HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Families and Schools Together Program
Aglugub, 849-850
Families, programs and services for
Martindale, 692
Schellenberg, 264
Cerilli, 160
Lemieux, 170
Liba, 5
Reimer, 283
Family farms. See also Bridging Generations Initiative; Farm Family of the Year; Project 2000
Employment statistics
Penner, Jack, 154
Lemieux, 173
Penner, Jack, 154
Rocan, 383
Government initiatives
Doer, 1563-1564
Penner, Jack, 816-817, 1563, 1715-1716
Intergenerational transfers
Rocan, 1852-1853
Penner, Jack, 2091-2092
Maguire, 1572-1573
Penner, Jack, 724-725
Wowchuk, 799-800
Family Services and Housing, Department of
Cummings, 4581-4594, 4786-4793, 4796
Faurschou, 4793-4794
Penner, Jack, 4794-4796
Reimer, 4766-4786
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 80)
Sale, 356
Sale, 4580-4581
Regional services (Housing)
Penner, Jack, 4794-4796
Sale, 4795
Reimer, 4784
Sale, 4784
Reimer, 4783-4784
Sale, 4783-4784
Supplementary information (S.P. 184)
Sale, 3392
Cummings, 1717-1718
Farms/farming. See also Agriculture; Family farms
Labour pool decline
Penner, Jack, 638
Wowchuk, 638
Fatal Accidents Amendment Act (Bill 15)
Mackintosh, 1009-1010
Mackintosh, 1540-1542
Smith, J., 2945-2950
Referred to Standing Committee on Law Amendments
R/S, 3852-3854
3R, 3854
Liba, 3851
Report pursuant to subsection 43(1), 2001 (S.P. 136)
Mackintosh, 1041
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Bill 32)
Mackintosh, 2508-2509
Mackintosh, 3349-3351
Smith, J., 3535
Referred to Standing Committee on Law Amendments
R/S, 4090
3R, 4182
R/A, 4186
Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.
Adult learning centres, enrolment figures, 344-346
Agassiz Youth Centre, renovation/reconstruction plan, 3463
Agriculture and Food, Department of
Estimates debate, 3562, 3565-3567, 3635-3637, 3699-3713, 3784-3786
Agriculture products, marketing of, 3567
Air travel, reduction in, 4549
Aircraft accident (Winnipeg), 2389
Airport security, capital funding, 4551
Alternate Land Use Services (ALUS), 2125
Anne of Green Gables theatrical production, 1655
Assiniboine Community College
Licensed practical nursing program, 4468
Automobile theft, rural, 2098-2099
Border crossings, joint-use facilities, 4861
Budget Debate, 937-939, 952-953
Campus Manitoba, 4467-4468
Canadian Wheat Board, direct marketing, 3636, 3699-3702
CANPASS Program, 4552
Centre for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Research, 3567
CFB Shilo access road, 4860
Chiropractic care, coverage, reduction of, 938
College Expansion Initiative, 4467
Community justice programs, 2096
Conservation, Department of
Estimates debate, 2001-2002, 2071-2077, 2124, 2125-2126
Conservation districts, 3247-3248
Drainage permits, allocation of, 4723-4725
Correctional facilities, education programming, 3407, 3463-3466
Crime rate (Portage la Prairie), reduction strategy, 1645
Crown attorneys (Portage la Prairie), resources, 1645, 2097, 2098
Cultural organizations, grants to, 3952-3954
Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of
Estimates debate, 3818-3826, 3952-3968
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Chief, recognition of, 3369
Debt management, 3328-3329, 3336-3337
Gaming revenues, 3329, 3369-3370
Drinking Water Safety Act (Bill 36)
2R, 3356-3357
Driver licensing, re-testing by age, 4642-4643
Elections, municipal
Farming corporations, 1027-1028
