Hansard: Index

SUBJECT INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Safe Access to Abortion Services Act

Buffer zone enforcement inquiry

Cook, 873

Fontaine, 873

Buffer zone requests, criteria for

Fontaine, 871

Buffer zones around employee homes

Fontaine, 871

Buffer zones, around all health facilities

Fontaine, 873

Jackson, 873

Buffer zones, federal legislation

Balcaen, 874

Fontaine, 874

Buffer zones, rules for demonstrators

Fontaine, 871-872


Balcaen, 874

Cook, 874

Fontaine, 874

Cross-jurisdictional comparison

Fontaine, 874

Jackson, 874

Fertility clinics, application at

Fontaine, 875

Jackson, 874-875

Legal challenges

Fontaine, 872

Violations, penalties for

Balcaen, 873

Cook, 873

Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (Bill 8)

1 R

Fontaine, 559

2 R


Cook, 875

Naylor, 875-877

Opening statement

Fontaine, 870-873


Balcaen, 873-874

Cook, 873-874

Fontaine, 873-875

Jackson, 873-875

Referred to Standing Committee on Justice

C/3 R

Fontaine, 2389-2391

Lamoureux, 2391


Neville, 2413

Safe consumption site

Budget 2024

Cross, 1026

Sagkeeng Oldtimers Hockey

NAIAHF hall of fame inductees

Bushie, 1776

Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre

Cook, 676

Save Our Seine

Member's statements

Loiselle, 1738-1739

Schellenbert, Harry

Members' statements

Schmidt, 1042-1043

School attendance. See Public Schools Amendment Act

School boards

Property tax increase

Bereza, 1060

King, 1106

Narth, 1096

Spending cap

Wasyliw, 1397

School construction

Brandon Manitoba

Jackson, 1391

Budget 2024

Byram, 1127

Cross, 2024

Jackson, 1390, 2030

Budget approval

Cross, 1393

Jackson, 1393

Cancellation, impact of

Jackson, 1391-1392

Lagassé, 1391-1392

Cancellation, impact on school divisions

Jackson, 1392

Narth, 1392

Cancellation, list of

Jackson, 1392

Narth, 1392

Child-care spaces

Altomare, 1351-1352

Jackson, 1351, 1391

Elementary school--Steinbach

Goertzen, 1034

Enrollment increase

Altomare, 1784-1785

Jackson, 1784


Altomare, 1049

Jackson, 1049

New construction projects

Altomare, 476-477

Narth, 476-477

New high school, budget for--Tyndall Park

Altomare, 1119

Lamoureux, 1119

Priority concerns-Budget 2024

Altomare, 972-973

Jackson, 972-973

Throne speech

Johnson, 219


Ewasko, 308-309, 371-372

Naylor, 309, 372

School divisions

Cancelled projects, impact of

Jackson, 1392

Narth, 1392

Operational decisions

Altomare, 1847

Jackson, 1847

School nutrition programs

Cost of

Lamoureux, 833

Food waste prevention

Balcaen, 827

Kennedy, 826

Moroz, 826, 827

Funding announcement

Altomare, 515-516

Kennedy, 515

Universal program

Altomare, 1048

Brar, 1099

Chen, 1105

Kinew, 1139-1140

Loiselle, 1399

Moroz, 1048

Oxenham, 1037

Schools. See also Resolutions


Jackson, 1390

Schott, 1395

Schur, Daniel "Danny"

