Mines (Regulatory)


Manitoba's Integrated Mining and Quarrying System


The functions available online via iMaQs are: 

  • How to submit a Mining Claim
  • How to submit an application for a Mineral Exploration License
  • How to submit a Casual Quarry Permit


Launch iMaQs
Go to iMaQs
iMaQs Frequently Asked Questions

All Private Aggregate Applications must be accompanied by a Land Title Certificate and sent to the Mines Branch. The copy must be dated within the last 30 days. To request a copy, please contact Teranet Manitoba at https://teranetmanitoba.ca/ or via phone at 1-844-737-5684.

Application Forms
Application Forms

How to use iMaQs



iMaQs Outages

Current iMaQs Outages No current outages.
Report iMaQs Outages Email mines_br@gov.mb.ca.

Outage email report should include:
"iMaQs outage" title and the date in the subject line and screenshot of the error message you are receiving when trying to launch iMaQs in the body of your email.

iMaQs, the integrated Mining and Quarrying system, went live in 2012. iMaQs allows clients to submit certain applications and manage dispositions online.

As part of the initiative to provide more online services to clients, the Province of Manitoba has developed AccessManitoba, a secure service that provides access to business, employment and training-related information and services, of which iMaQs is one of the participating programs. In AccessManitoba, your contact information will be kept in a secure database accessible only to participating programs. To know more about AccessManitoba, visit www.AccessManitoba.ca.

To find out more about iMaQs, select a topic from our FAQ.

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