HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Family group conferencing
Squires, 1865
Violence against Indigenous women
Development of provincial plan to address
Clarke, 2092
Mackie, Doug. See Members' statements
MACY. See Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth
MAHCP. See Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals
Allied health professionals
Retroactive pay, 1190
Budget 2023
Debate, 766-769
Condolence, motions of
Dolin, Martin, 295-296
Marion, Joseph Paul, 2807
Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair Electronic Products) (Bill 216)
1 R, 365
Consumer Protection Amendment and Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Right to Repair-Vehicles and Other Equipment)
European Union standards, 1958
Patent rules, impact on, 1958
Reasonable net profit percentage, 1959
Reasonable price definition, 1957
Replacement parts, manufacturer responsibility to cover, 1956
Shortline equipment, 1959
Small repair businesses, impact on, 1958
Consumer Protection Amendment and Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Right to Repair-Vehicles and Other Equipment) (Bill 219)
1 R, 869
2 R
Opening statement, 1956-1957
Questions, 1957-1959
Critical Home Repair Program, 1733
PC election strategy, 2118
Home security
Rebate program, request for, 712
Home-care services
Hours of care and staffing shortage, 1190
New model of care, 1196
Staff vacancy rate, 1186, 1188
Lac du Bonnet
Personal-care home construction, 1189, 1192, 1729
Lead water pipes
Replacement, 259
Louise Bridge
Replacement, 768-769
Members' statements
Glenelm Neighbourhood Association, 2423-2424
Lead water pipe replacement, 12-13
Louise Bridge replacement, 735-736
Miles Macdonell Collegiate IB program, 2576
Personal-care homes, 1515
Security system rebate program, 603
Neighbourhoods Alive!, 1733
Oral Questions
Home security rebate program
Request to implement, 712
Right to repair legislation
Request for support for bills 216 and 219, 1085
Palliative care
Patient case concern, 1186-1187
Personal Care Home Accountability Act (Various Acts Amended)
Family council proposal, 1731-1732
Personal-care homes
Aging population, 1193
Care hours per person, 1467
Commitment to build, PC election platform, 1191-1194
Construction--Lac du Bonnet, 1189, 1192, 1729
COVID-19 cases, number of, 1726-1727
Family council proposal, 1731-1732
Government construction promise, 1465-1466
Government election target, 1727-1728
Nordic model, 1466
Number of beds, government election target, 1727-1728
Placements out-of-community, 1194-1195
Standards of care, 1190-1191
Catalytic converter engraving credit, 2700-2701, 2790-2791
Diagnostic testing accessibility, 2056-2057, 2136, 2188, 2276
Lead water pipes, 22, 163-164, 541
Louise Bridge, 1087, 1434, 1847, 2434, 2555, 2589, 2654-2655
Right to repair, 820, 883-884, 921, 976-977, 1182, 1242, 1322, 1913
Security system incentive program, 343-344, 382, 477, 577, 638, 679, 718, 1037, 1394, 1491, 1525-1526, 1602, 1649-1650, 1720, 1778, 1992, 2335, 2391, 2494
Third party advertising practices, 2750-2751
Calling on the federal government to absorb the cost of increased RCMP salaries
Debate, 2117-2118
Condemning the provincial government for breaking its promises to seniors on personal care home beds
Opening statement, 1465-1467, 14651467
Questions, 1467-1469
Right to repair
Environment, impact on, 1959
European Union regulations, 1956
Manufacturer copyright, 1957
Product design (ten year period), 1956
Request for support for bills 216 and 219, 1085
Seniors advocate office
Establishment of, 1195
Seniors and Long-Term Care Department
Opening statements, 1184-1185
Speakers, 1186-1196, 1723-1734
Pandemic, lessons learned from, 1185
Stevenson review, implementation of recommendations, 1191
Seniors strategy
Toolkit, timeline to develop, 1195
Stevenson review
Implementation of recommendations, 1191
Recommendations, timeline to complete, 1725-1726
Throne Speech
Debate, 258-259
Warranty purchase requirements, 258-259
Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With: An Indigenous Education Policy Framework
General comments
Ewasko, 995
Implementation of
Altomare, 1257-1262
Ewasko, 1257-1261
Regional learning sessions
Altomare, 1259
Ewasko, 1259-1260
Mandatory Training for Provincial Employees (Systemic Racism and Human Rights) Act
Moses, 2601
Sala, 2601
Training program curriculum
Gerrard, 2601
Moses, 2601
Mandatory Training for Provincial Employees (Systemic Racism and Human Rights) Act (Bill 241)
1 R
Moses, 2119
2 R
Gerrard, 2602
Opening statement
Moses, 2600-2601
Gerrard, 2601
Moses, 2601
Sala, 2601
C/3 R
Lamoureux, -2717
Moses, 2716-2717
Neville, 2771
Committee of the Whole
Opening statements
Goertzen, 2615
Moses, 2615
Brandon Area Community Foundation endowment fund
Johnson, 2291
Clubs and membership, number of
Johnson, 2220-2221
Programs for urban youth
Brar, 2290-2292
Johnson, 2290-2292
Manitoba Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Council
Hall of fame inductee (Brian Chrupalo)
Klein, 1982
Manitoba Access Awareness Week
Fontaine, 2777
Gerrard, 2777-2778
Squires, 2776-2777
Squires, 430
153rd anniversary
Driedger, 2259
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre
Organizational structure
Asagwara, 1253-1254
Gordon, 1254
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY). See also Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY) in Legislative Affairs Committee; Members' statements
Micklefield, 325
Youth mental health services
Smith, B., 2543
Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation (MASC)
Aggregate loan limits
Johnson, 2205
Manitoba Alliance of Post-Secondary Students
Lamoureux, 686
Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Adult Education) (Bill 223)
1 R
Marcelino, 564
2 R
Michaleski, 2621
Opening statement
Marcelino, 2617-2619
Asagwara, 2620
Gerrard, 2619
Marcelino, 2619-2621
Martin, 2620-2621
Michaleski, 2619-2620
Sala, 2619-2620
Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers. See Members' statements
Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP). See also Resolutions
Collective bargaining negotiations
Brar, 700
Cullen, 811-812
Fontaine, 1642-1643
Gerrard, 1701
Goertzen, 2583-2584
Kinew, 197-198, 811-812, 1221, 1424-1425, 1839-1840, 2181-2182
Lindsey, 752-753
Marcelino, 1771-1772
Naylor, 759, 897, 2184-2185, 2327-2328, 2487-2488
Sala, 1048
Stefanson, 197-198, 1221, 1424-1425, 1840, 2181-2182
Teitsma, 1642-1643, 1771-1772, 2184-2185, 2284-2285, 2327-2328, 2487, 2582-2583, 2786-2787, 2851
Wasyliw, 2583-2584
Wiebe, 1701
Collective bargaining, Health Department budget
Asagwara, 1327
Gordon, 1327
Kinew, 1222-1223
Stefanson, 1222-1223
Collective bargaining, impact on rural paramedics and services
Fontaine, 2581-2582
Goertzen, 2581-2582
Strike action vote
Cullen, 1516
Fontaine, 2848-2849
Marcelino, 1595-1596
Sala, 2850-2851
Stefanson, 2845-2846
Teitsma, 1595-1596, 2846, 2848-2850, 2850-2851
Wasyliw, 2847-2848
Timeline for contract settlement
Kinew, 1173-1174
Stefanson, 1173
Budget 2023
Guillemard, 1750
General comments
Guillemard, 770
Number of students receiving
Guillemard, 1810
Lamoureux, 1810
Manitoba Combative Sports Commission
Khan, 2753
Manitoba Construction Sector Council
Carpentry training program--Indigenous women
Squires, 1867
Annual report, March 31, 2021
Goertzen, 1167
Brar, 2262
Driedger, 2259
Khan, 2262
Lamoureux, 2262-2263
Manitoba Developmental Centre. See also Government Statement
Closure update
Fontaine, 1743
Squires, 1743
Home shares (private and agency)
Squires, 1867
Home shares, client living arrangements
Fontaine, 1745
Squires, 1744
Premier's statement apologizing on behalf of the Manitoba Government to former residents as a requirement of the settlement for the class action lawsuit
Stefanson, 2856-2857
Purpose-built homes
Fontaine, 1744-1745
Squires, 1744-1745
Shift-staffed home
Staff retraining
Squires, 1743
Transition out of centre, programs for
Squires, 1744
Manitoba Harm Reduction Network
HIV/AIDS advocacy
Asagwara, 432
Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation Act. See Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2023
Work permit holders, health coverage for
Gordon, 1774, 1910, 2330, 2788
Lamoureux, 1774, 1910, 2329-2330, 2787-2788
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association
Highway trade infrastructure
Cullen, 619-620
Condition of units
Lathlin, 1136
Health and safety concerns
Lamont, 1522
Squires, 1522
Request to halt eviction notices
Lamont, 1522
Squires, 1522
Manitoba Human Rights Commission
Right to Read report
Altomare, 1199-1201
Ewasko, 1202-1203
Manitoba Hydro. See also Ministerial statements
Compensation for damages--First Nations
Clarke, 2228-2229
Lamont, 2228
Debt guarantee fee, reduction
Friesen, 192
Lamont, 193
Debt load
Friesen, 218
Debt management
Borrowing and interest rates
Cullen, 1180
Lamont, 1180
Debt to equity ratio
Friesen, 191
Integrated resource plan
Cullen, 1671-1674
Sala, 1671-1674
Kivalliq Region line, capacity of
Cullen, 1675-1676
Sala, 1675-1676
Meeting with MKO leadership
Cullen, 1180
Lamont, 1179-1180
Non-core functions, sale of
Cullen, 1667-1669
Sala, 1667-1669
Operating and administration expenses
Cullen, 1661-1663
Sala, 1661-1662
Payments to provincial government
Friesen, 192
Political interference
Friesen, 192
Lamont, 193-194
Sala, 193
Power sales to western provinces
Piwniuk, 794
Privatization, government intention
Cullen, 1388-1389
Sala, 1388-1389
Naylor, 413
Sala, 413
Provincial energy strategy
Cullen, 1237-1238
Sala, 1237-1238
PUB role in rate setting
Cullen, 1665
Sala, 1665
Public-private partnerships, use of
Cullen, 1669-1671
Sala, 1669-1671
Revenue sharing agreement with First Nations
Redhead, 2223
Reviews by former premiers
Naylor, 413
Sala, 413
Role of PUB in rate setting (Bill 36, 42nd-4th)
Cullen, 1666-1669
Sala, 1666-1668
Sale of subsidiaries
Friesen, 438
Kinew, 435-436
Naylor, 414
Stefanson, 435-436
Sinking fund
Gerrard, 1050
Water power rental rate
Cullen, 1044
Friesen, 192
Gerrard, 1044
Lamont, 193
Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Referendum Before Privatization of Subsidiary) (Bill 209)
1 R
Sala, 190
2 R
Goertzen, 415
Opening statement
Sala, 410-412
Gerrard, 412
Naylor, 413-414
Sala, 412-414
Sala, 412
Sale of
Cullen, 1714-1715
Naylor, 413
Manitoba Hydro rates. See also Members' statements
Cost of living
Debt guarantee and water rental rates
Friesen, 341
Martin, 341
General rate application, decrease in
Friesen, 341
Martin, 341
Increase concerns
Increase request
Cullen, 2326-2327
Sala, 2326-2327
Northern Manitoba
Lindsey, 845
Request to freeze
