
Manitoba Geological Survey Staff Directory


Tafa Kennedy, Director, Manitoba Geological Survey

Sarah Francis, Administrative Assistant, Manitoba Geological Survey

Precambrian Geoscience

Tania Martins, Chief Geologist - Trans-Hudson orogen and Superior craton; intrusion-related rare-metal deposits; lithium-bearing pegmatites

Chris Couëslan, Precambrian Geologist - Superior craton and Thompson nickel belt; high-grade gneiss terranes

Jessica Janssens, Geological Assistant

James MacDonald, Precambrian Structural Geologist

Kyle Reid, Precambrian Geologist - Trans-Hudson orogen; volcanogenic massive sulphide and uranium deposits

Marc Rinne, Precambrian Geologist - Superior craton and Fox River belt; magmatic nickel, volcanogenic massive sulphide and intrusion-related deposits

Eric Yang, Precambrian Geologist - Superior craton and Trans-Hudson orogen; intrusion-related and magmatic nickel deposits

Sedimentary Geoscience

Michelle Nicolas, Chief Geologist - Williston and Hudson Bay basins; petroleum geology and Phanerozoic stratigraphy; potash; helium; lithium brines; geothermal; CCUS

Efeoghene Enaworu, Hydrogeologist

Patricia Fraino, Phanerozoic Stratigrapher and Sedimentary Geologist

Pamela Fulton-Regula, Petroleum Geologist

Michelle Gauthier, Quaternary Geologist - Quaternary geology, surficial mapping; drift prospecting

Tyler Hodder, Quaternary Geologist - Quaternary geology, surficial mapping; drift prospecting

Jason Marks, Geophysicist

Victoria Markstrom, Industrial Minerals and Sedimentary Geologist

Jerrold Rentz, Aggregate Geologist – Quaternary geology, aggregate studies and mapping

Rock Libraries and Laboratory

Colin Epp, Manager

Paul Belanger, Laboratory Technician 

Ethan Ralph, Field Support and Laboratory Technician 

Geoscience Data Management

Greg Keller, Manager

Hakeem Adediran, GIS Geologist

Cole Derksen, 3-D Geological Modeller

Grace Dick, System Analyst

Austin Martin, GIS Specialist

Christine Steele, GIS Specialist

Ben Wheadon, GIS Specialist

Resource Centre Unit

Peggy Syljuberget, Manager

Tim Gereta, Resource Centre Coordinator

Liz Locken, Confidential Records Keeper

Delaney O'Hara, Communications and Publications Specialist

Mark Pacey, Resource and Research Analyst

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