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Releases for 2023
December 20, 2023 December 13, 2023 December 7, 2023 December 1, 2023 November 3, 2023 September 22, 2023 August 3, 2023 July 20, 2023 June 23, 2023 June 22, 2023 June 21, 2023 June 6, 2023 March 3, 2023 |
Publications may be available in alternate formats upon request.
Release for December 20, 2023
GeoFile 2-2023
Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation: silt plus clay (<63 µm) size-fraction by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion
by M.S. Gauthier
This GeoFile provides a digital dataset for till-geochemistry surveys carried out in Manitoba, where the silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction of the till matrix was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion. This compilation of 35 projects includes 3554 till samples, and will be updated annually or bi-annually. This data can be brought into GIS software, and integrated with other geoscience data, to generate new exploration targets and design follow-up exploration programs.
This publication supersedes GeoFile 2-2022.
Note: GeoFile 2-2023 has been superseded by GeoFile 2-2024.
Releases for December 13, 2023
GeoFile 7-2023
Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation: total carbonate of the silt plus clay (<63 µm) size-fraction
by M.S. Gauthier
This GeoFile provides a digital dataset for till-geochemistry surveys carried out in Manitoba, where the silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction of the till matrix was analyzed for total carbonate (CO3). This compilation of 46 projects includes 7844 till samples, and will be updated annually or bi-annually. This data can be brought into GIS software, and integrated with other geoscience data.
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This publication supersedes data previously available on the Manitoba carbonate dispersal analyses in till webpage.
GeoFile 8-2023
Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation: visible gold grains in the heavy mineral (<2 mm) size-fraction
by M.S. Gauthier
This GeoFile provides a digital dataset for till-geochemistry surveys carried out in Manitoba, where the heavy mineral (<2 mm) size-fraction was analyzed for visible gold. This compilation of 24 projects includes 3804 till samples, and will be updated annually or bi-annually. This data can be brought into GIS software, and integrated with other geoscience data, to generate new exploration targets and design follow-up exploration programs.
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This publication supersedes Open File OF2020-6.
Release for December 7, 2023
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results for archived samples from the Manitoba Geological Survey's Far North projects (parts of NTS 64I, K, M, N, P)
by Manitoba Geological Survey
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
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Releases for December 1, 2023
GeoFile 5-2023
Updates to the Manitoba Mineral Deposits Database
by M.L. Rinne
The Mineral Deposits Database serves as the primary inventory of mineral occurrence data in Manitoba. This GeoFile contains the latest updates to the database, including recently compiled and revised mineral occurrence data for parts of the Superior province and all areas of Manitoba north of 57°N. In combination with other geoscientific data, these results can be used to inform mineral potential assessments, exploration targeting, or land-use planning.
This publication supersedes GeoFile 5-2022, and was superseded by GeoFile 5-2024.
Till-matrix geochemistry re-analyses data from far northeastern and far northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54E, F, L, 64J, K, N, O)
by M.S. Gauthier and P.-M. Godbout
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This work is part of the Nunavut and Manitoba till samples activity of Natural Resources Canada's Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM) GeoNorth program, led by the Geological Survey of Canada, in collaboration with the Manitoba Geological Survey. Natural Resources Canada contribution 20230302.
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Till geochemistry and heavy mineral analyses (gold, MMSIM®, visual KIM) of the western Fox River greenstone belt area, northeastern Manitoba (NTS 53M15, 16, parts of 53N13, 54C4, 54D1): year 2
by M.S. Gauthier and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
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Releases for November 3, 2023
A comprehensive summary of geological investigations conducted by the Manitoba Geological Survey (MGS) in the past year. The report includes new field programs, new digital initiatives, and collaborative ventures with the federal government, universities and the mineral exploration industry. The Report of Activities provides industry with the most current geoscience information available to help focus exploration strategies and assist with mineral investment decisions for the coming year.
(136 p.; PDF)
PDFs of the entire Report of Activities 2023 are available for download free of charge at
Quaternary site data, till composition and ice-flow indicators in the Roseau River area, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 62H2, 7)
by M.S. Gauthier and T.J. Hodder
The Roseau River area in southeastern Manitoba preserves an exceptional stratigraphic record of multiple Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. We examined 6 sections on the Roseau River, 4 gravel pits and 22 surface sites to document the surficial sediments and till composition. Released herein are the stratigraphic columns, till fabrics, till-clast lithology and till-matrix geochemical data.
