Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


AAAA Provincial High School Basketball Championship

Allan, 1655

AAAA Provincial High School Hockey Championship

Korzeniowski, 1020

Aboriginal Achievement Awards

Robinson, 3439

Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat

Robinson, 3434

Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, Department of


Debate, 3433-3443, 3469-3487, 3537-3540


Hawranik, 3441-3443, 3469-3487

Laurendeau, 3538-3540

Robinson, 3433-3443, 3469-3487, 3538-3540

Acting Deputy Minister

Doer, 1331

Murray, 1331

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 1)

Robinson, 15


Hawranik, 3483-3485

Robinson, 3483-3485

Supplementary information (S.P. 145)

Robinson, 1734

Aboriginal Arts Creative Development Pilot Project

Lemieux, 3720-3721

Reimer, 3720-3721

Aboriginal Arts Mentorship Training and Development

Lemieux, 3720-3721

Reimer, 3720-3721

Aboriginal Child and Family Services agency. See Child and Family Services Authorities Act (Bill 35)

Aboriginal Child Welfare Initiative

Selinger, 648

Aboriginal co-management agreements. See First Nation co-management agreements

Aboriginal Economic Resource Development Fund

Robinson, 3434

Aboriginal Employment Strategy

Robinson, 3439

Aboriginal Festival

Struthers, 2253

Aboriginal health issues

General comments

Chomiak, 4343-4345

Gerrard, 1100, 4343-4345

Government initiatives

Hawranik, 3442

Robinson, 3442-3443

Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission


Liba, 7


Robinson, 3435-3436

Selinger, 653

Aboriginal police forces. See Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)

Aboriginal Resources Advisory Council


Lathlin, 1054, 1130-1131


Enns, 2004-2005

Lathlin, 2004-2005

ACCESS programs

McGifford, 2785

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 96)

Chomiak, 595


Doer, 4983-4985

Enns, 4977

Gerrard, 4980-4983

Murray, 4977-4980

Adoptions. See also Charter Compliance Act (Bill 34)

Family, definition of

Mackintosh, 2789

Standards of practice

Hawranik, 3861

Sale, 3861-3862

Adult learning centres. See also Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20); Agassiz School Division; Anokiiwin Centre; Ferris report; HOPE learning centre; Morris-Macdonald School Division


Caldwell, 188-189

Doer, 293-295

Gerrard, 188-189, 293-295

Auditor's report

Caldwell, 4131-4133

Gilleshammer, 4131-4133


Caldwell, 1783

Enrolment figures

Caldwell, 492-493, 1123-1124, 1783

Chomiak, 447

Derkach, 1123-1124

Faurschou, 344-346

Pitura, 447

Tweed, 392

Financial accountability

Caldwell, 1783

Former government's record

Schellenberg, 262

Funding criteria/formula

Caldwell, 70-71, 115-116, 137, 334-335, 486-487

Derkach, 116-117, 486

Gerrard, 70-71, 137, 334-335

Gilleshammer, 115

Funding overpayment

Caldwell, 2397-2398

Derkach, 2397

Gilleshammer, 2397

Funding overpayment, legal action

Caldwell, 1940-1942, 2048-2049, 2051-2054

Derkach, 1941-1942, 2048-2049, 2052-2053

Gilleshammer, 1940-1941, 2047-2048, 2051-2052

Funding repayment

Caldwell, 464-465, 2451

Chomiak, 447

Doer, 2452

Gilleshammer, 464-465, 2451-2452

Pitura, 447

Funding repayment, legal advice

Caldwell, 597

Loewen, 597

General comments

Gerrard, 246-247

Gilleshammer, 4399

Independent investigation

Doer, 290-292

Murray, 290-291


Gerrard, 175

Minister's statements

Caldwell, 139-140

Derkach, 139

Orlikow family involvement

Caldwell, 598

Loewen, 597-598

Premier's position

Doer, 286

Tweed, 286

Public inquiry

Doer, 461-462, 535-536, 596-597

Murray, 461-462, 535, 595-596

Registration requirements

Caldwell, 1783


Chomiak, 440

Murray, 440

Teachers, qualifications of

Caldwell, 1783

Third-party agreements

Caldwell, 4116-4119

Gilleshammer, 4116-4119

Selinger, 4116

Treasury Board/Cabinet submissions

Caldwell, 136

Gilleshammer, 135-136, 238

Selinger, 238

Adult Learning Centres Act (Bill 20)


