasta dam, 2070

Lake of the Prairies Classic Fish Derby, 1958

Lake Winnipeg Fishermen's Advisory Board, 1060

Land expropriation (Hecla)

Civil servants, conduct of, 1839-1840, 1943, 3416-3417

Investigation results, 2050

Minister's action, 3370-3371

Ombudsman, meeting with, 3370

Land surveys

Special survey work, 1066

Survey monuments, 1065-1066

Livestock industry, disease-free status, 1049

Livestock Stewardship Initiative, ground water program, 1056

Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 148), 1935

Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 92), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 151), 2167

Chairperson, 1888

Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 154), 2167

Manitoba, Lake, water levels, 1056

Manitoba Product Stewardship Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 88), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 153), 2167

Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 94), 485

General comments, 1055

Manitoba Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Supplementary information (S.P. 147), 1935

Manitoba Youth Round Table, 1055

McEwen, Tam (doctor), 2002, 2003

Members' Statements

Opaskwayak Cree Nation Blizzard hockey team, 819-920

Ministerial Statements

Climate Change Strategy, 1862-1863

Flood forecast, 2507-2508, 2550, 2598-2599, 2756-2757

National Forest Week, 1114-1115

National Forest Week, 1114-1115

Natural Resource Officers

Firearms, right to carry, 1067

North American Waterfowl Management Plan, 1887-1888

Northern Fishermen's Freight Assistance, 1057, 1886

Northwest Area Water Supply project, 1578

Office of Drinking Water

Lathlin, 1316

Staffing, 1417-1418

Opaskwayak Cree Nation

Resource managment agreement, 1060

Opaskwayak Cree Nation Blizzard hockey team, 819-920

Oral Questions

Beaver population, 766-767

Clean Environment Commission, 243-244

Clearwater Lake Provincial Park, 812-813, 1119-1120, 1121-1122, 3081

CN train derailment (Firdale), 1048

Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association, 2118

Drainage system, 466-467

Drinking water, Winnipeg River, 2176-2177

Elk population, 3981

Endangered species, legislation, 2727-2728

Fish Habitat Enhancement Groups, 1049-1050, 1118-1119

Fisheries, spawn fishing, 1046-1047

Flood protection, 2898-2899

Gardenton Floodway

Culvert installation, 2552-2553

Premier's involvement, 2603

Grand Beach Entertainment Centre

Crown lands, transfer of, 3218

Ground water testing (Firdale), 1048

Hecla Advisory Committee, 2898

Hecla marina, details of sales agreement, 4607, 4810-4811

Highway construction/maintenance, 3594

Hunting permits, special, 3981

Land expropriation (Hecla)

Civil servants, conduct of, 1839-1840, 1943, 3416-3417

Investigation results, 2050

Minister's action, 3370-3371

Ombudsman, meeting with, 3370

Livestock industry, disease-free status, 1049

Protected spaces, 2395, 2727

Rothesay Rendering, 243-244

Soil moisture levels, southwest Manitoba, 2249

St. Ambroise park and campground, 3979

Sustainable development

Financial management guidelines, 3144

Procurement goals, 3143

Tax equity (The Pas), 490

Trans-Canada Highway twinning, 3594

Winnipeg, Lake, east side development, 2661

Parks and natural areas, public consultations, 1425

Pembina River dam, 2066

Penned hunting, elimination of, 1884


Pension liability, 1065

Pineland Forest Nursery

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 90), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 152), 2167

General comments, 1574

Polar Bear Protection Act (Bill 43)

1R, 3075

2R, 3357-3359

Poplar trees, hybrid

Research and development, 2002

Potato industry, irrigation requirements, 2002-2003

Private Members' Business

Long-term water-use strategy for Manitoba, 1105

Protected spaces, 1056, 2395, 2727

Prouse, Gordon, service recognition, 1428

Provincial parks

Camping and day use, 1056-1057

Infrastructure maintenance, 2064-2065

Park visitor statistics, 1429

Red River Floodway, 1221

Resource Tourism Operators Act (Bill 50)