Members' statements

Kostyshyn, 302

Schwartz, Lon

Members' statements

Jackson, 1041-1042

Seal River Watershed

First Nation protected and conserved area

Nesbitt, 856

Schmidt, 855

Seal River Watershed Alliance

General comments

Loiselle, 1187

Nesbitt, 855

Schmidt, 855

Memorandum of understanding

Schmidt, 1059

Security system rebate

Budget 2024

Bereza, 1061

Chen, 1104

Cook, 990

Cross, 1026, 1253

Goertzen, 1034-1035

Khan, 1239

Maloway, 1091

Oxenham, 1037

Perchotte, 1089

Wiebe, 1253

Selkirk constituency

Services to seniors

Perchotte, 1304

Selkirk Lift Bridge

Replacement timeline

Kostyshyn, 1353-1354

Naylor, 373-374

Perchotte, 373-374, 1353-1354

Senior citizens. See also Members' statements

Abuse and neglect claims

Assessment criteria used

Asagwara, 1845

Lamoureux, 1845

Auditor general findings

Asagwara, 1845

Lamoureux, 1845

Supports for victims and families

Asagwara, 1846

Lamoureux, 1845-1846

Aging in place

Blashko, 223

Budget 2024

Cook, 992

Moroz, 989

Community supportive living, Budget 2024

Asagwara, 1156-1157, 1249-1250

Johnson, 1156, 1249

Cost of living concerns

Schmidt, 1059

Crime victims

Hiebert, 1335

Day programs, Budget 2024

Lamoureux, 996

Dental care costs

Lamoureux, 58

Food insecurity

Bereza, 828

Hearing aid program

Asagwara, 110

Johnson, 110

Home care

Blashko, 223

Home repairs and maintenance, Budget 2024

Asagwara, 1352

Lamoureux, 1352

Housing unaffordability

Wasyliw, 178

Needs based living facilities

Lamoureux, 57

Phone scams, concern for

Byram, 1258

Prescription medication affordability

Lamoureux, 996

Scams, target of

Stone, 1321

Self-and family-managed home care

Asagwara, 110-111

Johnson, 110

Shingles vaccine, pharmacare coverage

Lamoureux, 996

Support for

Lamoureux, 1345

Throne speech

Cook, 182-183

Kennedy, 253

Schott, 230

Transitional housing, Budget 2024

Moroz, 987

Seniors advocate office

Establishment recommendation

Lamoureux, 57, 995-996

Throne speech

King, 262

Timeline to establish

Asagwara, 71

Lamoureux, 71

Seniors and Long-Term Care

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Asagwara, 97

Seven Oaks Aki Centre

Brar, 1191

Sewage lagoons

Replacement of

Narth, 1095

Sewage spill. See Red River - sewage spill

Sewers. See Water and sewer services

Sex trafficking

Youth victims

Smith, 765

Stone, 766

Sexual assault. See also Change of Name Amendment Act (2)

Convicted offender name change ban

Naylor, 1425

Judicial sentencing bias

Fontaine, 1285

Judicial training, federal legislation

Fontaine, 1285

Marginalized groups, increase risk for

Oxenham, 1289

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Cook, 1562

Fontaine, 1561-1562

Lamoureux, 1562-1563

Sexual violence (on campus). See also Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act

Shamrock School

Socktober campaign

Cable, 237

Sheriffs Services

Staffing levels

Wharton, 1332-1333

Shingles vaccine

Barriers for low-income Manitobans

Asagwara, 956

Lamoureux, 955-956

Pharmacare coverage request

Asagwara, 956

Lamoureux, 956, 996

Request to establish program

Asagwara, 955

Lamoureux, 955, 996

Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS)