Caldwell, 1561


Caldwell, 1781-1784

Gilleshammer, 4091-4093

Referred to Standing Committee on Municipal Affairs

R/S, 4958


Gerrard, 4960


Liba, 4976

Advanced education. See Post-secondary education

Advanced Education, Department of


Debate, 4450-4474


McGifford, 4450-4474

Stefanson, 4453-4473

Goals and objectives

McGifford, 4450-4451


McGifford, 4473

Stefanson, 4473


McGifford, 4471-4472

Stefanson, 4471-4472

Advisory Council on the Status of Women

McGifford, 3608-3610

Advisory groups, inclusion of Aboriginals

Lathlin, 1130

Aerospace industry


Mihychuk, 4018

General comments

Korzeniowski, 1654

Terrorist attacks, impact of

Mihychuk, 677

Agassiz Irrigation Association

Dyck, 2126-2127

Enns, 2131

Lathlin, 2126-2127

Agassiz School Division


Caldwell, 364-365

Loewen, 364

Criminal investigation

Doer, 241-242

Mackintosh, 242

Praznik, 241-242


Caldwell, 117-120, 122, 123, 138-139, 182, 183, 240-241

Derkach, 122, 240-241

Doer, 124, 237, 241

Gilleshammer, 123, 138-139, 182

Loewen, 240

Mitchelson, 183

Murray, 237

Pitura, 119-120

Praznik, 117-119, 123-124, 189-190

Selinger, 190, 240

Justice department review

Mackintosh, 244

Mitchelson, 244


Caldwell, 4121

Gilleshammer, 4121

Agassiz Youth Centre

Faurschou, 3463

Mackintosh, 3463

Age & Opportunity Centres

McGifford, 2588

Aglugub, Cris (The Maples) N.D.P.