1R, 2892

2R, 3360-3361

Rock Lake, water control project, 2127-2128

Simplot plant (Portage la Prairie), 2006-2007

Soil moisture levels, southwest Manitoba, 2249

Special Conservation and Endangered Species Fund, 1889

St. Ambroise park and campground, 3979

Sturgeon population, 1060

Sustainable development

Financial management guidelines, 3144

Procurement goals, 3143

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 91), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 150), 2167

Source of funding, 2003

Tax equity (The Pas), 490

Tembec forestry agreement, 1433

Tobacco Creek water management, 2130

Tolko forestry agreement, 1433

Treaty Land Entitlement, 1059

University of Manitoba, Delta Field Station, 2126

Venture Manitoba Tours Ltd.

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 89), 485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 155), 2167

Waspusk National Park, 1427

Waste management

General comments, 1059

Sewage lagoon (Falcon Lake), 1060


Government initiatives, 1105

Pollution, ground water, 1422-1423

Water services districts, 1419-1420

Water storage/retention, 2069

Water strategy, 1056, 1105

Water treatment, notification of, 2008

Waterways, maintenance of, 1424

Wildlife Act review, 1058

Wildlife management programs, 1058-1059

Winnipeg, Lake

East side development, 1054, 2661

Nitrogen levels, 1589

Phosphorus and algal blooms, 1588

Winnipegosis, Lake, 1585-1586, 1885

Woodland Caribou Conservation Strategy, 1058

Laurendeau, Marcel (St. Norbert) P.C.

Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, Department of

Estimates debate, 3538-3540

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Company Ltd. Additional Powers Act (Bill 301)

2R, 4168

Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9)

R/S, 3431

Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

2R, 3603

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)

2R, 4279

Civil service

Prescription drug plan, 4486

Voluntary reduced work week, 4933-4935

Closed captioning of Question Period, 533

Committee of the Whole

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on

Procedural changes, 4899

Community Places Program, 4485

Community Support Programs

Estimates debate, 4485

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 2070-2071

Employee Pensions and Other Costs

Estimates debate, 4486

Executive Council

Estimates debate, 1168, 1479-1480

Fisheries, marketing, 2070

Flood protection (St. Norbert), 1168

Flood protection (Winnipeg), 1479

Flood protection, capital programs, 4488-4490

Flooding (1997), disaster assistance, 2660

Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)

2R, 1003-1004

Amendments, 1003-1004

Kati, Neela, Miss Manitoba, 2121-2122

Legislative Assembly

Estimates debate, 4890

Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)

3R, 1730-1731

Loan Act, 2002 (Bill 56)

C/W, 4933-4935

Members' Statements

Kati, Neela, Miss Manitoba, 2121-2122

Oblate Fathers, involvement with, 1730

Oral Questions

Flooding (1997), disaster assistance, 2660

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on

Meeting schedule, 365, 410

Witnesses, 365

Victoria General Hospital, Minister's contact, 2514

Other Appropriations

Estimates debate, 4488-4490

Points of Order

P/O by Caldwell respecting word "raping" 1300; Laurendeau 1300; Ashton 1300; taken under advisement, 1300

P/O by Doer respecting reference to the Premier's absence (Schuler) 2901; Smith, S. 2902; Laurendeau 2902; taken under advisement 2902; Speaker's Ruling, 3300-3301

P/O by Laurendeau respecting answers to questions (Doer) 140; Derkach 140; Mackintosh 140; taken under advisement, 140

P/O by Laurendeau respecting answers to questions (Selinger) 2172-2173; taken under advisement 2173; Speaker's Ruling, 2359

P/O by Laurendeau respecting Beauchesne 417 (Doer) 602; Mackintosh 602; ruled out of order 602; ruling challenged 602-603; ruling sustained, 603

P/O by Laurendeau respecting Beauchesne 417 and unparliamentary language (Doer) 293; Mackintosh 293; ruled out of order 294; ruling challenged 294; ruling sustained, 294

P/O by Laurendeau respecting comments made (Reid) 839; Doer 839; taken under advisement 839; Speaker's Ruling, 1019

