Municipal Affairs - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Municipal Affairs Index


Weind, Rick (Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessor, obligations on, 76

Assessor, power of, 73-74, 74-75

Enactment date, 74

Property assessments

Appeals, 75

Assessed value, increase in, 72

Assessment cycle--two-year, 73

Assessment process, 73

Market value, 72-73

Public awareness, 76

West, Linda (Private Citizen)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Written submissions, 216-219

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. See Cloutier, RĂ©al

Women's Health Clinic. See Boscoe, Madeline; Scurfield, Carol

Wowchuk, Hon. Rosann (Swan River) N.D.P.

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Application fee, 8-9

Frivolous complaints, 6, 8, 27

Nutrient management plans, 4

Review of orders, 3

Variation of an order, 28

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)


Clause 6(1)(b)

33; passed, 33

Clause 6(1)(l)

34; passed, 34

Clause 11

34; passed, 34

Clause 14(a)

34; passed, 35


31; passed, 33

Appeal to Manitoba Council, 19-20

Opening remarks, 29-30

Supply-managed commodities, 14

Turkey industry--opportunities, 14


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