Budget Debate, 884-886, 911

Children's services, 885

Community development and citizen patrols, 320

Cultural Vibes 2002, 3881-3882

Daughters of the Nile, Annual Supreme Session, 2730

Drinking water quality initiatives, 911

École Leila North Community School 10th anniversary, 2521

Education system, 320

Energy Development Initiative, 911

Families and Schools Together Program, 849-850

Folklorama, 4162-4163

Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar, opening of, 616

Hansen, Rick, Man in Motion anniversary tour, 2817-2818

Health care system

Government initiatives/record, 884

Human resources, 884-885


Right of landing fee, 2238-2239

Sponsorship and low-income cutoff, 1483

Juan, Socorro L., retirement of, 2327-2328

Lighthouses program, 320

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council, 320

Maples Collegiate graduation ceremony, 2963-2964

Marsville Program Link-Up Day, 1050-1051

Members' Statements

Cultural Vibes 2002, 3881-3882

Daughters of the Nile, Annual Supreme Session, 2730

École Leila North Community School 10th anniversary, 2521

Families and Schools Together Program, 849-850

Folklorama, 4162-4163

Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar, opening of, 616

Hansen, Rick, Man in Motion anniversary tour, 2817-2818

Juan, Socorro L., retirement of, 2327-2328

Maples Collegiate graduation ceremony, 2963-2964

Marsville Program Link-Up Day, 1050-1051

Seven Oaks trails, 367-368, 2983-2984

Sunflower Festival, 4060

Unity Day, 1947

University of Manitoba, Anatomical Studies memorial, 3147

Multiculturalism, 2480-2481

Post-secondary education, 885

Private Members' Business

Family reunification, 1482-1484

Multiculturalism, 2480-2481

Provincial Nominee Program, 885

Seven Oaks Hospital

CT scanner, 319

Dialysis and oncology clinic, 319

Seven Oaks trails, 367-368, 2983-2984

Sunflower Festival, 4060

Taxation, 886

Throne Speech Debate, 318-320

Tuition fees, 885

Unity Day, 1947

University of Manitoba, Anatomical Studies memorial, 3147

Agricultural Policy Framework


Penner, Jack, 3013-3024

Wowchuk, 3013-3024

Cost-sharing agreement

Doer, 2552, 2652-2653

Enns, 2654

Murray, 2552

Penner, Jack, 2652-2653

Wowchuk, 2654

Drought compensation

Doer, 2725

Enns, 2724

Environmental issues

Penner, Jack, 3032, 3035-3037, 3036-3037

Wowchuk, 3032, 3035-3037

General comments

Doer, 2447-2448, 2512

Murray, 2447-2448

Penner, Jack, 1190-1191, 1193-1194, 2448-2449, 2512

Wowchuk, 1194, 2448-2449, 2513, 3041-3042, 3043

Information tabling request

Doer, 2653-2654

Penner, Jack, 2653

Manitoba participation

Penner, Jack, 4807

Wowchuk, 4807

Minister's position

Cummings, 2723

Penner, Jack, 2976, 3014-3015

Wowchuk, 2723, 2976, 3014-3015


Maguire, 3444-3448

Wowchuk, 3444-3448


Penner, Jack, 4422-4428

Wowchuk, 4422-4428


Penner, Jack, 3038

Wowchuk, 3038

Prairie provinces, position of

Wowchuk, 2654

Premier's input

Cummings, 2723

Doer, 2723-2724

Renewable energy sources

Penner, Jack, 3038

Wowchuk, 3038

Trade injury compensation

Doer, 2552, 2721-2722, 2724

Enns, 2724

Murray, 2551-2552, 2720-2722

Penner, Jack, 2722-2723, 2976-2978, 3033

Wowchuk, 2722-2723, 2977-2978, 3033

Transition funding

Gerrard, 3043-3044

Wowchuk, 3043-3044

Agriculture. See also Agriculture diversification; Agriculture products; Family farms

All-party task force

Gerrard, 1099-1100

Economic contributions

Penner, Jack, 150

Environmental issues

Penner, Jack, 2015

Export markets

Wowchuk, 1893-1894

Farm fuels

Penner, Jim, 1439-1441

Selinger, 1439-1441

Foreign subsidies

Wowchuk, 1853-1854


Rocan, 932

General comments

Penner, Jim, 977

Government initiatives

Doer, 972

Mihychuk, 348

Penner, Jack, 150-153, 724

Schellenberg, 263

Selinger, 985

Struthers, 1860

Labour legislation

Helwer, 377


Tweed, 393

National summit, need for

Lemieux, 2881-2884

Maguire, 2887-2889

Nevakshonoff, 2889-2890

Penner, Jack, 2878-2881

Struthers, 2884-2887

Prime Minister, meeting with

Penner, Jack, 23

Wowchuk, 23

Safe food supply

Penner, Jack, 1900-1901

Specialty crops

Penner, Jack, 1900

Supply management

Penner, Jack, 1898

Trade issues

Penner, Jack, 1896, 1899-1900, 2013-2014

Agriculture and Food, Department of


Debate, 1893-1913, 1967-1982, 2011-2026, 2078-2092, 2136-2145, 2198-2219, 2283-2288, 3013-3044, 3443-3455, 3487-3505, 3552-3568, 3622-3638, 3699-3718, 3783-3794, 3990-3998, 4400-4432


Cummings, 3452-3455

Enns, 2210-2211, 3033-3035, 3503-3504, 3552-3560

Faurschou, 3562, 3565-3567, 3635-3637, 3699-3713, 3784-3786

Friesen, 1970-1972

Gerrard, 3043-3044, 3451-3452, 3560-3564

Maguire, 3443-3451, 3487-3502

Nevakshonoff, 1977-1980

Penner, Jack, 1895-1913, 1967-1970, 2011-2026, 2078-2092, 2136-2144, 2198-2209, 2211-2219, 2283-2288, 3013-3033, 3035-3041, 3622-3635, 3713-3718, 3786-3794, 3990-3998, 4400-4432

Reid, 1980

Struthers, 1972-1977

Wowchuk, 1893-1895, 1895-1908, 1967-1969, 2011-2026, 2078-2091, 2136-2144, 2198-2219, 2283-2288, 3013-3044, 3443-3455, 3487-3505, 3552-3568, 3622-3638, 3700-3717, 3784-3794, 3991-3998, 4400-4432

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 81)

Wowchuk, 439


Penner, Jack, 4410

Wowchuk, 798, 4410

Mission statement

Penner, Jack, 2014, 2016, 2017

Wowchuk, 2017

Regional services

Penner, Jack, 4406-4407

Wowchuk, 4407


Penner, Jack, 2286-2288

Wowchuk, 2286-2288


Penner, Jack, 4407

Wowchuk, 4407

Supplementary Information (S.P. 144)

Wowchuk, 1707

Agriculture Disaster Aid Programming

Penner, Jack, 724-725, 4415, 4421-4422

Wowchuk, 1855, 4422

Agriculture diversification. See also Centre for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Research; Ethanol industry; Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Financial investment