Pitura Seeds fundraiser

Stone, 1042

Shylo, Andrii

Members' statements

Wowchuk, 155-156

Sikh community. See also Members' statements

Population in Manitoba

Ewasko, 1402

Simard, 1401


Simard, 1401

Sikh Heritage Month

Members' statements

Brar, 1208-1209

Ministerial statements

Ewasko, 1402

Lamoureux, 1402-1403

Simard, 1401-1402

Sikh Society of Manitoba

Sandhu, 769

Silver, Vivian

Winnipeg Israeli-Canadian peace advocate

Cook, 676

Piwniuk, 691

Women Wage Peace

Cook, 676

Singh Welfare

Members' statements

Sandhu, 1071

Sio Silica - sand mine extraction project

Complaint filed with ethics commissioner

Moyes, 2190

Sala, 2190-2191

Drinking water safety

Schmidt, 1059

Licensing update

Nesbitt, 286

Schmidt, 286, 1059

Skiing. See Members' statements

Skuce, Hazel

Members' statements

Balcaen, 1071

Skyliner Immigration Services

Member statements

Devgan, 238-239

Small business

Bids on government contracts

Byram, 974

Moses, 974

Budget 2024

Chen, 1105

Cook, 990

Stone, 1053

Support for non-unionized workers

Byram, 973

Marcelino, 973-974

Moses, 973

Smith, Dr. Dick

Our Own Health Centre

Asagwara, 276

Smith, Joy. See Joy Smith Foundation

Snow-clearing services

Weekend hours of operation

Guenter, 164-165

Schmidt, 164-165

Soares, Karen

Members' statements

Sala, 193-194

Social and Economic Development, Standing Committee on

First report

Cross, 233-234

Second report

Cross, 363-364

Third report

Dela Cruz, 1143-1144

Fourth report

Blashko, 1303

Fifth report

Brar, 1832-1833

Sixth report

Blashko, 2005-2006

Seventh report

Sandhu, 2177-2178

Social housing

Budget 2024

Cross, 1026

Hiebert, 1101-1102

Kinew, 1139-1140

Oxenham, 1037

Government investments

Sandhu, 975

Smith, 975

Social housing projects

Political partisanship concerns

Khan, 1649

Smith, 1649-1650

Social programs

Funding for

Khan, 1016-1017

Social Services Appeal Board

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Fontaine, 59

Social work. See National Social Work Month

Souris Survivor Bonspiel

Jackson, 860

Southeast Event Centre


Goertzen, 1033

Southern Health Region

ER hours of operation and obstetric services

Asagwara, 202

Kinew, 202

Lamoureux, 202

Southport Aerospace

Bereza, 1061

Speaker of the House

Election of, 1-5

Speaker's Statement

Abbott, Tim (new appointment as Deputy Clerk)

Lindsey, 508

Chaychuk, Patricia (retirement)

Fontaine, 23-24

Goertzen, 24

Lamoureux, 24-25

Lindsey, 23

Clarification regarding the practices governing questions in oral questions

Lindsey, 111

Digital Media Branch

Lindsey, 949

Manitoba Day

Lindsey, 1735-1736

Resignation letter (Heather Stefanson)

Lindsey, 1585

The use of correct salutations or pronouns when asking question or participating in debate

Lindsey, 763

Yarish, Rick (new appointment as Clerk of the Assembly)

Lindsey, 132-133

Special Olympics

Hiebert, 367

Winter games athletes

Redhead, 1932

Special Olympics Awareness Week

Ewasko, 2373-2374

Fontaine, 2373

Lamoureux, 2374

Speech-language pathologists. See Members' statements

Spinal surgery

New spine program announcement

Asagwara, 1513

Moyes, 1513

Spirit Bear Day

Hiebert, 1834-1835

Smith, 1833-1834

Spirit Rising House

Care plan and placement inquiry

Fontaine, 2121-2122

Hiebert, 2121-2122

Safe placement inquiry

Fontaine, 1986-1987

Stone, 1986

Sport, Culture and Heritage Department

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Simard, 60

Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism Department

Supplement to the Estimates of Expenditure 2024-2025

Simard, 1110, 1775


Cockerill, Aaron (golf)

King, 280

Springfield Women's Institute

Dugald train disaster monument

Schuler, 769

Spruce Woods constituency

Highway No. 2 repairs, timeline for

Jackson, 1574-1575

Naylor, 1575

Road safety

Jackson, 1574

Naylor, 1574

Spruce Woods Provincial Park

Jackson, 2030

St. Amant. See Members' statements under Russ and Fred

St. Boniface constituency

Loiselle, 39

St. Boniface Hospital

Critical incident investigation request

Asagwara, 1687

Cook, 1686-1687

St. Laurent

Commercial fishery

Johnson, 651

Largest Métis community

Johnson, 651

St. Malo Warriors Junior Hockey Team

Members' statements

Narth, 111

St. Vital

Community foundations

Moses, 897

St. Vital Historical Society and Museum

Moses, 367

STARS air ambulance

Contract renewal inquiry--Interlake-Gimli

Asagwara, 708

Johnson, 708-709

Contract renewal--Interlake-Gimli

Asagwara, 708-709

Licence renewal inquiry

Guenter, 705-706

Naylor, 705-706

Starting Strong program

Members' statements

Oxenham, 1405

Statutes and Regulations Act

Regulations Nos. 128 (2022) and 143 (2023)

Wiebe, 97

Statutes and Regulations Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Bill 11)

1 R

Wiebe, 560

2 R


Balcaen, 1481-1482

Opening statement

Wiebe, 1477-1478


Balcaen, 1478-1480

Khan, 1479-1481

Wiebe, 1478-1481

Referred to Standing Committee on Justice

C/3 R

Wiebe, 2394


Neville, 2413

Ste. Anne Adult Learning Centre

Classes offered

Lagassé, 529

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) PC

Agriculture industry

Carbon tax exemption, 133-134

Brandon Manitoba

MMF housing unit, 145

Carbon tax

Agriculture industry, exemption for, 133-134

Home heating bills, exemption for, 25-26, 369

Child welfare

MMF and federal bill C-92, 145-146

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Chaychuk, Patricia (retirement), 45