Family Services and Housing, Department of
Estimates debate, 4793-4794
Finance, Department of
Estimates debate, 1234-1237, 1606-1612, 1613-1614, 1671-1675, 1676-1677, 1749-1750
Food Development Centre, 939
Fuel tax on aviation fuel, 4549
Gimli rail line, 2903
Grievance, Matters of
Apology request, 1310-1312
Harness racing, elimination of, 938
Health, Department of
Estimates debate, 3897-3898
Heritage Grants Advisory Council, 3954-3966
Highway construction/maintenance
All-weather roads, 4638
Highway No. 75, 4443
Levels of improvements, 4636
Portage la Prairie area, 4442-4443
Provincial Road 227, 938, 4442
Public-private partnership agreements, 4634
RTAC roads, 4637
Tender process, 4632
Trans-Canada Highway, 4444
Transportation taxes, 2793-2796
Highway map, 4562
Highway signage, school buses, 4872-4873
Highway Traffic Act, review of, 4641
Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 3)
2R, 997-1001
Holland dam, 1706, 2071-2077, 3706-3710
Housing, public (Portage la Prairie), 4780
Hybrid poplar, research and development of, 2001-2002
Income Assistance, education opportunities, 4793-4794
Industry, Trade and Mines, Department of
Estimates debate, 4336-4339
Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of
Estimates debate, 4718-4726
Interim Appropriation Act, 2002 (Bill 55)
C/W, 4145-4146
Intersection safety cameras
High-speed corridors, 997-998
Revenues, 1722-1723
Traffic safety initiatives, 998-999
Irrigation strategic plan, 4420
Island of Lights, 126-127
Judges and magistrates, compensation for, 3466
Justice, Department of
Estimates debate, 2092-2100, 3044-3052, 3461-3466
Justice system, 2096
Keystone Agricultural Producers, 2125
Labour and Immigration, Department of
Estimates debate, 2180-2192
Labour legislation, impact on short-line railways, 2180-2192, 3141-3142
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 203)
1R, 3290
2R, 4168-4169
Minister's support, 3296
Labour relations legislation
Amendments, 3141
Succession rights, 3295-3296
Legislative Building security measures, 344
Lighthouses program, 2098
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)
2R, 1027-1028
Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame
Inductees, 3636
Induction ceremony, 3597
Manitoba Arts Council, administrative costs, 3954
Manitoba Development Centre, future programming, 4781-4783
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 41)
2R, 4270-4272
Manitoba Hydro profits, 953
Manitoba Labour Board, 2901
Manitoba Learning Tax Credit, 1612
Manitoba Softball Hall of Fame and Museum, 2663
Manitoba Threshermen's Reunion and Stampede, 3635-3636, 3752
McCain Foods Growers Barbecue, 4816
McCallister, Marvin Wayne, condolences, 4162
McEwen, Tam (doctor), 2001-2002
Members' Statements
Anne of Green Gables theatrical production, 1655
Dakota Tipi First Nation, 3336-3337
Gimli rail line, 2903
Island of Lights, 126-127
Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame, 3597
Manitoba Softball Hall of Fame and Museum, 2663
Manitoba Threshermen's Reunion and Stampede, 3752
McCain Foods Growers Barbecue, 4816
McCallister, Marvin Wayne, condolences, 4162
Omichinski, Joseph Gerald, condolences, 721
Portage and District Arts Council, 3986
Portage Collegiate Institute
Archiving project, 449-450
Track and field team, 2520-2521
Premier's travel expenses, 27-28
Simplot plant (Portage la Prairie), 4609-4610
Strawberry production (Portage la Prairie), 3373