Penner, Jack, 2012

General comments

Derkach, 1629

Doer, 1629

Hawranik, 778-779

Penner, Jim, 1077

Wowchuk, 248, 1855-1856

Agriculture in the Classroom

Allan, 1495-1496

Penner, Jack, 1496

Agriculture legislation. See also U.S. agriculture legislation

Agriculture products. See also specific products

Country-of-origin labelling

Penner, Jack, 3024-3031, 4413-4415

Wowchuk, 3024-3031, 4413-4415

Direct marketing

Faurschou, 3567

Wowchuk, 3567

Genetically modified produce

Penner, Jim, 4229

Agriculture safety net programs. See also specific programs

General comments

Lemieux, 173

Liba, 8

Selinger, 652

Struthers, 102-103

Wowchuk, 1894-1895


Wowchuk, 248

Agri-Food Research and Development Initiatives


Penner, Jack, 638, 2083

Wowchuk, 638, 2084

General comments

Penner, Jack, 4416

Wowchuk, 4416-4417

Lagoon cover initiative

Penner, Jack, 4417-4418

Wowchuk, 4417-4418

Manitoba Sugar Beet Producers

Penner, Jack, 4418

Wowchuk, 4418

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome). See also World AIDS Day

Chomiak, 363-364, 4359

Gerrard, 177, 363, 4359

Air ambulances. See also Government jet

Ashton, 4529

Air travel, reduction in

Ashton, 4549-4550

Faurschou, 4549

Aircraft accident (Winnipeg)

Ashton, 2388

Doer, 2443

Faurschou, 2389

Gerrard, 2389, 2443

Murray, 2443

Aircraft landings on highways

Ashton, 2931

Airport security

Ashton, 4551

Faurschou, 4551

Airports (Garden Hill)

Robinson, 936

Airports (Lac Brochet)

Jennissen, 60

Airports Assistance Program

Ashton, 4548-4549

Helwer, 4548-4549

AJIC. See Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission

All weather road (Pukatawagan)

Gerrard, 818

Robinson, 818

All weather road (South Indian Lake)

Jennissen, 820

Allan, Nancy (St. Vital) N.D.P.

AAAA Provincial High School Basketball Championship, 1655

Agriculture in the Classroom, 1495-1496

Budget Debate, 922-926

Building Communities initiative, 2249

CBC's "Disclosure," 28

Children's services, 924-925

Dakota Collegiate Black and Gold Society, 2252

Early childhood educators, 909

École Varennes 50th anniversary, 191-192

Education system, 923-924

Manitoba Hydro profits, 925

Marlene Street Tenants Association, 2769-2770

MB4Youth Web site, 848

McElhoes & Duffy 80th anniversary, 472-473

Members' Statements

AAAA Provincial High School Basketball Championship, 1655

Agriculture in the Classroom, 1495-1496

CBC's "Disclosure," 28

Dakota Collegiate Black and Gold Society, 2252

Early childhood educators, 909

École Varennes 50th anniversary, 191-192

Marlene Street Tenants Association, 2769-2770

MB4Youth Web site, 848

McElhoes & Duffy 80th anniversary, 472-473

Mosquito control measures, 668

St. George Parenting Centre, 1845-1846

St. Vital Agricultural Society, 3986-3987

St. Vital Community Garden, 2453

St. Vital municipal dump, 2663-2664

Victor Mager Job Re-Entry Program, 1125-1126

Winnipeg Folk Festival, 3595-3596

World AIDS Day, 450

Mosquito control measures, 668

Oral Questions

Building Communities initiative, 2249

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

Education partners, comments from, 2323

Red River College Princess Street campus, 1494

School divisions, amalgamations of, 2606

Benefits of amalgamation, 3332

Delays, 2980

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Administrative costs, 71

Private Bills, Standing Committee on

1st Report, 4941-4943

Private Members' Business

Youth Criminal Justice Act, 2383-2386

Privileges and Elections, Standing Committee on

4th Report, 4939-4941

Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)

2R, 1207-1209

Education partners, comments from, 2323

Red River College Princess Street campus, 1494

Rural development, 925-926

Sales tax on feminine hygiene products, 926

School divisions, amalgamations of, 2606

Administrative costs, 1208

Benefits of amalgamation, 3332

Delays, 2980

Moratorium on school closures, 1208

Transition funding, 1207-1208

St. George Parenting Centre, 1845-1846

St. Vital Agricultural Society, 3986-3987

St. Vital Community Garden, 2453

St. Vital municipal dump, 2663-2664

Victor Mager Job Re-Entry Program, 1125-1126

Winnipeg Folk Festival, 3595-3596

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 71

World AIDS Day, 450

All-Party Task Force on Security Issues

Gerrard, 1099

Alpha House fundraising dinner

Rondeau, 339

ALS hospice

Korzeniowski, 295-296

Alternate Land Use Services (ALUS)