P/O by Laurendeau respecting leader's latitude 141; Doer 141; taken under advisement, 141

P/O by Laurendeau respecting leaders' latitude and questions taken under advisement 356-357; Mackintosh 357; taken under advisement, 357

P/O by Laurendeau respecting the word "scurrilous" (Nevakshonoff) 341; taken under advisement (Santos) 341; withdrawn, 342

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "hypocrite" (Selinger) 715-716; withdrawn, 716

P/O by Mackintosh respecting questions based upon statements made outside the Chamber (Driedger) 2958; Laurendeau 2958; taken under advisement 2959; Speaker's Ruling, 3301-3302

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the orderliness of a question posed (Praznik) 601; Laurendeau 601; taken under advisement 601; Speaker's ruling, 769-770

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "deliberately misrepresent" (Cummings) 2955-2956; Laurendeau 2956; taken under advisement 2956; Speaker's Ruling, 3301

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "he has not been open, honest" (Gilleshammer) 130; Laurendeau 130; withdrawn, 130

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "lie" and "lying" 1939; Laurendeau 1939; Speaker's Ruling, 2358-2359

P/O by Nevakshonoff respecting word "Neanderthal" 2399; Laurendeau 2399; taken under advisement (Santos) 2399; Speaker's Ruling, 2609

P/O by Nevakshonoff respecting words "member for Albania" 2399; Laurendeau 2399; taken under advisement (Santos) 2399; Speaker's Ruling, 2609

Privilege, Matters of

Budget, enabling legislation, 895

Procedural changes

Bilingual requirements, 907-908

Property taxes, post-secondary education facilities, 2615

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on

Meeting schedule, 365, 410

Witnesses, 365

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

2R, 2581-2586, 2612-2616, 2751

Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 303)

2R, 4167

School divisions, amalgamations of

Consultations, 2584, 2615

Legal challenges, 2582

Manitoba Association of School Trustees, position of, 2582

Ministerial authority, 2583, 2584-2585, 2616

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

2R, 4091

Speaker's Statements

Closed captioning of Question Period, 533


Estimates debate, 4476-4484

St. Norbert Foundation,adult education, 2583

Statute of limitations, recovered memory therapy, 1731

Team Builders Program, 4476-4478

Team Canada Volleyball, 4476

Transportation and Government Services, Department of

Estimates debate, 4886-4887

University of Winnipeg, First Nation artifacts, 3538-3540

Victoria General Hospital, Minister's contact, 2514

Winnipeg Real Estate Board Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 304)

2R, 4279-4280

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2R, 1497-1498

R/S, 1829

3R, 1830

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on

1st Report

Martindale, 573-574

2nd Report

Martindale, 1189-1190

3Rd Report

Korzeniowski, 1345-1346

4th Report

Martindale, 1403-1404

5th Report

Martindale, 2971-2973

6th Report

Martindale, 3585-3586

7th Report

Martindale, 3857-3859

8th Report

Martindale, 3974-3975

9th Report

Martindale, 4244-4245

10th Report

Martindale, 4245-4246

11th Report

Martindale, 4800-4803

12th Report

Cerilli, 4937-4939

13th Report

Cerilli, 4939

Law Enforcement Review Act

Discrimination, definition of

Mackintosh, 2790

Law Enforcement Review Agency

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 8)

Mackintosh, 66


Mackintosh, 2040-2041

Smith, J., 2040


Mackintosh, 2038

Law of Property Act

Assignment of future wages

Mackintosh, 2790-2791

Sexual orientation, references to

Mackintosh, 2790

Law Reform Commission of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2002

Mackintosh, 2757

Assessment of Damages under The Fatal Accidents Act for the Loss of Guidance, Care and Compansionship

Mackintosh, 1541

Law Society. See Legal Profession Act (Bill 48)

LBIS. See Legislative Building Information Systems

Le Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 18)

Lemieux, 66

Leadership races. See Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Leaf Rapids, MB. See also Ruttan Mine