Friesen, 16-17
Sala, 16-17
Request to repeal bill 36
Friesen, 40-41
Sala, 40-41
Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board. See Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board in Crown Corporations Committee
Manitoba Institute of Trades And Technology
New post-secondary institution
Guillemard, 1803
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)
Consultations re: Bill 43
Goertzen, 2591-2592
Redhead, 2592
COVID-19 pandemic response
Lindsey, 890
Hydro meeting with leadership
Cullen, 1180
Lamont, 1179-1180
Manitoba Life Lease Occupants Association
Sandhu, 1622-1623
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries. See also Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act; Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries in Crown Corporations Committee
Cannabis use, advertising campaign
Cullen, 1606
Jobs and revenues
Naylor, 486
MBLL customer satisfaction survey
Altomare, 591
Brar, 560
Marcelino, 552
Smith, A., 546
Sala, 548
Social responsibility budget
Naylor, 587
Social responsibility initiatives
Naylor, 486
CFS co-ordination agreement
Gerrard, 1554
Squires, 1554
Manitoba Mineral Development Fund
Cullen, 619
Stefanson, 261
Manitoba MMIWG2S+ Partnership Implementation Plan
Advisory committee members
Clarke, 2227
Redhead, 2226
General comments
Clarke, 2086
Board appointment process
Naylor, 2081
Smith, B., 2081
Board member qualifications
Naylor, 2081
Smith, B., 2081
General comments
Naylor, 2078
Smith, B., 2078-2079
Land use decisions
Naylor, 2078
Smith, B., 2078-2079
Municipal rulings, record of
Naylor, 2079
Smith, B., 2079-2080
Rulings, public disclosure
Naylor, 2080
Smith, B., 2080
Indigenous-led opera
Khan, 2165
Klein, 1859
Gordon, 1657
Manitoba Protein Advantage strategy
Johnson, 2204
Manitoba Provincial Parks Cabin Owners Association
MOU signed
Lindsey, 2005
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI). See also Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) in Crown Corporations Committee; Project Nova
Autopac rates
Wharton, 1316-1317
Wiebe, 1316-1317
Capital funding
Goertzen, 2026
Wiebe, 2026
Crown Corporations committee
Goertzen, 1879-1881
Wiebe, 1879-1881
Executive resignations
Goertzen, 2033
Wiebe, 2032-2033
Former CEO
Inquiry into out-of-scope payment
Goertzen, 2579
Kinew, 2579
McKinsey consultant-contractual obligations
Kinew, 2426-2427
Stefanson, 2427
Wharton, 24728
Wiebe, 2427-24728
Minister meeting with board chair
Goertzen, 2034-2036
Wiebe, 2033-2036
Minister meeting with CEO
Goertzen, 2031-2033
Wiebe, 2031-2033
Off-road trails, safety and maintenance
MPI oversight of fund re: Bill 8
Lindsey, 1497-1498
Organizational review
Wiebe, 2027
Organizational review, cost of
Goertzen, 2028
Wiebe, 2028
Personal Injury Protection Plan
Goertzen, 400-401
Rate increase concerns
Kinew, 1174-1175
Stefanson, 1174-1175
Release of third-party review
Goertzen, 2553
Lamont, 2553
Request for Crown corporations committee
Goertzen, 1175-1176
Wiebe, 1175-1176
Technology upgrades
Goertzen, 1879
Wiebe, 1878-1879
Untendered contract directive
Goertzen, 1880
Work-from-home policy
Goertzen, 2553
Lamont, 2553
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
Double claim prevention for out-of-province insurers
Fraudulent claims, reclamation of funds for
Wiebe, 1560
Fraudulent claims, third-party reclaim allowance
Goertzen, 401
Income replacement claims, eligibility requirements
Gerrard, 2341-2342
Wiebe, 1560
Income replacement indemnity coverage for seasonal employment (over age 65)
Gerrard, 2341
Individuals with impaired cognitive function
Benefits held in trust
Wiebe, 1560
Non-payment of benefits to out-of-jurisdiction claimants
Lamont, 1561
Personal Injury Protection Plan
Goertzen, 147
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 6)
1 R
Goertzen, 147
2 R
Lamont, 1561
Wiebe, 1560-1561
Opening statement
Goertzen, 400-403
Goertzen, 1560
Wiebe, 1560
C/3 R
Gerrard, 2341-2342
Goertzen, 2340
Wiebe, 2340-2341
Neville, 2769
Manitoba remote learning support centre
Altomare, 2266
Eviction prevention loan program
Squires, 1737
Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium
Ewasko, 1201
Manitoba Skateboarding Coalition
LGBTQ2S inclusive skate park
Asagwara, 1381-1382
International medical graduates
Marcelino, 2447
Manitoba Strategic Corridors Advisory Council
Piwniuk, 1929
Application processing times
Guillemard, 1806
Moses, 1806
Applications, number of
Guillemard, 1805-1806
Canada-Manitoba Integration Project
Guillemard, 1750
Constituent case concern
Guillemard, 711
Moses, 711
Difficulties accessing program
Guillemard, 711
Moses, 711
Grants for students with disabilities
Guillemard, 711-712
Moses, 711
Internationally educated professionals, loan program for
Guillemard, 1809
Marcelino, 1808
Number of students receiving
Guillemard, 1810
Lamoureux, 1810
Wait time for services
Guillemard, 1805-1806, 1987-1988
Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities
Program funding
Squires, 1738
Manitoba Technology Accelerator Aikins. See Venture Capital Fund
Manitoba Theatre for Young People. See Members' statements
Indigenous home ownership program
Squires, 1737
Manitoba Watershed Districts Program
Annual report 2021-2022
Klein, 1587
General comments
Nesbitt, 1917
Nesbitt, 1626-1627
Number of staff
Marcelino, 1449-1450
Seasonal staff positions
Marcelino, 1452
Training grant
Smith, B., 2075
Manitoba Women's Institute. See Members' statements
Manitoba, A Great Place to Age: Provincial Seniors Strategy
Johnston, 1184
Manitoba's Rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccines
Annual report, April 2023
Driedger, 1900
Conditions at
Kinew, 1217-1219
Stefanson, 1217-1219
COVID-19 outbreak
Gerrard, 2102
Paramedic staffing during pandemic
Fontaine, 2505
Maples Personal Care Home COVID-19 Outbreak, External Review Final Report (Stevenson review). See Stevenson review
Alamos Gold mine, working relationship with
Pedersen, 855
Marcelino, Malaya (Notre Dame) NDP
Addiction treatment services
Government approach, 1235
St. Boniface Street Links, OASIS program, 1153
Adult education
Barriers for EIA recipients, 2618
Funding, 2619
Funding per student, 2618
Labour shortage, 2620
Advanced Education and Training Department
Speakers, 1808-1809
Allied health professionals
Collective bargaining negotiations, 1771-1772
Strike action vote, 1595-1596
Budget 2023
Debate, 798-800
Lead contamination in soil, 798-799
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Act
Consultations, 2603
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Act (Bill 233)
2 R
Debate, 2603-2604
Questions, 2603
Committee of Supply
Concurrence Motion, 2561-2562
Community safety
Budget 2023, 803
Throne Speech, 225
Construction industry
Apprentice wage reduction concerns, 815-816, 1178-1179, 1487-1488, 1911, 2695-2696
Demise of the Crown Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 5)
2 R
Opening statement
Debate, 362-363
Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
Adult education barriers, 2618
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 235)
2 R
Debate, 1366
Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act
Canadian jurisdictions
Application response time requirement, 2443-2444
Domestic trade agreements, compliance order, 2443
Language proficiency testing, 2443
Regulatory bodies, compliance, 1538
Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act (Bill 36)
2 R
Debate, 1539-1542
Questions, 1538-1539
C/3 R, 2443-2448
Cancer deaths per year, 1452, 2437
Exposure to carcinogens, 1452
Foster parents
Filipino families, increase in, 1578
Gender pay gap
Minimum wage, 1286
Reasons for, 1286
Retirement income, impact on, 1286
Grace Hospital
Manager, conflict of interest concerns, 438-439
Health-care system
Working conditions and staffing shortages, 1032
Healthy Environment, Healthy Neighbourhood Advisory Committee, 223-224
Home-care services
Funding and staff retention, 634-635
Minimum safety standards, 971
Pay and working conditions, 972
Scheduling system malfunction
Impact on service delivery and workers, 158-159
Encampments--Disraeli bridge, 1153
Homeless encampment clearing, 224, 1153
Number of individuals experiencing, 225
Wrap around services needed, 1153-1154
Throne Speech, 224
Nurses, decline in, 2445
International medical graduates
Barriers to practice in Manitoba, 2445-2447
Employment grant, 2447
Financial barriers, 2447-2448
Manitoba Start program, 2447
Mentorship programs, 1514
Personal narratives, 2446-2448
Residency training spots, 1514
SEED Winnipeg loan, 2447
Internationally Educated Nurses in Manitoba Project (IEN's)
Grant uptake, 1541
Internationally educated professionals
Accreditation barriers, 2443
Lead exposure
Budget 2023, 798-799
Decommissioned railway tracks, contamination along, 224
Memorial Community Centre, 799
Remediation areas--Mission Gardens park, 223
Soil contamination, public awareness campaign, 799
Soil in children's playgrounds, 223
Soil sample locations, 341-342
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act
Expanded liquor sales, social impacts, 552-553
Government revenues, reduction in, 552, 553
Job losses and location closures, 551
Retail liquor sales, expansion of, 551
Retail locations, enhanced security measure costs, 553
Retail locations, enhanced security measures, 553
Revenues, impact on, 551
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 9)
2 R
Debate, 551-556
Literacy rate - adults
Rural and northern Manitoba, 2618
Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Adult Education) (Bill 223)
1 R, 564
2 R
Opening statement, 2617-2619
Questions, 2619-2621
Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP)
Collective bargaining negotiations, 1771-1772
Strike action vote, 1595-1596
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries
MBLL customer satisfaction survey, 552
Manitoba Start program
International medical graduates, 2447
Manitoba Student Aid
Internationally educated professionals, loan program for, 1808
Manitoba Wildfire Service
Number of staff, 1449-1450
Seasonal staff positions, 1452
Members' statements
Adanac Apartments, 1116-1117
Education system funding, 2643-2644
International Medical Graduates, 1514
NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre, 150
Pay discrimination, 1982-1983
Pay transparency, 704
Pinays Manitoba Inc., 2424-2425
Recruitment of Filipino nurses, 776-777
Memorial Community Centre
Lead contamination in soil, 799
Minimum wage
Gender pay gap, 1286
Ministerial statements
National Day of Mourning, 1980
Mission Gardens park
Lead in soil, remediation, 223
National Day of Mourning, 1980
Northern health care