Faurschou, 2125

Lathlin, 2125-2126

Alzheimer's disease

Korzeniowski, 2592-2593

Alzheimer's Memory Walk

Dyck, 2398

Ambulances. See Emergency medical services

Ambulances, air. See Air ambulances

Amusements Act

Dacquay, 3650

Lemieux, 3650

Anatomy Act

Mackintosh, 2791

Animal Diseases Amendment Act (Bill 11)


Wowchuk, 1935


Derkach, 3843-3845

Gerrard, 3847-3849

Maguire, 3845-3847

Penner, Jack, 3839-3843

Wowchuk, 2261-2264


Gerrard, 3850-3851

Penner, Jack, 3850


Gerrard, 3851

Penner, Jack, 3851-3852

R/S, 3851


Liba, 3851

Animal Liability Act

Mackintosh, 2789-2790

Anne of Green Gables theatrical production

Faurschou, 1655

Annie theatrical production

Rondeau, 1846

Anokiiwin Centre

Caldwell, 466

Derkach, 466

Anti-terrorism measures. See Homefront security

Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Board

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 111)

Caldwell, 810

Appropriation Act, 2002 (Bill 57)


Selinger, 4929

2R, 4930

C/W, 4936


Selinger, 4937

3R, 4937


Liba, 4977

Arborg Implements

Nevakshonoff, 3259

Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)


Barrett, 1864


Barrett, 2269-2270

Schuler, 2923-2926

Referred to Standing Committee on Industrial Relations

R/S, 3089


Gerrard, 3090


Liba, 3431

ARDI. See Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative

Arena/entertainment complex. See True North Entertainment Complex

Armed forces. See also Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act (Bill 9); Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry; Veterans

Sunset ceremony

Korzeniowski, 2057

Voting rights

Liba, 3

Art collection, government


Lemieux, 3724-3726

Reimer, 3724-3726

Purchasing policy

Lemieux, 3654-3655, 3719

Reimer, 3654-3655, 3718-3719


Lemieux, 3726-3728

Reimer, 3726-3727

Arthur-Virden (Constituency)

Maguire, 227-228

Arts programs

Lemieux, 3720-3721

Reimer, 3720-3721

Asessippi Ski Hill

Derkach, 3918-3921

Asessippi Ski Hill highway signage

Derkach, 3918-3921

Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.

Air ambulances, 4529

Air travel, reduction in, 4549-4550

Aircraft accident (Winnipeg), 2388

Aircraft landings on highways, 2931

Airport security, capital funding, 4551

Airports Assistance Program, 4548-4549

Border crossings, joint-use facilities, 4861

Budget Debate, 743-749

CANPASS Program, 4552-4553

Casinos (Winnipeg), advertising, 4678-4680

CFB Shilo access road, 4860

Club Regent Casino, dismissal of General Manager, 4123-4124

CN train derailment (Firdale), 1037-1038, 1048

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 2132-2135

Conservation, Minister of, 2134-2135

Dakota Tipi First Nation

Audit, 3868-3869, 3983-3984, 4055-4057

Auditor's recommendations, 3678-3679

Financial statements, 3677-3678

Gaming agreement compliance, 3677, 3863-3864

Gaming agreement suspension, 3749-3750, 4085, 4253-4254

Gaming, government action, 4602-4603

Gaming revenues, 3370, 3746-3747, 3862-3863

Judicial inquiry, 4249-4250, 4253, 4254, 4603, 4604-4605, 4606, 4813, 4909-4920

Soaring Eagle Accounting agreement, 4080-4081, 4083-4085, 4153-4159, 4248-4249, 4252-4253, 4603-4604, 4608, 4807-4809, 4812