Community adjustment strategy

Barrett, 1659

Future development

Jennissen, 62

Learning Through the Arts Program

Rondeau, 2768-2769

Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 13)

Mackintosh, 66

Legal Profession Act (Bill 48)


Mackintosh, 2891


Mackintosh, 3351

R/S, 4945

3R, 4948


Liba, 4976

Legion Houses Walkway Project (Morden)

Dyck, 3679

Legislative Assembly. See also Internship Program; Page Program; Privilege, Matters of


Debate, 4890-4893


Derkach, 4890-4892

Hickes, 4890-4892

Laurendeau, 4890

Introduction of new members

Hawranik, Gerald

Murray, 627

Procedural changes

Mackintosh, 670-672


Praznik, Darren

Hickes, 627

Legislative Assembly Act

Report pursuant to subsections 52.27(1) and (2) (S.P. 147)

Selinger, 2951

Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Amendment (Conflict of Interest Commissioner) Act (Bill 54)


Mackintosh, 3521-3522


Mackintosh, 3602-3603

R/S, 4945-4946


Gerrard, 4948


Liba, 4976

Legislative Assembly Management Commission

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 3)

Hickes, 15

Legislative Assembly, Members of


Derkach, 4890-4892

Hickes, 4892

Family members, hiring of

Derkach, 1174-1179

Doer, 1174-1179

Residence, location of

Mackintosh, 3577-3580

Smith, J., 3577-3580

Legislative Building. See also Golden Boy

Art displays

Lemieux, 3655-3656, 3722-3724

Reimer, 3655, 3721-3723

Multicultural tree

Barrett, 2282, 2828-2831

Reimer, 2282, 2827-2831

Security measures

Faurschou, 344

Legislative Building Information Systems

Penner, Jim, 1084

Selinger, 1084

Legislative Library

Dacquay, 3731-3733

Lemieux, 3731-3733

Lemieux, Hon. Ron (La Verendrye) N.D.P.

Aboriginal Arts Creative Development Pilot Project, 3720-3721

Aboriginal Arts Mentorship Training and Development, 3720-3721

Agriculture, need for a national summit, 2881-2884

Agriculture safety net programs, 173

Amusements Act, penalties, 3650

Art collection, government

Audit, 3724-3726

Purchasing policy, 3654-3655, 3719

Value, 3726-3728

Community Places Program

Grants, 4485

Project list, 4015-4016

Community Support Programs

Estimates debate, 4485

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 16), 66

Supplementary Information (S.P. 199), 4150

Crop insurance, 172-173

Crown lands, Silver Bend Trail permit fee, 3915-3916

Cultural organizations, grants to, 3923-3924, 3952-3954, 4015

Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of

Estimates debate, 3638-3656, 3718-3739, 3809-3837, 3915-3926, 3952-3971, 4011-4016