Staffing shortage, 1540
Northern Manitoba
Literacy rate - adults, 2618
Notre Dame constituency
Community cleanups, 224
Homeless encampments, 224
Vacant lots and garbage accumulation, 700
Notre Dame Powerline, 225, 800
Nurses, internationally educated
Accreditation process, other jurisdictions, 1540
Filipina nurse recruitment, history of, 2445
Grant program uptake, 2562
Grants to help with accreditation, 1808, 2561
Red River College bridging programs, 1808
Registration, decrease in, 1540, 2444
Regulation changes, ministerial powers, 1418
Social media campaign re: practicing in Manitoba, 2445
Immigrants to Manitoba, 2445
Opposition Day Motion
That the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba call on the provincial government to condemn Brian Pallister's health care cuts for the damage caused to Manitoba's health care system, 2517-2518
Oral Questions
Addiction treatment services
Government approach, 1235
Allied health professionals
Collective bargaining negotiations, 1771-1772
Strike action vote, 1595-1596
Construction industry workers
Wage reduction concerns, 815-816, 1178-1179, 1487-1488, 1911, 2695-2696
Grace Hospital manager
Conflict of interest concerns, 438-439
Health-care system management concerns
Working conditions and staffing shortages, 1032
Home care, seniors advocate and PCH beds
Government priority in Throne Speech, 41
Home-care services
Funding and staff retention, 634-635
Minimum safety standards, 971
Pay and working conditions, 972
Request for seniors advocate, 972
Scheduling system malfunction, impact on service delivery and workers, 158-159
Lead exposure
Soil sample locations, 341-342
Pay Transparency act
Request for support for Bill 228, 1991-1992
Senior health and home-care services
Government management record, 572
Seniors advocate office
Government intention, 238
Request to establish, 573
Workers Compensation Board
Expanded coverage for psychological injuries, 2490
Orange Shirt Day Statutory Holiday Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 203)
2 R
Debate, 853-854
Questions, 850-851
Pay Equity Act
Federal legislation, 1287
Pay Transparency Act
Businesses with under 100 employees, 1288
Collective agreements, effect on, 1288
Job postings, public disclosure of salary, 1285
Pay audit reports, 1285
Pay audit reports, cost to business, 1288
Pay history, 1285
Public tender bids, 1285
Request for support for Bill 228, 1991-1992
Pay Transparency Act (Bill 228)
1 R, 703-704
2 R
Opening statement, 1285-1287
Questions, 1287-1289
Construction wages, 2656, 2700, 2751
Health-care coverage, 2392, 2435
Lead in soils, 977-978, 1088, 2494-2495
Punjabi bilingual programs in public schools, 164, 382-383, 541-542, 578, 884
SANE program, 1037-1038, 1129-1130
South Perimeter Highway noise barrier, 2589-2590
Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (2)
Accreditation barriers, ministerial powers to address, 1418
Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (2) (Bill 17)
2 R
Debate, 1417-1419
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2)
Household violence, definition of, 1153
Moving expenses, landlord responsibility, 1153
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) (Bill 231)
2 R
Debate, 1153-1154
Questions, 1149
Calling on the provincial government to recognize the valuable role that foster parents play in Manitoba communities
Debate, 1583-1585
Questions, 1578-1580
Rooming houses
Landlord incentives for, 225
Loss of, 225
Rural health care
ER closures and physician shortage, 1514
Rural Manitoba
Adult literacy rates, 2618
ER closures and physician shortage, 1514
SEED Winnipeg
International medical graduates, grant, 2447
Senior citizens
Health and home-care services, 572
Home care, seniors advocate and PCH beds, 41
Government priority in Throne Speech, 41
Seniors advocate office
Establishment of, 238, 573, 972
St. Boniface Street Links
OASIS program, 1153
Throne Speech
Community safety, 225
Debate, 222-226
Housing, 224
Truth and Reconciliation
Educating new immigrants, 854
Weston Brooklands community
Decommissioned railroad tracks, 799
Lead contamination in soil, remediation, 223-224, 799
Weston Park (Garbage Hill)
Active transportation pathway, 799
Wildfire Service
Firefighter pay equity, 2436
Staff retention and recruitment, 2436
Water bombers, aging fleet, 2436
Alberta fires, 2437
Firefighting, dangerous/physically demanding work, 1451
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Wildfire Firefighters)
Consultations, 1449
Extension of coverage for, 2436
Female specific cancers, 1453, 2437
Presumptive coverage for cancer and heart injuries, 1450, 1451
Presumptive coverage, criteria for, 1450, 1453
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Wildfire Firefighters) (Bill 25)
2 R
Debate, 1451-1453
Questions, 1449-1450
C/3 R, 2436-2438
Workers Compensation Board
Psychological injuries, expanded coverage for, 2490
Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Access to Washrooms for Delivery Persons) (Bill 227)
2 R
Questions, 1690
Mariachi Mexican Tacos and Cantina. See Members' statements under Brandon food and beverage establishments
Marine Museum of Manitoba. See Members' statements
Marion, Joseph Paul. See Condolence, motions of
Martin, Shannon (McPhillips) PC
Animal Care Amendment Act
Consultations, 306
Cross jurisdictional comparison, 307
Animal Care Amendment Act (Bill 213)
2 R
Debate, 309-310
Questions, 306-307
Budget 2023
Glucose monitors and insulin pumps, expanded coverage, 1156
Cannabis sales
Retail sales, public or private model, 1718-1719
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Act
Consultations, 2603
Self regulation, 2602-2603
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Act (Bill 233)
1 R, 2175
2 R
Opening statement, 2602-2603
Questions, 2603
C/3 R, 2706
Committee of the Whole
Opening statement, 2616
Committee of the Whole
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Act (Bill 233)
Opening statement, 2616
Condolence, motions of
Cowan, Jay Marine, 2814
Kostyra, Eugene, 301
Marion, Joseph Paul, 2807-2808
Williams, Edward Joseph "Joe," 2791-2792
Prevention, 1158
Education system
Commercial tax revenues, 860
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 235)
2 R
Questions, 1362
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Miscarriage or Stillbirth)
Adoptive parents, inclusion of, 1362
Environment and climate incentives
Government announcement, 1774
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting)
Ninety-day reporting period, 2623-2624
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting) (Bill 221)
2 R
Debate, 2626-2627
Questions, 2623-2625
Glucose monitors and insulin pumps
Coverage for individuals with type 2 diabetes, 1158
Expanded coverage, Budget 2023, 1156
Grace Hospital Foundation
Funding for ICU expansion, 2055
Hansen, Jeremy
Artemis II mission, 1156
Humane Society, 310
Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Adult Education) (Bill 223)
2 R
Questions, 2620-2621
Manitoba Hydro rates
Debt guarantee and water rental rates, 341
General rate application, decrease in, 341
Members of the Legislative Assembly
Farewell speeches, 2860-2863
Members' statements
Bragg, Beverley, 668-669
Election campaigning, 2544
Kusiak, Tony, 1764-1765
Polish School of Dance "Sokol," 2323
West St. Paul charity drive for Ukrainians, 12
Mental health and addiction treatment services
Throne Speech, 132-133
Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
Landfill search for remains, 2631
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Inclusion of Finland, 1156
Oral Questions
Decrease in Hydro general rate application
Debt guarantee and water rental rates, 341
Environment and climate incentives
Government announcement, 1774
Grace Hospital Foundation
Funding for ICU expansion, 2055
Portage Place Shopping Centre
Redevelopment announcement, 2330
Retail sales of cannabis
Public or private model, 1718-1719
Orange Shirt Day Statutory Holiday Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 203)
2 R
Questions, 851
Pay Equity Act
Federal legislation, 1287
Pay Transparency Act
Businesses with under 100 employees, 1288
Pay Transparency Act (Bill 228)
2 R
Questions, 1287-1289
Personal Care Home Accountability Act (Various Acts Amended)
Family councils, Canadian jurisdictions, 2103
Personal Care Home Accountability Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 238)
2 R
Questions, 2103
Portage Place Shopping Centre
Redevelopment announcement, 2330
Protecting Youth in Sports Act (Bill 208)
2 R
Questions, 2818-2820
R.F. Morrison School
Charity drive for Ukrainian children, 12
Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Amendment Act (Bill 211)
2 R
Debate, 1955
Questions, 1953-1954
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) (Bill 231)
2 R
Debate, 1152-1153
Questions, 1149
Calling on the federal government to reform bail
Calling on the provincial government to prioritize MMIWG2S* by implementing the national inquiry's Calls for Justice
Debate, 2638
Questions, 2631
Calling on the provincial government to stop breaking its promises and provide better support for sexual assault survivors through the sexual assault nurse examiner program
Questions, 514
Calling on the provincial government to stop underfunding education
Debate, 868
Questions, 860-861
Commending the provincial government for investing in diabetic supports
Opening statement, 1155-1157
Questions, 1158-1159
Thanking those who have been a part of the forty second legislature
Debate, 2729-2731
Social and Economic Development, Standing Committee on
Sixth report, 2684-2686
Sports, youth in
Abuse, services for victims, 2820
Throne Speech
Debate, 131-134
Mental health and addiction, 132-133
Ukrainian refugees
Charity drive for children, 12
Martinelli-Irvine, Carla. See Members' statements
Maternity care. See also Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Miscarriage or Stillbirth)
Funding for services
Gordon, 633-634
Smith, B., 633-634
Wildfire evacuation
Lamoureux, 1453
Raised by the Member for Fort Whyte regarding an incident which occurred over the lunch recess during an event held in the Rotunda alleging that the Leader of the Opposition attempted to physically and verbally intimidate him.
Gerrard, 1490
Khan, 1488-1489
Kinew, 1489-1490
Speaker's ruling, 1911-1913
Taken under advisement, 1488-1489
Raised by the Member for Point Douglas alleging that during Oral Questions the Member for Midland struck her chair with the intention of stopping her from completing her duties. The member stated that this was a violation of her parliamentary privilege.