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Metamorphic map of the Flin Flon domain, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J, K, N, O)
by M. Lazzarotto, D.R.M. Pattison, S. Gagné and C.G. Couëslan
This report outlines early contact metamorphism and later regional metamorphism in the Flin Flon domain of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Regional metamorphic isograds and zones are described for both mafic metavolcanic rocks and metasedimentary rocks, and local metamorphic conditions are estimated using thermodynamic phase-equilibrium modelling. An accompanying map outlines metamorphic mineral assemblages, mineral isograds, and metamorphic zones for the Flin Flon domain.
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Salvaged diamond-drillcore at the Thompson Facility and Compound, from east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C, 63P, 64A)
by C.G. Couëslan
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Couëslan, C.G. 2023: Thompson Facility and Compound core recovery project, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C, 63P, 64A); in Report of Activities 2023, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 90–92.
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Till geochemistry and heavy mineral analyses (gold, MMSIM®, visual KIM) from three sections near the confluence of the Hayes and Gods rivers, northeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 54C7)
by M.S. Gauthier and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
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Quaternary field site data collected during the 1993–1994 NATMAP field seasons, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52E, 62A, H)
by G.L.D. Matile, L.H. Thorleifson, A.B. Martin and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
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Quaternary field site data collected during the 1997–1998 NATMAP field seasons, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, 62H, I)
by G.L.D. Matile, L.H. Thorleifson, A.B. Martin and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
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Gold and indicator-mineral data derived from glacial sediments (till) in southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A): 2022 pilot study results
by T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Hodder, T.J. and Martins, T. 2023: Current Quaternary geology investigations in southeastern Manitoba and implications for mineral exploration (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A); in Report of Activities 2023, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 105–119.
Note: This publication was superseded by Data Repository Item DRI2024004.
Field-based ice-flow–indicator data collected during 2023 field season in southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, M)
by T.J. Hodder and M.S. Gauthier
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Hodder, T.J. and Martins, T. 2023: Current Quaternary geology investigations in southeastern Manitoba and implications for mineral exploration (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A); in Report of Activities 2023, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 105–119.
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Geochemical data of gabbroic rocks from the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C10–12, 14–16)
by X.M. Yang
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Yang, X.M. 2023: Field relationships, geochemical characteristics and metallogenic implications of gabbroic intrusions in the Paleoproterozoic Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C10–12, 14–16); in Report of Activities 2023, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 73–89.
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Rock Volatiles Stratigraphy data from drill cuttings from three oil wells in southwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 62F2, K3)
by M.P.B. Nicolas, C.M. Smith and M.P. Smith
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Nicolas, M.P.B., Smith, C.M. and Smith, M.P. 2023: Volatiles analysis of drill cuttings to evaluate the helium prospectivity of southwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 62F2, K3); in Report of Activities 2023, Manitoba Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 93–104.
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Releases for September 22, 2023
Rotosonic borehole stratigraphy, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52E, 62H)
By G.L.D. Matile, H. Thorleifson and M.S. Gauthier
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
- This Data Repository Item was originally released on September 22, 2023.
- It was re-released on October 16, 2023 with a correction to the authorship within the publication's recommended reference.
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Sandilands rotosonic drillcore data, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52E, 62H)
By G.L.D. Matile, M.S. Gauthier and M.P.B. Nicolas
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
- This Data Repository Item was originally released on July 20, 2023.
- It was re-released on September 22, 2023 with corrections to the NTS cited in the document's title and NTS-related text in the ReadMe and Metadata tabs.
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Age and petrology of zirconium- and light rare-earth element–enriched quartz monzonite in drillcore from the Huzyk Creek property, sub-Phanerozoic Kisseynew domain, central Manitoba (NTS 63J6)
by C.G. Couëslan
This report investigates granitoid and metasomatic rocks enriched in Ba, Sr, light rare-earth elements (LREE) and Zr that were discovered in drillcore while researching a vanadium-enriched graphite deposit on the Huzyk Creek property. The rocks occur within metamorphosed greywackes and mafic rocks of the Kisseynew domain, which are buried under Phanerozoic sandstone and limestone. The granitoids are likely related to similarly enriched rocks in the Trans-Hudson orogen of Manitoba that have been explored for U, Th, REE and P, which can also be associated with carbonatite magmatism.