Youth in Philantropy programs, 3177
Mineral resources, aggregate for construction purposes, 4337-4338
Ministerial Statements
Aircraft accident (Winnipeg), 2389
Municipal/local governments grant-in-aid program, 4646-4649
Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 42)
R/S, 4959
Omichinski, Joseph Gerald, condolences, 721
Oral Questions
Crime rate (Portage la Prairie), reduction strategy, 1645
Dakota Tipi First Nation
Chief, recognition of, 3369
Debt management, 3328-3329
Gaming revenues, 3329, 3369-3370
Labour legislation, impact on short-line railways, 3141-3142
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 203), 3296
Labour relations legislation
Amendments, 3141
Succession rights, 3295-3296
Manitoba Labour Board, 2901
Police services (Portage la Prairie), 1645
Short-line railways, 3141-3142
True North Entertainment Complex, exclusivity clauses, 1716, 2519
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Act amendments, 525
Portage District General Hospital Foundation
63; ruled in order, 113
Phone coverage in the North, 2438-2439
Police services (Portage la Prairie), 1645, 2092-2093, 2096-2097
Poplar trees, hybrid, research and development, 2001-2002, 3564-3565
Port of Churchill
Cruise line destination, 3818-3820
General comments, 4443-4444
Portage and District Arts Council, 3986
Portage Collegiate Institute
Archiving project, 449-450
Boys track and field team, recognition of, 4482
Track and field team, 2520-2521
Portage Correctional Institution, replacement facility, 3044-3046, 3461-3462, 4145-4146
Portage District General Hospital, An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the (Bill 300)
1R, 129
Post-secondary education
Graduates, employment opportunities, 346-347
Labour market needs, 4467
Potato industry, irrigation requirements, 2002, 3703-3705, 3712-3713, 3784-3786
Prairies, Lake of the, economic benefits, 3822
Premier's travel expenses, 27-28
Private Members' Business
Alternative energy options, 1705-1706
Conservation districts, 3247-3248
Property taxes, 2646-2647
Transportation taxes and fees to highway infrastructure, devotion of, 2793-2796
User fees and tax relief, 2685-2688
Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 33)
3R, 4163-4166
Property taxes, 2646-2647
Education support levy, 1606-1607
Public debt, debt management, 1234-1235
Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended) (Bill 14)
2R, 2468-2473
R/S, 3151-3154, 3226-3229
3R, 3392-3394
Justification, 2471
Railway service, energy efficiencies, 1706
Red River College, registered nursing program, 4469
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Portage la Prairie), 3048-3052
Sales tax
Motor vehicles, 1607
Rebates, 1749-1750
Sales tax on aviation fuel, 4549
School divisions, amalgamations of
Benefits of amalgamation, 3151-3154
Board of Reference, 2472
Continuity in education, 3226-3229
Trustees, number of, 2472
Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 2)
2R, 524-528
Short-line railways, 2180-2192, 3141-3142
Simplot plant (Portage la Prairie), 4609-4610
Southport flight training, National Defence contract, 4338
Strawberry production (Portage la Prairie), 3373
Taxation, succession rights, 1613-1614, 1671-1675
Terrorist attacks, New York City/Washington, D.C., 343-344
Throne Speech Debate, 343-347
Transportation and Government Services, Department of