Goertzen, 190
Pedersen, 190
Smith, B., 189
Speaker's ruling, 444-445
Taken under advisement, 190
Raised by the Member for St. Boniface alleging that the Minister of Justice and Member for Elmwood attempted to intimidate him by telling his colleague that he would face retaliation if he kept asking questions related to allowances for MLAs and what could be purchased with those allowances. The Member for St. Boniface claimed his freedom of speech was violated
Fontaine, 2334
Goertzen, 2334
Lamont, 2332-2333
Speaker's ruling, 2789-2790
Taken under advisement, 2335
Raised by the Member for St. Johns alleging that the Minister of Health deliberately misled the House by denying that letters tabled by the Leader of the Opposition were real. The Member for St. John's alleged that the Minister of Health had knowledge of the letters and therefore deliberately misled the House
Fontaine, 1633-1634
Gerrard, 1634
Goertzen, 1634
Speaker's ruling, 2390-2391
Taken under advisement, 1634
Raised by the Member for Union Station alleging that the Minister of Health mislead the house regarding comments made in the Chamber regarding the departure of nurses from the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program
Asagwara, 1113
Gerrard, 1113-1114
Goertzen, 1113-1114
Speaker's ruling, 1647-1648
Taken under advisement, 1114
Raised by the Member for Union Station regarding comments made by the Minister of Education about the Leader of the Opposition. The Member stated the remarks were disrespectful with racist overtones. The Member requested a retraction and immediate apology.
Asagwara, 1897-1898
Ewasko, 1898
Gerrard, 1898-1899
Speaker's ruling, 2699-2700
Taken under advisement, 1899
Maurice Chaput Arena. See Members' statements
Cox, 208
McCormick, Kathy. See Members' statements under Re Uz It
McDonald, Cody. See Members' statements
McKinsey & Company. See Project Nova
Medical Examiner. See Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Medically assisted death. See Members' statements
Meek, Kristi. See Members' statements
Award recipient (Curtis Charison)
Eichler, 2322
Members of the Legislative Assembly
Constituency office security
Wiebe, 1444
Constituency offices, safety concerns
Lamoureux, 2351
Wiebe, 2349
End of session speeches
Bushie, 2868-2870
Fontaine, 2865-2867
Gerrard, 2871
Goertzen, 2863-2865
Lamont, 2867-2868
Farewell speeches
Driedger, 2854-2855
Martin, 2860-2863
Smook, 2857
Wishart, 2857-2860
Adams, Danielle
Bushie, 2380-2381
Adanac Apartments
Marcelino, 1116-1117
Addiction and overdose epidemic
Smith, B., 1766
Addiction treatment services
Asagwara, 1230
Smith, B., 777-778
Affordability concerns
Wiebe, 2483
Alarkon, Lyn and Lou
Lamoureux, 1077
Allied health professionals
Lamoureux, 2381
Moses, 2577
Anderson, Wenda
Piwniuk, 2780
Ang Bahay Connection
Lamoureux, 873-874
Arborg & District Multicultural Heritage Village
Johnson, 2644
Arts and culture funding for La Vérendrye
Smook, 1478
Assiniboine Community College nursing program
Smook, 112-113
Augustine, Dr. Jean
The Back Door Youth Centre
Pedersen, 704
Badmos, Ridhwanlai
Gordon, 2178
Bake Oven
Micklefield, 1981
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir
Schuler, 232
Battle of Vimy Ridge
Isleifson, 1421-1422
Beardy, Linda Mary
Fontaine, 1231
Big Sky Studios
Brar, 74
Khan, 74-75
Bignell, Steven
Lathlin, 2178
Birtle Collegiate Wellness Room
Nesbitt, 705-706
Book banning
Fontaine, 2379
Bragg, Beverley
Martin, 668-669
Brandon food and beverage establishments
Isleifson, 270
Brazeau, Cadena-Loran Scholar 2023
Nesbitt, 2047
Budget 2023
Moses, 705
Builders' Liens Amendment Act
R. Helwer, 2125-2126
Butchart, Jason
Altomare, 2544-2545
Canada Day pickleball tournament
Lamoureux, 2740
Casselman, Jewel
Johnston, 807-808
Chahal, Reeto
Sandhu, 2177-2178
Charison, Curtis
Eichler, 2322
Cheung, Cheryl
Morley-Lecomte, 777
Chez Rachel
Lamont, 2483-2484
Chornoby, Shenika
Redhead, 668
Chrupalo, Brian
Klein, 1982
Chudley, Jenny
Guillemard, 2482-2483
Churchill Bulldogs
Kinew, 1422-1423
Collège Béliveau Ringette teams
Gordon, 2425
Collège Jeanne-Sauvé Olympiens
Squires, 872-873
Community events-acknowledgements
Clarke, 11
Community Newspaper Day
Nesbitt, 1514
Community safety and justice services
Wiebe, 627-628
Concurrent care option-palliative care patients
Gerrard, 151-152
Cornerstone Alliance Church
Gordon, 1309
Country Roots Market & Garden
Cox, 1637-1638
Crew, Francis "Frank"
Nesbitt, 1025
Crowston, Buzz
Nesbitt, 602-603
Culture and Sport projects for Midland
Pedersen, 1231-1232
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Lindsey, 2046
Dandeneau, Tanice
Wasyliw, 2689
Dauphin community improvement projects
Michaleski, 2688-2689
Dauphin skating clubs
Michaleski, 565
Dewar, Connor
Lathlin, 2739
Disability benefits
Naylor, 233
Disability support sector
Altomare, 565
Domestic violence
Klein, 1129-1130
Dunn, Chris
Gerrard, 1310
Dutiaume, Emma Marie Renee
Lagassé, 626
Dyck, Dr. Netha
Guillemard, 1381
Early Childhood Educator Week
Asagwara, 1836-1837
Education system funding
Marcelino, 2643-2644
Election campaigning
Martin, 2544
Elizarov, Yohnatan and Ava Kemp
Smith, A., 269
Ellison, Ken
Bushie, 1026-1027
Estioco, Yeho
Guillemard, 1837
Falcons Football Club's Atom 7's team
Gordon, 194-195
Fall fundraisers and banquets
Teitsma, 114-115
Festival du Voyageur
Lamont, 529
Filipino Heritage Month
Brar, 2842
Reyes, 2841-2842
Fire prevention services in the north
Redhead, 965
Foster parents
Lamoureux, 1479
Furgala, Ruth Ann
Johnson, 1477
Garden Grove School
Lamoureux, 1171-1172
Gender-based violence
Smith, B., 331
Glenelm Neighbourhood Association
Maloway, 2423-2424
Government record on climate change
Naylor, 872
Government record on reconciliation
Bushie, 151
Government's community safety record
Wasyliw, 331-332
Government's planning and management record
Gerrard, 966
Grace Hospital Day
Klein, 2265--2266
Graduation Pow Wow
Asagwara, 1025-1026
Graham, Ian
Redhead, 1710
Granger, Helen Lillian
Smith, A., 737
Grant, Dr. Elizabeth
Helwer, 35
Green Shirt Day
R. Helwer, 1231
Green Team program
Smook, 2179
Grendell Park Community Centre
Squires, 2738-2739
Habitat for Humanity housing project
Pedersen, 75-76
Halcrow, Florence
Lathlin, 1309-1310
Halldorson, Joyce
Johnson, 1026
Happy holidays
Gordon, 369
Health-care forum in Tyndall Park
Lamoureux, 2266
Health-care services
Gerrard, 669-670
Lamoureux, 603-604
Wiebe, 1117-1118
Health-care system
Kinew, 196
Hearing aids
Gerrard, 161-162
Heritage Park apartment fire-donations to residents
Klein, 2575-2576
Holiday season
Morley-Lecomte, 74
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Teitsma, 1515
Hope Floats
Piwniuk, 909-910
Hope's Cradle
Lagassé, 667-668
Huang, Bo and Mingdi Zhao
Reyes, 2321
I Love to Read Month
Micklefield, 466
Indigenous children in CFS care
Smith, B., 11-12
Indigenous youth leadership team
Bushie, 1981-1982
International Day of Pink
Gordon, 1423
International Hope Canada
Brar, 809
International Medical Graduates
Marcelino, 1514
Invasive Species Awareness Week
A. Lagimodiere, 1710
J. H. Bruns Collegiate
Gordon, 910
Jerrard, Paul
Piwniuk, 1311
John Taylor Collegiate
Johnston, 2543
Jones-Strachan, Kamil
Naylor, 808
Jones, Helgi
Wowchuk, 1836
Kaur Bharaj, Ikjyot
Reyes, 736
Kearns, Dr. Katherine and Dr. Christina Raimondi
Kinew, 1709-1710
Kildonan-East Reivers football champions
Wiebe, 195
Klinic Community Health Centre
Naylor, 1589-1590
Knight, Jim
Wishart, 776
Koats for Kids campaign
Friesen, 371
Kozussek, Gary
Cox, 1076-1077
Kusiak, Tony
Martin, 1764-1765
Lac du Bonnet community events
Ewasko, 1638-1639
Lac du Bonnet holiday events and activities
Ewasko, 331
Lac du Bonnet summer activities
Ewasko, 2779
Lakeside community initiatives
Eichler, 1170
Lambert, Zane
Clarke, 809-810
Landriault, Gordon
Lathlin, 369-370
Lead in soils
Lindsey, 381-382
Lead water pipe replacement
Maloway, 12-13
Linden Christian School performance
Khan, 2424
Loiselle, Lucienne
Lamont, 778
Lord Roberts School
Kinew, 910
Louise Bridge replacement
Maloway, 735-736
Lundar Trap Club
Johnson, 34
Lymphedema Awareness Day
Ewasko, 566
Mackie, Doug
Klein, 602
MACY report recommendations
Smith, B., 2543-2544
Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers
Sandhu, 1076
Manitoba film industry
Lamont, 1710-1711
Manitoba Hydro rates
Sala, 35-36
Manitoba Remote Learning Support Centre
Altomare, 2266
Manitoba Skateboarding Coalition
Asagwara, 1381-1382
Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Asagwara, 113
Manitoba Women's Institute
Clarke, 1117
Marine Museum of Manitoba
A. Lagimodiere, 2643
Martinelli-Irvine, Carla
Klein, 1901
Maurice Chaput Arena
Lagassé, 1423-1424
McDonald, Cody
Altomare, 370
Medically assisted death eligibility criteria
Micklefield, 808-809
Meek, Kristi
Johnston, 1513-1514
Men's mental health
Lagassé, 466-467
MFL Occupational Health Centre
Naylor, 2482
Miles Macdonell Collegiate IB program
Maloway, 2576
Wiebe, 1638
Mineral industry and economic reconciliation
Lamont, 2545
MLA for Midland-acknowledgements
Pedersen, 2687-2688
MLA for Tyndall Park acknowledgements
Lamoureux, 2842
Monteith, Simon
Lathlin, 34-35
Movin On choir
Squires, 1383-1384
Nanka, Glenn
Reyes, 150-151
National Nursing Week
Teitsma, 2045
Nemeth, Joe
Gordon, 2778
Nichol, Rhonda
Gerrard, 435
Nivervile waste water treatment facility
Schuler, 627
Niverville Clippers tournament champions
Smook, 564
Niverville waste water treatment facility
Schuler, 627
Non-disclosure agreements
Lamont, 2126-2127
Northern health services
Lathlin, 626-627
Lindsey, 669
Northern highways
Lathlin, 911
Northern Manitoba in Throne Speech
Redhead, 114
NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre
Marcelino, 150
Nystrom, Scotty and Elaine
Sala, 966
O'Brien, Isabel and Chloe Crockford
Squires, 195-196
Orange Shirt Day
Bushie, 1382
P3 schools
Altomare, 1171
Parker, Susie Erjavec and Allan Pineda
Sala, 2322-2323
Pay discrimination
Marcelino, 1982-1983
Pay transparency
Marcelino, 704
Penner International
Goertzen, 1170-1171
Personal-care homes
Maloway, 1515
Phan, Hat
Asagwara, 2321-2322
Pinays Manitoba Inc.