Third-party management, 3750, 4160

Dauphin Hospital mould-abatement program, 4528

Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (Canada), 4554-4558

Driver licensing

Commercial driver abstracts, 2932

Graduated licenses, 4436

Photo identifcation cards, 2932-2933

Re-testing by age, 4642-4643

Education, Training and Youth, Minister of

Information release, 611-612

Emergency Measures Organization, 4529-4530

Provincial ministers, meeting of, 4554

Filmon administration

Video lottery terminals, expansion of, 1535

First Nation casinos, 1535-1536

Fleet Vehicles Agency

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 68), 285

Body shop facilities, 4869-4871

Flood forecast, 2387-2388, 2441-2442, 2650-2651, 2716-2717

Flood protection

Flood insurance, 4558-4560

General comments, 2812-2813

Highway 75, 4561-4562

Infrastructure, 4085-4086, 4157-4158


Agriculture disaster assistance, 3168-3169, 3170, 3175-3176, 3211-3212

Disaster assistance, 2812-2813, 4563-4564

Emergency measures, 2390

Flooding (1997)

Disaster assistance, 2660

Flooding (R.M. of Stuartburn)

Disaster assistance, 2811

Forest fires, 2043

Forest fires (Powell), 1862

Fuel tax on aviation fuels, 4551

Gaming Control Commission

Soaring Eagle Accounting, meetings with, 4079, 4084

Staffing, 3221

Gimli rail line

Businesses, impact on, 2975-2976

Golden Boy memorabilia

Merchandising program, 3526, 3527, 4536-4537, 4538-4539

Proprietary rights, 3526, 4540-4541

Golden Boy, restoration of, 4526-2527

Estimated costs, 4534-4536, 4540

Parking, impact on, 4537-4538

Government Services

Aboriginal procurement initiative, 4528, 4542-4546

Leased properties, 4542

Procurement policy, 4527-4528, 4541-4542

Ground water testing (Firdale), 1048

Highway construction/maintenance

All-weather roads, 4638

Bridge replacement (Letellier), 4859-4860

Capital budget, 1303-1304

Funding, 747-748

Funding, federal, 4433

Government initiatives, 1017-1018

Highway No. 9, 4862-4863

Highway No. 10, 4855

Highway No. 16, 4864-4867

Highway No. 21, 4868

Highway No. 59, 4856-4857

Highway No. 75, 4856

Highway No. 83, 4868

Levels of improvements, 4636-4637

Long-term planning, 4433-4434

Maintenance equipment, 4437

Priorities, 4874-4882

Provincial Road 201, 4856

Provincial Road 222, 4864

Provincial Road 304, reconstruction of, 637

Public-private partnership agreements, 4634-4635

RTAC roads, 4637-4638

Selkirk Corridor, 4861-4862

Tender process, 4632

Trans-Canada Highway twinning, 4852-4854

Yellowhead Highway, 4439

Highway map, 4562

Highway signage

School buses, 4873

Highway Traffic Act, review of, 4641

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 40)

1R, 2806

2R, 2929-2934

Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)

1R, 114-115

2R, 297-300

R/S, 1524

Highways and Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 47)

1R, 2974

Identification, forms of

Driver's licences, 4438

Interim Appropriation Act, 2002 (Bill 55)

C/W, 4145-4146

International Fuel Tax Agreement

Fines and penalties, 4859

Intersection safety cameras

Authorization for municipal use, 299

Fine structure, 299

General comments, 4436

Offence notice, 299

Offences charged to registered vehicle owner, 299

Kyoto Protocol

Conservation Minister, role of, 2133-2134

Land Management Services Agency

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 67), 285

Limitation of Actions Amendment Act (Bill 8)

3R, 1731-1733

Mail Management Agency

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 69), 285

Manitoba Gaming Control Commission

Information release, 4812

Manitoba Hydro

Limestone project, 744-745

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Advertising policy, 4678-4680

Manitoba Telephone System

Privatization, 746

Materials Distribution Agency

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 66), 285

Mid-Continental Trade Corridor, 4438

Ministerial Statements

Aircraft accident (Winnipeg), 2388

CN train derailment (Firdale), 1037-1038

Flood forecast, 2387-2388, 2441-2442, 2650-2651, 2716-2717

Forest fires (Powell), 1862

Forest fires update, 2043

Municipal/local governments

Emergency plans, 4560

Grant-in-aid program, 4646-4649

Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)

1R, 2806

2R, 2934-2938

R/S, 4959-4960

Oral Questions

Dakota Tipi First Nation

Audit, 3868-3869, 3983-3984, 4055-4057

Auditor's recommendations, 3678-3679

Financial statements, 3677-3678

Gaming agreement compliance, 3677, 3863-3864

Gaming agreement suspension, 3749-3750, 4085, 4253-4254

Gaming, government action, 4602-4603

Gaming revenues, 3370, 3746-3747, 3862-3863

Judicial inquiry, 4249-4250, 4253, 4254, 4603, 4604-4605, 4606, 4813

Soaring Eagle Accounting agreement, 4080-4081, 4083-4085, 4153-4159, 4248-4249, 4252-4253, 4603-4604, 4608, 4807-4809, 4812

