Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II Assessment Program

The ECE II Assessment Program is a pathway to achieve the ECE II classification in Manitoba. It is a FREE program for individuals who already have the necessary knowledge, skills and judgement required to work as a trained and qualified staff in a child care facility. The ECE II Assessment Program follows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Competency Based Assessment (CBA) practices.
Assessment programs are different from training programs and do not provide participants with an educational credential. Successful participants are given the opportunity to prove that their skills meet Manitoba standards and gain recognition with professional certification.

General Overview

In the ECE II Assessment Program, participants follow the Early Learning and Child Care Competency Framework based on Manitoba’s ECE II competencies to build a portfolio documenting learning and experience in accordance with 13 focus areas. They add evidence of their skills and demonstrate their abilities through observations by a Peer Assessor from their child care centre and an assigned Advisor provided by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning. Assignments are provided to help participants understand and research important topics in child development and current early learning and child care practice. It is recommended that individuals with English as an additional language have an English Language Benchmark of 7 in all categories.


Four Streams of ECE II Assessment and Eligibility Requirements

Competency Based Assessment (CBA)

18 – 24 months in duration (average)

Competency Based Assessment (CBA) Stream - Fact Sheet (PDF)

ECE II Assessment: Competency Based Assessment (CBA) Information Session (Nov. 28 Webinar)

  • Five years of work experience as a Child Care Assistant in a licensed Manitoba child care centre, working directly with children
  • 125 hours of professional development, current within five years, including the required 40-hour course. (Required first aid/CPR hours not included)
  • Current regular employment in a rural or northern Manitoba child care centre, working 20 or more hours per week directly with children, that will continue for the duration of the program
  • Academic English writing skills and computer literacy skills, including Microsoft Word and email
  • Centre Director/management support and the designation of a peer assessor, currently classified as an ECE II or III, who is able to mentor and work closely the participant

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) 

12 – 18 months in duration (average)

Prior Learning and Assessment (PLA) Stream – Fact Sheet (PDF)

  • Completion of a post-secondary degree or diploma that is related to Early Learning and Child Care (minimum two years of study)
  • Two years of work experience as a Child Care Assistant in a licensed Manitoba child care centre, working directly with children for at least 20 hours per week
  • 60 hours of professional development, current within two years
  • Current employment in a Manitoba child care centre, working 20 or more hours per week directly with children, that will continue for the duration of the program
  • Academic English writing skills and computer literacy skills, including Microsoft Word and email
  • Centre Director/management support and the designation of a peer assessor, currently classified as an ECE II or III, who is able to mentor and work closely with the participant

Modified Prior Learning Assessment (MPLA)

Four to six months in duration (average)

Modified Prior Learning and Assessment (MPLA) - Fact Sheet (PDF)

  • Completion of a post-secondary certificate or diploma program specific to Early Childhood Education
  • Completion of a post-secondary degree or diploma (minimum two years of study)
  • If education was completed internationally, a credentials assessment report
  • 60 hours of professional development, current within two years
  • Current employment in a Manitoba child care centre of 20 or more hours per week directly with children, that will continue for the duration of the program
  • Academic English writing skills and computer literacy skills, including Microsoft Word and email
  • Centre Director/management support and the designation of a peer assessor, currently classified as an ECE II or III, who is able to mentor and work closely with the participant

Internationally Educated Qualifications (IEQ)

Four to six months in duration

Internationally Educated Qualifications (IEQ) – Fact Sheet (PDF)

  • An international post-secondary degree or diploma, equivalent to two or more years, specifically focused on Early Childhood Education
  • A credentials assessment report
  • Current employment in a Manitoba child care centre of 20 or more hours per week directly with children, that will continue for the duration of the program
  • Academic English writing skills and computer literacy skills, including Microsoft Word and email
  • Centre Director/management support and the designation of a peer assessor, currently classified as an ECE II or III, who is able to mentor and work closely with the participant

Program Requirements:

  • Participants must be able to dedicate up to 10 hours per week to working on program requirements for the duration of their program
  • Participants must be able to work independently and be self motivated
  • Participants must be able to show competency in all 13 focus areas of the Manitoba ECE II competencies
  • Participants must be open to learning new ideas and concepts that may challenge or contradict practices they already have in place

Professional Development (PD)

This is training at a formal or informal level that can be verified. Applicants will need to show professional development that links to the 13 required focus areas, including the name and length of the training and a very brief description of the content or how the training supports work with children.

Professional development includes workshops that are related to your work or children’s learning and development. Some examples are Circle of Security training, post secondary ECE courses, WHMIS, Food Handling course, WEVAS, Non-violent Crisis Intervention, EPI-pen training or other medical training from a Public Health Official. Presentations by speakers, online training, webinars or podcasts can also be considered professional development. Attendance at a staff or board of directors meeting is not considered professional development for this program. If not verified by a certificate of attendance or completion, professional development can be verified with a letter from the facilitator or child care centre management.

