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Application Forms When the Other Person Lives Outside of Manitoba

Before completing your forms, please review the information below. If you have questions about applying for support when one person lives outside Manitoba, you can contact Manitoba’s Designated Authority at the Family Law Section, Legal Services Branch, Manitoba Justice at ISOQuestions@gov.mb.ca or 204-945-0268 in Winnipeg; toll free 1-800-282-8069 (Ext. 0268). Manitoba’s Designated Authority can provide legal information only. For information on how to access legal advice, visit the Legal Support section of the Family Law Manitoba website.

Step 1: Read the FormSupport Introduction and General Information Guide

This guide provides helpful information and overview of the Inter-Jurisdictional Support Orders process

Step 2: Download and complete your forms

Identify the forms needed to make your application. These forms are found below. Guides are available for each form to help you complete your application successfully.

Forms can be completed:

  • Online by opening the form, downloading and saving the form to your computer or flash drive, completing the form and then printing it out (recommended); OR
  • By hand by opening the form, printing and completing the form by hand.

NOTE: Grey boxes (fields): Fillable fields that you can add your information

Blue boxes (fields): Calculation fields that will be updated automatically as you add information to the form. Blue shaded fields are read-only - you cannot type in these boxes directly.

The forms are PDF format – Portable Document Format files – and require either Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader software in order to view them Go to the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader software if you require it.

Step 3: Keep your information safe

If you are using a computer in a public place (library, internet cafe, etc.) keep your information safe and private by erasing your browser cache when you are done with the forms.

To erase the entire browser cache in Internet Explorer:

  • Click Tools on the main menu.
  • Click Internet Options on the ensuing menu.
  • This will produce a form with a number of tabs running across the top of it. Click the General tab if it is not already displayed and then click the Clear History button. The browser will ask you to confirm that this is what you want to do, answer in the affirmative and your browser cache will be erased.
  • Close the Internet Options form to return to your browser. You may now close the browser.

To erase the entire browser cache in Google Chrome:

  • At the top right, click More.
  • Click More tools Clear browsing data.
  • At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
  • Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
  • Click Clear data.
  • You may now close the browser.

Form A.1 - Support Application under The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act

Form A.1


All support order applications under the ISO Act must include Form A.1. The Additional Locate Information Form below must also be included, but must not be attached to the application

Form A.1 is required for all applications where there is no support order in place. It should also be used in some cases where there is already a written support agreement.

This form sets out the relief being requested, identification information, legal authority and family history. It is very important to complete this form with as much accurate information as possible as sufficient information is needed to locate and notify the respondent about the proceeding in the other jurisdiction relating to your application.

Form A.1 also provides a list of the ISO forms which might be included in your application, as well as other common documents and a space for you to describe other attachments.

Form A.1 is the only form in the A-K package which must be sworn or notarized. All other forms and documents are attached to Form A.1 and become part of your Support Application

Form A.2 - Support Variation Application The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act

Form A.2


All support variation applications under the ISO Act must include Form A.2. The Additional Locate Information Form below must also be included, but must not be attached to the application

Form A.2 is required for all applications where there is a change requested from a support order or written support agreement.

This form sets out the change to the support order or agreement that is being requested, identification information, legal authority and family history. It is very important to complete this form with as much accurate information as possible as sufficient information is needed to locate and notify the respondent about the proceeding in the other jurisdiction relating to your application.

Form A.2 also provides a list of the ISO forms which might be included in your application, as well as other common documents and a space for you to describe other attachments.

Form A.2 is the only form in the A-K package which must be sworn or notarized. All other forms and documents are attached to Form A.2 and become part of your Support Variation Application.

Form A.3 - Support Application under the Divorce Act

Form A.3


All support order applications under the Divorce Act must include Form A.3. Additionally, the parties must have obtained a divorce in Canada and the respondent must reside in Canada.

The Additional Locate Information Form below must also be included, but must not be attached to the application.

Form A.3 is required for applications where there is no support order in place. It should also be used in some cases where there is already a written support agreement. .

This form sets out the relief being requested, identification information, legal authority and family history. It is very important to complete this form with as much accurate information as possible as sufficient information is needed to locate and notify the respondent about the proceeding in the other jurisdiction relating to your application. .

Form A.3 also provides a list of the ISO forms which might be included in your application, as well as other common documents and a space for you to describe other attachments. .

Form A.3 is the only form in the A-K package which must be sworn or notarized. All other forms and documents are attached to Form A.3 and become part of your Support Application

Form A.4 - Support Variation Application under the Divorce Act

Form A.4


All support variation applications under the Divorce Act must include Form A.4. Additionally, the parties must have obtained a divorce in Canada and the respondent must reside in Canada.

The Additional Locate Information Form below must also be included, but must not be attached to the application

Form A.4 is required for all applications where there is a change requested from a support order pronounced under the Divorce Act.

This form sets out the change to the support order that is being requested, identification information, legal authority and family history. It is very important to complete this form with as much accurate information as possible as sufficient information is needed to locate and notify the respondent about the proceeding in the other jurisdiction relating to your application.

Form A.4 also provides a list of the ISO forms which might be included in your application, as well as other common documents and a space for you to describe other attachments.

Form A.4 is the only form in the A-K package which must be sworn or notarized. All other forms and documents are attached to Form A.4 and become part of your Support Variation Application.

