Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (Bill 8)

Opening statements

Cook, JU13-14

Fontaine, JU13

Public presentations

Grant, JU8

Sala, Hon. Adrien (St. James) NDP

Agriculture industry

Fuel costs, SED45

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Opening statements, JU10-11

Electric vehicles

Rebates for, SED7-8

Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday) (Bill 3)

Opening statements, SED15-16

Fuel tax rate reduction

Dyed gas, request to include, SED42-43

Expiry date, SED48-50

Expiry date extension

Bill 3 amendment needed for, SED35-39

Extension inquiry, SED33-34

Hutterite colonies, exemption request, SED40, SED45

Large gas retailers, SED47-48

Motor vehicle on a roadway, definition of, SED30-32

Out-of-province transport trucks, SED25-29

Permanent reduction request, SED33

Propane exemption request, SED40, SED45

Roadway, definition of in Bill 3, SED18-23

Single-trip permit, definition of in Bill 3, SED24

Snowmobiles and grooming equipment, SED3

Geothermal program

Greenhouse gas emission reduction, SED7-8

Greenhouse gas emissions

Geothermal home heating program, SED7-8

International Fuel Tax Agreement, SED24-25

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Opening statements, CC42-44


School buses--Brandon, SED40-41, SED43

Schertzer, Kristie (Private Citizen)

Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 208)

Public presentations, SED146-147

Schmidt, Hon. Tracy (Rossmere) NDP

Efficiency Manitoba

Opening statements, CC82

Scott, Shanlee (Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc.)

Advocate for Children and Youth Act (Review)

Written submissions, LA96-97

Sexual exploitation. See Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY)

Shaver, Robert (Private Citizen)

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 10)

Written submissions, SED125-126

Shaw, Michael (Private Citizen)

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 10)

Public presentations, SED93-94

Climate change

Fuel tax rate reduction concerns, SED7

Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday) (Bill 3)

Public presentations, SED7

Fuel tax rate reduction

Climate change action, concerns for, SED7

Greenhouse gas emissions

Public transit investments, SED8

Public transit

Greenhouse gas emission reduction, SED8

Shtykalo, Tyson (Auditor General)

Public Accounts

Annual Report for March 31, 2023

Opening statements, PA5-6

Public Accounts and Other Financial Statement Audits

Annual Report for December, 2023

Opening statements, PA5-6

Siddiqi, Shahina (Islamic Social Services Association)

Islamic Heritage Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 207)

Public presentations, SED78

Silver, Jim (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba)

Adult Literacy Act (Bill 5)

Public presentations, SED87

Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Public presentations, JU6-8

Simard, Hon. Glen (Brandon East) NDP

Arts and culture sector

Sustainable, predictable funding, CC14-15

Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund

Future of fund, CC12

General comments, CC14

Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation

Building maintenance fund, CC9

Concert hall, new equipment costs, CC11

Culturally diverse performances, CC9-10

Deferred maintenance, CC8

Expansion plans, CC12, CC17

Opening statements, CC1-2

Operating grant, funding plan, CC5, CC7

Security concerns at venues, CC12, CC18

Staff recruitment and retention challenges, CC10

Three-year strategic plan, CC6

Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation

Advertising budget and campaigns, CC34

Annual Report for March 31, 2023, CC23-24

Opening statements, CC23-24

Community sponsorships, CC34

Gaming expansion, stakeholder meeting, CC39

Gaming pause and expansion plans, CC39

Liquor sales, public vs. private profitability, CC35-37

Online gaming revenue, CC37

Private liquor sales--rural/northern Manitoba, CC34

Private liquor sales, urban centre expansion inquiry, CC33-34

Sports betting expansion inquiry, CC37

Strike action, cost of, CC32

VLT licence expansion, CC38

Manitoba Production Centre

Operational model, CC13, CC20

Rental rates, CC19-20


Social responsibility features, CC37

Snoman Inc. See Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday)

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg. See Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday); Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act

Solomon, Kai (Private Citizen)

Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 208)

Public presentations, SED144-145

Statutes and Regulations Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Bill 11)

Opening statements

Balcaen, JU15

Wiebe, JU14-15

Stone, Lauren (Midland) PC

Advocate for Children and Youth Act

Motion: to conduct a review of the Act, LA19-20

Questions, LA21-29

Child and Family Services

Infant apprehensions, number of, LA12

Newborn apprehensions, LA13

Intimate Image Protection Amendment Act (Distribution of Fake Intimate Images) (Bill 24)

Opening statements, JU18-19

Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY)

CFS transfer of responsibility to Indigenous governing bodies

General comments, LA16

Impact on MACY office, LA14-15

Mental health strategy, LA9

Mental health strategy, public reporting, LA10

Mental health strategy, rural/northern Manitoba, LA9

Opening statements, LA3-4

Public awareness campaign, LA7

Request for advocacy services, number of, LA6

Staff, number of, LA7

Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Opening statements, JU12

Mental health strategy

Public reporting, LA10

Youth in rural/northern Manitoba, LA9-10

Suicide, youth

Attempts, reporting of

Goertzen, LA8

Gott, LA8-9

Prevention strategy

Fontaine, LA3

Goertzen, LA8

Gott, LA8

Sul, Gerry (Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries)


Post-pandemic attendance, CC25

Revenues, CC25

Craft beer production, CC26

Liquor Marts

Controlled entrance enhancements, CC26

Cost of operation, CC36

Express stores and private retail sales, CC31

Express stores, number of, CC30-31

Express stores, start up cost, CC31

Liquor Mart stores and liquor vendors, sales cost comparison, CC29

Profitability margin, CC31-32

Staffing and overhead costs, CC32

Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation

Advertising budget and campaigns, CC28

Alcohol distribution, annual volume, CC26

Annual Report for March 31, 2023, CC25-27

Opening statements, CC25-27

Betting, demographic data tracking, CC38

Cannabis retail, growth in, CC26

Cannabis revenues, CC26

Cannabis sales, expansion of, CC38

Cannabis sales, private model, CC38

Casino attendance, post-pandemic, CC25

Casino revenue, CC25

Diversity, equity and inclusion of the workforce, CC26

Fake online gaming, CC38

Future profitability streams, CC28

Gold ball addition to lottery, CC25

Indigenous workforce, CC27

Liquor prices, increase inquiry, CC32

Liquor sales and distribution, CC28

Liquor sales, imported products, CC30

Liquor sales, public vs. private profitability, CC29, CC35-37

Liquor sales, trends in, CC30, CC33

Liquor sales, uniform pricing, CC30

Lottery revenue, CC25

New products introduced, CC26

Private liquor vendors, number of, CC29

Social responsibility and growth, balancing of, CC27

Social responsibility programming, CC27

Strike action, cost of, CC32-33

VLT commissions, CC26

VLT licences, number issued in 2023, CC37-38

VLT replacements, CC25-26

VLT revenue, post-pandemic, CC26

Western Canada Lottery, new cost-calculation model, CC25


Revenue, CC25

Summerfield, Tara (Private Citizen)

Advocate for Children and Youth Act (Review)

Written submissions, LA95-96

Sunshine House. See Change of Name Amendment Act (3) (Bill 33); Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)


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