Estimates debate, 4440-4444, 4549-4552, 4631-4649, 4860-4861, 4872-4873, 4884-4886
Administrative costs, 4645-4646
Budget, 4441-4442
Staffings, 4631-4632
Transportation industry
Lighter-than-air cargo ships, 4633, 4635-4636
Trucking industry, 4444
True North Entertainment Complex, exclusivity clauses, 1716, 2519
University of Manitoba, Delta Field Station, 2126, 3820, 3822
U.S. agriculture legislation
Country-of-origin labelling, 3566
Government Motions, 1397-1398
Veterinary services, education programs, access to, 3562
Winnipeg Police Service, helicopter purchase, 999
Youth in Philantropy programs, 3177
Chiropractic care
Doer, 1458-1459
Gerrard, 1458-1459
Funding increase
Penner, Jim, 846-847
Selinger, 846-847
General comments
Loewen, 98
Doer, 968
Penner, Jim, 716-717, 1751-1752, 4106
Selinger, 654, 716-717, 1071-1072, 1751-1752, 4106
Doer, 1458-1460
Gerrard, 1458-1460
Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
Gerrard, 457-458
Rocan, 456-457
Selinger, 455
Feed grain and barley, interprovincial trade barriers
Penner, Jack, 1874
Wowchuk, 1874-1875
Caldwell, 4114
Gilleshammer, 4114
Ferry service (Matheson Island)
Nevakshonoff, 2326-2327
Fertilizers. See Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act
Festival Chantecler (Saint-Pierre-Jolys)
Pitura, 3302-3303
Fetal alcohol syndrome. See also Education system; Headingley Correctional Institution
Awareness campaign
Cerilli, 1337-1340
Korzeniowski, 1343
Current statistics
Gerrard, 3527-3528
Sale, 3527-3528
Police staff, training of
Cerilli, 1338
Prevention strategies
Cerilli, 1338-1340
Cummings, 1340-1342
Driedger, 1344
Screening/testing capacity
Korzeniowski, 3748
Sale, 3748-3749
Filipino Seniors Association 28th anniversary
Martindale, 388
Education and training opportunities
Dacquay, 4013
Lemieux, 4013
Dacquay, 4012
Lemieux, 4012-4013
Government initiatives
Cerilli, 3528
Mihychuk, 3528
Film and Video Production Tax Credit
Gerrard, 1452
Selinger, 1452-1453
Filmon administration. See also Immigration
Automobile theft reduction strategy
Mackintosh, 2296-2297
Crime victims
Smith, J., 1927
Education system
Cerilli, 1788
Education system funding
Caldwell, 2526
Legacy of
Friesen, 958-959
Video lottery terminals, expansion of
Ashton, 1535
Water strategy
Nevakshonoff, 1107
Penner, Jack, 1109
Struthers, 1110
Filmon, Gary, Order of Manitoba recipient
Reimer, 416
Debate, 1070-1089, 1145-1165, 1224-1241, 1320-1330, 1434-1457, 1590-1614, 1671-1682, 1747-1758, 1848-1849
Faurschou, 1234-1237, 1606-1612, 1613-1614, 1671-1675, 1676-1677, 1749-1750
Gerrard, 1452-1457
Gilleshammer, 1152-1154, 1441-1447, 1753
Penner, Jim, 1074-1089, 1145-1152, 1156-1165, 1225-1229, 1232-1233, 1239-1240, 1320-1322, 1326-1329, 1434-1441, 1447-1452, 1590-1605, 1675-1676, 1677-1683, 1747-1748, 1751-1752, 1753-1754
Reimer, 1229-1231, 1237-1239, 1612-1613
Rondeau, 1231-1232
Selinger, 1070-1074, 1078-1089, 1145-1165, 1225-1241, 1320-1330, 1434-1457, 1590-1614, 1672-1683, 1747-1755
Smith, J., 1322-1326
Stefanson, 1154-1155
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 30)
Selinger, 114
Contracted services
Penner, Jim, 1080
Selinger, 1080
Contracted services, Royal Bank
Penner, Jim, 1085
Selinger, 1085
Operating expenditures
Gilleshammer, 1153-1154
Selinger, 1153-1154
Salary increases
Penner, Jim, 1081
Selinger, 1081
Gilleshammer, 1443-1444
Selinger, 1078-1080, 1236, 1443-1444
Supplementary information (S.P. 132)
Sale, 1009