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 15), 66

Information Resources, 3728-3729

Legislative Library, 3731-3733

Provincial Archives, 3729-3731

Staffing, 3647-3648

Supplementary information (S.P. 157), 2243

Translation Services, 3729

Dauphin, Lake management plan, 3736-3738

Drainage system, funding, 174

Ecotourism initiatives, 3816-3818

Family Doctor Registry, 170

Family farms, future of, 173

Film and sound industry

Education and training opportunities, 4013

Funding, 4012-4013

Fisheries, commerical gill nets, 1045

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 192), 3586

Golden Boy memorabilia, merchandising program, 3827-3831

Government Ministers, personal attacks on, 171-172

Health care system

Government initiatives/record, 169

Human resources, 169-170

Heritage Grants Advisory Council, 3954-3966, 4011-4012

Staffing, 3926

Highway construction/maintenance, Highway No. 59, 174

Homefront security, All-party committee on, 168-169

International Year of Volunteers, 533-534

Le Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 18), 66

Legislative Building, art displays, 3655-3656, 3722-3724

Libraries, public, funding formula, 4013-4014

Manitoba Arts Council

Administrative costs, 3925, 3954

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 19), 66

Meeting schedule, 3925

Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 20), 66

Manitoba Film and Sound Development Corporation

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 21), 66

Manitoba Film Classification Board

Complaints, 3649

Membership, 3649

Rating system, 3652-3653

Web site, 3649

Manitoba Hydro

Rate standardization, 170

Referendum, privatization, 170

Ministerial Statements

International Year of Volunteers, 533-534

North American Indigenous Games, 3878-3879

Movie theatres, inspections of, 3649

Neighbourhoods Alive! program, 171

North American Indigenous Games, 3878-3879

Corporate sponsorship, 4086

Objectives/accomplishments, 3983

Progress report, 4158

Volunteers, recruitment of, 1872

Oral Questions

Fisheries, commerical gill nets, 1045

North American Indigenous Games

Corporate sponsorship, 4086

Objectives/accomplishments, 3983

Progress report, 4158

Volunteers, recruitment of, 1872

Order of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 4)

2R, 577-579

Port of Churchill, cruise-line destination, 3818-3820

Portage Collegiate Institute, 4482

Prairies, Lake of the

Economic benefits, 3821, 3823

Management plan, 3736-3738

Private Members' Business

Agriculture summit, need for, 2881-2884

Property taxes, agricultural lands, 173

Rural stress line, 173

School divisions, amalgamations of, 172

Silver Bend Trail (Miniota), historical buildings, 3916-3917


Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 17), 66

Estimates debate, 4476-4484

Supplementary Information (S.P. 200), 4150

Sport facilities, access to, 4478-4482

Team Builders Program, 4476-4478

Team Canada Volleyball, 4476

Throne Speech Debate, 168-174

Travel Manitoba

Advertising strategy, 3810-3815

Online survey, 3832-3836

Web site, 3921-3923

Univeristy of Manitoba, Delta Field Station, 3821

U.S. agriculture legislation, 1387-1389

Video outlets

Inspections, 3649

Licensing, cost of, 3651-3652

Volunteerism, 577-578, 3969-3970

LERA. See Law Enforcement Review Agency

Lesbians and gays. See Same-sex relationships

Let's Talk! Dialogue

Gerrard, 457-458

Rocan, 456-457

Selinger, 455-456

Liability insurance. See Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30); Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Liba, Hon. Peter M., C.M. (Lieutenant Governor)

Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission, 7

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20)

R/A, 4976

Agriculture safety net programs, 8

Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 11)

R/A, 3851

Appropriation Act, 2002 (Bill 57)

R/A, 4977

Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)

R/A, 3431

Armed Forces, voting rights, 3

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Company Ltd. Additional Powers Act (Bill 301)

R/A, 4976

Bridging Generations Initiative, 8

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2002 (Bill 45)

R/A, 4185

Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9)

R/A, 3431

Centre for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Research, 3

Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)

R/A, 4976

City of Winnipeg Act review, 9

City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)

R/A, 4976

Class Proceedings Act (Bill 16)

R/A, 3851

Climate Change Strategy, 7

Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act (Bill 53)

R/A, 4976

Community development

Government initiatives, 4

Public safety, 7

Community Health Access centres, 5

Congregation Etz Chayim Amalgamation Act (Bill 302)

R/A, 4976

Cooperatives Amendment Act, The (Bill 17)

R/A, 4976

Drinking water

Plant operators, mandatory certification of, 6

Standards (Winnipeg), 8

Drinking Water Safety Act (Bill 36)

R/A, 4976

Driver licensing, graduated licensing, 6

Economic growth

Capital investments, 3

Commodity prices, 3

Consumer confidence, 3

Private-sector construction, 3

Education system, educational achievements report, 6

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 46)

R/A, 4976

Energy Development Initiative, 3

Energy resources,alternative fuels, 7

Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act (Bill 29)

R/A, 3431

Environment Amendment Act (Bill 10)

R/A, 1833

Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)

R/A, 3851

Firefighters, occupational diseases of, 3

First Nation co-management agreements, 4

Flood protection (Winnipeg), 9-10

Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)

R/A, 1833

Health care system

Capital investments, 5

Community Health Access centres, 5

Funding, federal, 5

Human resources, 5

Waiting list reductions, 5

Healthy Child Manitoba, Parent-child centres, 4

Hearing Aid Amendment Act (Bill 25)