Marcelino, 2424-2425
Polish School of Dance "Sokol"
Martin, 2323
Portage Industrial Exhibition
Wishart, 1636-1637
Portage la Prairie constituency acknowledgements
Wishart, 2423
Porth, Sheri
Redhead, 434-435
Potenza, Joe
Wharton, 1902-1903
Premachuk, Evans
Lathlin, 1765
Premier's approach to community safety
Fontaine, 75
Premier's governance record
Fontaine, 269-270
Premier's leadership record
Fontaine, 2740
Pride Winnipeg
Naylor, 2841
Proulx, Justice
Gordon, 433
Provincial park investments
Wowchuk, 2577-2578
Provincial Road 227 upgrades
Eichler, 196-197
Radisson's affordable housing projects
Teitsma, 528
Rainbow Resource Centre
Asagwara, 2688
RCMP retroactive salary cost to municipalities
Naylor, 1170
Re Uz It
Lindsey, 1837-1838
Rebeck, Mary
Wharton, 1075-1076
Recruitment of Filipino nurses
Marcelino, 776-777
Red River ecological corridor
Gerrard, 2645
Red River Floodway
A. Lagimodiere, 465
Renters town hall in St. James
Sala, 1591
Richards, Twila
Gerrard, 1590-1591
Rossmere community improvement projects
Micklefield, 2689-2690
Rossmere community organization grants
Micklefield, 911
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Isleifson, 1118
Rural child-care facilities
Eichler, 735
School musicals
Gordon, 1765-1766
Scleroderma Awareness
Lagimodiere, 113-114
Second Chance Car Museum
Clarke, 2576-2577
Security system rebate program
Maloway, 603
Seeking mental wellness
Lagassé, 233
Seniors' concerns in Tyndall Park
Lamoureux, 1838
Sethi, Dr. Krishan
Lindsey, 234
Seven Oaks Filipino Employees Association
Sandhu, 466
Seven Oaks School Division
The Sidney Project
Redhead, 2779-2780
Siemens, Harley and Brooklyn
Lagassé, 1116
Silica mine project and drinking water safety
Wasyliw, 2045-2046
Skills competition-Frontier Collegiate Participants
Lindsey, 1423
Small business
Wasyliw, 1310-1311
Snarr, Phil, Marilyn, Jack and Julia
Reyes, 2124-2425
Springfield-Ritchot community grants
Schuler, 1709
Springfield-Ritchot community projects
Schuler, 2046
St. Boniface community-fight against extremism
Lamont, 332-333
St. James Cannucks
Klein, 2380
St. James hockey volunteers
Klein, 965-966
St. Raphael Wellness Centre
Gerrard, 234
St. Vital constituent concern
Moses, 1478-1479
St. Vital provincial sport champions
Moses, 1901-1902
Stevenson, Elaine
Gerrard, 1983
Summer activities in Brandon
Isleifson, 2177
Super-Spike Volleyball
Morley-Lecomte, 1589
Supports for Ukrainian refugees
Wasyliw, 736-737
Swan Lake First Nation
Piwniuk, 268
Swan River snowmobile clubs
Wowchuk, 1027
Swan Valley sport fishing enhancement
Wowchuk, 2739-2740
Team Clam
Brar, 2126
Team Terrick
Michaleski, 1590
Théâtre Cercle Molière
Lamont, 1382-1383
Thiessen, Becki
Guillemard, 434
Thompson Seniors Community Resource Council
Redhead, 2265
Thompson, Matthew and Shawn
Morley-Lecomte, 2379
Transcona Biz-Festival of Banners
Teitsma, 2264
Transcona Legion Ladies Auxiliary
Teitsma, 705
Tung, Amy
Khan, 871-872
Turban Day
Brar, 1477-1478
Tyndall Park constituency staff
Lamoureux, 36
Universal coverage for birth control
Fontaine, 1077
Venture Capital Fund
Wasyliw, 2644-2645
Vyshyvanka Day
Smith, A., 2481-2482
Waddell, Drs. Bruce and Janice
Nesbitt, 370
West St. Paul charity drive for Ukrainians
Martin, 12
Westman Volt Hockey league
Isleifson, 628
Wiwcharyk, Dennis
Wharton, 2840
Women's History Month and International Women's Day
Fontaine, 465-466
Wong, George
Smith, A., 1900
Woodhaven's Men's Shed community garden
Sala, 528
Workplace safety for health staff
Fontaine, 1900-1901
World Down Syndrome Day
Teitsma, 964-965
World Kidney Day
R. Helwer, 527
Young, William
Bushie, 565-566
Youth hockey champions
Khan, 1766-1767
Zealand, Cheryl
Khan, 330-331
Zubec, Payton
Johnson, 149-150
Members'/ministers' personal narratives
Asagwara, 1099-1100
Lead contamination in soil
Marcelino, 799
Memorial Park. See Legislative Security Amendment Act; Protests - public
Availability in schools
Ewasko, 862
Mental health. See also Education system; Members' statements; Self-Injury Awareness Day
Education system supports
Ewasko, 1205
Education system--rural/northern Manitoba
Asagwara, 1103
Lamont, 667
Firefighters--rural Manitoba, 1453
Lamoureux, 1453
Growth in during pandemic
Squires, 2498
Indigenous children and youth--York Factory First Nation
Morley-Lecomte, 2554
Redhead, 2554
MACY recommendations
Smith, B., 2543
Men's mental health
Lagassé, 466-467
Guillemard, 328-329
A Pathway to Mental Health and Community Wellness: A Roadmap for Manitoba
Five-year plan
Morley-Lecomte, 2059
Preventative services
Lamoureux, 686
Wharton, 127
State of emergency--First Nations
Clarke, 1239-1240
Lagassé, 1239
Throne Speech
Cox, 209
Youth resources
Smith, B., 2543-2544
Mental health and addiction treatment services
Expectant mothers, programs for
Fontaine, 1864
Squires, 1864
Funding for services
Morley-Lecomte, 2070
Smith, B., 2070
Government approach to
Moses, 145
Incarceration link
Sala, 1825
Services for youth
Naylor, 126
Services for youth--Throne Speech
Naylor, 104
Throne Speech
Brar, 214
Martin, 132-133
Wraparound services
Smith, B., 2059-2060
Mental Health and Community Wellness Department
Budget 2023 funding
Morley-Lecomte, 797
Opening statements
Morley-Lecomte, 2059
Smith, B., 2059-2060
Morley-Lecomte, 2060-2071, 2138-2147
Smith, B., 2060-2071, 2138-2147
Staff introductions
Morley-Lecomte, 2060
Supplementary Estimates for 2023-2024
Morley-Lecomte, 776
Technical appointments
Morley-Lecomte, 2138
Smith, B., 2138
Vacancy rate
Morley-Lecomte, 2138
Smith, B., 2138
Mental Health and Community Wellness minister
Apology request for social media post
Fontaine, 19
Guillemard, 19
Gerrard, 1979-1980
Morley-Lecomte, 1979
Smith, B., 1979
Proulx, Justine
Gordon, 433
Mining and mineral exploration, consultations
Gerrard, 134
MFL Occupational Health Centre. See Members' statements
Adult education
Funding, 2619
Building Sustainable Communities
Importance of fund to communities, 2852
Committee of the Whole
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) (Bill 231)
Opening statements, 2609
Condolence, motions of
Dolin, Martin, 297
Williams, Edward Joseph "Joe," 2793
Drug overdose deaths
Public reporting of, 2624
Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
Rent Assist benefit expansion, 2470
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting) (Bill 221)
2 R
Questions, 2624-2625
Hockey Hall of Fame
Leach, Reggie (candidate), 2833
Internet services
Federal jurisdiction--northern Manitoba, 1964-1965
Leach, Reggie
Hockey Hall of Fame candidate, 2833
Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Adult Education) (Bill 223)
2 R
Debate, 2621
Questions, 2619-2620
Members' statements
Dauphin community improvement projects, 2688-2689
Dauphin skating clubs, 565
Team Terrick, 1590
Northern Manitoba
Internet services, federal jurisdiction, 1964-1965
Oral Questions
Building Sustainable Communities
Importance of fund to communities, 2852
Retinal specialist pilot project
Dauphin and Parkland area, 1431
Orange Shirt Day Statutory Holiday Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 203)
2 R
Questions, 850-851
Public Schools Amendment Act (Nutrition Programs) (Bill 222)
2 R
Debate, 1060-1062
Questions, 1055-1056
Rent Assist program
EIA benefit expansion, 2470
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2)
Consultations, 1150
Household violence, definition of, 1148, 2609
Household violence, new category, 1148, 2705
Moving expenses, landlord responsibility, 1148
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) (Bill 231)
1 R, 1023
2 R
Opening statement, 1147-1149
Questions, 1149-1150
Committee of the Whole
Opening statements, 2609
Calling on the federal government to absorb the cost of increased RCMP salaries
Opening statement, 1368-1370
Questions, 1370-1372
Calling upon the Legislative Assembly to support the acknowledgement of the outstanding achievements and contributions of Reggie Leach
Debate, 2833
Questions, 2831-2832
Calling upon the provincial government to follow through on its commitment to provide Manitobans with high-speed broadband services
Questions, 1964-1965
Condemning the provincial government for breaking its promises to seniors on personal care home beds
Questions, 1468
Condemning the provincial government for failing to uphold the right to housing for all Manitobans
Debate, 2472-2474
Questions, 2470
Restorative justice, 1335
Restricting Mandatory Overtime for Nurses Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 205)
2 R
Debate, 511
Questions, 504-505
Retinal specialist pilot project
Dauphin and Parkland area, 1431
Rural Manitoba
Policing challenges, 1369
School nutrition programs
Demand for, 1061
Social and Economic Development, Standing Committee on
Third report, 1976-1978
Micklefield, Andrew (Rossmere) PC
Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act
Consultations, 1819
Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 237)
1 R, 1634-1635
2 R
Opening statement, 1816-1817
Questions, 1817-1819
Building Sustainable Communities
Recipients for 2023, 2388
Committee of Supply
Committee of the Whole
Committee report, 2572
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 235)
Opening statements, 2609-2610
Crown Corporations, Standing Committee on
Second report, 459-460
Third report, 460-461
Fourth report, 461
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 235)
1 R, 1307
2 R
Opening statement, 1359-1361
Questions, 1361-1363
C/3 R, 2707
Committee of the Whole
Opening statements, 2609-2610
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Miscarriage or Stillbirth)
Adoptive parents, inclusion of, 1362
Bereavement, expansion of definition, 1360
Miscarriage disclosure, proof of, 1361-1362
Paid vs. unpaid leave, 1360-1361, 2609-2610
Grace Hospital
Funding, 1072
New physicians, 1072
Health-care system
Surgical capacity and specialist recruitment, 2432-2433
Hkalam, Samson