Application Process

If you are interested in an ECE II Assessment Program, please contact the Early Learning and Child Care Workforce Development Unit via cdccertificate@gov.mb.ca. You will be connected with a staff member who will verify which stream is right for you. A referral from the Workforce Development Unit is required to apply.
A self assessment booklet is provided with the application and director referral. This booklet lists the 13 focus areas and skills related to each. Although this is for personal use, it is recommend that interested applicants use the booklet to help them understand the focus areas and the skills required to meet them.

Required Reading

Explore the Science of Early Child Development (SECD) https://www.manitoba.ca/fs/childcare/resources/secd.html
Read the following Manitoba publications, available on the ELCC website www.manitoba.ca/childcare

  • Best Practices Licensing Manual for Early Learning and Child Care Centres Child Care Regulation (62/68)
  • Early Returns: Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Preschool Centres and Nursery Schools
  • Early Returns: Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Infant Programs
  • Bed Bug Guide for Licensed Child Care Facilities
  • Best Practices for Guiding Children’s Behaviour – Guide and Poster
  • Handle with Care: Strategies for Promoting the Mental Health of Young Children in Community-Based Child Care
  • Infection Control Guidelines for Early Learning and Child Care
  • Reporting of Child Protection and Child Abuse: Handbook and Protocols for Manitoba Service Providers
  • Caring for Children with Anaphylaxis in Community Program Settings
  • Nutrition Handbook for Early Learning and Child Care

Read and understand centre policy documents, including:

  • Behaviour Management policy
  • Centre polices and parent handbook
  • Code of Conduct
  • Curriculum statements
  • Early Childhood Educator Job Descriptions
  • Inclusion Policy
  • Safety Plan


Applications that are incomplete or do not show all eligibility requirements will be returned. Applications that are handwritten will be returned. Application are reviewed for relevance to current child development practices and academic writing skills. Policy Analysts may recommend more professional development in specific areas or refer to a post-secondary ECE diploma course or program to be completed before accepting an application. If accepted, all participants must attend one - two orientation sessions.

Program Assessment Process

Although this is a self-directed assessment process and not a learning process, the participant must meet designated target dates and plan to submit work to their advisor on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Participants are required to attend professional development workshops and networking seminars throughout the process. Participants must demonstrate their skills, knowledge and judgment to be deemed competent and be eligible to apply for ECE II classification.

If there are gaps in competence, the participant must undertake additional training or education to ensure that those skills and abilities can be observed. This may come in the form of recommended assignments, workshops, courses or a practicum at an alternate child care centre.

The Team

The ECE II Assessment Programs employ a “team model.” Each team includes the Participant, the Peer Assessor, the Advisor and others.


The Participant is the team leader. The Participant ensures that the process moves forward in an efficient and effective manner and keeps team members informed of their progress. They take responsibility for proving their prior learning and knowledge through documentation and demonstration.

Peer Assessor

The Peer Assessor must be classified as a current ECE II or ECE III. The Peer Assessor provides encouragement and moral support, verifies and authenticates evidence for the participant’s portfolio, reviews all materials as needed and observes and documents the participant’s demonstration of skills.


An Advisor is assigned to work with each participant as a subject matter expert to guide participants through the assessment process. They provide support and feedback as the participant develops a portfolio that showcases their knowledge, skills and judgement. The Advisor provides a variety of support to the participant and team, including advice on portfolio development and evidence collection, clarification of processes, written feedback and assessment, identification of gaps in skills and recommendation for ECE II classification.

Additional Team members

Other members of the team are the licensed child care centre where the participant is employed, ELCC Division representatives and the participant’s personal support network. The child care facility provides the location for observation and evidence collection and the ELCC Division representatives are available to support the participant through the process as needed. It is important for the participant to cultivate personal supports as well.

The Outcome

The outcome of the ECE II Assessment Program process is decided in a final assessment meeting. The team members meet to share information about the competence of the participant according to the Program Outcomes and Standards of Performance. A profile is developed indicating competence as well as identifying learning gaps. Each member of the team has an equal vote in the process. A unanimous vote for overall competence is required for successful completion of the process.


If a participant decides not to complete the Program, the team must be informed in writing. The ELCC Division reserves the right to remove a participant from the program if the participant does not complete the responsibilities of the assessment in a professional manner.

Further Education

Upon completion of the ECE II Assessment Program and ECE II classification in Manitoba, participants are eligible to apply for Manitoba ECE post diploma programs at approved institutions.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Your personal information is collected under the authority of The Community Child Care Standards Act (Manitoba) and used to establish eligibility for the ECE II Assessment Program. It is protected under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

For more information about FIPPA please contact:
Access to Information and Privacy
1000 - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8
Phone: (204) 945-1252
E-mail: fippa@gov.mb.ca

Information shared during participation in the program is considered to be private. A participant may choose to share information with co-workers and administration of the facility when it is appropriate to do so.

Early Learning and Child Care Program 210-114 Garry Street, Winnipeg MB R3C 4V4

Email: cdcinfo@gov.mb.ca

Phone: 204-945-0776 Toll-free: 1-888-213-4754 Fax: 204-948-2625 TTY: 204-945-3724

Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m