Cost of living

Tax rates, 46


NDP election campaign, 1376

Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund

Application process, 1373

Economic Development Secretariat

Government decision to dissolve, 103


Credit rating--Manitoba, 47

Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Orange Shirt Day) (Bill 4)

C/3 R, 419

Hanukkah celebrations

Members' statements, 468

Health-care system

Capital investments, 48

Funding, 48

Health-care workers

International credentialing, 48

Louis Riel Act (Bill 2)

2 R

Debate, 144-146

Manitoba Métis Federation

Housing unit--Brandon, 145

Revitalization Agreement, 144-145

Member for Tuxedo

Parting remarks, 1565-1566

Resignation, 1565

Members' acknowledgements, 45

Members' statements

Member for Tuxedo acknowledgements, 1565-1566

Tuxedo Hanukkah and holiday celebrations, 468

Métis Economic Development Fund

Transfer of fund to Metis, 144

Métis Nation

New heritage centre, 145

Mining industry

Investments in, 47

Ministerial statements

Call for ceasefire in Gaza, 18-19

Morden-Winkle constituency

K-9 unit, funding for, 1373


Funding, 158

New Democratic Party of Manitoba

Election platform, budget for, 46

New Democratic Party of Manitoba (NDP)

Election platform, budget for, 46

Oral Questions

Carbon tax and agriculture industry

Request for Manitoba exemption, 133-134

Carbon tax on home heating bills

Request for Manitoba exemption, 25-26, 369

Economic Development Secretariat

Government decision to dissolve, 103

Funding to municipalities

Government intention, 158

Provincial finances

Spending plans, 65-66

Provincial financial forecast

Tax increase concerns, 469-470

Provincial fiscal forecast

Tax increase concerns, 408-409

West Broadway shooting

Community safety concerns, 196

Condolences to families, 133

Points of Order

P/O by Stefanson regarding a statement made by the Premier stating the budget for the Art, Culture and Sport in Community Fund was not made, 477

Provincial finances

Forecast and tax increase concerns, 408-409, 469-470

Spending plans, 65-66

Throne speech

Amendment, 49-50

Throne speech debate, 44-49

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended)

Cullen Commission recommendations, 1372

History of, 1371-1372

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended) (Bill 30)

2 R

Debate, 1370-1377

West Broadway shooting

Community safety concerns, 196

Condolences to families, 133

Women in politics

First woman premier (Heather Stefanson), 1565

Steinbach Community Outreach

Goertzen, 368

Steinbach constituency


Goertzen, 1033

Dialysis services

Goertzen, 1034

New elementary school

Goertzen, 1034

Stepping Stones child-care centre

Grant application status

Altomare, 2387-2388

Bereza, 2387-2388

Kinew, 2388

Stoddart-Phillips, Marlene

Members' statements

Schott, 1002-1003

Sturgeon Heights Collegiate

Members' statements

Kennedy, 1110-1111

Substance use

BC decriminalization and crime

Schuler, 1260-1261

Substance Use and Addictions Awareness Week

Hiebert, 62-63

Smith, 62


Foster care, death in

Lamoureux, 518

Summer camps

Camp Massad funding

Bushie, 1786-1787

King, 1786

Green Team funding

Bushie, 1786

King, 1786

Sun Valley Scouting Group

Members' statements

Wiebe, 2378

Sunshine House

Funding announcement

Pankratz, 2387

Smith, 2387

Mobile overdose prevention, first-year anniversary

Oxenham, 54

Surgical and diagnostic services. See also Diagnostic and Surgical Recovery Task Force

Out-of-province care, reinstatement request

Asagwara, 1782-1783

Cook, 1781-1782

Out-of-province surgeries

Request to re-establish

Ewasko, 2326-2327

Kinew, 2326-2327

Procedure cancellations, number of

Asagwara, 1153-1154

Cook, 1153-1154

Service provider agreements

Asagwara, 1118-1119

Cook, 969-970, 1050-1051, 1118

Kinew, 969-970

Sala, 1051

Wait times data removed from website

Cook, 285, 304-305

Kinew, 285, 305


Asagwara, 1213

Cook, 1212-1213

Surgical wait times

Request for plan to address

Asagwara, 514

Cook, 513-514

Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre

Long-term funding

Ewasko, 1253-1254

Wiebe, 1253-1254

Sustainable Tourism Award

Green Pastures farm

Narth, 1522

Swan Valley Historical Museum

Green Team funding

Asagwara, 1942

Wowchuk, 1941-1942


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