Third-party management, 3750, 4160

Flood protection

General comments, 2812-2813

Infrastructure, 4085-4086


Agriculture disaster assistance, 3168-3169, 3170, 3175-3176, 3211-3212

Disaster assistance, 2812-2813

Emergency measures, 2390

Flooding (1997)

Disaster assistance, 2660

Flooding (R.M. of Stuartburn), 2811

Gaming Control Commission

Soaring Eagle Accounting, meetings with, 4079, 4084

Staffing, 3221

Gimli rail line

Businesses, impact on, 2975-2976

Golden Boy memorabilia

Merchandising program, 3526, 3527

Proprietary rights, 3526

Ground water testing (Firdale), 1048

Highway construction/maintenance

Capital budget, 1303-1304

Government initiatives, 1017-1018

Provincial Road 304, reconstruction of, 637

Manitoba Gaming Control Commission

Information release, 4812

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on, meeting schedule, 410-411

Red River College Princess Street campus, 1494

Sherridon rail line service resumption, 1568

Points of Order

P/O by Caldwell respecting word "raping" 1300; Laurendeau 1300; Ashton 1300; taken under advisement, 1300

Port of Churchill advisory board, 4435-4436

Portage Correctional Institution replacement facility, 4145-4146

Private Members' Business

Casino advertising, 4678-4680

Gaming, moratorium on, 1535-1537

Privilege, Matters of

Education, Training and Youth, Minister of

Information release, 611-612

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on, meeting schedule, 410-411

Red River College Princess Street campus, 1494, 4527

Red River Floodway

Conservation Minister, role of, 2134

Sales tax on aviation fuels, 4551

Sherridon rail line service resumption, 1568

SHIP program, 4434

St. Andrews Airport, 4546-4547

Supply, Committee of

Capital Supply, 4909-4920

Interim Supply, 4123-4124

Taxation, 743

Taxi industry safety initiatives, 4436-4437

Terrorist attacks, New York City/Washington, D.C., 44-46

Throne Speech Debate, 203-212

Transportation and Government Services, Department of

Estimates debate, 4432-4440, 4525-4564, 4631-4649, 4851-4889, 4886

Administrative costs, 4645-4646

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 70), 285

Goals and objectives, 4439-4440

Mould abatement program, 4528

Staffings, 4631-4633

Supplementary Information (S.P. 198), 4150

Transportation industry

Lighter-than-air cargo ships, 4633-4634

Trucking industry

Commercial driver abstracts, 2932

Shipper liability legislation, 2931-2932, 4436

University of Manitoba

ISIS Centre, 4438-4439

Transport Institute, 4438

Urgent Public Importance, Matters of

Terrorist attacks, New York City/Washington, D.C., 44-46

U.S. agriculture legislation, 1382-1384

Video lottery terminals expansion, Filmon administration, 1535

Winter roads, long-term planning of, 4434-4435

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2R, 1498-1499

Asper, Linda (Riel) N.D.P.