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Release for August 3, 2023
Till-matrix geochemistry data from the Gillam area, northeastern Manitoba: additional 2022 data (NTS 54D5–8, 64A2)
By M.S. Gauthier and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
Free download:
Release for July 20, 2023
Sandilands rotosonic drillcore data, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52E, 62H)
By G.L.D. Matile, M.S. Gauthier and M.P.B. Nicolas
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This document was re-released on September 22, 2023.
Release for June 23, 2023
Indicator mineral and gold grain data from till sampled in the Churchill to Little Churchill rivers area, northeastern Manitoba
by T.J. Hodder and M.S. Gauthier
The Manitoba Geological Survey conducted a till indicator mineral and gold grain count survey in the Churchill to Little Churchill rivers area in 2021. This report releases the visible gold grain and indicator mineral (magmatic or metamorphosed massive-sulphide–indicator minerals) and kimberlite-indicator minerals count data, and provides a preliminary interpretation of the ice-flow direction(s) that deposited the sampled tills. These results are being released before the comprehensive data report to provide the mineral exploration industry timely updates on new geological knowledge.
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Release for June 22, 2023
GeoFile 6-2023
Manitoba radiocarbon ages
by M.S. Gauthier
This GeoFile provides a digital dataset for radiocarbon ages obtained from samples found in Manitoba, Canada. The compilation currently has 1633 radiocarbon ages obtained for geological or archeological purposes, provided as both conventional radiocarbon ages (14C years BP) and calibrated ages (cal. years BP). This data can be brought into GIS software, and integrated with other data, to further chronological reconstructions in Manitoba.
This publication supersedes Open File OF2021-1.
Free download:
Releases for June 21, 2023
Sediment gold grain count data from the Little Bear Lake property (AFN 74096), southeastern Manitoba
By T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
Free download:
Field-based ice-flow data collected during the 1998 NATMAP II field season, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, 62I)
By G.L.D. Matile, L.H. Thorleifson, T.J. Hodder and A.B. Martin
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
Free download:
Release for June 6, 2023
Bedrock geochemistry from the Stuart Bay–Chickadee Lake area (east of Wekusko Lake), north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J12, 13)
by K.D. Reid
(Microsoft® Excel® file)
This Data Repository Item supplements:
Reid, K.D. 2019: Bedrock geological mapping of the Puella Bay area (Wekusko Lake), north-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63J12); in Report of Activities 2019, Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 42–51.
Reid, K.D. 2021: Results of bedrock geological mapping in the Stuart Bay–Chickadee Lake area (east of Wekusko Lake), north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J12, 13); in Report of Activities 2021, Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 29–39.
- This Data Repository Item was originally released on March 28, 2022.
- It was re-released on June 6, 2023 with corrections to the Sample ID data in rows 3 to 56, column A of Table 2.
Free download:
Release for March 3, 2023
Progress report on the study of granitoids in Manitoba: petrogenesis and metallogeny
by X.M. Yang
This report presents petrological and geochemical characteristics of diverse granitoid rocks in 48 intrusions emplaced into various domains (belts) in parts of the western Superior province and Trans-Hudson orogen within Manitoba, and investigates their geodynamic settings, petrogenesis and mineral potential. The major findings of this study are that muscovite- and/or garnet-bearing S-type granitic rocks characterized by low MS values (<0.1 × 10-3 SI unit), ferroan, calcalkaline and strongly peraluminous affinities intruded exclusively into and/or occurred close to collisional (or terrane/domain boundary) zones, which were associated genetically with critical metals (e.g., Li, Ta, Cs, Nb, Be)–enriched pegmatite intrusions. In addition, this report is accompanied by Data Repository Item DRI2022012 and a GIS-based database containing information about the UTM coordinates, field relationship, tectonic unit, petrography, lithogeochemistry and available U-Pb zircon geochronology of 323 granitoid samples collected from these granitoid intrusions.
This publication also includes:
- ArcGIS shapefiles of the geochemical data
- Data Repository Item DRI2022012: Whole-rock geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic data of granitoid rocks from Manitoba (parts of NTS 52E, 52L, 52M, 62I, 62P, 63J, 63P, 64A, 64B, 64C, 64F)
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