Information for Job Seekers

Internship, recruitment and development programs

The Manitoba government offers a number of employment programs that provide participants the opportunity to... develop their skills and abilities... learn about government process and systems while they work... make a difference in their community... contribute to the future of Manitoba... prepare themselves and be eligible to apply for jobs throughout the Manitoba civil service.

These programs support civil service renewal and the goals of the Manitoba Government Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

Internship program

Leaders in Training Program (LTP)

The Manitoba government's Leaders in Training Program (LTP) is a paid internship for people interested in pursuing a leadership role in the public service, and includes three streams of focus:

  • General Stream - a two-year general stream provides exposure to the areas of program administration, policy, and finance/administration through a series of three rotational placements across the organization. (not recruiting in 2025)
  • Finance Stream - a one-year financial stream provides exposure to financial processes through two rotational placements within Treasury Board Secretariat and a line department or central agency. (recruiting in 2025)
  • Data Science Stream - a two-year data science stream includes three unique work rotations with opportunities to work on exciting data projects that span multiple domains and datasets to support the development of evidence-informed policies and decisions that shape services for Manitobans. (recruiting in 2025)

We are seeking analytical thinkers, savvy communicators and inclusive collaborators with innovative minds to join us in transforming and modernizing the public service.

This program offers professional experience and training for individuals with leadership potential and a passion for a career in the public service. Interns will contribute to transformation goals and support government priorities while working on exciting projects through work placements, while under the guidance and mentorship of senior leaders in the organization. Their skills and knowledge will further be developed through a variety of classroom and online training.

The program offers a comprehensive perspective on different functions of the organization and is designed to:

  • provide interns with a broad perspective and well-rounded exposure to creating a modern and innovative public service
  • help interns pursue their career goals, including the development of professional networks and involvement in high-priority projects
  • attract new talent to support the work of the organization

Leaders in Training Program (LTP)
- Data Science Stream

The Data Science LTP is a 24-month paid internship for data scientists and data professionals interested in pursuing a career in the public service. We are seeking data scientists and early career researchers with curious, innovative minds and a passion for using data to join us in pushing the boundary of data use and innovation in the public service.

This program offers professional experience and training at the intersection of data science and policy, allowing you to put your data skills to use to positively impact the lives of Manitobans. Under the guidance and mentorship of senior leaders and data professionals in the organization, combined with a variety of opportunities for classroom and online training, skills and knowledge will be strengthened through three unique work placements.

Interns will work on exciting data projects that span multiple domains and datasets to support the development of evidence-informed policies and decisions that shape services for Manitobans. This program offers exposure to data not available in any other sector and an opportunity to leverage data science techniques in the service of whole-of-government priorities.

The program offers professional experience and training that will:

  • Provide interns with broad exposure to and experience in using data to drive government decision-making and innovation across diverse domains
  • Support interns to pursue their career goals, including the development of professional networks, technical skills and involvement in high-priority projects
  • Attract talent to support the work of the organization and push the boundaries of data usage by government decision-makers


Leaders in Training Program (LTP) - Financial Stream

The Finance LTP is a 12-month paid internship for accounting and finance professionals interested in pursuing a career in the public service. We are seeking individuals with a financial background and leadership potential who are analytical thinkers, innovators, savy communicators and collaborators with a drive for public service.

We are seeking individuals who either have or are willing to pursue their Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.

The program offers professional experience and training that will:

  • Provide interns with exposure to exciting projects as well as government processes
  • Provide exposure and experience in strategic planning, budgeting, estimating, cashflow projection, reporting, reconciliation and comptrollership
  • Support interns to pursue their career goals, including the development of professional networks, mentoring, and technical skills

Recruitment Programs

Career Gateway Program (CGP)

The Career Gateway Program is a placement and referral program for external job seekers who register in the Public Service Commission's inventory, have relevant skills and abilities to perform jobs within the Manitoba government and who self-declare as a member of one of the following employment equity groups: Indigenous people, visible minorities or persons with a disability.

Successful candidates for the program are provided professional development, learning opportunities and on-the-job training.

The program has 2 streams:

  1. Placement Stream
  2. This stream provides placement opportunities for job seekers looking to gain government experience. Term placement opportunities may be identified for up to one year. Participants may have an opportunity to be appointed into a department position following the placement.

  3. Referral Stream

    This stream provides departments the names, and contact information of matching qualified job seekers from the CGP inventory when department positions are being filled, upon the request of the hiring manager. Placement opportunities are identified in government department program areas where there is either the need for a term employee, or where vacancies in regular positions are expected in the near future. When the department identifies a placement opportunity, applications are reviewed to identify individuals that meet the required qualifications (education, training and/or experience) for the position. Candidates are required to go through an assessment process (see After you apply).

Who is eligible?

External job seekers who self-declare as a member of one of the following employment equity groups are eligible to apply: Indigenous people, visible minorities or persons with a disability.

How to apply

The Career Gateway Program is currently under review.