Report of Activities 2003
Table of contents (69 KB)
Opening Pages (111 KB)
Minister's Message (240 KB)
Project Location Map (1.3 MB)
Annual Review by E.C. Syme (161 KB)
Publications - Preliminary Maps, Publications Released and External Publications (84 KB)
Chapters by Areas:
Flin Flon - Snow Lake
Lynn Lake - Leaf Rapids
Superior Boundary Zone, Thompson Nickel Belt
Northern Superior
Northern Manitoba
Southeastern Manitoba
South-central Manitoba
Manitoba General
Note: all pdfs are 600 dpi to maximize image depth and printability. Best viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat 4.0. Available in alternate formats upon request.
The publisher/department name in the bibliographic reference cited immediately below the title of each GS report and the Annual Review should read Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines instead of Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines.
Flin Flon - Snow Lake
GS-1 (2.4 MB)
Geological investigations in the northern Flin Flon Belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K13NE and 14NW)
by H.P. Gilbert
GS-2 (151 KB)
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit documentation in the Snow Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J13 and 63K16): progress report
by T.H. Heine
GS-3 (484 KB)
Platinum group element investigations in the Flin Flon greenstone belt: Mikanagan Lake and Tartan Lake gabbroic complexes, Manitoba (NTS 63K13)
by P. Theyer and T.H. Heine
GS-4 (1.5 MB)
Geochemical studies of dwarf birch twigs, peat, bog iron and clay at Reed Lake, Manitoba (NTS 63K10)
by G.H. Gale
GS-5 (524 KB)
Activities of the Manitoba Geological Survey's Flin Flon Regional Office
by T.H. Heine
Lynn Lake - Leaf Rapids
GS-6 (1.1 MB)
Tectonic evolution and gold metallogeny of the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 64C10, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16)
by C.J. Beaumont-Smith and C.O. Böhm
GS-7 (111 KB)
Rare earth element studies of soils and vegetation over the MacBride Lake massive sulphide deposit and the MacLellan mine Rainbow gold zone, Lynn Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 64C15 and 64B13)
by G.H. Gale
GS-8 (627 KB)
Trace-element signatures of massive sulphides from the Fox mine, Lynn Lake (NTS 64C12)
by S.H. McClenaghan, G.H. Gale and D.R. Lentz
GS-9 (2.4 MB)
Vectoring volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits using rare earth elements and other pathfinder elements at the Ruttan mine, Manitoba (NTS 63B5)
by G.H. Gale
GS-10 (1.1 MB)
Determining residual mineral potential in drillcore from the Ruttan and Lynn Lake areas, Manitoba (NTS 64B and 64C)
by G.H. Gale
GS-11 (2.4 MB)
Hydrothermal iron-sulphide copper-graphite mineralization in the northern Kisseynew Domain, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba (NTS 63O and 64B): evidence for deep-seated IOCG (Olympic Dam)–style metal deposition?
by A.H. Mumin and M. Trott
Superior Boundary Zone, Thompson Nickel Belt
GS-12 (514 KB)
Superior margin programs in the lower Nelson River region, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54D and 64A): year one
by C.O. Böhm, M.T. Corkery, M.S. Bowerman, M.W. Downey, R.P. Hartlaub, Y.D. Kuiper, L.M. Heaman and S. Lin
GS-13 (6.2 MB)
Bedrock mapping in the Gull Rapids area, northern Manitoba (NTS 54D6)
by C.O. Böhm, M.S. Bowerman and M.W. Downey
GS-14 (4.1 KB)
Structural geology of the Assean Lake and Aiken River deformation zones, northern Manitoba (NTS 64A1, 2 and 8)
by Y.D. Kuiper, S. Lin, C.O. Böhm and M.T. Corkery
GS-15 (1.4 MB)
Split Lake Block revisited: new geological constraints from the Birthday to Gull rapids corridor of the lower Nelson River (NTS 54D5 and 6)
by R.P. Hartlaub, L.M. Heaman, C.O. Böhm and M.T. Corkery
GS-16 (1.3 MB)
Field relations, U-Pb zircon ages and Nd model ages of granitoid intrusions along the Thompson Nickel Belt–Kisseynew Domain boundary, Setting Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J15 and 63O2)
by H.V. Zwanzig, C.O. Böhm, A. Protrel and N. Machado
GS-17 (116 KB)
Thompson Nickel Belt Project, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J, 63O and 63P): progress report
by J.J. Macek and C.R. McGregor
GS-18 (837 KB)
Mineral modes of gneiss along the Thompson Nickel Belt–Kisseynew Domain boundary, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J, 63O, 63P, 64A and 64B)
by T.L. Parsons and H.V. Zwanzig
GS-19 (243 KB)
Petrogenesis of the Thompson Formation T1 member, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba (NTS 63P12)
by C.G. Couëslan
Northern Superior
GS-20 (6.7 MB)
Preliminary results and economic significance of geological mapping and structural analysis at Sharpe Lake, northern Superior Province, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53K5 and 6)
by C.J. Beaumont-Smith, S.D. Anderson, A.H. Bailes and M.T. Corkery
MGS Data Repository Item DRI2021009 is supplementary to this report. (Microsoft® Excel® file)
GS-21 (3.2 MB)
New insights into supracrustal assemblages and regional correlations for the Island Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Superior Province, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53E15 and 16)
by J. Parks, S. Lin, M.T. Corkery and D.W. Davis
Northern Manitoba
GS-22 (853 KB)
Metallic and silica resource potential of the Churchill area, northern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54K13SE and 54L16SW)
by J.D. Bamburak
GS-23 (777 KB)
Paleozoic drillcore from the Churchill area, northern Manitoba: preliminary results (NTS 54K and 54L)
by G.A. Young, R.J. Elias and E.P. Dobrzanski
Southeastern Manitoba
GS-24 (3.6 MB)
Geology and structure of the Garner Lake area, southeast Rice Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 52L14)
by S.D. Anderson
GS-25 (974 KB)
Platinum group element investigations in the Mayville igneous complex, southeastern Manitoba (NTS 52L12)
by P. Theyer
GS-26 (1.9 MB)
Phytoremediation of mine tailings and bio-ore production: progress report on seed germination, plant growth and metal accumulation in seedlings planted at Central Manitoba (Au) minesite (NTS 52L13)
by S. Renault, C. Szczerski, C. Nakata, E. Sailerova and M.A.F. Fedikow
GS-27 (915 KB)
Understanding drought in the Winnipeg River basin, Manitoba
by S. St. George
South-central Manitoba
GS-28 (2 MB)
Preliminary karst inventory of areas north and south of Grand Rapids, Manitoba (NTS 63B and 63G)
by R.K. Bezys and A.J. Kobylecki
GS-29 (2.7 MB)
Grassy Bay aeromagnetic-anomaly cluster: a potential source for the Porcupine Hills kimberlite indicator minerals in west-central Manitoba (NTS 63C13NE)
by I.T. Hosain and J.D. Bamburak
GS-30 (509 KB)
Quaternary mapping progress in southern Manitoba Phanerozoic terrane: 2-D and 3-D
by G.L.D. Matile, G.R. Keller, L.H. Thorleifson and D.M. Pyne
Manitoba General
GS-31 (516 KB)
The search for diamonds in Manitoba: an update
by Manitoba Geological Survey
GS-32 (119 KB)
Manitoba's Precambrian Drillcore Libraries Program
by D.E. Prouse
GS-33 (110 KB)
The Manitoba Stratigraphic Database: an update
by G.G. Conley
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