R/A, 3851

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 40)

R/A, 4976

Homefront security, 2

Immigration statistics, 4

Legal Profession Act (Bill 48)

R/A, 4976

Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Amendment (Conflict of Interest Commissioner) Act (Bill 54)

R/A, 4976

Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)

R/A, 1833

Loan Act, 2002 (Bill 56)

R/A, 4977

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)

R/A, 1833

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)

R/A, 4976

Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (Bill 31)

R/A, 4976

Medical Laboratory Technologists Act (Bill 13)

R/A, 3856

Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 19)

R/A, 4976

Mosquito control measures (Winnipeg), 8

Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Bill 37)

R/A, 4976

Occupational Therapists Act (Bill 26)

R/A, 3851

Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)

R/A, 4976

Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

R/A, 4976

Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act (Bill 23)

R/A, 4976

Portage District General Hospital, An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the (Bill 300)

R/A, 623

Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 38)

R/A, 4976

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

R/A, 3431

Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)

R/A, 4976

Registered Dietitians Act (Bill 28)

R/A, 3851

Resource Tourism Operators Act (Bill 50)

R/A, 4976

Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)

R/A, 4976

Salvation Army William and Catherine Booth College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 303)

R/A, 4976-4977

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)

R/A, 4976

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

R/A, 4976

Special Survey Amendment Act (Bill 18)

R/A, 3851

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2002 (Bill 51)

R/A, 4976

Throne Speech, 1-10

Winnipeg Real Estate Board Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 304)

R/A, 4977

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)

R/A, 1833

Libraries, public. See also Downtown revitalization (Winnipeg); Winnipeg Centennial Library

Funding formula

Dacquay, 4013-4014

Lemieux, 4013-4014

General comments

Friesen, 964

Lieutenant-Governor's Elementary Teachers Awards

Schellenberg, 3303

Life sciences. See Western Life Sciences Venture Fund

Lighthouses program. See also Valley Gardens' Lighthouse program

Aglugub, 320

Faurschou, 2098

Mackintosh, 1918-1919, 2098

Rondeau, 310

Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8). See also Grievance, Matters of


Mackintosh, 356


Mackintosh, 370-372, 995

Smith, J., 624-626, 991-995

Referred to Standing Committee on Law Amendments


Ashton, 1525

3R, 1831-1832

Ashton, 1731-1733

Doer, 1774-1776

Gerrard, 1725-1730

Hawranik, 1777-1779

Laurendeau, 1730-1731

Martindale, 1831

Murray, 1776-1777

Penner, Jack, 1733-1734

Robinson, 1772-1773

Sale, 1830-1831

Schuler, 1773-1774

Smith, J., 1725


Liba, 1833

Retroactive application

Gerrard, 1725-1726, 1728-1729

Limited liability partnerships. See Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

Lindsay, Darlene

Schellenberg, 77

Literacy Partners of Manitoba, funding of

Caldwell, 4806

Dyck, 4806

Little Saskatchewan Conservation District

Derkach, 4088-4089

Livestock industry. See also Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 11); specific types of livestock

Bull test station

Enns, 3033-3035

Wowchuk, 3034-3035

Comprehensive plan

Friesen, 4567


Penner, Jack, 1897

Disease control programs

Penner, Jack, 1898

Wowchuk, 2262-2264

Disease-free status, maintenance of

Lathlin, 1049

Penner, Jack, 1048-1049

Environmental issues

Maguire, 228-229

Penner, Jack, 1026

Government direction

Penner, Jack, 2024-2026

Wowchuk, 2024-2026

Growth rate

Wowchuk, 251

Municipal by-laws

Penner, Jack, 2018, 2021-2024

Wowchuk, 2021-2024


Cummings, 324

Penner, Jack, 154-155, 1899

Special interest groups

Maguire, 1720

Tuberculosis control

Cummings, 4401-4404

Derkach, 1836-1837

Doer, 3860-3861

Enns, 2131

Gerrard, 3561, 3675-3676

Penner, Jack, 1835-1836, 1856, 1897, 3860, 3979-3981, 3997-3998, 4246-4247, 4400-4401, 4404-4406, 4608-4609