Activist imprisoned in Myanmar, 1816
Strategy to address, 474
Legislative Affairs, Standing Committee on
Third report, 1833
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth
Annual report March 31, 2022, 325
Members' statements
Bake Oven, 1981
I Love to Read Month, 466
Medically assisted death eligibility criteria, 808-809
Rossmere community improvement projects, 2689-2690
Rossmere community organization grants, 911
Oral Questions
Building Sustainable Communities
Announcement of recipients for 2023, 2388
Strategy to address homelessness
Government announcement, 474
Surgical capacity and specialist recruitment
Government update, 2432-2433
Providence University College
Certificate program development, Indigenous reconciliation, 1817
Provincial funding, 1818
Tuition/fee exemption, 1819
University status application, 1818
Rent - above-guideline increases, 1814
Apartment application fees, 1812-1813
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Application Fees and Deposits)
Violations by landlords, penalties for, 1813-1814
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Application Fees and Deposits) (Bill 239)
1 R, 1587
2 R
Opening statement, 1811-1812
Questions, 1812-1814
C/3 R, 2707-2708
Calling on the provincial government to listen to doctors and stop the cuts at the Grace Hospital
Debate, 1071-1073
Questions, 1066-1067
Exemption for--Providence University College, 1819
Reyes, 90
Midland Manitoba. See Members' statements
Migration. See Population--Manitoba
Miles Macdonell Collegiate. See also Members' statements
Baccalaureate program, funding concerns
Ewasko, 2492
Lamoureux, 2491-2492
Military Memorial Conservation Grant
Khan, 2160
Altomare, 900
Cost of living increase
Helwer, 169
Lamoureux, 395
Naylor, 397-398
Wasyliw, 391-392
Cost of living--northern Manitoba
Naylor, 399
Demographics earning
Naylor, 398
Wasyliw, 392
Full-time hours, poverty line
Moses, 177
Gender pay gap
Marcelino, 1286
Lindsey, 388-389
Moses, 177
Living wage
Helwer, 169
Lindsey, 171
Moses, 168-169
Wasyliw, 394
National percentage of workforce
Teitsma, 175
Paid sick leave for
Lindsey, 173
Post-secondary students
Lindsey, 389
Rent increases
Naylor, 399
Minimum Wage Adjustment Act, 2022 (Employment Standards Code Amended)
Gerrard, 168
Helwer, 168
Isleifson, 184
Teitsma, 174
Minimum Wage Adjustment Act, 2022 (Employment Standards Code Amended) (Bill 4)
1 R
Helwer, 73
2 R
Fontaine, 184-185
Isleifson, 183-184
Lamont, 181-183
Lindsey, 170-174
Moses, 176-181
Teitsma, 174-176
Opening statement
Helwer, 167
Gerrard, 168
Helwer, 167-170
Lamont, 170
Lindsey, 167-170
Moses, 168-170
Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development
C/3 R
Helwer, 385-386
Lamoureux, 395-397
Lindsey, 386-390
Naylor, 397-400
Wasyliw, 390-395
Neville, 455
General comments
Reyes, 761
Impact on business
Helwer, 169
Lindsey, 169
Impact on economy
Wasyliw, 393
Small business supports
Wharton, 720
Mining and mineral exploration. See also Members' statements
Abandoned site rehabilitation program
Archaeologists, new staff
Khan, 2160
Budget 2023, permitting process
Wharton, 721
Consultation with First Nation, Métis, Inuit people
Gerrard, 134
Economic opportunities--First Nations
Wharton, 1350
First Nation consultations
Lagimodiere, 258
Human rights record and issuing licences
Wasyliw, 1357
Wharton, 1357
Investment in industry
Wharton, 2492
Wowchuk, 2492
Lithium exploration
Wharton, 721
Manitoba Mineral Development Fund
Cullen, 619
Stefanson, 261
Orphaned/abandoned mine remediation, Budget 2023
Wharton, 721
Permits issued 2021-2023
Wasyliw, 1356
Wharton, 1356
Permitting and regulatory improvements
Nesbitt, 123
Wowchuk, 123
Permitting office, staffing
Permitting process
Cullen, 619
Permitting processing times
Wharton, 1350
Private sector investments
Wharton, 1350
Revenue sharing agreements--First Nations
Lindsey, 1996-1997
Nesbitt, 1996-1997
Value-added strategy
Wasyliw, 1356
Wharton, 1356
Mining companies. See also Sio Silica - sand mine extraction project
Canadian owned mines
Wasyliw, 1356
Wharton, 1356
Manitoba companies, preferential treatment
Wasyliw, 1357
Wharton, 1357-1358
Russian companies in Manitoba
Wasyliw, 1358
Wharton, 1358
Environmental organization consultations
Wasyliw, 1355
Wharton, 1355-1356
Indigenous consultation
Wharton, 1355
Timeline for release
Wasyliw, 1355
Wharton, 1355
Respectful workplace training
Cullen, 1676
Sala, 1676
Asian Heritage Month
Khan, 2043-2044
Lamoureux, 2044-2045
Lathlin, 2044
Black History Month
Gordon, 524
Lamont, 525
Moses, 524-525
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Altomare, 109
Ewasko, 109
Lamoureux, 109-110
Canada Winter Games-Team Manitoba
Asagwara, 665-666
Khan, 664-665
Lamoureux, 666
Canadian Agricultural Safety Week
Brar, 667
Johnson, 666-667
Lamont, 667
Caregiver Recognition Day
Asagwara, 1169
Lamont, 1169-1170
Morley-Lecomte, 1169
Children's Hospital Champion Children
Gerrard, 2738
Kinew, 2737-2738
Stefanson, 2737
Community foundation day
Lamoureux, 2122-2123
Naylor, 2122
Smith, A., 2121-2122
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Asagwara, 2123-2124
Gerrard, 2124
Gordon, 2123
Donation to Winnipeg Foundation
Brar, 366-367
Gerrard, 367
Stefanson, 366
Education Week
Altomare, 1635-1636
Ewasko, 1635
Lamoureux, 1636
Filipino Heritage Month
Brar, 2775-2776
Khan, 2775
Lamoureux, 2776
Financial Literacy Month
Altomare, 368
Ewasko, 367-368
Lamoureux, 368-369
Gender Equity Manitoba
Lamont, 2642-2643
Naylor, 2642
Squires, 2641-2642
Gimli Glider
Bushie, 2640-2641
Gerrard, 2641
Khan, 2640
Holi Festival of Colours
Brar, 625
Khan, 624-625
Lamont, 625
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Brar, 1588
Khan, 1587-1588
Lamont, 1588-1589
Holodomor Memorial Day
Lamoureux, 230-231
Smith, A., 229-230
Wasyliw, 230
Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Fontaine, 870-871
Lamont, 871
Squires, 870
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Lamont, 2422-2423
Naylor, 2422
Squires, 2421-2422
International Day of Forests
Lamont, 964
Lindsey, 963-964
Nesbitt, 963
International Day of Persons With Disabilities
Gerrard, 431
Redhead, 431
Squires, 430
International Women's Day
Fontaine, 623-624
Lamoureux, 624
Squires, 623
Jerrard, Paul
Khan, 1307-1308
Lamoureux, 1308-1309
Moses, 1308
Jewish Heritage Month
Gerrard, 2420-2421
Khan, 2419-2420
Smith, B., 2420
Journée internationale de la Francophonie
Fontaine, 908
Lamont, 908-909
Squires, 907-908
Khalsa Aid food drive
Brar, 2542
Gerrard, 2543
Khan, 2541-2542
Manitoba Access Awareness Week
Fontaine, 2777
Gerrard, 2777-2778
Squires, 2776-2777
Manitoba Day
Brar, 2262
Khan, 2262
Lamoureux, 2262-2263
Manitoba Hydro's finances
Friesen, 191-192
Lamont, 193-194
Sala, 192-193
Mental Health Week
Gerrard, 1979-1980
Morley-Lecomte, 1979
Smith, B., 1979
Altomare, 329
Gerrard, 329-330
Guillemard, 328-329
Municipal Government Awareness Week
Clarke, 32
Lamont, 33-34
Wiebe, 33
National Day of Mourning
Lamoureux, 1981
Marcelino, 1980
Reyes, 1980
National Social Work Month
Fontaine, 526
Gerrard, 526
Squires, 525-526
Polish Heritage Month
Khan, 2319-2320
Lamoureux, 2320-2321
Lathlin, 2320
Brar, 1024
Gerrard, 1024-1025
Khan, 1023-1024
Red Hat Society
Fontaine, 1835
Lamoureux, 1835-1836
Squires, 1834-1835
Self-Injury Awareness Day
Gerrard, 464-465
Morley-Lecomte, 463-464
Smith, B., 464
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Fontaine, 1115
Gerrard, 1115-1116
Squires, 1114-1115
Sikh Heritage Month
Brar, 1168
Khan, 1167-1168
Lamoureux, 1168
Skills Canada National Competition
Guillemard, 2838-2839
Lamoureux, 2840
Moses, 2839-2840
Small Business Saturday
Cullen, 231
Lamont, 232
Moses, 231-232
Special Olympics Awareness Week
Kinew, 2838
Lamont, 2838
Stefanson, 2837
Substance Use and Addictions Awareness Week
Gerrard, 112
Guillemard, 110-111
Smith, B., 111-112
Update on Ukrainian refugees
Kinew, 326-327
Lamont, 327-328
Stefanson, 326
Brar, 1476
Khan, 1475-1476
Lamoureux, 1476-1477
Vyshyvanka Day
Khan, 2479-2480
Lamoureux, 2480-2481
Wiebe, 2480
Wildfire prevention week
Gerrard, 2264
Lindsey, 2263-2264
Nesbitt, 2263
Winnipeg Jets in the NHL playoffs
Khan, 1763-1764
Lamoureux, 1764
Lathlin, 1764
Winnipeg Sea Bears
Asagwara, 2687
Khan, 2686-2687
Lamoureux, 2687
World AIDS Day
Asagwara, 432
Gerrard, 432-433
Gordon, 431-432
World Diabetes Day
Asagwara, 10
Gerrard, 10-11
Gordon, 9-10
Oldest newspaper in western Canada
Nesbitt, 1514
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2023
Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act amended re: repealing of separate statutes
Goertzen, 1505
Designation of Employees and Persons Deemed to be in the Civil Service Regulation re: public servant exclusions from pension fund
Goertzen, 1505
Drivers and Vehicles Act amended re: out-of-province vehicles
Goertzen, 1505
Family Support Enforcement Act amended re: income assistance recipient definition
Goertzen, 1505
Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation Act amended re: report filing date
Goertzen, 1505
Ombudsman Act amended re: delegation of powers
Goertzen, 1505
Prescription Drugs Cost Assistance Act amended re: addition of registered psychiatric nurses
Goertzen, 1505
Reporting of Support for Child Survivors of Sexual Assault Act amended re: reporting and consultation timeline extension
Goertzen, 1505
Resource Tourism Operators Act re: Vice-chair designates
Goertzen, 1505
School Divisions and Districts Establishment Regulation re: school division boundaries
Goertzen, 1505-1506
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2023 (Bill 12)
1 R
Goertzen, 458
2 R
Wiebe, 1506
Opening statement
Goertzen, 1504-1506
Referred to Standing Committee on Justice
C/3 R
Goertzen, 2344
Lamoureux, 2345
Wiebe, 2344-2345
Neville, 2769
Miscarriage. See also Employment Standards Code Amendment Act; Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Miscarriage or Stillbirth)
