Manitoba – First Nations Mineral Development Protocol


Mineral Development Protocols are agreements between Manitoba and Indigenous Nations that define mutually agreed-to processes for how Crown-Indigenous consultations will occur during the various phases of mineral exploration and development. These agreements help to advance reconciliation by fostering respectful relationships between the Crown and Indigenous Nations, as well as engagement between Industry and Indigenous Nations.

Mineral Development Protocols are jointly designed and developed in participation with Indigenous Nations to ensure that processes for Crown-Indigenous consultation are mutually acceptable. Once in place, protocols help to create certainty of process in order to advance reviews of project proposals in a timely way and help to ensure Indigenous communities can be actively involved in all phases of development projects within their traditional territories.

A starting point for community respectful discussions on Mineral Development Protocols is the Mineral Development Protocol Template and the Activity Matrix for Crown-Indigenous Consultation (Schedule B and C to the Mineral Exploration Protocol). The Province encourages use of the template as a starting point for discussions with Indigenous Nations to facilitate the discussion around mutually agreed to consultation processes for all phases of the mineral development cycle, from grassroots exploration to mine development.

Discussions on Mineral Development Protocols can also result in additional engagement with Indigenous Nations to identify opportunities to work in partnership on the strategic development of mineral resources. This may include information on how industry proponents and government departments would be expected to work together with the community, identify the information Indigenous communities need to assess a project’s potential impacts, and more.

If you represent an Indigenous Nation and have questions or would like more information on developing a Mineral Development Protocol, please contact Garry Courchene at 204-945-6563 or by email at

View the Manitoba-First Nations Mineral Development Action Plan

View the Mineral Development Protocol Template

View the Consultation Matrix - Schedule B & C of the Mineral Development Protocol Template

View News Release


Manitoba - First Nations Mineral Development Protocol Co-Chairs' Report: Findings and Recommendations

View the Co-Chairs' report

View News Release about Co-Chairs' Report

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