Wowchuk, 1835-1836, 1836-1837, 3561, 3676-3677, 3979-3981, 3997-3998, 4247, 4400-4406

Water quality issues

Enns, 1062-1063

Livestock Stewardship Initiative

Ground water program

Lathlin, 1056


Penner, Jack, 727

Report recommendations

Gerrard, 1353-1354, 3560-3561

Wowchuk, 1353-1354, 3560-3561

Update, 8

Loan Act, 2002 (Bill 56)


Selinger, 4930

2R, 4930


Laurendeau, 4933-4935

Loewen, 4932-4933, 4935

Penner, Jack, 4930-4932

Selinger, 4930-4936

3R, 4936


Selinger, 4936


Liba, 4977

Local Authorities Election Act


Maguire, 1719

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)


Wowchuk, 236


Faurschou, 1027-1028

Friesen, 302

Helwer, 1004-1006

Maguire, 1006-1008, 1024-1025

Penner, Jack, 1025-1027

Referred to Standing Committee on Law Amendments


Ashton, 1525


Gerrard, 1719

Maguire, 1719-1720


Liba, 1833

Local governments. See Municipal/local governments

Lodge outfitting industry. See Resource Tourism Operators Act (Bill 50)

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

Adult learning centres

Funding repayment, legal advice, 597

Orlikow family involvement, 597-598

Agassiz School Division

Audit, 364

Funding, 240, 403-404

Funding, legal advice, 404-405


Amendments, 841

Manitoba Hydro profits, 663, 714-715, 898, 1116

Budget Debate, 826-833

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructre Program, 4661

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Program

Downtown waterfront renewal, 4659, 4660

Funding split, 4659

Projects, priority of, 4663-4667

Provencher bridge, pedestrian crossing, 4662-4663

Winnipeg Centennial Library project, 4661

Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act amendments, 500-501

Economic growth

Competition, 96

Employment opportunities, 832

Government forecast, 18

Gross domestic product, 99, 826

Education facilities (Whyte Ridge), accessibility, 2730

Education system, 2579-2580

Education, Training and Youth, Minister of, delegated authority, 239

Emergency Measures Act amendments, 501-502

Federal transfer payments, 98

Finance, Minister of, conflict of interest, 2601

Fire Prevention Act amendments, 503

First Nation casinos, 1531

Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 74


Moratorium on expansion, 1532

Social costs, 1531-1532

Henry G. Izatt School, expansion of, 2729, 2731

Highway construction/maintenance, 2802-2803

Homefront security, all-party committee on, 498-499

HOPE learning centre

Funding, 364

Funding overpayment, 445-446

Funding repayment, 446

Investigation, 597

Legal advice, 536

Provincial audit, scope, 536

HydroBonds, interest rate, 96

Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of

Estimates debate, 4654-4667

Interprovincial migration, 827

Kenaston and Wilkes underpass

Construction, 3298, 4663-4667

Funding, 3531

Loan Act, 2002 (Bill 56)

C/W, 4932-4933, 4935

Loewen family reunion, 3374

Manitoba Evidence Act amendments, 502-503

Manitoba Hydro

Annual report tabling request, 2815-2816

Capital funding, 4932-4933

Capital requirements, 1869

Debt reduction, 946, 2245

Export sales, 2601, 4051-4052

Financial statements, 1299, 1405-1406, 1566, 2759-2760, 2899, 3145-3146

Financial targets, 3588

Financing requirements, 2245, 2319-2320, 2351, 2446, 3251, 4049-4050

First Nation partnerships, 96

Future development, 95

Government management, 3590-3591

Office location, 98

Profits, 828-830, 1869, 2114-2115, 2120, 3365-3366

Public Utilities Board review, 1869, 4050-4051

Rate freeze, 2321-2322

Rate increase, 898, 1116-1117, 1298-1299, 2170-2171, 2391-2392, 3078-3079, 3366

Revenues, 3366

Standing Committee review, 2118-2119, 3079

Transfer payment, 2171-2174, 3977-3978

Transfer payment, board awareness, 2511-2512

Manitoba Hydro Act

Amendments, 841

Contravention, 841

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)