Balshaw, Mike, 79

Bishop Grandin Greenway, 79

Canada Millennium Scholarships, 3176

Cenerini report, 2271

Dakota Collegiate athletic awards, 2768

Discrimination and racism, 80

Division scolaire franco-manitobaine

By-law advisory group, 2271, 2272

Creation of, 2271

Trustees, election of, 2271, 2272

École Christine-Lespérance opening ceremony, 950-951

École Marie-Anne-Gaboury Walk-a-Thon, 142

Education system

Curriculum, Canadian content, 81

Elder abuse, 3146

Encounters with Canada student exchange program, 2360

ERIK project, 338

Flood protection (Winnipeg), 82

Foyer Valade, 1844-1845

Graduation ceremonies, 2818-2819

Health care professions, training programs, 82

High school convocations, 3336

Homefront security, government strategy, 80

Maison Gabrielle Roy, 245

Members' Statements

Canada Millennium Scholarships, 3176

Dakota Collegiate athletic awards, 2768

École Christine-Lespérance opening ceremony, 950-951

École Marie-Anne-Gaboury Walk-a-Thon, 142

Elder abuse, 3146

Encounters with Canada student exchange program, 2360

ERIK project, 338

Foyer Valade, 1844-1845

Graduation ceremonies, 2818-2819

High school convocations, 3336

Maison Gabrielle Roy, 245

Peacekeeper Award, 4059

Pollution prevention (Winnipeg), 3302

Post-secondary education

Government initiatives, 2328

Tuition fee policy, 721-722

Riel House, 4816-4817

Smith, Murray, Order of Manitoba recipient, 3374

St. Amant Centre Miles of Smiles walkathon, 2123

St. Mary Magdalene Church 75th anniversary, 366-367

St. Vital Youth Parent Centre, 1051-1052

Winnipeg Art Gallery 90th anniversary, 1358-1359

YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards, 1308

Young, Erica, Students on Ice participant, 2662-2663

Youville Centre, 4258-4259

Muller, Joanne, 79

Multiculturalism, 2478-2480

Peacekeeper Award, 4059

Pollution prevention (Winnipeg), 3302

Post-secondary education

Government initiatives, 2328

Tuition fee policy, 721-722

Private Members' Business

Multiculturalism, 2478-2480

Women's health issues, 3205-3206

Public Schools Amendment Act (Francophone School Division Governance Structure) (Bill 22)

2R, 2270-2272

Riel House, 4816-4817

School divisions, amalgamations of, 81

Shapiro, Lynda, 79

Smith, Murray, Order of Manitoba recipient, 3374

St. Amant Centre Miles of Smiles walkathon, 2123

St. Mary Magdalene Church 75th anniversary, 366-367

St. Vital Youth Parent Centre, 1051-1052

Taxation reduction, 82

Throne Speech Debate, 78-83

Veterans, 80

Volunteerism, 79

Winnipeg Art Gallery 90th anniversary, 1358-1359

YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards, 1308

Young, Erica, Students on Ice participant, 2662-2663

Youville Centre, 4258-4259

Assiniboia West Tournament of Champions

Rondeau, 1021

Assiniboine Community College

Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 49)

McGifford, 129

Licensed practical nursing program

Entrance requirements

Faurschou, 4468

McGifford, 4468-4469

Parkland Southwest Regional Centre

Derkach, 848

Assiniboine Delta acquifer

Cummings, 1420

Lathlin, 1420

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Company Ltd. Additional Powers Act (Bill 301)


Rondeau, 1641


Laurendeau, 4168

Rondeau, 1931-1933

Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills

R/S, 4948-4949

3R, 4949


Liba, 4976

Fees, refunding of, 4949-4950

Assiniboine River. See also Holland dam

Water management plan

Cummings, 1106

Water treatment, notification of

Gerrard, 2007-2008

Lathlin, 2008

Assiniboine South School Division, amalgamations

Gilleshammer, 2671

Loewen, 2578-2579

Penner, Jim, 2622

Stefanson, 2456-2457, 2459

Association of Manitoba Municipalities

Penner, Jack, 615

Association of Occupational Therapists in Manitoba. See Occupational Therapists Act (Bill 26)

Asthma education program

Chomiak, 3543, 4029

Auditor General. See also First Nation artifacts under University of Winnipeg

Annual Report, 2002 (S.P. 197)

Hickes, 4078

Investigation of Missing Artifacts at the Anthropology Museum of the University of Winnipeg, 2002 (S.P. 171)

Hickes, 2805

Automobile theft. See also Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Anti-theft devices

Gerrard, 2253-2254

Mackintosh, 1916, 2297-2298, 2868, 2869-2870

Maloway, 2302

Reid, 2299-2300

Citizen patrols

Mackintosh, 1914-1915

Community notification

Dacquay, 2295

Mackintosh, 2289-2294, 2296, 2868

Smith, J., 2289-2294

Criminal activity

Dacquay, 2295-2296

Maloway, 2301

Driver licence suspensions

Mackintosh, 2868

General comments

Cerilli, 2304

Mackintosh, 72-73

Smith, J., 72, 495-496

Global positioning systems

Maloway, 2303

Insurance rates, impact on

Reid, 2299


Cummings, 2867-2868

Mackintosh, 2868

Reduction strategy

Mackintosh, 1914, 1945-1946

Schuler, 1945-1946

Smith, J., 1923-1924

Rural Manitoba

Faurschou, 2098-2099

Mackintosh, 2099-2100


Cummings, 2866, 2969

Dacquay, 2294

Mackintosh, 2296, 2866-2867, 2969

Reid, 2298

Autopsy reports. See Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Axworthy, Lloyd, Order of Manitoba recipient

Reimer, 415

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