Factsheets, Newsletter Inserts, and Information for ParentsThese resources are meant for parents of students, to increase their knowledge about nutrition in schools.  Some of these resources are Manitoba specific, others have been developed outside of Manitoba.

Lunches Matter for Children

Lunches Matter for Children

Between grade one and the end of high school, a student may eat more than 2,400 lunches at school! Creating tasty, nutritious school lunches is a challenge for many parents. The good news is with a little bit of planning and a few ideas, you can put together a lunch that not only tastes great, but also packs a nutritional punch.


Create Your Own Factsheets

Create Your Own Factsheets

Includes a variety of topics: Sodium Reduction, Sugary Drinks and Healthy Weights.  Factsheets can be for Teens or Parents.


Eat Well With Canada's Food Guide

Canada's Food Guide

Food guide snapshot (available in 28 languages), healthy eating recommendations, recipes, tips and resources.




This website and app gives you access to dietitian-approved recipes. Recipe ideas are served up to suit your mood and schedule. 


Nutrition for Early Learning and Child Care

Nutrition for Early Learning and Child Care

Nutrition for Early Learning and Child Care has great child friendly recipes and newsletter inserts you could include in your schools newsletter. 




Dietitians are passionate about the potential of food to enhance lives and improve health. We look beyond fads and gimmicks to deliver reliable, life changing advice.  For reliable nutrition information visit www.unlockfood.ca

The Ellyn Satter Institute

The Ellyn Satter Institute

For advice on how to create positive and joyful eating and feeding experiences visit www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/

Nutritional Newsletters for Schools (Southern Health-Santé Sud)

Nutritional Newsletters for Schools (Southern Health-Santé Sud)

These newsletters provide current, science based nutrition information to inform and educate families. Post the newsletters to your school website or attached them to your school newsletters.
