Manitoba Petroleum Fiscal Regime


This publication provides a summary of Manitoba's petroleum fiscal regime including Provincial Crown Oil Royalties and Freehold Oil Tax. It also outlines the Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program designed to encourage investment in the sustainable development of the Provinces petroleum resources.

The Province’s petroleum fiscal regime is established under The Oil and Gas Act and The Oil and Gas Production Tax Act and related regulations.

Provincial Crown Oil and Gas Royalties

Provincial Freehold Oil and Gas Production Taxes

Drilling Incentive Program

Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program Extention Letter April 3, 2019

Manitoba Petroleum Fiscal Regime doc
***Updated April 28, 2016***
Manitoba Petroleum Fiscal Regime pdf ***Updated April 28, 2016***

Informational Notice 13-07
Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program Revisions pdf

Informational Notice 13-06
Proposal for Changes to the Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program - September 6, 2013pdf

Informational Notice 13-03
Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program pdf

Available in alternate formats upon request.

Access to these statutes published by Manitoba’s Statutory Publications is available from Regulatory Services at the following address:

Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation
Regulatory Services
360 - 1395 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 3P2

Tel: 204-945-1119
Fax: 204-945-0586

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