Guaranteed paid employment leave
Lathlin, 1389-1390
Reyes, 1390
Gerrard, 1367
Request to call Bills 210 and 235 to committee
Lathlin, 1523-1524, 1719, 2055
Reyes, 1523-1524
Closure's impact on residents
Naylor, 759
Misericordia Sleep Disorder Centre
Private sector involvement
Kinew, 2690-2691
Stefanson, 2690-2691
Public/private sector funding
Asagwara, 1641-1642
Gordon, 1641-1642
Kinew, 1591-1592
Stefanson, 1591-1592
Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG). See also Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Licence Plates for MMIWG2S Awareness); National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Landfill search for remains
Martin, 2631
Smith, B., 2631-2632
Organizations funded
Clarke, 2225
Red Dress Day
Clarke, 2091
Lead in soil, remediation
Marcelino, 223
MKO. See Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
Fontaine, 220
Monteith, Simon. See Members' statements
Two-year addiction treatment program
Gerrard, 1140
Morley-Lecomte, Hon. Janice (Seine River) PC
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre
RAAM clinic partnership, 2147
Addiction Services Act, 1124-1125
Addiction Services Act (Bill 33)
1 R, 773
Addiction treatment services
Bed-based services, wait times for, 2139-2140
Budget 2023, 797
Facilities, public/private licensing, 2142-2143
Government approach, 1235-1236
Harm reduction initiatives, funding, 2144
Home-based services, 2140
Long-term beds for complex cases, 1126
Mobile withdrawal unit, 2140
New bed spaces, announcement, 2071
Treatment spaces, definition of, 2138
Treatment spaces, how to calculate, 2139
Wait-times per facility, 2140-2141
Wait-times, public reporting, 2140-2142
Brandon Manitoba
SANE services, 519
Budget 2023
Addiction treatment, 797
Community safety, 798
Debate, 797-798
Health care, 798
Health-care capital projects, 691
Income tax bracket increase, 797-798
Long-term care, 630
Mental Health and Community Wellness Department funding, 797
Child & Youth Mental Health Day, 1979
Community safety
Budget 2023, 798
Condolence, motions of
Allard, Jean René, 2795-2796
Prevention, 1718
Drug overdose
Chief Medical Examiner office reporting, 2061-2066, 2063-2064
Common substances used, 2061
Number of (2022), 2061
Public Health Agency of Canada reporting, 2064
Request for support for Bill 221, 609-610, 2132
Drug overdose deaths
2020 data, 793
2022-2023 data, 1083, 2060-2062, 2133, 2389
Public reporting of, 740, 2785-2786
Eating disorders
Treatment facility, request for, 1990
Education Property Tax Credit
Rebate increase, 798
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting)
Request to pass Bill, 1989
First Nation health care
Suicide epidemic state of emergency, 2146
Health-care system
Capital spending, 798
Infection prevention and treatment, 1427
Number of cases in Manitoba, 2145
Income tax
Budget 2023 tax bracket increase, 797-798
Indigenous children and youth
Mental health supports--York Factory First Nation, 2554
Long-term care
Budget 2023, 630
Members' statements
Cheung, Cheryl, 777
Super-Spike Volleyball, 1589
Thompson, Matthew and Shawn, 2379
Mental health
Indigenous children and youth--York Factory First Nation, 2554
A Pathway to Mental Health and Community Wellness: A Roadmap for Manitoba
Five-year plan, 2059
Mental health and addiction treatment services
Funding for services, 2070
Mental Health and Community Wellness Department
Budget 2023 funding, 797
Opening statements, 2059
Speakers, 2060-2071, 2138-2147
Staff introductions, 2060
Supplementary Estimates for 2023-2024, 776
Technical appointments, 2138
Vacancy rate, 2138
Mental Health Week, 1979
Ministerial statements
Caregiver Recognition Day, 1169
Mental Health Week, 1979
Self-Injury Awareness Day, 463-464
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Drug overdose reporting, 2061-2066
Oral Questions
Diabetes prevention
Request for action plan, 1718
Drug overdose death reporting
Public reporting, 740, 2785-2786
Release of 2020 data, 793
Request for 2022-2023 data, 1083, 2133, 2389
Request for support for Bill 221, 609-610, 1989, 2132
Eating disorders and addiction
Request for treatment facility, 1990
HIV infection rate
Prevention and treatment, 1427
Long-term care and mental health
Funding in Budget 2023, 630
Safe consumption site
Request for facility, 472-473, 783-784, 876-877, 1989, 2133
York Factory Cree Nation
Youth mental health supports, 2554
A Pathway to Mental Health and Community Wellness: A Roadmap for Manitoba
Five-year plan, 2059
Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM)
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre partnership, 2147
Staffing and funding, 2140
Calling on the provincial government to stop breaking its promises and provide better support for sexual assault survivors through the sexual assault nurse examiner program
Debate, 519-520
Safe consumption site
Blood-born infections, spread prevention, 2068
Government position, 2067-2069
Request for facility, 472-473, 783-784, 876-877, 1124-1125, 1989, 2133
Self-Injury Awareness Day, 463-464
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE)
Expansion of service--Brandon, 519
Sexually transmitted blood-borne infections
Spread prevention and safe consumption sites, 2068
Substance use
HIV, syphilis rates, 2144
Children, youth, adult prevention plan, 2146
Deaths for 2018-2021, 2146
State of emergency--First Nation communities, 2146
Statistics by age and gender, 2146
York Factory First Nation
Youth mental health supports, 2554
Suicide prevention plan, 2146
Morley-Lecomte, Janice (Seine River) PC
Women experiencing trauma
Purchase of facility for newcomers, 44
Members' statements
Holiday season, 74
Oral Questions
Immigrant women experiencing trauma
Purchase of facility for newcomers, 44
Calling on the provincial government to stop its private health care agenda and invest in Manitoba's public health care system
Questions, 420
Mortgage rates. See Housing
Adult education
Building the Best Adult Education System in Canada: A Roadmap and Action Plan for Manitoba, 1802, 2561
Funding, 1751-1752
Literacy programs, budget for, 1761-1762
Throne Speech, 146
Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act
Consultations, 1819
Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 237)
2 R
Debate, 1819-1821
Questions, 1817-1819
Advanced Education and Training Department
Opening statements, 1750-1752
Speakers, 1753-1762, 1802-1808
Staff introductions, 1752
Allied health professionals
Recruitment funding, 2397
Assiniboine Community College
Nursing diploma program funding, 2328-2329
Possibility of collective strike action, 1429-1430, 2051-2052, 2433-2434
BIPOC community
Jerrard, Paul (hockey coach), 1308
Black History Month, 524-525
Black people, contribution to Manitoba, 407
General comments, 496, 524-525
Woodson, Carter, 405-406
Black History Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 200)
1 R, 148
2 R
Opening statement, 405-406
Questions, 407
C/3 R, 451
Committee of the Whole, 447
Brandon University
Funding at rate of inflation, 1804
Funding in Budget 2023, 1082, 1803
Budget 2023
Brandon University funding, 1082, 1803
Debate, 748-750
Education system, 749
Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 14)
2 R
Debate, 833-839
Building the Best Adult Education System in Canada: A Roadmap and Action Plan for Manitoba, 1802, 2561
Climate change
Decarbonization, 838
Throne Speech, 145
Committee of Supply
Concurrence Motion, 2560-2561
Committee of the Whole
Black History Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 200), 447
Mandatory Training for Provincial Employees (Systemic Racism and Human Rights) Act (Bill 241)
Opening statements, 2615
Community safety
Throne Speech, 145
Cost of living
Food prices, 834
COVID-19 pandemic
Economic recovery, 835
School nutrition programs, 1056
Root causes of, 2114
Dakota Collegiate
Track and field champions, 1902
Dakota Lancers
Basketball champions, 1901-1902
Delivery drivers
During pandemic, 1692
Planning route around washroom breaks, 1693
Pandemic recovery, 835
Education Property Tax Credit
Deficit financed, 835
Out-of-province corporate rebates, 2663
Education system
Budget 2023, 749
Funding, 2744-2745
K-to-12 commission, 2664
Emergency room services
Staff shortages and wait times, 748-749
Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act
Regulatory bodies, role and responsibilities, 2450
Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act (Bill 36)
C/3 R, 2449-2451
Gas prices
Increase in, 180
Glenlawn Collegiate Lions
Volleyball team, 1902
Health Department
Speakers, 1651-1653
Health-care professionals
Internationally educated, barriers to certification, 2398
Home-care services
Hospital to home (continuum of care), 837
Need for investment in, 836
Government approach to, 145
Labour market needs, 2450
Income tax
Tax fairness, 834
Minimum wage, 177
International students
Private health care insurance costs, 207
Provincial health coverage, 206-207, 750, 838, 2247
Request to reinstate health coverage, 1651-1653, 1716-1717, 1753
Internationally educated professionals
Path to accreditation, need for, 2451
Professional evaluations, 2450
Labour market
Immigration, 2450
Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
Safety and security issues, when to contact police, 1443
Staff and visitors, safety of, 1441-1442
Legislative Security Amendment Act
Memorial Park, security responsibility, 1447
Safety and security, definition of, 1447
Legislative Security Amendment Act (Bill 18)
2 R
Debate, 1446-1448
Questions, 1443-1444
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act
Home delivery, age verification, 497-498
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 7)
2 R
Debate, 496-498
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act
Job losses and location closures, 594, 596
Private liquor sales, impact on MBLL revenue, 594