2R, 4261-4267

3R, 4951-4955

Rate protection, 3252

Manitoba Telephone System, privatization of, 831

Members' Statements

Henry G. Izatt School, expansion of, 2731

Loewen family reunion, 3374

Morris-Macdonald School Division

Legal advice, 446, 487-488

Oral Questions

Adult learning centres

Funding repayment, legal advice, 597

Orlikow family involvement, 597-598

Agassiz School Division

Audit, 364

Funding, 240, 403-404

Funding, legal advice, 404-405


Amendments, 841

Manitoba Hydro profits, 663, 898, 1116

Economic growth, government forecast, 18

Education facilities (Whyte Ridge), accessibility, 2730

Education, Training and Youth, Minister of, delegated authority, 239

Finance, Minister of, conflict of interest, 2601

Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 74

Henry G. Izatt School, expansion of, 2729

HOPE learning centre

Funding, 364

Funding overpayment, 445-446

Funding repayment, 446

Investigation, 597

Legal advice, 536

Provincial audit, scope, 536

Kenaston and Wilkes underpass

Construction, 3298

Funding, 3531

Manitoba Hydro

Annual report tabling request, 2815-2816

Capital requirements, 1869

Debt reduction, 946, 2245

Export sales, 2601, 4051-4052

Financial statements, 1299, 1405-1406, 1566, 2759-2760, 2899, 3145-3146

Financial targets, 3588

Financing requirements, 2245, 2319-2320, 2351, 2446, 3251, 4049-4050

Government management, 3590-3591

Profits, 1869, 2114-2115, 2120, 3365-3366

Public Utilities Board review, 1869, 4050-4051

Rate freeze, 2321-2322

Rate increase, 898, 1116-1117, 1298-1299, 2170-2171, 2391-2392, 3078-3079, 3366

Revenues, 3366

Standing Committee review, 2118-2119, 3079

Transfer payment, 2171-2174, 3977-3978

Transfer payment, board awareness, 2511-2512

Manitoba Hydro Act

Amendments, 841

Contravention, 841

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41), rate protection, 3252

Morris-Macdonald School Division, legal advice, 446, 487-488

Throne Speech, economic issues, 18

True North Entertainment Complex

Auditor General, review by, 2324

Business plan, 2324

Workers Compensation investments, True North Entertainment Complex, 2766-2767

Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Act

Amendments, 501

Private Members' Business

Gaming, moratorium on, 1531-1533

Phone coverage in the North, 2435-2438

Transportation taxes and fees to highway infrastructure, devotion of, 2802-2803

User fees and tax relief, 2679-2682

Privilege, Matters of

Budget, enabling legislation, 893-895

Crocus Fund, apology for comments made, 627

Provencher Bridge, pedestrian crossing, 4662-4663

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

2R, 2574-2581, 2743-2748

R/S, 3321-3323

Justification, 2576

Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act (Bill 49)

2R, 4273-4275

3R, 4957

Red River Floodway, funding, 4935

School divisions, amalgamations of

Assiniboine South School Division, concerns of, 2578-2579

Budgetary requirements, 3321-3323

Consultations, 2577-2578

Financial implications, 2580-2581

Fort Garry School Division, concerns of, 2578-2579

Legal challenges, 2575

Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)

2R, 497-503

Taxation, delinking, 99

Throne Speech

Debate, 93-99

Economic issues, 18

Transportation taxes, 2802-2803

True North Entertainment Complex, 4661

Auditor General, review by, 2324

Business plan, 2324

Government handling, 97

Video lottery terminals, revenues, 98

Winnipeg Centennial Library, 4661

Winnipeg (City), ward boundaries, 4654-4659

Workers Compensation investments, True North Entertainment Complex, 2766-2767

Lyon, Sterling, Order of Manitoba recipient

Smith, J., 3336

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