Municipal Affairs - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Municipal Affairs Index


Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)


Cloutier, 166

Chief executive officer

Directive power

Chomiak, 184-185

Driedger, 184-185

Communication policy

Cloutier, 167-168

Decision-making processes

Cloutier, 167

Dispute resolution mechanism

Chomiak, 185

Driedger, 185

Temple, 143

Faith-based institutions

Chomiak, 186

Derkach, 186

Doiron, 163-165

Lafond, 165

Grace Hospital


Chomiak, 189-193

Derkach, 191-192

Driedger, 189-190, 192-193

Public presenters

Catholic Health Association of Manitoba, 165-166

Cloutier, RĂ©al, 166-169

Doiron, Michael, 163-165

Interfaith Healthcare Association of Manitoba, 163-165

Lafond, Raymond, 165-166

Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg, 142-143

Temple, Heather, 142-143

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 166-169

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget

Chomiak, 168

Cloutier, 168


Cloutier, 168

Driedger, 168

Rural Municipality of Morton. See McCallum, Bob

Rural Municipality of Winchester. See Goethals, Roger


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