ECE Tuition Reimbursement

A reimbursement of up to $5,000 per school-year is available to help cover the tuition-related costs of recognized early childhood education (ECE) programs offered at post-secondary institutions in Manitoba that lead to an ECE II or ECE III certification in Manitoba.

The ECE Tuition Reimbursement will make ECE education more accessible to individuals entering the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) workforce and those working to obtain or upgrade their certification. Funding for the Tuition Reimbursement is provided under the Canada-Manitoba Canada-Wide ELCC Agreement.



The Tuition Reimbursement is available for:
  • Students who are attending a part-time or full-time recognized ECE program at a Manitoba post-secondary institution in the 2023/24 until 2025/26 academic years (including the Workplace Program).

To qualify for the Tuition Reimbursement, the applicant must also be:

  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • Committed to working for two years in Manitoba’s licensed Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) sector following graduation.
  • Have paid the tuition and be able to provide proof of payment.

PLEASE NOTE: A course(s) which is completely reimbursed by the ECE Tuition Reimbursement Program is not eligible for submission by your facility under the Training Grant.

For students attending part-time, there are now minimum course requirements. A student can submit an application for reimbursement for as little as one course per semester or per academic year, so long as program parameters are met.

For a complete list of recognized educational programs in Manitoba, please visit: Information on the Classification of Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Assistants.

Application Deadlines

  • Academic Year 2023/24 – March 1, 2024
  • Academic Year 2024/25 – March 1, 2025
  • Academic Year 2025/26 – March 1, 2026

NOTE: Applications submitted after March 1st of the corresponding academic year will be considered but may experience delays in processing and response times.



Download the 2024-2025 Tuition Reimbursement Application (PDF)

Adobe Acrobat – For optimal use of the PDF application, download Adobe Acrobat Reader or an Adobe Acrobat product as follows:

  1. A free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded at
  2. Download the Early Childhood Education Tuition Reimbursement Application (PDF) and open in Adobe Reader DC
  3. Fill in Application and press Submit

Early Learning and Child Care Division will:

  • Review and approve applications.
  • Provide notification about the status of your application.
  • Mail cheques to successful applicants by Canada Post. (NOTE: Lost cheques will not be re-issued.)

If you have questions about this initiative or application, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact Child Care Information Services at, 204-945-0776 or toll free in Manitoba at 1-888-213-4754


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the reimbursement?

    Tuition costs have been identified as a barrier to accessing ECE education at post-secondary institutions. The reimbursement reduces barriers for individuals to enter post-secondary ECE programs, receive their ECE certification and enter the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) workforce.  It will also support individuals currently working in Manitoba's licensed ELCC system to obtain certification as an ECE II or ECE III.

  2. Who is eligible for the reimbursement?

    The Tuition Reimbursement is available for:

    • Students who are currently attending a part-time or full-time recognized ECE program at a Manitoba post-secondary institution in the 2023/24 until 2025/26 academic years (including the Workplace Program).

    To qualify for the Tuition Reimbursement, the applicant must also be:

    • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
    • Committed to working for two years in Manitoba’s licensed Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) sector following graduation.
    • Have paid the tuition and be able to provide proof of payment.
  3. Is the reimbursement a one-time payment or are there installments?

    The reimbursement is a payment of up to $5,000 per school-year to help cover tuition-related costs. Students must provide proof of enrollment, course listing as well as proof of tuition cost and payment. Students that have not reached the threshold of $5,000 in their first semester may apply again in the following semester until the $5,000 per student limit is met. When applying for additional funds in the same school-year, a new application must be submitted including a course listing and proof of tuition cost and payment.

  4. Is the reimbursement taxable?

    The ECE Tuition Reimbursement is considered a bursary like a scholarship. Scholarships and bursaries fall under the recipient’s income in the year of receipt as per paragraph 56(1)(n) of the Income Tax Act. They are only taxable to the extent that they surpass the recipient’s scholarship exemption for the year. The scholarship exemption allows for the first $500.00 of a scholarship or bursary to be exempt from tax, with certain situations enabling the full amount to be exempt. Depending on circumstances, the entire scholarship income may qualify for a full scholarship exemption and therefore remain tax-free.

    Some training institutions are approved to provide you with an official tax receipt (Form T2202A), allowing you to claim a tuition tax credit when filing your income tax return. If you have any questions regarding this tax credit, please contact the training institution attended for details.

  5. When do I get my T4A?

    Receipts should receive their slips by the last day of February of the following calendar year to which the slips apply. T4A slips identifies amounts paid during the calendar year for certain types of income from many different sources.

  6. Can students attending a private or public ECE institution apply?

    Students attending both public and private post-secondary institutions offering recognized ECE programs may be eligible for the reimbursement funding. This reimbursement is a payment that augments tuition supports already offered by public post-secondary institutions.

  7. Are facilities that have paid for staff tuition eligible for the reimbursement?

    No, facilities are not eligible for reimbursement. The reimbursement is only available and paid directly to eligible students.

  8. If I received other tuition support, am I still eligible to apply for the reimbursement?

    Tuition fees/costs not covered under other financial supports (e.g. employer funding, scholarships and bursaries, or the previous year’s ELCC Tuition Reimbursement) would remain eligible for reimbursement, provided the applicant has not reached the maximum ECE tuition reimbursement amount of $5,000. See question 3 for more details.

  9. Why must a student be committed to work in Manitoba for two years after graduation in order to receive the reimbursement?

    The implementation of the Tuition Reimbursement is a key step towards building a strong early learning and child care workforce in Manitoba.

  10. Will students remain eligible for the tuition reimbursement if they drop –out of their post-secondary education program?

    To ensure funding is going to students that are working towards their ECE certificate, enrolment in the post-secondary program is expected to be maintained.

  11. How and when will the reimbursement be paid?

    Reimbursement recipients will receive a cheque in their name to the address provided on the application form.

    Please be advised ELCC will not be tracking the cheques. Lost cheques will not be reissued. Cheques will be mailed to reimbursement recipients after completed applications have been reviewed and approved.

  12. Why did I not receive full reimbursement for all of my courses?

    The ECE Tuition Reimbursement is available to eligible applicants who completed courses during the eligible academic year for application, as determined by an applicant’s institution. Applicants who completed courses outside of the academic year for application, are not eligible to receive reimbursement and are encouraged to re-apply for those studies in the following academic year for which the Tuition Reimbursement is available.

    Applicants who received financial support from another source (e.g. scholarships/bursaries, employer funding, or the previous year’s ELCC Tuition Reimbursement) may only be eligible to receive partial reimbursement for the balance not covered by the said financial support/s, provided the applicant has not reached the maximum ECE tuition reimbursement amount of $5,000. See question 8 for more details.

  13. Can I apply for a tuition reimbursement if I am taking an online course from a different province while working in Manitoba?

    Individuals who have completed or are currently taking ECE programs outside of the province of Manitoba are not eligible to receive the Tuition Reimbursement for their studies.

  14. Where can I learn more about the child care sector?

    A career in Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) can be extremely rewarding. For more information about a career in the early learning and child care sector, including education and training visit: For Students and the Workforce webpage
    For more information about recent investments in the early learning and child care system, visit: Early Learning and Child Care in Manitoba – A Plan for Action webpage

Early Learning and Child Care Program 210-114 Garry Street, Winnipeg MB R3C 4V4


Phone: 204-945-0776 Toll-free: 1-888-213-4754 Fax: 204-948-2625 TTY: 204-945-3724

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m