Healthy Schools and Manitoba Healthy Food in Schools is rooted in comprehensive school health (CSH), a framework for supporting improvements in students educational outcomes, while addressing school health in a planned, integrated and holistic way. CSH is not limited to the classroom – it addresses the whole school environment with actions in four interrelated pillars:
Check out the Moving Forward with School Nutrition Guidelines - School Food Environment Checklist to identify areas your school can improve to create a positive school nutrition environment.
Moving Forward with School Nutrition Guidelines are designed to assist schools as they make plans to improve school nutrition environments in Manitoba one step at a time. They are divided into six areas of focus where schools often provide food for students. Set one-two achievable goals for your school each year. Fundraising for student programs is a reality today, yet we have a responsibility to ensure healthy eating and active living messages and practices are consistent. Check out some of these Healthy Choice Fundraisers. Evaluation is an important component to the Manitoba Healthy Food in Schools initiative. The Manitoba School Nutrition Surveys were designed to obtain information about present school food-service facilities and arrangements, the types of foods sold in schools, and food-related policies and guidelines currently in place in Manitoba schools. |
For reliable nutrition information and curriculum supports click here.
For more about school nutrition programs and grants available in Manitoba click here.