Conflict of interest
Cummings, 700-701
Derkach, 685
Doer, 2601
Loewen, 2601
Mackintosh, 3088-3089
Report pursuant to section 63(4) (S.P. 180)
Selinger, 3250
Financial Foundations Resource Centre
Martindale, 669
Financial investments, protection of. See Securities Amendment Act (Bill 24)
Third Quarter, tabling request
Doer, 631
Penner, Jim, 631
Firdale explosion. See CN train derailment (Firdale)
Fire Commissioner. See Office of the Fire Commissioner
Hawranik, 3471-3472
Robinson, 3472
Jennissen, 2963
Fire Prevention Act amendments
Barrett, 1656
Gerrard, 481-482
Hawranik, 1293
Loewen, 503
Mackintosh, 196-197
Tweed, 518
Penner, Jack, 1002
Firefighters, occupational diseases. See also Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)
Cerilli, 160
Liba, 3
First Nation artifacts. See University of Winnipeg
First Nation casinos. See also Brokenhead First Nation casino development
Capital funding
Penner, Jack, 4930-4931
Selinger, 4930-4931
General comments
Ashton, 1535-1536
Loewen, 1531
McGifford, 1528
Revenues, economic development
Smith, S., 1534-1535
First Nation co-management agreements. See also Manitoba Hydro under First Nation partnerships
Cummings, 1217-1219
Derkach, 1959-1964
Jennissen, 60
Lathlin, 1054, 1212-1220, 1960-1964
Liba, 4
First Nation communities. See also specific communities
Economic development
Martindale, 386
Land claims
Hawranik, 779
Personal care homes, responsibility for
Hawranik, 3469-3470
Robinson, 3469-3470
Suicide prevention
Gerrard, 817
Robinson, 817-818
First Nation policing agreements. See also Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act (Bill 44)
Mackintosh, 1920-1921
Smith, J., 1926-1927
Robinson, 3437
Fiscal Stabilization Fund. See Budget
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 32)
Selinger, 114
Loewen, 74
Selinger, 74
Fish Habitat Enhancement Groups
Cummings, 1049-1050, 1117-1119
Fisher Branch Women's Institute
Nevakshonoff, 546-547
Abandoned nets
Assiniboine diversion, impact of
Gerrard, 1586-1587
Lathlin, 1586-1587
Biota transfer
Lathlin, 1578-1585
Penner, Jack, 1577-1585
Commercial gill nets, use of
Enns, 1044-1045
Lemieux, 1045
Conservation lake, designation of
Lathlin, 1956-1958
Cummings, 1127-1128, 1135-1139
Enns, 1134-1135
Lathlin, 1129-1139
Government initiatves
Lathlin, 1057
Enns, 1062
Lake Winnipeg Management Board
Lathlin, 1057
Management agreements, West Regional Tribal Council
Derkach, 1589
Lathlin, 1589-1590
Lathlin, 2070-2071
Laurendeau, 2070
Restocking programs
Enns, 1576
Spawn fishing
Cummings, 1046-1047
Lathin, 1046-1047
Sport fishing
Enns, 1062
Maguire, 1104
Sport fishing (Red River)
Enns, 1220
Lathlin, 1220
Sturgeon population
Lathlin, 1060
West Hawk Lake hatchery
Hawranik, 1883
Lathlin, 1883
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 68)
Ashton, 285
Body shop facilities
Ashton, 4869-4871
Helwer, 4869-4871
Ethanol fuel, use of
Ashton, 4528
Flin Flon-Creighton Public Library
Jennissen, 547-548
Flinty's Boardwalk (Flin Flon)
Jennissen, 2398
Ashton, 2387-2388, 2441-2442, 2650-2651, 2716-2717
Lathlin, 2507-2508, 2550, 2598-2599, 2756-2757
Penner, Jack, 2388-2389, 2442, 2550-2551, 2599, 2651, 2717
Flood protection. See also Budget (2002); Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation; Red River; Volunteerism
Capital programs
Laurendeau, 4488-4490
Selinger, 4488-4490
Emerson dyking project
Lathlin, 1223
Penner, Jack, 1223
Flood insurance
