Publications and Resources

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Resources, Programs and Services

Families First Borchure

Families First Brochure (PDF)
Families First offers home visiting supports to families with children, from pregnancy to school entry.

Manitoba First Nations and Metis Parenting BookletsManitoba First Nations and Metis Parenting Booklets



Growing Up Ok!

Growing Up Ok (PDF) | 2013
Growing Up OK! is a puberty booklet developed primarily for children ages 9-12 (grades 4-7). It provides accurate, non-judgmental information and will support middle years children in making the important developmental transition between childhood and adolescence.

Helping your children to Grow Up OK! (PDF)
This resource is a guide for parenting children through the physical and emotional changes of puberty. Parenting at this time can become very challenging.  Helping your children to Grow Up OK! supports parents/caregivers in understanding what to talk about with their preteen to promote and encourage healthy behaviours while respecting the importance of each families’ own values and relationships.  The topics in Helping your Children to Grow Up OK! include healthy talk, mental health and wellness, safety, attachment, and a list of resources.  The pamphlet can be distributed to parents/caregivers by schools, health care providers or community service providers working with families.

Healthy Schools Booklet

Healthy Schools Booklet (PDF) | 2011


Useful Info for Moms-to-be

Useful Info for Moms-to-be
Health and nutrition tips for a healthy mom and baby.


Best Practices | Youth Suicide Prevention

Best Practices in School-based Suicide Prevention (PDF) | 2014
A Comprehensive Approach is intended to provide a framework along with practical tools to help school administrators and their partners develop comprehensive planning for suicide prevention.