Municipal Affairs - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Municipal Affairs Index


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. See Chernomas, Robert

Canadian Union of Public Employees. See Moist, Paul ; Sigurdson, Lorraine; Weind, Rick

Catholic Health Association of Manitoba. See Lafond, Raynond

Cerilli, Albert (Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Health care system

Free trade agreements, impact of, 151

Privatization, 148-150

Chernomas, Robert (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Comparisons-Sweden, 145-146

Health care costs, 144

Health care system

Alternatives, 147-148

Private health care centres

Profit vs. not-for-profit, 146-147

Quality of care, 145

Chomiak, Hon. Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)


Surgical service, 211-213, 215

Health care system

Alternatives, 146-147

Free trade agreements, impact of, 151

Intent, 199-200

Midwifery, impact on, 162

Opening statements, 193

Pan Am Clinic purchase, 199

Justification, 202-203

Pediatric dental surgery

Waiting lists, 141-142

Private health care centres

Government contracts, 203


Waiting lists, impact on, 157

Tray fees, 214

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Chief executive officer

Directive power, 184-185

Dispute resolution mechanism, 185

Faith-based institutions, 186

Grace Hospital

Arbitration, 189-193

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget, 168

City of Winnipeg. See Eadie, Jae; Moore, Brian

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)


Clause 4

Friesen, J., 111; passed, 112

Assessor's resources

Sanders, 107, 109

Business tax assessment cycle

Eadie, 82

Sanders, 107

City Councilors, number of

Eadie, 82, 83

Electoral ward boundaries

Derkach, 83

Eadie, 82, 83-84, 85-86

Friesen, J., 83-84

Maguire, 85-86

Selinger, 84

Frontage levies

Eadie, 81-82, 84

Selinger, 84


Sanders, 108

Property assessments

Assessment cycle

Sanders, 107

Cost of occupancy

Sanders, 108


Derkach, 109

Sanders, 109-110

Public presenters

City of Winnipeg, 81-85

Colliers Pratt McGarry, 107-111

Eadie, Jae, 81-85

Sanders, David, 107-111

Tax credits

Eadie, 81

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities

Masi, Joe, 133-134

City of Winnipeg Amendment (Pensions) Act (Bill 48), 131

Cloutier, RĂ©al (Winnipeg Regional Health Authority)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Accountability, 166

Communication policy, 167-168

Decision-making processes, 167

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget, 168

Evaluation, 168

Colliers Pratt McGarry. See Sanders, David

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Frivolous complaints, 27

Review of orders, 7

Variation of an order, 28


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