Ashton, 4558-4560
Pitura, 4558
General comments
Ashton, 2812-2813
Doer, 1091-1092
Enns, 2124-2125
Pitura, 2812
Struthers, 2898
Highway 75
Ashton, 4561-4562
Pitura, 4561
Houle family property (Letellier)
Lathlin, 1223
Penner, Jack, 1223
Doer, 4251
Gerrard, 4085-4086, 4089, 4157-4158, 4251
Provincial strategy
Cummings, 325-326
Roblin, Duff, tribute to
Doer, 398-399
Flood protection (St. Norbert)
Doer, 1168
Laurendeau, 1168
Flood protection (Winnipeg). See also Red River Floodway
Asper, 82
Laurendeau, 1479
Liba, 9-10
Tweed, 391
Flood protection, all-party task force on
General comments
Gerrard, 1098
Meeting schedule
Doer, 4250-4251
Gerrard, 4250
Derkach, 64
Doer, 63-64
Agriculture disaster assistance
Ashton, 3168-3169, 3170, 3171-3172, 3173, 3175-3176, 3211-3212
Murray, 3167, 3210-3211, 3211-3212
Penner, Jack, 2390, 3168, 3169, 3172-3173, 3176-3177, 3212-3214, 3222
Pitura, 3171-3172
Wowchuk, 2390, 3169, 3170-3171, 3175, 3211, 3213-3214
Disaster assistance
Penner, Jack, 4563-4564
Pitura, 2812-2813
Emergency measures
Ashton, 2390
Penner, Jack, 2390
Livestock, assistance in moving
Penner, Jack, 2390
Wowchuk, 2390
Disaster assistance
Ashton, 2660
Laurendeau, 2660
Ashton, 2811
Caldwell, 2811
Doer, 2812
Penner, Jack, 2811-2812
Floodway. See Red River Floodway
Aglugub, 4162-4163
Dacquay, 3881
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 85)
Wowchuk, 439
Penner, Jack, 3791-3794
Wowchuk, 3791-3794
Faurschou, 939
Penner, Jim, 1076
General comments
Penner, Jack, 910-911
Wowchuk, 1895
Government commitment
Nevakshonoff, 844
Value-added processing
Selinger, 652
Foreign consulates. See United States Consulate
Firefighting budget
Cummings, 1314
Enns, 1224
Ashton, 2043
Enns, 2043
Ashton, 1862
Enns, 1862
Forestry. See also Tembec; Tolko
East shore of Lake Winnipeg
Enns, 1575
Lathlin, 1575
Management plans
Enns, 1432-1433
Lathlin, 1433
Softwood lumber dispute
Enns, 1434
Jennissen, 77
Lathlin, 1434
Penner, Jim, 4229
Tree planting
Enns, 1433
Lathlin, 1433-1434
Fort Garry School Division. See also Property taxes
Loewen, 2578-2579
Stefanson, 2457
Annual grant
Doer, 636
Smith, J., 636
General comments
Smith, J., 2732
Commercial buildings
Smith, J., 1029-1030
Director of Public Safety
Powers of
Mackintosh, 301
Qualifications of
Smith, J., 1725
Inspectors, duties of
Mackintosh, 300-301
Legislation, application of
Gerrard, 1724
The Pas, impact on
Gerrard, 490
Mackintosh, 490
Removal orders
Mackintosh, 301
Residential dwellings
Smith, J., 1029
Fortified Buildings Act (Bill 6)
Mackintosh, 129
Gerrard, 1033
Mackintosh, 300-302
Smith, J., 1028-1033
Referred to Standing Committee on Law Amendments
R/S, 1539
Gerrard, 1724-1725
Smith, J., 1725
Liba, 1833
Foster families, recruitment of
Cummings, 4588-4589
Sale, 4589-4590
Asper, 1844-1845
Francophone education, history of. See also Cenerini report
Selinger, 2274-2275
Francophone school division. See Division scolaire franco-manitobaine
Franklin (Rural Municipality), disaster assistance
Penner, Jack, 23-24
Wowchuk, 23-24
Doer, 1619-1620
Murray, 1619-1620
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 192)
Lemieux, 3586
Freedom of Information requests. See also Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Chomiak, 2761-2764
Driedger, 2761-2762
Tweed, 2763-2764
Nevakshonoff, 3335-3336
Annual Report, 2001
Selinger, 2317
Korzeniowski, 2359
Robinson, 3435
Dyck, 4058-4059
Friesen, Hon. Jean (Wolseley) N.D.P.