Private liquor sales, social impacts, 595
Retail locations, enhanced security measures, 597
Revenue for addiction prevention/treatment programs, 595-596
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 9)
2 R
Debate, 592-598
Louis Riel School Division
Government funding plan, 2272-2273
Mandatory Training for Provincial Employees (Systemic Racism and Human Rights) Act
Consultations, 2601
Training program curriculum, 2601
Mandatory Training for Provincial Employees (Systemic Racism and Human Rights) Act (Bill 241)
1 R, 2119
2 R
Opening statement, 2600-2601
Questions, 2601
C/3 R, 2716-2717
Committee of the Whole
Opening statements, 2615
Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP)
Collective bargaining negotiations, 749, 2582-2583
Manitoba Student Aid
Application processing times, 1806
Constituent case concern, 711
Difficulties accessing program, 711
Grants for students with disabilities, 711
Wait time for services, 1805, 1987
Members' statements
Allied health professionals, 2577
Budget 2023, 705
St. Vital constituent concern, 1478-1479
St. Vital provincial sport champions, 1901-1902
Mental health and addiction treatment services
Government approach to, 145
Minimum wage
Cost of living increase, 169, 180
Full-time hours, poverty line, 177
Inflation, 177
Living wage, 168-169
Minimum Wage Adjustment Act, 2022 (Employment Standards Code Amended) (Bill 4)
2 R
Debate, 176-181
Questions, 168-170
Ministerial statements
Black History Month, 524-525
Jerrard, Paul, 1308
Skills Canada National Competition, 2839-2840
Small Business Saturday, 231-232
Police funding, 2015
Natural Resources and Northern Development Department
Vacancy management, 1922-1923
Northern air services
Delays in court proceedings, 1819
Nurse training seats
Budget for, 1807
Institutions offering, 1807
Number to date, 1807
Nurses, internationally educated
Recruitment from the Philippines
Barriers to to practicing, 2449
Mandatory overtime, 836
Online delivery services
Growth in, 1692
Opposition Day Motion
That the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba condemn the provincial government for not releasing its new education funding model and how this funding model would impact school division funding, 2663-2665
Oral Questions
Allied health professionals
Collective bargaining negotiations, 2582-2583
Assiniboine Community College
Funding for nurse diploma program, 2328-2329
Brandon University
Funding in Budget 2023, 1082
Education system
Government funding plan, 2744-2745
International student health care
Request to reinstate coverage, 1716-1717
Louis Riel School Division
Government funding plan, 2272-2273
Manitoba Student Aid
Constituent case concern, 711
Difficulties accessing program, 711
Grants for students with disabilities, 711
Wait time for services, 1987
Post-secondary education
Funding and tuition costs, 42, 201-202, 607-608
Performance-based funding, 440
RRC Polytech and Assiniboine Community College
Possibility of collective strike action, 1429-1430, 2051-2052, 2433-2434
University College of the North
Funding levels, 1240
University of Manitoba dietetics program
Status of program for 2023, 243, 439-440
Brandon University funding, 2189, 2276-2277
Health-care coverage, 578-579, 822-823, 924-925, 978, 1914, 2058
South Perimeter Highway noise barrier, 164-165, 542
Out-migration, 207
Post-secondary education
Cost of, 178-179
Governance structure, Auditor General recommendations, 1758-1759
Participation rates 2022-2024, 1755-1756
Performance-based funding, 440, 1751, 1757-1758
Skilled workforce, 206
Property ownership, 840
Protecting Youth in Sports Act
Athletes in the home of coaches
Parental written permission, 2817
Consultations, 2819
Grooming behaviors, training to recognize, 2818
Protecting Youth in Sports Act (Bill 208)
1 R, 190
2 R
Opening statement, 2817-2818
Questions, 2818-2820
Protests - public
Hate speech, 1447
Law enforce training, 1444
Providence University College
Aviation program, 1819
Provincial funding, 1818
Tuition/fee exemption, 1818
University status application, 1820
Public Schools Amendment Act (Nutrition Programs) (Bill 222)
2 R
Questions, 1055-1057
Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (2) (Bill 17)
C/3 R, 2396-2399
Remembrance Day Amendment Act
Consultations, 2522
Wearing the poppy in the workplace, 7 day period prior, 2523
Wearing the poppy in the workplace, safety concerns, 2523
Remembrance Day Amendment Act (Bill 240)
2 R
Debate, 2523-2524
Questions, 2522-2523
Research Manitoba
Funding, 1808
General comments, 838-839
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2)
Consultations, 1150
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) (Bill 231)
2 R
Questions, 1150
Calling on the federal government to absorb the cost of increased RCMP salaries
Debate, 2113-2115
Calling on the provincial government to stop privatizing health care services
Opening statement, 2246-2248
Questions, 2248-2250
Thanking those who have been a part of the forty second legislature
Debate, 2727-2729
RRC Polytech
Possibility of collective strike action, 1429-1430, 2051-2052, 2433-2434
School nutrition programs
Effects of pandemic, 1056
Skills Canada National Competition
General comments, 2839-2840
Indigenous Skills Showcase, 2839
Sports, youth in
Abuse reporting, 2819
Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)
Wages, as advertised on government website, 2560
Substance use
Surgical and diagnostic backlog
Wait times, 835
Throne Speech
Adult education, 146
Climate change, 145
Community safety, 145
Funding and tuition costs, 201-202, 607-608
Increase, 206
Student fees, 1756-1757
University College of the North
Funding at rate of inflation, 1804
Funding levels, 1240
University of Manitoba
Dietetics program, status for 2023, 243, 439-440
Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Access to Washrooms for Delivery Persons)
Consultations, 1690
Denial of washroom services, penalties for, 1689
Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Access to Washrooms for Delivery Persons) (Bill 227)
2 R
Debate, 1691-1693
Questions, 1689-1690
Motions of condolence. See Condolence, motions of
Movember. See Ministerial statements
Movin' On. See Members' statements
Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Amendment Act
Candidates background
Gerrard, 951-952
Cannabis convictions
Gerrard, 952
Isleifson, 946-947
Naylor, 946
Criminal conviction disclosure
Isleifson, 945
Criminal record check, cost of
Isleifson, 948
Wishart, 948
Election laws, conflict of interest and misconduct breaches
Gerrard, 2705
Isleifson, 947
Hate group participation disclosure
Isleifson, 948
Possible barriers for marginalized communities
Gerrard, 952
Naylor, 949
Timeline for coming into effect
Isleifson, 948
Wishart, 948
Young offender convictions excluded
Isleifson, 945
Naylor, 948
Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Amendment Act (Bill 230)
1 R
Isleifson, 869
2 R
Gerrard, 951-952
Naylor, 948-950
Wishart, 950-951
Opening statement
Isleifson, 945-946
Gerrard, 947
Isleifson, 946-948
Naylor, 946-947
Wishart, 947-948
Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development
C/3 R
Isleifson, 2704
Naylor, 2704-2705
Neville, 2771
Municipal Government Awareness Week. See Ministerial statements
Municipal Relations Department
Assessment inspections completed
Naylor, 2148
Smith, A., 2148
Opening statements
Naylor, 2075-2076
Smith, A., 2074-2075
Gerrard, 2157-2158
Smith, A., 2076-2084, 2148-2158
Squires, 2079
Planning, zoning and permitting review
Naylor, 2078
Smith, B., 2078
Reconciliation education training
Naylor, 2156
Smith, A., 2157
Respectful workplace training
Naylor, 2156
Smith, A., 2156
Staff introductions
Smith, B., 2076
Subdivision applications, number of staff responsible for
Naylor, 2148
Smith, A., 2148
Supplementary Estimates for 2023-2024
Smith, A., 776
Technical appointments
Naylor, 2076
Smith, B., 2076
Vacancies, plan to fill
Naylor, 2076
Smith, B., 2076
Vacancy rate
Naylor, 2076
Smith, B., 2076
Municipalities. See also Resolutions; Royal Canadian Mounted Police
15-minute city
Naylor, 2156
Smith, A., 2156
Auditor General investigation into finances
Naylor, 2566-2567
Smith, A., 2566-2568
Budget 2023
Cullen, 618
Naylor, 760
Smith, A., 651-652
Capital funding
Smith, A., 2149
Clean drinking water
Naylor, 2155
Smith, A., 2155
Fire investigations
Naylor, 2155
Smith, A., 2155
Fires, responsibility for clean-up
Naylor, 2155
Smith, A., 2155
Sala, 1047
Smith, B., 2081-2084
Health and policing services, funding for
Goertzen, 1085
Lamont, 1084
Smith, A., 1084
Land use planning
Smith, B., 2075
Lending rate
Altomare, 2530-2531
Municipal planning legislation
Request to repeal Bill 37
Naylor, 1320
Smith, A., 1320-1321
Operating funding
Altomare, 2530
Clarke, 276-277
Cullen, 618
Johnson, 120
Kinew, 153-154
Smith, B., 2074
Stefanson, 153-154
Police funding
Moses, 2015
Smith, B., 2116-2117
Projects in northern Manitoba
Naylor, 1302
Provincial funding model, request to change
Johnson, 155-156
Wiebe, 155-156
Provincial funding record
Bushie, 1827
Lindsey, 1829
Sandhu, 1822
Road maintenance contracts
Bushie, 2185
Piwniuk, 2185-2186
Road repair and maintenance funding
Lamont, 2824
Lindsey, 2824
Smith, A., 2150
Rural health and policing services, funding for
Lamont, 1084
Teitsma, 1084
Snow clearing responsibilities
Brar, 2109-2110
Bushie, 1936
Naylor, 1372
Piwniuk, 1935
Snow clearing service agreements
Naylor, 2152
Smith, A., 2152-2153
Subdivision applications
Decision timeline (16 days)
Naylor, 2148
Smith, A., 2148
Number of staff responsible for
Naylor, 2148
Smith, A., 2148
Number received and approved
Smith, A., 2148
Water and waste water, funding for
Naylor, 2151-2152
Smith, A., 2151-2152
Music. See Members' statements under Casselman, Jewel; Members' statements under Jones-Strachan, Kamil
Muslim Manitobans. See Ramadan