Form B - Parentage

Form B


Form B should only be used if you are making your application under provincial or territorial ISO legislation, using Form A.1

A separate Form B must be completed for each child who is the subject of a support application. The first long check-box list contains the paternity presumptions which are common in Canada and many other jurisdictions.

You must assess whether the respondent is likely to agree that they are a parent of the child. If you are not certain if the respondent will agree, you must provide additional details, including information in relation to genetic testing.

If the respondent is not a biological parent, and you are requesting that support be ordered, there is a section to provide additional details regarding the respondent’s relationship with the child.

Form C - Child Support Claim

Form C


Form C is required when you are making a request to establish child support or you are already a support recipient and you are seeking to change the support amount.

Form C identifies the child or children that are the subject of the application and indicates whether you are seeking support according to the Child Support Guidelines, an amount different than the Child Support Guidelines amount or a contribution to special or extraordinary expenses. Additional forms are required depending what is being requested.

Form C also identifies if a contribution to medical insurance is requested, as well as details of any claim for retroactive support.

Form D - Request for the Support Order (if Respondent does not provide financial information)

Form D


The respondent’s financial information is required for the proper amount of support to be determined. If the respondent fails to provide financial information or does not provide enough financial information, the court or authority in the respondent’s jurisdiction may make a support or variation order based on information that you include in your application. You should complete this form to the best of your ability.

If you have little or no information about the respondent's circumstances you will need to do some research, but if the respondent does not appear before the court or does not provide financial information, it may be the only way an order can be made.

Form D should be completed by all applicants.

Form E - Request for Child Support Different than Child Support Table Amount

Form E


If you are the support recipient and are asking for a non-Child Support Guidelines order you must use Form E.

This form is applicable whether the child or children are over or under the age of majority. Examples of where this form may be used include split or shared custody, claims of undue hardship and where the respondent is believed to make more than $150,000.00 per year.

If you are the support payor, you must use Form G if you are requesting to pay support in a different amount than the Child Support Guidelines Table Amount.

Form F - Special or Extraordinary Expense Claim

Form F


A separate Form F is required for each child for whom special or extraordinary expenses are requested. This form requires you to identify the nature of the expense from a provided list, as well as provide details of both ongoing and one-time expenses.

You must attach receipts or other documentation as evidence to prove each expense.

Form G - Request to Pay Child Support Different than Child Support Table Amount

Form G


If you are the support payor and are asking for a non-Child Support Guidelines order you must use Form G.

This form is applicable whether the child or children are over or under the age of majority. Examples of where this may be used include split or shared custody, claims of undue hardship and where the payor-applicant/respondent makes more than $150,000.00 per year.

If you are seeking to establish child support or you are the support recipient and you are seeking to change child support, you must use Form E if you are requesting support in an amount differing from the Child Support Guidelines.

Form H - Support for Claimant/Applicant

Form H


Form H is to be used if you are seeking support for yourself. This includes a claim for support if you are a spouse or partner of the respondent, a former spouse or partner of the respondent or if you are an adult child of the respondent.

In the case of a claim for spousal support or the equivalent, the form requests that you provide detailed information regarding your relationship with the respondent, work and financial histories and the basis for your support claim. You should also consider including an additional document called an “affidavit” to describe these things in more detail. A blank affidavit is available below.

This type of support claim can be complicated and does not follow a legislated formula such as the Child Support Guidelines. Obtaining legal assistance or consultation may be beneficial.

Form I - Financial Information

Form I


Form I is required in all cases if you are the support payor and you are either applying for a support variation or you are responding to an application.

Form I is also required in all cases if you are seeking to establish support or if you are the support recipient and you are applying for a support variation, except where child support based on the Child Support Guidelines is the only relief being requested.

In addition to providing information in relation to income, assets, debts and household monthly expenses, this form also requires that additional financial disclosure providing evidence of your income be attached. There is a list of options where you can identify and attach the types of income documents that are most appropriate to your situation.

Form J - Child Status and Financial Statement

Form J


Form J is required when the request for child support is for a child who is over the age of majority.

This forms requests current information regarding the child, including their financial circumstances.

A separate form is required for each child.

Form K - Evidence to Support a Variation of a Support Order

Form K


Form K must be used if you are seeking to vary an existing support order (whether an increase or decrease in support is requested), reduce or cancel arrears or to terminate support.

Form L - Respondent’s Response to Application

Form L


Form L is not part of the Support Application or Support Variation Application completed by a claimant or applicant.

Form L is usually provided to the respondent together with the application.

This form must be completed by the respondent and submitted to the court in response to a Support Application or Support Variation Application.

This form requires the respondent identify their contact information and if they have retained a lawyer to assist them. It also identifies whether the respondent agrees to the claims made in the application.

The respondent may attach any of the other ISO forms to Form L to explain or prove the information stated on the form.

This form must be sworn or notarized.

If you are the claimant/applicant in Manitoba and the respondent lives in another province or territory in Canada other than Quebec, the respondent will usually be required to submit the same or similar Response form to the court or authority in that jurisdiction. You may or may not be provided with a copy of the Response form. This will be determined by the court or authority in the respondent’s jurisdiction.




This form can be used by applicants or respondents for the purpose of providing further information or documents.

This form must be sworn or notarized.

Additional Locate Information Form

Additional Locate Information Form


This form must be used by applicants for the purpose of providing the receiving jurisdiction with more information to assist in locating the respondent. This form must be sent with a Support Application, a Support Variation Application. It may be sent again at a later time if it is established that updated information regarding the location of the respondent is required.