Agriculture and Food, Department of
Estimates debate, 1970-1972
Budget Debate, 958-965
Budget, mosquito control measures, 665
Building Communities initiative, 964, 2249
Cabinet office (Brandon)
Canada/Manitoba Economic Development Partnership Agreement
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 38), 114
Canada-Manitoba Infrastructre Program, 4661
Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Program, 4566
Cabinet shuffle, impact of, 4681-4682
Downtown waterfront renewal, 4659, 4660
Funding split, 4659-4660
Projects, priority of, 4664-4666
Provencher bridge, pedestrian crossing, 4662-4663
Winnipeg Centennial Library project, 4661
City of Winnipeg Charter Act (Bill 39)
1R, 2720
2R, 2820-2822
Community revitalization, 4567-4568
Conservation districts, 4566
Drainage permits, allocation of, 4723-4725, 4729
Expansion, 4729
Funding, 4726-4728
Conservation Districts of Manitoba
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 39), 114
Downtown revitalization (Winnipeg)
Libraries, public, 964
Waterfront Drive, 964
Economic Development Partnership Agreement, 4566
Education system, class size and composition, 4129-4130
Elections, municipal, 4568
Non-resident voters, 302
Filmon administration, legacy of, 958-959
Flood protection, all-party task force on, 4572, 4574
The Forks North Portage Partnership
Annual Report, 2001, 15
Grow Bonds program, 4565-4566
Handi-transit, appropriate use of, 1798-1799
Highway construction/maintenance
Funding, 964
Trans-Canada Highway twinning, 4684-4686
Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of
Estimates debate, 4565-4579, 4594-4598, 4649-4668, 4681-4731, 4894-4896
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 36), 114
Community and Land Use Planning Services, 4566-4567
Staffing, 4570-4572, 4695-4697
Supplementary Information (S.P. 201), 4150
Irrigation, Holland dam proposal, 4721
Kenaston and Wilkes underpass
Construction, 3298-3299, 4664-4666
Funding, 3531
Libraries, public, 964
Livestock industry, comprehensive plan, 4567
Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 7)
2R, 302
Manitoba Hydro, rate equalization, 964
Manitoba Water Services Board
Annual Report, 2001 (S.P. 37), 114
Municipal Board
Annual Report, 2001, (S.P. 189), 3521
Appointees, 4576
Membership, 4697
Municipal/local governments, capital requirements, 4568
Neighbourhoods Alive! program, 962-963, 4567
Northern Manitoba infrastructure projects, 3218
Oral Questions
Budget, mosquito control measures, 665
Building Communities initiative, 2249
Handi-transit, appropriate use of, 1798-1799
Kenaston and Wilkes underpass, construction of, 3298-3299
Funding, 3531
Northern Manitoba infrastructure projects, 3218
Rural development, government initiatives, 24
True North Entertainment Complex
Auditor General, review by, 2324
Business plan, 2248-2249, 2324
VLT agreement, 2323
Post-secondary education, 964-965
Property assessments (Winnipeg), 4568
Provencher Bridge, pedestrian crossing, 4662-4663, 4667
Red River Floodway, expansion of, 4572-4574
Rural development
Government initiatives, 24
Infrastructure requirements, 4707-4716
Rural Economic Development Initiative, 4565
Rural Forum
Location, 4576-4579, 4687-4689
Youth workshops, 4690-4693
Rural Manitoba, 4699-4704
Rural municipalities, amalgamation of, 4894-4895
Terrorist attacks, New York City/Washington, D.C., 54
True North Entertainment Complex, 4661
Auditor General, review by, 2324
Business plan, 2248-2249, 2324
VLT agreement, 2323
Urgent Public Importance, Matters of
Terrorist attacks, New York City/Washington, D.C., 54
Waste management, infrastructure upgrades, 4566
Waterfront Drive, 964
Watershed management, 4730-4731
Winnipeg Centennial Library, 4661
Winnipeg (City), ward boundaries, 4595-4598, 4651-4658
Penner, Jim, 1201
Fuel tax. See also International Fuel Tax Agreement
Aviation fuel
Ashton, 4551
Faurschou, 4549
Farm fuels
Penner, Jim, 1439-1441
Selinger, 1439-1441
General comments
Gilleshammer, 1441
Selinger, 1441
Highway construction/maintenance
Gilleshammer, 1441-1442
Selinger, 1441-1442
Functional foods research. See Centre for Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Research
Enns, 1886
Lathlin, 1886